My weirdest dream

I will try to explain this in the most simple way i can(and yeah, english is not my first language).


there are loads of people who experience the same things as you do, what happened to you was:, you went into astral(mode) flight by relaxing and probably being open minden about the whole universe/consciouss thing(otherwise you wouldn't be on this forum), the electric/pulse feeling you experienced is just another sympton of the transition from the 3rd density, towards the 4th.
It also depends on your age, when you are around the age of 30, you will complete the cycle, and ready for the next density.
You should look at it like this:

Your body needs to loose all the negative energy, and the stuff you no longer need in 4th density, before ascending towards it.
Ill give you an example, some people who undergo this(including me) will loose the need of sleep, i only need about 4 hours of sleep a day and i am perfectly fit, while others might need alot more, and then again some other people will eat less, because the body asks for less.
Your body/consciousness will change, hence the changes of your 'normal' habits.
There's a big chance that during the day, you experience some pressure on your throat, (side of the skull, on the level of the forehead), and on the forehead itself, this is the body fighting against the change, try to stay calm when you experience heavy pressure levels.

Yet, these are just a glimpse of the symtomps or signs of your body/mind being in the transition from third to fourth density.

When i lay in bed @night, and i go into AlphaConsciouss mode, and think of the universe. for example, the Orion belt, i will feel weightless, like floating around in space, this is called the Astral experience, or Astral mode, or a higher conscioussness.
But when i break this higher form of awareness, i litterly feel like i fall back into my body, and i get this electric feeling throughout my spinal column.

But offcourse, if there is anything, go see a doctor, but all i can say is, relax.

Deckard said:
FWIW I discovered that focusing on moving your toes during sleep paralysis works like a charm every time.

Actually I think this was already discussed on some other thread... wait... here it is:

Whether these experiences are actual attacks from another plane or they are just visitations from our very own and personal demons it is hard to say.
But in either case seems to me working on yourself and raising your FRV is the only protection there is.
yes, focusing on your feet, or other limbs helps, i did this again last night, and then i was just sucked into space(i experienced it that way:p
Stengah said:
It also depends on your age, when you are around the age of 30, you will complete the cycle, and ready for the next density.
Could you please provide data to back up this bizarre statement? This is not the only statement that needs documentation in your post, by any means, but it certainly is one of the most alarming.

Perhaps you are unaware that this forum is based on the work of G.I. Gurdjieff and such things as 'astral travel' are not considered exactly beneficial? Have you had a chance to actually read material on the forum?
Stengah said:
I will try to explain this in the most simple way i can(and yeah, english is not my first language).


there are loads of people who experience the same things as you do,
true, it is described in many cultures around the world

Stengah said:
what happened to you was:, you went into astral(mode) flight by relaxing and probably being open minden about the whole universe/consciouss thing(otherwise you wouldn't be on this forum), the electric/pulse feeling you experienced is just another sympton of the transition from the 3rd density, towards the 4th.
It also depends on your age, when you are around the age of 30, you will complete the cycle, and ready for the next density.
Hmm, where did you get these ideas from and why is it that you seem absolutely certain about it

Stengah said:
You should look at it like this:

Your body needs to loose all the negative energy, and the stuff you no longer need in 4th density, before ascending towards it.
Ill give you an example, some people who undergo this(including me) will loose the need of sleep, i only need about 4 hours of sleep a day and i am perfectly fit, while others might need alot more, and then again some other people will eat less, because the body asks for less.
Your body/consciousness will change, hence the changes of your 'normal' habits.
There's a big chance that during the day, you experience some pressure on your throat, (side of the skull, on the level of the forehead), and on the forehead itself, this is the body fighting against the change, try to stay calm when you experience heavy pressure levels.

Yet, these are just a glimpse of the symtomps or signs of your body/mind being in the transition from third to fourth density.
Wishful thinking will get you any time.
How about this explanation, just as a contrast to your theory ;):

"You might not realise, but Paralysis while you are asleep is a normal condition. Your body secretes hormones which relax certain muscles and prevent you from acting out your dreams.

If the hormone kicks in too fast when you are going to sleep, you may feel paralysed although still conscious. The process of waking up is paralysis in reverse, where the hormone doesn’t wear off fast enough as you wake up. Thus, you remain paralysed though conscious."

Stengah said:
When i lay in bed @night, and i go into AlphaConsciouss mode, and think of the universe. for example, the Orion belt, i will feel weightless, like floating around in space, this is called the Astral experience, or Astral mode, or a higher conscioussness.
But when i break this higher form of awareness, i litterly feel like i fall back into my body, and i get this electric feeling throughout my spinal column.
Hmm, why Orion of all places?

Stengah said:
But offcourse, if there is anything, go see a doctor, but all i can say is, relax.

It has already been mentioned that medicine knows very little about this condition, so this last advice comes across as strange to say the least
I kind of like sleep paralysis. I have had some real weird ones aswell. But I never feel fear, sometimes annoyance though.

I like to fight against the paralysis, its possible! I usually fall out of bed, trying to crawl along the floor, with the loudest ringning noise happening imaginable, like a huge alarm bell going off at 200db, and a crushing pressure feeling everywhere, like gravity is much stronger. Its fun, but I haven't managed to get to the other side of the room yet though.

From what I can tell, the room is never real. Its still a dream, even though it feels real, if you look at the details of the room, I am quite sure you will notice things which aren't right, like maybe a chair from when you were younger will be there, but you know you don't have it anymore, etc. But yeah I think its a dream but something goes wrong, and the way I see it, I get kind of "synced" to my sleeping body. Its like when you can't punch people in dreams, I guess this is when you feel the paralysis mildly. As far as I know, we are paralysed when we sleep, to stop ourselves becoming injured.

I have seen so many strange things on sleep paralysis, that it leads me to hypothesize from experience, that its like a lucid dream. In the end, I think its more likely that its not a paranormal experience but just a "flaw" of the human body (I put flaw in inverted commas, because, flaw is a matter of perspective). I am open to the possibility that its paranomal, but dreams are dreams, they come up with weird stuff. They seem to lead from one thing to another, and are a reflection of our subconscious, personality, and imagination. This is why I think the paralysis could lead up to thoughts of being trapped, then maybe thoughts of WHO is doing it, and then a dungeon keeper appears, right on cue. Its like those dreams where you run away from someone, and just as you think you got away, there they are again!

If you are scared and feel trapped when you're paralysed, then maybe try not to panic by focussing on something fun like moving your arm, or thinking about what you can note for when you wake up, that way you can try and take a step back and be more objective. I think its worth a try if it happens again. I like to explore sleep paralysis when I get the chance, I just look around, try to do silly things, I treat it as an experiment and have fun doing it.

I don't get many "visitors", but I can wake up in the room next to me, or wake up in a different version of my room. It always seems real until I see something and realise I am definately not awake, and I think of my real body laying there in the "real" world (but now as soon as I realise I am paralyed I usually know straight away whats happening). A few times I have had sleep paralysis in totally different places and rooms, also sometimes I think I'm dying, like I am being crushed into death. But it feels great. If death is like that then we all have something to look forward to, it was like an orgasm because of the feeling of release, but lots stronger, like falling asleep at the end of the longest day ever. I never ever thought I could feel at peace with dying before I had those experiences, I never once saw how it could be a "pleasant" thing. I don't read too much into it, I don't believe thats exactly what death is like, but it did give me a new perspective to consider.

But I hope you know what I mean anyway, its up to you what you do, but I just think theres another side to SP which is mostly ignored, and SP gets a bad rep as some kind of nasty thing. Its never really interefered with my day to day life, so at the moment I can't see it as an unpleasant thing. Having said that it can be annoying when I want to get to sleep but end up waking up paralysed, and realise I have to wake up and go to sleep again. I've got a feeling I have managed to sleep straight after SP without having to wake up though, but these are just vauge memories, they might not have really happened.

By the way I have only had SP about 6 times I think.

Also I can imagine how it can be terrifying, I don't mean to make you feel silly for being scared or anything. I understand how it could turn that way, and wouldn't necessarily be the easiest thing to deal with. It probably helped a lot that I had read a fair amount on SP before I had an SP episode, I can imagine "not knowing" is quite scary if it just happens out of the blue.
Deckard said:
FWIW I discovered that focusing on moving your toes during sleep paralysis works like a charm every time.

Actually I think this was already discussed on some other thread... wait... here it is:

Whether these experiences are actual attacks from another plane or they are just visitations from our very own and personal demons it is hard to say.
But in either case seems to me working on yourself and raising your FRV is the only protection there is.
This may be off topic but fwiw. I've been struggling with my toes for months... Lol
They constantly move/squeeze at night. Well, at first it was intentional. Felt pleasant. I moved em' like of some sort of massage thing. Me being STS, It soon became mechanical and a habit, thus; addiction.

Soon after that I began to move my feet/legs also, in the same manner.
I didn't see it as one problem first, until later. Now when going to bed at night, my efforts to observe the moving before sleep is just useless. It's like my body moves mechanically or "by it self" when asleep or shortly before, often to just sometimes.

Feeling drained at the mornings is regular for me now. I think I could overcome this by mastering my
moving center and clean my psyche. But unfortunately I'm asleep and the conditions are not right, this moment. Not that a big problem anyways.

One time I managed to move my left hand during one (sleep?)paralysis, "fought" with it, got released. Im not sure about the toes though... :)
Interesting hungrig, I use to do something similar when I was a kid. Sounds like pavlov's dogs....instead of a bell and salivating..its sleep and moving your feet.
If you've managed to condition it from thoughts/observations you had before sleep, thats you best way to undo it also. I find the best way to uncondition things is two fold, first accept it...fighting it or feeling its wrong seems to reinforce it. Second be as aware as possible of the link between the two ellements (in this case sleep and moving feet)...self observe in a sleepy state whilst moving your feet. try and associate the feeling you get with Not moving the feet (in the same relaxed and addicitive way you did to train Moving them).
The pleasurable feeling is probably the tie that binds these. So bind the feeling to Not moving. More so than Not moving..perhaps just relaxing into sleep.
Simply put, if you can condition it yourself, you can uncondition it yourself.
Maybe also try sleeping on your back (harder to move your feet/legs)

Interestingly about sleep paralysis, my way of always breaking it was to move my feet and legs....I'd kick them about as much as I could until my heart rate went up (adrenaline), at which point the paralysis fades out.
I did try and sleep through it once, but felt like I couldn't breath (perhaps I couldn't?) so paniced and got out of it. Interesting about the rooms you wake up in Russ...I found the same (although less movement in those states)..always not quite real (although I 'thought' it was at the time...dream mentality of accepting it as real).

Last sleep paralysis I had was about a month ago...and was different. I was calm and self observed when it happened (more conciouse/less reactionary)...paid attention to how I felt, and ignored the usual sence that there was 'something' near by. Felt a knot in my stomach (sola plexus) soon as I noticed it I just sort of focused there and it got warm (energy) and I came out of the paralysis without any fear or thrashing.
One of my fears was getting tangled in the bed covers and not being able to kick to wake up...combined with sleeping on my arms (blood being cut off so they went numb...use to happen alot)...basically a fear of being trapped like that.
So to be able to not panic in that state and fully wake up through conciouse observation....well talk about a weight being lifted!!

Regulattor, any more experiences? I am always fascinated by the way my experiences change when I've shared them.
One last thing to consider, the dark pressence. I'm reading 'The Myth of Sanity' at the moment. Its entirely possible that its a fragmented peice of your self. I'm not ruling out that it could be something external....just giving another option to consider :)
You should read the book if you havn't.
RedFox said:
Interesting hungrig, I use to do something similar when I was a kid. Sounds like pavlov's dogs....instead of a bell and salivating..its sleep and moving your feet.
If you've managed to condition it from thoughts/observations you had before sleep, thats you best way to undo it also. I find the best way to uncondition things is two fold, first accept it...fighting it or feeling its wrong seems to reinforce it. Second be as aware as possible of the link between the two ellements (in this case sleep and moving feet)...self observe in a sleepy state whilst moving your feet. try and associate the feeling you get with Not moving the feet (in the same relaxed and addicitive way you did to train Moving them).
The pleasurable feeling is probably the tie that binds these. So bind the feeling to Not moving. More so than Not moving..perhaps just relaxing into sleep.
Simply put, if you can condition it yourself, you can uncondition it yourself.
Maybe also try sleeping on your back (harder to move your feet/legs)
I attempted to not "give in" to my toes this night quite successfully. I figured that the warmth/heat produced by my own body and my cover-sheets acts like an tremendous fuel for the pleasure program. So I slept without the covers half the night. First it felt foreign. But surely, I felt the processes/program/longing/addictiveness to change, everything felt 'silent' or 'neutral' after some hours, then there was no struggle to keep it "calm", no movements. I don't know if the addictive feeling just conforms to be "neutral" or if if stops completely. Sleeping on the back helps, I known since a time.

Just like you speculate, the pleasure is what binds these (seems to be in my case). And to fight it like an combatant has only resulted in tap dance. In general, this is probably one main "problem" for many young people, I think. It could be applied to not just toes and legs, but any other body part as well.

But only speculating, though. Well,
Thanks for your feedback Redfox. :D

Just thought I would add, I bought a posture pillow which is a bit firmer than normal pillows, but I find it more comfortable, and I find it makes it easier to sleep on my side (in fact it seems to promote it). So that pillow could be a reason why I haven't had sleep paralysis for a while.
Redfox said:
Regulattor, any more experiences? I am always fascinated by the way my experiences change when I've shared them.
Yeah, strange things keep coming to me. Exactly a month ago I have again "catch" this strange signal in my head during sleep. It was like I can hear it but then again it wasn't of outside, of my surroundings. I call it signal because closest description of it is like when you searching radio station on MW or LW freq. field, but more complex. Usually it's followed with strange cracking in my frontal sinus cavity. Sometimes, when I'm thinking over this thing I get impression and it may sound funny, like i have receiver of some kind inside my head. I really don't know!? Adding all this STS 4D, greenbaum, UFO subjects to this, it's not pleasant at all!

Redfox said:
One last thing to consider, the dark pressence. I'm reading 'The Myth of Sanity' at the moment. Its entirely possible that its a fragmented peice of your self. I'm not ruling out that it could be something external....just giving another option to consider smile
You should read the book if you havn't.
Recently it cross my mind. Thx for pointing that out. Perhaps I should consider it from this angle too. The book is on my must read list, but lack of time is what bothers me, so much to read and so little time (left!?).
Do you have old electronics near you? About 1 year ago I heard beeps/signals/tones in my back head for a week, I first though many things about it...

It turned out to be my dads old LP player, about in another room and about 7 meters from my bed between 4 walls. Could not hear it when only about one meter from it, only when lying my ear directly against the LP, or when I slept it seemed. Though the LP player was turned off, the signal stops only when drag off the power plug. I'm sensitive to stuff like that, but more relaxed I became the louder I heard it.

One night I were paralyzed, also in my dads apartment, about a year ago, I felt a current in my neck flowing. Felt like some water tube were attached to me, followed by really loud flipping tones in my brain, it felt. I dunno know what that was..

Anyway, when in relaxed states, or sleepy, I found it normal to feel the body differently, little vibrations and so forth, and there is always a environmental tone I hear in the background, but that is normal? FWIW.
hungrig said:
Do you have old electronics near you? About 1 year ago I heard beeps/signals/tones in my back head for a week, I first though many things about it...

It turned out to be my dads old LP player, about in another room and about 7 meters from my bed between 4 walls. Could not hear it when only about one meter from it, only when lying my ear directly against the LP, or when I slept it seemed. Though the LP player was turned off, the signal stops only when drag off the power plug. I'm sensitive to stuff like that, but more relaxed I became the louder I heard it.
No, i don't have old electronic devices near me, though I have some usual today's electronic devices in my environment. I've experienced this signal/sound on various locations even 200-300 km from my home and once even when I was sleeping in my boat! And it seems all this strange stuff start happening to me in correlation with my discovering of C's and all related subjects.
No, i don't have old electronic devices near me, though I have some usual today's electronic devices in my environment. I've experienced this signal/sound on various locations even 200-300 km from my home and once even when I was sleeping in my boat! And it seems all this strange stuff start happening to me in correlation with my discovering of C's and all related subjects.
Okey, from what I remember many forum members also claims that "things" starts to happen with them when stumbling upon SOTT. Did not Laura write something about that? In the transcripts? I also saw in the melatonin thread as well in this, that you are using substances containing melatonin. Did you experiment with that before you got involved with any thing sott/cassiopaea? That could be the cause maybe?

I'm curious about the visuals you are getting, what more have you seen? So far you said those experiences you have you consider to be a phenomenon as of positive nature.

Well, I searched the net hoping for similar accounts regarding yours (Regulattor's), FOUND NOTHING, but then, only found issues which closely explained my "problems"; sight.
'Exploding head syndrome', got my attention when I saw the striking similar stuff going on to other people as had with myself. Booms and flashes;


As to my previous post, found this, no real explanation of why though.
by jefflmeyer
I have, what seems like, a very loud "fluid being sucked through a tube" sound in the back
of my head and neck. It is so loud that it wakes me from sleep. It doesn't last long but it's very scary. Does anyone know what this is?

by PaulMD
Hi there.

With your description, it will indeed be very hard to pinpoint the exact cause without the benefit of a
physical examination or other definitive testing. From what you have described this can be a problem with the inner or middle ear that manifests as spontaneous generation of some sound. Another possibility is some problem with the temporal obes of the brain that can lead to increased perception. I suggest that you have yourself evaluated by your doctor as the symptoms are quite non-specific and there can be a variety of possibilities.

Regards and God bless.
Well, am not alone then.

What strikes me is how widespread issues like this is, paralysis, ear/brain ringing, clicks, flashes, etc etc etc...weird. Staggers the mind!
hungrig said:
Okey, from what I remember many forum members also claims that "things" starts to happen with them when stumbling upon SOTT. Did not Laura write something about that? In the transcripts? I also saw in the melatonin thread as well in this, that you are using substances containing melatonin. Did you experiment with that before you got involved with any thing sott/cassiopaea? That could be the cause maybe?
No I don't have any experience with melatonin containing substances prior to engaging this subjects nor have I ever use any kind of drugs! And I didn't start using feverfew until I have collect as much information as possible from SOTT-forum and other available sources. And yes I think that some of my weird experiences my be in fact melatonin induced.

hungrig said:
I'm curious about the visuals you are getting, what more have you seen? So far you said those experiences you have you consider to be a phenomenon as of positive nature.
I think that this "visions" thing deserves completely new topic in PSI folder and soon as I find some extra time I would post it there more detailed. But since you are interested I'm gonna briefly described one of my most intense experience.

I was reading sessions of C transcripts discussing Atlantis and how advanced this society was comparing to ours in terms of technology and utilizing energies which we are unaware of. For next few days I was trying to imagine how Atlantis looked like considering all that C's tell us about. And then, one night, during my sleep I felt like something have entered my lower back spine and started climbing up. Feeling this was very strange, but it wasn't for the first time so I was on alert and immediately woke up, focusing my attention to phenomenon. This electric flow reached my head and manifested like coded signal of some kind which I can "hear", fallowed by cracking in my frontal sinus. Instantly I've started to "see" images in my mind, just like I was watching TV. On first "picture" was little girl swinging, second was nice statue of beautiful women made of dark brown metal in some ballet like or ice skating position, closest I can describe is classic low Arabesque or this picture. This women had a one of those elongated Egyptian cap and with no clothes on. Further I "saw" room or more like a small hall with sculpture of man and woman in the middle, embracing each other over hips. Both with no clothes on, again and with theirs heads leaning backwards. Statues was made of fascinating blue stone or marble. I never saw this blue colored stone in my life anywhere. Man was carved in old Greek style with strong torso and emphasized musculature. Bearded, of course. The hall was all in brown marble with high ceiling. Next was plate with picture of bull. And after this, next pictures started changing so fast I couldn't follow this "slide show" and can't recall.

Why positive you ask?
Well after such experience I have definitely come to conclusion that I was all my life asleep and life is definitely not just birth, school, work, death!

Edited: Broken link replaced with new one
Been away for a short while, just saw that some of you are still a bit consufed or sceptic about what i wrote.

Offcourse, i do not expect you to believe, or attempt to 'get it''.
But, i am sure this is what happening, it's not paralysis, i can still move my body very much if i wanted, but then it will effect my vision/dream/experience.

The Astral state, how should i explain this, it easiest way might be to say that:

When you lay in bed, your conscioussness is far more open to other frequencies then when during the day.
So in this more 'open' state, it's very likely, that you experience some 'paranormal' things.
Some people begin to notice that they are being watched, or that there is another entitie in the room.
While others(like me) begin to emerge into what's called: Astral body(higher conscioussness?), or embodiment of the mind.
In this 'form', you can easily ascend to a vision you have, or a place that you might think of strongly.
You can also 'meet' others who are in 'astral' mode(that's how i call it).
You can look at it like a chatroom, in which you are only allowed to join, if your open to it.
But offcourse it's not that simple.
In Atral travel, contact is scarce(ehm, little chance?), because not many(in comparison with the world number of population) people are open to this, many are too busy with their everyday things such as shopping, making sure they look awesome, how people think about them etc etc.
I might be getting offtopic, but the more people become materialistic, the less chance there is for a global awakening'.

Hope i cleared some stuff up.

I would also like to talk about predicting dream(i have like 30 a year), and they do come true, like i dreamed that i was sitting @our garden, en this kitty came by, and there were some brown shoes etc.
3 Months later we had a kitty(same looks), and a week before i bought new shoes(same as in my dream, but unaware of that during the purchase).
So i had a DejaVu.

But also more major dreams like:., once i dreamt that someone was to be murdered, and 2 months later it happened.
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