My progress or making haste slowly.


The Cosmic Force
FOTCM Member
I am actually making some progress.

I've finally finished the Wave series. I've read books 1 through 7. I thought there was an eighth one but I don't have it.
To me it was kind of like walking in a stream, upstream in a fairly strong current. Usually when I read I skim the book and get the main points. That didn't seem to work here, I wound up reading nearly every word. (there are a lot of them) I got through it though.

Now I'm reading "High Strangeness", I don't know if something finally clicked or what but I am having a bit less difficulty now. When I'm reading I really get interested and don't want to put it down, but then again, when I do put it down it takes a while before I start reading again.

I'm looking forward to reading "The Secret History of the World"

I've been working on the breathing and feel like it is coming along pretty well. I've noticed a real improvement in my mood and am usually more relaxed than before.

I've memorized the P.O.T.S. and say it pretty regularly.

I'm taking vitamins and supplements and working on eating the right foods. The latter without a lot of success, but some.

Meditation isn't going too well at all, but maybe it will improve.

Overall, maybe not a lot of progress, but at least some.
Good work, Tom, and thanks for posting! I, too, find reading Laura's books different from most. I can read more pages in a sitting than any other author. Something about about her style just draws you in and keeps you interested.

tom32071 said:
I've finally finished the Wave series. I've read books 1 through 7. I thought there was an eighth one but I don't have it.

Book 8 should be out later this year.
Approaching Infinity said:
Good work, Tom, and thanks for posting! I, too, find reading Laura's books different from most. I can read more pages in a sitting than any other author. Something about about her style just draws you in and keeps you interested.

I have the same "problem" except I just plain don't want to quit reading them. Laura has a style of writing like no other author I've read before. Like you say, she draws you in and keeps you interested. There is just so much knowledge in her books!

AI said:
tom32071 said:
I've finally finished the Wave series. I've read books 1 through 7. I thought there was an eighth one but I don't have it.

Book 8 should be out later this year.

Yay! After discussing her books I really would like another to read. Although, I always find lots of stuff I missed when rereading her books.

tom32071 said:
I am actually making some progress.

I've finally finished the Wave series. I've read books 1 through 7. I thought there was an eighth one but I don't have it.
To me it was kind of like walking in a stream, upstream in a fairly strong current. Usually when I read I skim the book and get the main points. That didn't seem to work here, I wound up reading nearly every word. (there are a lot of them) I got through it though.

Now I'm reading "High Strangeness", I don't know if something finally clicked or what but I am having a bit less difficulty now. When I'm reading I really get interested and don't want to put it down, but then again, when I do put it down it takes a while before I start reading again.

I'm looking forward to reading "The Secret History of the World"

This sounds like you've really made some progress, Tom. And if you think there were a lot of words in the Wave, just wait until you read Secret History! :lol:

tom32071 said:
I've been working on the breathing and feel like it is coming along pretty well. I've noticed a real improvement in my mood and am usually more relaxed than before.

Good for you! Doing EE has some really great benefits. And you are experiencing some of those benefits. Keep it up!

tome32071 said:
I've memorized the P.O.T.S. and say it pretty regularly.

The POTS is very powerful, or so I think. Now that you have it memorized, you can use it whenever the need arises.

tome32071 said:
I'm taking vitamins and supplements and working on eating the right foods. The latter without a lot of success, but some.

Meditation isn't going too well at all, but maybe it will improve.

Overall, maybe not a lot of progress, but at least some.

You can't expect it to be easy. It isn't. But you are making great progress and it would seem that if you keep on plugging on, these other things will come into line for you, too. One step at a time. Little by little. From what you've said, changes are already occurring.
Very glad to hear Tom! :D I have not much to say, other than you seem to be on the right track :scooter:

tom32071 said:
Oh yeah, lest I forget, I still have to work on posting.

Looking forward to it :grad:
Hey Tom, that sounds great, keep it coming! ;) And if you like continue to share your processes on the forum.

Nienna Eluch said:
Approaching Infinity said:
Good work, Tom, and thanks for posting! I, too, find reading Laura's books different from most. I can read more pages in a sitting than any other author. Something about about her style just draws you in and keeps you interested.

I have the same "problem" except I just plain don't want to quit reading them. Laura has a style of writing like no other author I've read before. Like you say, she draws you in and keeps you interested. There is just so much knowledge in her books!

Same here, imo there are several layers sometimes, where it goes up and down, which makes it so interesting. And don't forget the funny comments from the C's. :)
Thanks to all of you for the encouragement. I hope to be able to continue making progress.

I will endeavor to persevere.
:flowers: for finishing The Wave (for this time) hehehehehe

tom32071 said:
Meditation isn't going too well at all, but maybe it will improve.
You mean on regularity?
no, I work on it fairly regularly, just not having a lot of success. mostly a concentration problem, I think.
tom32071 said:
no, I work on it fairly regularly, just not having a lot of success. mostly a concentration problem, I think.

But you are making progress. This thread is just one example. Meditation is based on Prayer of the Soul. And each soul has its own unique way of manifesting creativity and progress. Some are like waterfall that changes the shape of a canyon, and some are like quiet rivers that run deep and make a change there. And some are like...any other of the spectacular examples from "Planet Earth" :)
tom32071 said:
no, I work on it fairly regularly, just not having a lot of success. mostly a concentration problem, I think.

Great News Tom32071. :clap:

Keep on doing it and on time you will see the results. :thup:
I wrote this recently and thought I'd post it to see if I'm getting the right ideas or not. Sometimes it's difficult to do this when you don't have anyone of a like mind to talk to and bounce ideas off of.

My thoughts/beliefs/ideas; :halo:

There are such things as good and bad/evil and right and wrong. Mostly they are relative. You can do good things for bad reasons and bad things for good reasons. How good or bad or right or wrong something is depends on the motivating idea behind it. Granted there are some things that are totally bad/evil or wrong and some that are totally good or right but the reason or motivation behind it is still important. Everything is not black or white, there are shades of grey.

Is there a heaven and hell? I think so. To my way of thinking, life here on earth is hell. For a long time I thought that when you died you went to heaven, but then what of the truly bad ones that die ? OK they come back to do it again, that brings in reincarnation. So, OK not just the truly bad ones come back but also the ones that weren't really that good. So that would mean that you keep cycling through hell until you get it right, then you go to heaven or at least you don't go to hell again. So from what I get from the C's is that you go through life then when you die you go to 5th density to review and determine if you learned the lessons, if not you formulate a plan and go back to try again, of course when you get back you don't know that you had a plan so for the most part you just wing it, so when you die again it's back to 5th to review, etc. Now every so often some of us actually get it right and go on to 4th at which time I guess the object is to become STO oriented (actually this is the goal all along) and eventually to graduate to 6th at which time you have a whole new set of lessons and you eventually go on to 7th and union with "the one". Now to us (3rd) getting out of here could take hundreds or thousands or even millions of years while in reality time doesn't exist (except for us) so actually it could only be the blink of an eye from the time we "fell" until the time we get back(supposing that at 7th you had an eye).

OK, I may not have the preceding perfect but I think that is the general idea. So what are the lessons ??

I get the idea that the primary one (and the most difficult) is to know and understand that "physicality" is not all that it is cracked up to be and hand in hand with the is to learn to be STO oriented, when you act do it for STO reasons and not STS. And of course to not interfere with the free will of others. I'm sure there are other "lessons" but, the preceding ones are quite a plate full.

OK so everyone feel free to take a shot here and tell me what I may have right and where I'm wrong. :huh:

Oh and also, thanks for your input. :)

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