Mystery movies about airplane accidents

Speaking of Twilight Zone, I watched a Twilight Zone episode this evening called 'The Arrival' (second episode of the third season). What is said by one of the characters about what happened to the plane, flight 107 reminded me of the mystery surrounding the disappearance of the Malaysian Airlines Airplane.

From Wikipedia:
"After flight 107 from Buffalo lands safely with no crew or passengers on board, the FAA sends Grant Sheckly, an inspector with 22 years of experience and a flawless record of solving cases, to investigate the matter. He is assisted by the airport staff — Vice President Bengston, PR man Malloy, mechanic Robbins, and ramp attendant Cousins — but despite their combined efforts, no one can explain how an empty plane could safely land and taxi to a stop."

Think I'll next check out the episode, 'Flight 33' that you mentioned c.a.
Cleo said:
but despite their combined efforts, no one can explain how an empty plane could safely land and taxi to a stop."

That is interesting question. Let's say that Malaysian Airplane reappears in this dimension. Would automatic pilot be able to land the plane safely? :huh:
Persej said:
Cleo said:
but despite their combined efforts, no one can explain how an empty plane could safely land and taxi to a stop."
That is interesting question. Let's say that Malaysian Airplane reappears in this dimension. Would automatic pilot be able to land the plane safely? :huh:

If 357 were able to manifest back into this density, land with all aboard, (given past practice), the consortium could possibly resort with having too eliminate all, (as "they" have done in in the past), including the plane, to conceal, or having it being exposed to what they experienced.

And sure one can imagine, or envision that the system, would go as far as to dump debris (unrelated to 357) of the last location of Malaysia Air to keep people guessing and confused.

This kind of Revelation would be detrimental to the coming events that continue to unfold, and draw nearer.

I don't see them throwing any parades that could expose the charades of the 4thDsts game plan.

Perhaps by the grace of GOD they could all reappear at the level of 4DSTO.

The Cover

United Flight 93 Shanksville Somerset Pennsylvania September 11th terrorist attack news report
The uncover
Proof that 9/11 flight 93 did not crash at Shanksville
Flight 93 Eyewitness Sees A Second Plane, Says Flight 93 Was Shot Down

Flight 93:We know it crashed, but not why
FBI is silent, fueling "shot down" rumors
"I know of two people - I will not mention names - that heard a missile," Stuhl said. "They both live very close, within a couple of hundred yards. . .This one fellow's served in Vietnam and he says he's heard them, and he heard one that day." The mayor adds that based on what he knows about that morning, military F-16 fighter jets were "very, very close

Laura said:
Session: August 24, 2002
Q: (L) Okay, now, $64,000 question: what caused the fire and explosion at the Pentagon? Was it a 757?
A: No it was very close to what you have surmised: a drone craft specially modified to give certain "impressions" to witnesses. Even the windows were not "real."
Q: (S) What is a drone craft? (A) It's a guided craft run by a computer. There is not even a seat for a pilot. (L) Alright, the $64,001 question, what happened to Flight 77?
A: It was landed and now resides, in part, in fourth density.
Q: (L) What do mean "in part," how can it be in part?
A: As we have mentioned before, certain bases have this property due to direct interaction with denizens of that realm.
Q: (L) And they talked about bases that have levels underground. (A) Well, 'in part' can mean mechanical part or the human part. (L) Also, once they talked about bi-density beings that can move back and forth between 3rd and 4th density. So, exactly what do you mean by this 'in part?'
A: Let us just say that the "human" part now resides at 5th density.
Q: (L) Well, the soul is what goes to 5th density. So that means that the bodies are still - well, somewhere. Did they later use parts of these bodies to produce evidence at the crash site of 'remains?'
A: Parts is the correct word. Do you think that any of them could be "allowed" to survive?
Q: (A) I have a technical question because if it landed somewhere, question is, whether the standard military surveying satellites, or whatever it is, know the place, or it disappeared completely before landing from normal satellite, or rather military, observation?
A: It landed in the normal way.
Q: (A) Okay, then that means the military, and perhaps also the White House, knows that it landed and knows that...
A: White House knows little of what transpires in any case.
Q: (A) Right. But there are other spy satellites; some other countries may know that this story with flight 77 crashing at the Pentagon is...
A: At those levels, there is only one "Master."
Q: (L) Those levels? What levels?
A: Levels that can hand down orders to bury or suppress.
Q: (L) So you're saying that even, for example French, Russian, Chinese satellites that might have noticed something, that there is some level of control that can order such information to be buried or suppressed...(A) And the order will be respected? Why?
A: Those who are at that level have been bought and paid for by both giving knowledge of upcoming cataclysmic vents, and promised survival and positions of power after. It is not difficult to realize the there is a body of such types in positions of power already. Power is not only attractive to such types, they are the kind most easily corrupted by it.
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