Na Severu ... a Czech web full of SOTT

It has been three plus days and I have been postponing my 'work for web'. It is interesting to reflect on how I did pushed the task gently over into another day. Whenever I did choose not to do it, I had something else to do, there's so much interesting things to read or watch inspiring people talk on podcasts.
So three days ago I selected one article which is about Assange's hearing in Spanish Morales case. I want to keep on bringing articles about this scandalous extradition case. However with passing time my will to start (translation) lessened. And so this brings me here when this morning during cleaning stuff in my kitchen, one thought crossed my mind: I'm procrastinating! Then I remebered there was an article on Sott about procrastination, so I sit down to read it, and it's very interesting, and it showed me something I did not see before. How sneaky! So, I don't want to make this post long, but that's what I am going to translate right now.
@rylek : translation of 'Smoke & deception blankets Australia' article is already published but your PR would be welcome (it's not long).
@Mikkael : if you feel you would like to discuss WordPress things outside our regular Sunday talks, let me know - I will organize my time for it.

I apologize for not reporting on our Caesarmas meet-up yet - will do so this week.
@rylek : translation of 'Smoke & deception blankets Australia' article is already published but your PR would be welcome (it's not long).
Good evening. I've proof-read the article 👍

Also, the Gulf stream weakening article is saved and ready for PR. It's quite short as well but I thought it would be better for a second pair of eyes to check it before going live :-)

I apologize for not reporting on our Caesarmas meet-up yet - will do so this week.
No worries, I'm looking forward to contributing with my observations as well!
Guys, if you have time please read this article and let me know whether it would be useful for this forum to have English translation. It's been a long time since I posted in the Internal Predictor USSR thread but now I feel like the mentioned text, written by one of its educated promoters would be something very interesting for others to discuss. The Concept of Social Security and The Sufficiently Universal Theory of Management are in many ways an excellent tool for understanding the hidden global government although I could name a few red flags where they lack the knowledge of this network but when it comes to politics and understanding how this big social supersystem of our civilization is being managed, they get pretty close IMHO. But I don't want to get carried away and waste time and resources so would love to hear your opinion first. Thank you.
Hi, I just read it and I am skeptical about his conclusions. I find it incomplete in that the article is failing to mention the central role of Israel in its analysis for example. Also the question of the author "If all these gentlemen are just actors in the game, then who is the scriptwriter?" implying Trump and Rouhani were in cahoots to orchestrate killing of Soleimani is to me improbable.

I'm not sure it is worth of time to translate it, perhaps we can discuss it tomorrow in our chatroom.

I'm bit in hurry, I have some errands to run and I'm going early afternoon to work, it's gonna be hectic and I'll be not back after midnight.
Hey guys. I also had a look at the article and to be honest I don't dare to comment. I just don't know enough about the source and the way they approach the situation. I know anka you've been following this source for quite a while and think it provides a useful perspective so I would really say it's your call, if you think it's useful we can translate it. As Mikkael suggested we can discuss more tomorrow during out catch up.
I was hoping you both will send me to hell with it so I could forget about it :lol: The problem is that even I would welcome someone knowledgeable from Russia who would inspect the validity of the research team (IP USSR) and their work (not just this particular article) because from what I have learned it would be a great addition to the forum knowledge but I might as well have a blind spot here so that's why I asked. We have too much on our plate with the web and there is no point doing other stuff. Enough to focus on the output of the forum and SOTT.

I will PR the NC article now, thanks! :thup:

Edit: grammar
a short article about noctilucent clouds is ready
Excellent, I have just added info about the lowest polar vortex temperature measurement from above Iceland plus some more pics. It fits perfectly together.

And BTW, IT of Earth Changes is done so whenever you get a chance to do PR, have fun :cool2:

Edit: I forgot - have a look at the translation of the vegan parents article too, please. Muchas gracias.
@Mikkael : Wow, that's where I live now?! I think I need to get out rather soon! Feels like a dance floor on Titanic 5 minutes before the iceberg hit! :wow: Nice pic, thank for posting.

On a different note, during tonight's video chat I forgot to mention that on Facebook we have just reached 700 likes which took about a year from initial quick 500 after a few months. There was a long stagnation period and now it looks like things are picking up again as I mentioned so our effort is not lost. Some people will get the information they are desperately looking for, even if they come to us through dubious sources that republish our articles (many of us found SOTT that way anyway).
So kudos, guys, consider this as a little milestone and thank you for everything :clap::perfect::cheer:

:v: The show goes on... :ninja::ninja::ninja:

Edit: P.S. The fish on the picture is probably dead :D

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