Laura said:
tom32071 said:
I wrote this recently and thought I'd post it to see if I'm getting the right ideas or not. Sometimes it's difficult to do this when you don't have anyone of a like mind to talk to and bounce ideas off of.
My thoughts/beliefs/ideas;
There are such things as good and bad/evil and right and wrong. Mostly they are relative. You can do good things for bad reasons and bad things for good reasons. How good or bad or right or wrong something is depends on the motivating idea behind it. Granted there are some things that are totally bad/evil or wrong and some that are totally good or right but the reason or motivation behind it is still important. Everything is not black or white, there are shades of grey.
That comes close, I think. When thinking of someone or something intending evil and it turns out good, I think of the lessons that can be learned by those who interact with such an individual. Like Mephistopheles in Faust who is "he who always intends evil but does good" because people learn from his actions.
That's kind of like what happened with the Vinnie Bridges gang. Their intent was purely to destroy, but we took what they were doing as something we needed to study, to understand, and the result was a whole lot of information about pathology that has helped many people to be able to identify and avoid the actions of such people in their own lives.
So, Vinnie intended evil, but did good.
Mmm but
well, I think it is more like chemical reaction, because you are obviously a Service to Others candidate, and you have said more or less I remember that the service to others beings use what they have in the better way they can, so, I think Vinnie didn't good, but you did because it was like using the fire from some dragon or beast to cook your food or ignite a torch to have some light, so you used your time and intelligence and other things to use his intentions for a better. So yes the bad intention end in a good way but I think it was your nature to learn from that.
Maybe the good intentions end in a bad way because of anticipating the results, so we cancel that option, or maybe because of the wishful thinking of ourselves. Because what could happen if the target of Vinnie was there but no one could learn from that and just get destroyed as Vinnie wanted?
So that’s what I think, I don’t know if I am right either but as Tom that’s what I think.
Laura said:
No kidding! It is REALLY difficult to know what is good and what is evil, or rather, what is STS and what is STO. Sometimes, doing something that is purely STO may look like STS to a viewer on the outside who doesn't have all the data. And, sometimes something may look STO and is really STS. And sometimes, something is STS and is transformed into good by virtue of the individual involved. Like taking lemons and making lemonade.
Yes, it remembers me the article from cassiopedia, the "Three Forces" or something, I think that's the natural flow of things, and really, we can't control every reaction, and that is normal, we can help others to understand some concepts, but as it is good for the people, it is not so good for the lizzies that want to eat and want ignorant people.
Didn't the cass said we can not control others reaction?, for me, that told me a lot because you see that, what you can do is learn, so knowing you could choose in the best way (but want to choose that option it is another story becuz I think depends on the person's nature) and let the things be.
Other thing I have saw is what the cass said about the third density traps. You will never know what is going to happen, because this is a none linear reality lol!!!