Nagorno-Karabakh War - Armenia vs Azerbaijan

Good job, Georgia (the country)!

Georgian parliament finally overrides presidential veto on foreign agents law
Tuesday, 28 May, 2024, 19:02

With 84 votes, MPs voted in favour of passing the bill in its original form. Four spoke against it.

Virtually the entire opposition left the session in protest and did not participate in the vote. Opponents of the authorities joined a rally on Rustaveli Avenue.

The Georgian parliament passed the law on foreign agents in the third reading on 14 May. The president soon vetoed it.

Zurabishvili called the law "in its essence and spirit Russian", contradicting the constitution and "all European standards", and representing an obstacle on Georgia's European path. In their motivational remarks, they suggested that the law should be in effect for one day only and then be cancelled.

Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili called the proposal a "mockery." Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze said Zurabishvili had "closed all space for a healthy discussion" on their initiative.

The Georgian Dream had hoped that the President would reflect the wishes of international partners in his remarks during the veto procedure. Zurabishvili pointed out that the law violates four articles of the constitution at once and it is simply impossible to change it.

After overcoming the veto, the law will be sent to the President for signature again [she has 5 days for that]. If Zurabishvili does not sign it again, it will be signed and published by the Speaker of the Parliament Shalva Papuashvili. After publication the law will come into force.

Earlier today the Speakers of Parliaments of seven EU countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Netherlands, France and Czech Republic) called on Papuashvili to cancel the law on foreign agents. He responded to them with a large letter that readily referred to threats of "hidden foreign interference." [...]

Yesterday, Maria Zakharova made fun of both Georgias going through a similar process almost simultaneously, and causing confusion among English speakers. Since she wrote it in Russian, which has different names for each, I'll use italics wherever it reads "Gruziya" (Georgia, the country).

Zugzwang for the State Department: foreign agents in Georgia and Georgia
27 May 2024

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova has mocked US politics, for which the confusion between the US state of Georgia and Georgia has once again become an issue.

While Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and the U.S. Congress continue to nightmarise democracy in Georgia by threatening sanctions and even freezing assets, something has gone wrong in Georgia, Zakharova said.

In April, the Georgia state Senate passed its own Foreign Agents Bill 368 and sent it to the governor for his signature, thus, in Zakharova's estimation, demonstrating an attack on democracy on all fronts.

Almost immediately afterwards - coincidentally - the U.S. State Department issues an official statement criticising the "Kremlin-inspired 'foreign influence' legislation being advanced in Georgia's legislature".

Then Governor Brian Kemp, apparently having read the State Department's statement and surprised that in his own Georgia "inspiration by the Kremlin" is flourishing, decisively takes the bait and vetoes the foreign agents bill approved by the state Senate.

A zugzwang is coming for the State Department, Zakharova said.

"Because of Kemp's veto, the foreign agents bill in Georgia was never ultimately passed. But in Georgia, the parliamentary committee on legal issues launched a procedure to override the veto of the country's president. It turns out that there is no democracy in Georgia, not in Georgia, and Washington does not understand what to do with its own shame" - the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said,

Do you remember, she added, that many used to laugh at Americans who constantly confused Georgia and Georgia in their tweets? It seems that now it has become a problem of US domestic policy rather than foreign policy, Zakharova concluded.

Yes, it's very funny. Who would have thought that American democracy is so "zugzwang-dangerous"?
I personally am not very interested in what will happen next in Georgia-state (I think that the residents of Georgia-state are not at all interested in what is happening outside their state and this is partly the reason for this situation), but the events in Georgia-country, i.e. Gruziya interest me and In particular, I wonder if the Georgians (Gruziny) will be able to put the squeeze on their foreign president up to impeachment?

Да, это очень смешно. Кто бы мог подумать, что американская демократия такая "цугцвангоопасная"?
Мне лично не очень интересно, что дальше будет происходить в Джорджии (думаю, что и жителям Джорджии совсем не интересно, что происходит за пределами их штата и это отчасти и стало причиной подобной ситуации), а вот события в Грузии меня интересуют и, в частности, мне интересно удастся ли грузинам дожать до импичмента свою президентку-иностранку?
Did I say Moldova? I did!


U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to Moldova, pledging $135 million to enhance energy security and counter Russian disinformation during his visit to Chisinau.

During Wednesday’s visit, Blinken announced that up to $85 million in USAID funding will subsidize equipment to strengthen Moldova’s national power grid and facilitate greater electricity trade with Romania, Ukraine, and the broader European market. He also unveiled additional aid for Moldova, a pro-Western country facing renewed threats from Russia.

“Today, I’m announcing that we’ll be working with our Congress to provide an additional $50 million to further advance these efforts from reforming the energy and agricultural sectors to pushing back and further against disinformation,” said Blinken during a joint press conference with Moldova President Maia Sandu.

“That in turn will bolster the ability of Moldova to resist Russian interference, to hold free and fair elections to continue down the path to the European Union and Western integration to create more economic opportunity,” he said.

Blinken’s trip comes amid concerns over Russia’s military presence in Moldova’s breakaway Transnistria region. Moldova has accused Russia of waging a hybrid war through election interference and disinformation campaigns aimed at toppling the government and hindering its EU aspirations. Russia denies these accusations.

Sandu welcomed Blinken’s second visit in two years as “a strong sign of support.” [...]

Since Russia’s 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the United States has provided Moldova with $774 million in assistance, including $300 million through USAID, to support energy security. [...]

Was tempted to truthify Blinken's slogans, but guess everyone reading it will do it instinctively on your own.
Soros continues to do his dirty work.
Pashinyan said that Armenia will withdraw from the CSTO

Armenia will withdraw from the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). This was announced by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan during the "government hour" in parliament, according to Sputnik Armenia.

The Prime Minister said that Armenia would withdraw from the organization, explaining that the former authorities of the country "joined the bubble union," and then it turned out that it did not protect Armenia.

"What do you think? What's the next step? Do you think we'll go back? No, there is no other way. Don't worry, we won't go back," Pashinyan said.

Prior to that, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that Moscow proceeds from the fact that Yerevan retains financial obligations in accordance with the CSTO Charter.

On May 31, Russian Ambassador to Belarus Boris Gryzlov said that freezing Armenia's participation in the activities of the CSTO would weaken the position of the structure in the South Caucasus.

In February, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced that his country was suspending its participation in the work of the CSTO. As the head of government said, the foreign partners allegedly did not comply with the Collective Security Treaty with respect to the republic.
ÐаÑинÑн заÑвил, ÑÑо ÐÑÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð²ÑÐ¹Ð´ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð· ÐÐÐÐ - ÐазеÑа.Ru | ÐовоÑÑи

But this is another stage of the same process. How many Armenians will curse Pashinyan, as Georgians cursed Saakashvili, until Armenia reaches this stage?
Georgian media: Moscow and Tbilisi restore diplomatic relations after the breakup in 2008

Georgian media: Moscow and Tbilisi restore diplomatic relations after the breakup in 2008
The Georgian opposition TV channel Mtavari Archi, citing a source, reported that the governments of Georgia and Russia are actively working to restore diplomatic relations.

"According to the information provided to us by the source, the ruling Georgian Dream party and the Russian leadership are actively working and negotiating in connection with the restoration of diplomatic relations. The authorities plan to open a Georgian embassy in Moscow," the article says.

According to the TV channel, Tbilisi is already selecting employees to work in the diplomatic mission.

"There are rumors that Georgia wants to restore diplomatic relations with Russia. If that's the case, then that's a good sign. However, it is not yet very clear for what purpose they are doing this and what they want in return. And it obviously will not cause approval from the Western "partner". One thing I want to say is that if Georgia does not want the fate of Ukraine for itself, then it should jump off the NATO needle and proceed purely from its own interests and not allow itself to be manipulated by puppeteers from Europe and the United States," the telegram channel says.

There are no diplomatic relations between Russia and Georgia, and the dialogue between the countries was maintained within the framework of the Geneva discussions and negotiations between Russian Senator Grigory Karasin and Zurab Abashidze, held in Prague since 2012.

The Georgian side severed relations between the two countries after Moscow recognized the sovereignty of Abkhazia and South Ossetia on August 26, 2008. Tbilisi does not recognize the independence of these republics, considering them "occupied territories".
СÐÐ ÐÑÑзии: ÐоÑква и ТбилиÑи воÑÑÑанавливаÑÑ Ð´Ð¸Ð¿Ð¾ÑноÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñле ÑазÑÑва в 2008 годÑ

Сорос продолжает делать свое черное дело.
А вот это уже другой этап того же самого процесса. Сколько армян проклянут Пашиняна, как грузины прокляли Саакашвили, пока Армения дотащится до этого этапа?
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An interesting sequel. What does this mean? In my opinion, this may indicate that some work is underway and eventually diplomatic relations will be restored, but this will not be done at the first Georgian whistle. Proud and independent Georgians themselves broke off diplomatic relations at one time, now they must proudly and independently ask for their restoration.
The Russian Foreign Ministry called the reports on the resumption of diplomatic relations with Georgia ducks

The Russian Foreign Ministry has denied reports of the resumption of diplomatic relations between Russia and Georgia, RIA Novosti reports the statement of the department.

A representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in a conversation with the agency, said that the ministry does not see any point in "commenting on various kinds of ducks replicated by Georgian opposition resources."

The Georgian TV channel Mtavari Archi, which supports the opposition, was the first to report on the allegedly active work to restore relations between Moscow and Tbilisi. After that, such reports were actively disseminated by the Ukrainian media.
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Интересное продолжение. О чем может говорить такой ответ? На мой взгляд это может говорить о том, что некоторая работа ведется и в итоге дипломатические отношения будут восстановлены, но это не будет сделано по первому грузинскому свистку. Гордые и независимые грузины сами в свое время разорвали дипотношения, теперь должны соответственно гордо и независимо попросить об их восстановлении.
Against the background of recent reports on the cancellation of previously planned military exercises between Georgia and the United States, this message further shows the limitrophic position of the Caucasian republics.
Eagle Partner: Armenia to hold exercises with US military

Armenia will hold exercises with the American military.

The Eagle Partner 2024 exercises with the participation of the Armenian and American military will take place in Armenia from July 15 to 24, the Armenian Defense Ministry reports.

The purpose of the exercises is to prepare for international peacekeeping missions. The peacekeeping brigade of the Armenian Armed Forces, the US ground forces in Europe and Africa, and the Kansas National Guard are participating. The program aims to stabilize relations between the conflicting parties and increase combat readiness.

For the first time, the Eagle Partner exercises were held in Armenia in 2023 with the participation of 85 American and 175 Armenian servicemen.

На фоне недавних сообщений об отмене ранее запланированных военных учений Грузии и США, это сообщение еще больше показывает лимитрофную позицию кавказских республик.
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