It has been three plus days and I have been postponing my 'work for web'. It is interesting to reflect on how I did pushed the task gently over into another day. Whenever I did choose not to do it, I had something else to do, there's so much interesting things to read or watch inspiring people talk on podcasts.
So three days ago I selected one article which is about Assange's hearing in Spanish Morales case. I want to keep on bringing articles about this scandalous extradition case. However with passing time my will to start (translation) lessened. And so this brings me here when this morning during cleaning stuff in my kitchen, one thought crossed my mind: I'm procrastinating! Then I remebered there was an article on Sott about procrastination, so I sit down to read it, and it's very interesting, and it showed me something I did not see before. How sneaky! So, I don't want to make this post long, but that's what I am going to translate right now.
So three days ago I selected one article which is about Assange's hearing in Spanish Morales case. I want to keep on bringing articles about this scandalous extradition case. However with passing time my will to start (translation) lessened. And so this brings me here when this morning during cleaning stuff in my kitchen, one thought crossed my mind: I'm procrastinating! Then I remebered there was an article on Sott about procrastination, so I sit down to read it, and it's very interesting, and it showed me something I did not see before. How sneaky! So, I don't want to make this post long, but that's what I am going to translate right now.
Procrastination is an emotion regulation problem, not a time management problem
If you've ever put off an important task by, say, alphabetizing your spice drawer, you know it wouldn't be fair to describe yourself as lazy. After all, alphabetizing requires focus and effort — and hey, maybe you even went the extra mile to wipe...