My wife had a disturbing dream worth documenting

I had (knock on wood) frequent bouts with sleep paralysis but not so much in dreams but while awake meaning… I would start to fall asleep (probably enter a brain wave frequency) and I would feel an energy on top of me I would then wake up and be paralyzed. Because I have had supernatural experiences through my whole life I didn’t panic. I would be awake but close my eyes I would gain strength in my limbs (break the paralyzed) and then fling my legs/shoulders at the energy entity. It would turn into an orb hover above me then disappear.

90% of the time when I was paralyzed by the energy/entity I was sleeping on my back with my chest/solorplex open. I noticed if I sleep on my stomach the event didn’t really happen. So maybe she can sleep on her side/stomach

One time I had a dream that hands were coming over my eyes and forcing my body down and boom paralysis set in.

I always acted apathetic to these events, not give too much energy except to try and hit it away…

Your wife is in a different position than I am as she has you and possibly kids I don’t know your relationship but for me the experience is not that frightening just annoying because it takes my energy and breaks the sleep cycle leaving me more tired than if it didn’t happen. I am single and have experienced enough here where if something was to “take me” or whatever I don’t care as much I am more annoyed at the event for negatively affecting my bodies energy leaving me tired the next day so it’s easy for me to say stay calm and don’t give fear to a wife with more to lose than I… but that is what I did “they” are more pests or annoyances IMO. I remember a story of entities at night trying to drag Laura pull her from her bed now that’s more extreme than anything I had.

Maybe get some holy water, sage the bedroom that stuff may also help.

In addition possibly your wife is progressing or growing and this is a result of that. Not sure if she is into “The Work” or that stuff

Try not to give it energy
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I had (knock on wood) frequent bouts with sleep paralysis but not so much in dreams but while awake meaning… I would start to fall asleep (probably enter a brain wave frequency) and I would feel an energy on top of me I would then wake up and be paralyzed. Because I have had supernatural experiences through my whole life I didn’t panic. I would be awake but close my eyes I would gain strength in my limbs (break the paralyzed) and then fling my legs/shoulders at the energy entity. It would turn into an orb hover above me then disappear.

90% of the time when I was paralyzed by the energy/entity I was sleeping on my back with my chest/solorplex open. I noticed if I sleep on my stomach the event didn’t really happen. So maybe she can sleep on her side/stomach

One time I had a dream that hands were coming over my eyes and forcing my body down and boom paralysis set in.

I always acted apathetic to these events, not give too much energy except to try and hit it away…

Your wife is in a different position than I am as she has you and possibly kids I don’t know your relationship but for me the experience is not that frightening just annoying because it takes my energy and breaks the sleep cycle leaving me more tired than if it didn’t happen. I am single and have experienced enough here where if something was to “take me” or whatever I don’t care as much I am more annoyed at the event for negatively affecting my bodies energy leaving me tired the next day so it’s easy for me to say stay calm and don’t give fear to a wife with more to lose than I… but that is what I did “they” are more pests or annoyances IMO. I remember a story of entities at night trying to drag Laura pull her from her bed now that’s more extreme than anything I had.

Maybe get some holy water, sage the bedroom that stuff may also help.

In addition possibly your wife is progressing or growing and this is a result of that. Not sure if she is into “The Work” or that stuff

Try not to give it energy

Thanks a lot for your answer, I have never experienced anything like that, my wife is in the process of growing too (spiritualy), she is into Catholic stuff and all that, I am the one who is bringing new stuff and talks about it to try giving her a bigger picture of all.

For her it happens at any given time (Not frequently), yesterday she was taking a nap in the sofa, my 2 childrens in the house playing as childrens do, one of them was in the same zone (same room) as my wife and i was a door away in my laptop working. I saw here up but still very sleepy, and told me she has a bad experience but not as bad as others. Told me she just felt a presence of something evil, but not interaction. What she says it works for her, is praying, thats how she wakes up, but she cant avoid feeling fear and all that, so maybe she is feeding them or I dont know what those entities are.

As I understand there are 2 topics; 1.- Is the Paralysis and what puts you there (The more common answer I found was Brain Chemistry Imbalance) and 2.-The Interaction with those entities (Havent found anything about it, just more experiences of the same)

Thanks again for your answer Mena, hope we can bring more light into this topic.
As I understand there are 2 topics; 1.- Is the Paralysis and what puts you there (The more common answer I found was Brain Chemistry Imbalance) and 2.-The Interaction with those entities (Havent found anything about it, just more experiences of the same)
Unless before this “entity” energy sleep paralysis was a theme in her life I wouldn’t compound problems and go down the brain chemistry road. If these entities/energies and sleep paralysis happened/happens at the same time the probability is that it is related.

Yes, fear feeds it… the entropy/negative energy. Another example is I was sleeping at a friends house on their couch downstairs as I fall asleep I hear clicking noises by the electronics obviously not normal but what can I do so I ignored and went to sleep. Just as I’m falling sleep I feel the energy near me and my head starts going back and forth violently and I said to myself “Hmmm I guess this is what it feels like to get possessed interesting” I was indeferent. Self remembered, used what happened as data and everything stopped it went away.

Again your wife has children and a family so it’s easier for me not to really care … less attachments in my life but just giving you more insight to the energy or lack of energy given during the event. Like a fly in the room “maybe I’ll get the fly swatter maybe I won’t … whatever” and again sleeping on stomach instead of back helped in my situation

I would also like to know why these entities appear in one’s life to receive a general answer from the C’s but I have more pressing inquiries…This is in the middle of the docket as I don’t like to “waste” questions on things I can solve/figure out

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