Mysterious, purple spheres found in the desert


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member

I came across this article whilst browsing the 'news' on Sott. It appeared that this find was located right by a road according to the pictures? I don't know how busy that road is - but a possibility that occurred to me was that the objects were similar to some 'jelly marbles' that my sister-in-law used at her wedding to fill vases for her table displays:
Each ball is approx. smaller than 1/8" (original size), 3/8" (after absorbing water)
Approx 400-500 jelly balls in each pack.
These balls can absorb water up to 20 times its weight!
One bag can make approx. 2 litres of the large jelly balls.
Jelly balls are water absorbents made of non-toxic and biodegradable polymer.

After the balls are dried out they return back to its normal small ball shape and can then be used
over again by adding water.

If it was by a road, and someone wasn't sure how or where to dispose of these after any kind of event - I guess dumping them in a desert where they may 'dry out' or even provide some plants out there with some moisture might be conceivable. I was surprised that the extent of their 'investigation' was to squish some with a stick and send pictures to a botanist.
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