My wife had a disturbing dream worth documenting

Hi domi,

I experienced a disturbing sleep paralysis type dream twice since around March or so. What might have helped as I haven't had another quite like it in close to two months I think, is writing them down. And also sharing it with a few close people. Do still wonder about them, shortly after the dream I would look up info on paralysis dreams. There's a thread here on the forum that also has some helpful info about this type of dream, I'll try and locate it.

Anyway, they both had a similar feel and reminded me in a way of your wife's cause I was really disturbed by something that seemed to be in the room (in both, my attention was being drawn toward the bedroom door) while struggling to wake up. In the first one, I use both my hands to try and keep my eyes open. In the second, there was what appeared to be a woman type ghost on the other side of the door-not menacing though, from what I remember. I actually created a draft to post here on the forum but never posted it.

Also had a lucid dream recently as well but definitely not as disturbing (no sense of a presence around the door). More just feeling uncomfortable, realizing I was dreaming and wanting to wake up from it which I eventually did.

Has your wife since written down the dream? Understandably, that might be too unsettling at this point. But, it may eventually prove helpful. I think networking about it here on the forum like you did is also definitely part of that help.
Hi domi

I wanted to let you and your wife know that my partner and I had similar experiences with sleep paralysis as well as my coming to her rescue during some of her nightmares.

The worst of it was when I first moved in with her back in 2007. In fact one such occurrence where we both had sleep paralysis also included what I can only describe as poltergeist activity in another room where books were nocked off a shelf on to the floor, with a period of rustling pages from a particular book that became the subject of our future sons autistic stimming.

Hearing that commotion and not being able to react as we were both seemingly trapped in our bed was a disturbing experience that we both consciously marginalized as the wind, in order to maintain a sense of control in our home, or waking experience.

Over time her terrible dream experiences subsided, I believe it was due to my on going vigilance not to breathe too much paranormal superstition into the event, as well as my unique ability to merely caress her out of a nightmare.

Basically, you aren't alone in these types of experiences and I wouldn't see it as a portent of negative things to come/manifest but instead as a sign that your lives are succumbing to a more sovereign path.
I've had the cold hand of an old woman during sleep paralisys when i was like 12sh

Sleep paralisys tends to happend when there is a chemical inbalance in the brain, or when you oversleep or too little sleep.

The creepy, creature taunting her is what she should be concerned about, meaning she should try to fight it.

When in sleep paralisys something that helps everytime is deeeep breathing till she snaps out of that state.
Give her the advice in case it happens again she has a tool. Since the diafragm is the only voluntary/involuntary muscle we can still control it then.
There was a Sott radio show earlier this year that covered sleep paralysis and the presence of non human entities. Maybe you check it out the next time you're driving. You can download the mp3 format into your phone.
The Health & Wellness Show: Psi Phenomena and the Health Connection
Fri, 29 Jan 2016,40820.msg630649.html#msg630649
Felipe4 said:
Sleep paralisys tends to happend when there is a chemical inbalance in the brain, or when you oversleep or too little sleep.

In my case, lack of sleep likely contributed to why I experienced the most recent lucid type dream where I was uncomfortable and trying to wake up. Had fallen asleep in the afternoon..was exhausted after not getting enough sleep the night prior. Tend to have trouble falling asleep at times. Something deep breathing/pipe breathing could also probably really help with.

hlat said:
The Health & Wellness Show: Psi Phenomena and the Health Connection
Fri, 29 Jan 2016,40820.msg630649.html#msg630649

Show looks really interesting, thanks for sharing.
domi said:
Aragorn said:
Sounds like an awful experience for your wife, I hope she feels better now. Did she say if she was having a so called lucid dream, i.e. a dream that felt more real than usual? Or an out of body experience? I'm asking, since for some reason I've lately had more lucid dreaming than usual. Something "in the air"?

The thing she mentioned is that she knew in the dream that she was dreaming which I guess makes it a lucid dream.

Did she mention if she was aware that she was in the room of was she in some other 'dreamscape'? If it's the former, it's not really a dream but, as others have said, sleep paralysis. I've had several experiences like that where I'm paralyzed but otherwise totally awake, can see the room clearly (although can't tell if my eyes are open or not) but am also aware of another 'presence' of some sort that is always threatening.

Sorry to hear she had to go through it, it's pretty distressing.
Joe said:
Did she mention if she was aware that she was in the room of was she in some other 'dreamscape'? If it's the former, it's not really a dream but, as others have said, sleep paralysis. I've had several experiences like that where I'm paralyzed but otherwise totally awake, can see the room clearly (although can't tell if my eyes are open or not) but am also aware of another 'presence' of some sort that is always threatening.

She said it was a dream and that in that dream she was in the bed sleeping and that she was paralyzed.

We were talking about the dream again last night before going to bed and there were a couple of details that I had forgotten:
- there was some hissing which she thought could have been one of the cats on the bed or the entity. In any case she hissed back.
- the entity had turned her around in the bed from her normal longitudinal position to sideways and had shoved her sideways towards the end of the bed (towards footboard) which she said made her very angry.

Thank you all for sharing your experiences, showing your support and hlat for letting me know about the show. I missed that one.
domi said:
Joe said:
Did she mention if she was aware that she was in the room of was she in some other 'dreamscape'? If it's the former, it's not really a dream but, as others have said, sleep paralysis. I've had several experiences like that where I'm paralyzed but otherwise totally awake, can see the room clearly (although can't tell if my eyes are open or not) but am also aware of another 'presence' of some sort that is always threatening.

She said it was a dream and that in that dream she was in the bed sleeping and that she was paralyzed.

We were talking about the dream again last night before going to bed and there were a couple of details that I had forgotten:
- there was some hissing which she thought could have been one of the cats on the bed or the entity. In any case she hissed back.
- the entity had turned her around in the bed from her normal longitudinal position to sideways and had shoved her sideways towards the end of the bed (towards footboard) which she said made her very angry.

Thank you all for sharing your experiences, showing your support and hlat for letting me know about the show. I missed that one.

Hi domi, i'm sorry to hear about this awful experience your wife had experienced, it's pretty scary i know, it happened to me like a month ago, the whole experience to me it seemed like a dream, but on the other hand if i'm remembering right i opened my eyes and saw that the room was dark, also i felt somebody's presence(i think) then i started to freak out because suddenly i realized that i cannot move, i started shaking and screaming in dream(i think i actually screamed or at least tried to make loud noises) for the purpose of attracting my brother's attention who was sleeping in another room, i know i was doing this consciously because i remembered what Joe had recounted on a Sott radio session about being paralyzed when he was little and by doing loud noises he managed to wake up his sister that eventually broke the spell of the paralyses so to speak. So by screaming, nagging i woke up. When i woke up i had a disturbing feeling along with fear, worry and uneasiness for a long time. Don't know if it was a real paralysis or just a dream, i hope it was a dream, honestly.
domi said:
She said it was a dream and that in that dream she was in the bed sleeping and that she was paralyzed.

Hmmm... usually you don't dream about being exactly where you are in reality, that's more like an awareness of where you actually are, but in an altered state of consciousness, like when your body goes to sleep but your brain stays awake.
Andre' said:
domi said:
Joe said:
Did she mention if she was aware that she was in the room of was she in some other 'dreamscape'? If it's the former, it's not really a dream but, as others have said, sleep paralysis. I've had several experiences like that where I'm paralyzed but otherwise totally awake, can see the room clearly (although can't tell if my eyes are open or not) but am also aware of another 'presence' of some sort that is always threatening.

She said it was a dream and that in that dream she was in the bed sleeping and that she was paralyzed.

We were talking about the dream again last night before going to bed and there were a couple of details that I had forgotten:
- there was some hissing which she thought could have been one of the cats on the bed or the entity. In any case she hissed back.
- the entity had turned her around in the bed from her normal longitudinal position to sideways and had shoved her sideways towards the end of the bed (towards footboard) which she said made her very angry.

Thank you all for sharing your experiences, showing your support and hlat for letting me know about the show. I missed that one.

Hi domi, i'm sorry to hear about this awful experience your wife had experienced, it's pretty scary i know, it happened to me like a month ago, the whole experience to me it seemed like a dream, but on the other hand if i'm remembering right i opened my eyes and saw that the room was dark, also i felt somebody's presence(i think) then i started to freak out because suddenly i realized that i cannot move, i started shaking and screaming in dream(i think i actually screamed or at least tried to make loud noises) for the purpose of attracting my brother's attention who was sleeping in another room, i know i was doing this consciously because i remembered what Joe had recounted on a Sott radio session about being paralyzed when he was little and by doing loud noises he managed to wake up his sister that eventually broke the spell of the paralyses so to speak. So by screaming, nagging i woke up. When i woke up i had a disturbing feeling along with fear, worry and uneasiness for a long time. Don't know if it was a real paralysis or just a dream, i hope it was a dream, honestly.

Something similar happened to me once or twice a few year ago
I agree ta screaming helped in my case. Although I had the impression that no sound were coming out of me because of the paralysis, what I didn’t realize is that my scream got so loud that I eventually woke my wife who then brakes the spell by waking me up. There was definitely a presence in those “dreams” and judging by my reaction to it/ them (scream) I do think it was threatening.

Sorry to hear you wife went through this domi, I wish you both all the best.
How is your wife feeling now, domi? Does she have any more ideas about the dream and what it meant? I hope a little time has settled her fears a bit. Does she have trouble sleeping now?
herondancer said:
How is your wife feeling now, domi? Does she have any more ideas about the dream and what it meant? I hope a little time has settled her fears a bit. Does she have trouble sleeping now?

She's better and sleeping well again.
We started calling the entity "Bob the blob" and we talk and joke about it.

As far as what she thought it meant: that it somehow represented her fears about finances or that it was unearthly.

Joe, I agree with you that having a dream about being in bed sleeping while being in said same bed sleeping is strange.
domi said:
Joe, I agree with you that having a dream about being in bed sleeping while being in said same bed sleeping is strange.

I have never had sleep paralyses, and yet, many months ago (I can't remember exactly when it happened) I realized that there were "entities" in my room and I couldn't see them hardly at all (I sleep in a dark room). Two were holding me, I was on my side, and someone in back of me was going to do something to me. I couldn't move. I got so angry that I did all I could and started to move and say to let me go and I was let go. I woke up and was on my side - the same side in my dream) and could move quite easily. I didn't turn on the light, but I couldn't see, or feel, the presence of anyone so I finally went back to sleep.

This may have been sleep paralysis. As I said, I've never had sleep paralyses before, nor since. So your wife is not alone with dreaming she was in her bed when this happened.
domi said:
herondancer said:
How is your wife feeling now, domi? Does she have any more ideas about the dream and what it meant? I hope a little time has settled her fears a bit. Does she have trouble sleeping now?

She's better and sleeping well again.
We started calling the entity "Bob the blob" and we talk and joke about it.

As far as what she thought it meant: that it somehow represented her fears about finances or that it was unearthly.

Joe, I agree with you that having a dream about being in bed sleeping while being in said same bed sleeping is strange.

I'm glad to hear it. Mocking humour is a tool! :)
Hmmm... usually you don't dream about being exactly where you are in reality, that's more like an awareness of where you actually are, but in an altered state of consciousness, like when your body goes to sleep but your brain stays awake.
My wife has the same expriences as sleep paralisys, she just had one a moment ago and it makes me worry, she is worried, that made me search (again) for answers. I have been searching for years to understand that phenomena, but havent read anything more than hyptesis and more experiences of the same.

A very good documental was on netflix, but is not anymore, it was called "The Nightmare". All of the expriences are similar and very detailed, they all described while in paralysys this black shadow entities lurking the room, saying their name, heavy breathing in the ear and in some cases "pushing" hard in the chest area like against the bed, like if someone very heavy is over your chest. Thats the same experience my wife has, all of the. I think the one that scares me the most, is the one saying her name and then heavy breathing in her ear. She was very scare too.

I have never read anything about it in C's session and I think I never missed a session, have you ever asked about it?

Can you ask about it preaty please?

Thanks in advance ❤️

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