So there is Quarantine on the Earth...
It's a non-interference rule... not quarantine.. A non-interference rule...
Like the "Prime Directive" in Star Trek?
StarTrek11Yea, but if you want a consultation... if you are fretting about something, wringing your hands and you said "oh what to do and this or that..." you are in essence giving the call requesting consultation. And you will get an offer from Visitors to talk to them about it. This is known as "becoming a contactee" - because of your request- and you can say "Oh no... No, no never mind... I didn't realize I was calling you ." I'll talk to my family minister about it, not to a bunch of weird looking guys. You know, you can say no... You are in control. But now be aware... approximately 5%of all out visitors are down here talking to the approximate 5% of humanity which is not good hearted. They are greedy. And they are called the Service to Self. They have never grown up and learned how to care for others as much as themselves. They are still just as selfish as a newborn baby. So if you give the wrong call... If your desire is not to help your neighbor or what to do about someone who is in pain that you care about... If your desire is to figure out how to get rid of your neighbor so you can make out with his wife, you're giving the call to the Service to Self and they are not nice people.
They will lie to you. They will misguide you...
They sound like demons to me...
Yes... Yes... exactly... they can't harm you, they can't run off with you... but they can give you bad advice.
And all this Satanic rituals kind of stuff... that's really based on people just trying to get something for nothing by giving a call to those characters.
So there are War like aliens? Or are they all benevolent?
Yes, the Service to Self type.
The way it’s structured... It's young worlds where souls can be sparked, then they continuingly reincarnate forever, right, and become better and wiser and more massive. But we are a young world where souls are sparked- in other words, born- and on those worlds, those souls aren't really service to others or service to self.. They are just trying to figure it out.
That's the first lesson.. The first thing to be settled...
But after that, there is a separation and the five percent (on average)that stay service to self are then sent off to a prison planet to live with each other and that's what the Zetas say is Hell. It’s not a burning place... it's where you have to live... Dick Cheney and George W. Bush are gonna have to live with each other and argue about who has to clean the toilet.