Nanny carrying severed head of a child arrested in Russia, police say

dugdeep said:
I'm actually wondering if this is a case of a Greenbaumed subject "going off early", as was discussed in the C's sessions. The fact that she kept making references to having a bomb and that she was a suicide bomber makes me wonder if she was perhaps being set up for something bigger but got triggered early by something else. Maybe a plan for the upcoming Russian elections?

Well, all things considered, "Greenbaum type programming" really refers to being programmed to "go off at a signal" and it does seem that this woman was either really hiding deep pathology all her life, or something happened to her to set her up to "go off" and then that signal occurred. And the signal can be anything as stage hypnosis demonstrates. Instead of being programmed to think she was a chicken on a stage, something more sinister was involved. So I would imagine that setting "signals" is most often carefully done so as to avoid, as much as possible, premature triggering. But I'm sure it's not a perfect science.

The incident is staggering and heartbreaking for the poor, innocent child and the parents. God, what a mess our world has become!
RT video of the Nanny coming into court - she rubs her throat and stomach a few times and looks relatively uncomfortable, and then waves at the camera a few times. Her eyes look dull:

‘Allah ordered me’ to kill child: Woman accused of beheading 4yo appears in Russian court
Published on 2 Mar 2016

The nanny accused of beheading a four-year-old girl in Moscow and waving her severed head outside a Metro station told journalists before a court hearing that ‘Allah ordered’ her to murder the chil READ MORE:

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Laura said:
The incident is staggering and heartbreaking for the poor, innocent child and the parents. God, what a mess our world has become!

A mess almost seems like an understatement. It's difficult to think of anything more evil than parading around with a child's severed head. :( The parents must be devastated.
Laura said:
dugdeep said:
I'm actually wondering if this is a case of a Greenbaumed subject "going off early", as was discussed in the C's sessions. The fact that she kept making references to having a bomb and that she was a suicide bomber makes me wonder if she was perhaps being set up for something bigger but got triggered early by something else. Maybe a plan for the upcoming Russian elections?

Well, all things considered, "Greenbaum type programming" really refers to being programmed to "go off at a signal" and it does seem that this woman was either really hiding deep pathology all her life, or something happened to her to set her up to "go off" and then that signal occurred. And the signal can be anything as stage hypnosis demonstrates. Instead of being programmed to think she was a chicken on a stage, something more sinister was involved. So I would imagine that setting "signals" is most often carefully done so as to avoid, as much as possible, premature triggering. But I'm sure it's not a perfect science.

The incident is staggering and heartbreaking for the poor, innocent child and the parents. God, what a mess our world has become!

As some other forum members have mentioned ,I remember, that in some session here on the forum , that it was mentioned that this trigger could sometimes be without an intention of their masters. Suddenly something, some change in electromagnetic field of the earth or some specific place , or some change in their minds could act as a trigger for all those Greenbaum programmed puppets who are asleep now. Could such an event make a mass "awakening" and activation of large number of " asleep agents". The results can be uncontrollable and terrifying even for their masters. I dont know if this is a such a case , but i just remembered this topic from earlier.
Keit said:
There are several interesting things about this horrendous incident. First, this article (in Russian) says that investigators are in contact with their colleagues from Uzbekistan in order to find out what happened to the woman there. . Apparently the nanny left Russia in the end of December and returned from Uzbekistan a month later.

The parents of the butchered girl say that the nanny lived 3 years with them without incident. The article also says that the woman was clearly incoherent afterwards, as if on psychotropic drugs. So there is a good possibility for some sort of "going off".

In the link Itellsya posted, it stated:

The mass-circulation Moskovsky Komsomolets, citing Uzbek police, said the woman had suffered from schizophrenia for about 15 years.

Komsomolskaya Pravda, citing a close family friend, said the live-in nanny had recently become very religious, spent a lot of time online and had brought home a prayer mat.

Also ... The shocking incident has shaken usually hard-bitten Muscovites and people have flocked to the Oktyabrskoe Pole metro station to lay flowers and pray.

In a Daily Mail article: "Sources say the babysitter told interrogators she did not want to hide from police, and aimed to draw maximum attention to what she has done."

This afternoon, the investigation was taken over by the FSB, Russia's powerful domestic secret service, once headed by Vladimir Putin. Police are not currently treating the incident as terrorism.

The dead girl's mother, Ekaterina Meshcheryakova, collapsed in the street upon hearing the horrific news. She was taken to hospital in an unconscious condition.

Anastasia also had a father, Vladimir Meshcheryakov, who is a technician at a mobile phone company, and a brother Konstantin, 15.
Taking into account that Russians help Muslims and assuming that we have to do with person brainwashed and controlled from the outside.

I would say that this incident has on aim: reduction of support for Muslims from threatened territories, among Russian society.

If there were attacks, for example, similar to those in Paris. It would arouse anger toward arab terrorists, among Russians, then more Russian people would be interested to join forces in the fight against i.a. IS.

But after thing like this. Boys will join the army to fight... the nannies? Not necessarily. But in order to create distrust, distance and confusion to people who by definition should be positive and empathetic. It may work.

And killing the child in way like this and behaving just after, makes it more shocking, so that no one missed this event.
Just adding my 2 cent... that It’s possible it was a result of greenbaum programming... though its probably easy enough for a person suffering from DID, to form an identity that aligns with a malignant twisted narrative to become a head chopping psychotic maniac, or just a preacher quoting some old testament to propaganda... instigating fear and hatred... keeping the overlords or entropy in business, so to speak

I know of a fundamentalist group who deliberately use hypnosis on people... complete bunch of f&%&^ petty tyrants, “if you not with them your against them” and fair game to destroy, these guys cause people to take their own lives, via third party manipulation, similar to greenbaum programming, the perfect crime... one poor guy ended up in a monastery and developed cancer and refused any pain management, he died in physical and emotional agony... a feast for the overlords of entropy.

Maybe something just as sinister might have happened to the poor parents, either way it must be sheer hell for them...

Derren Brown has a show called, The Assassin on YouTube, final show is called The Assassin: Shooting Stephen Fry... basically programming a guy to shoot another, one can believe the experiment or not. I found it interesting... _
Interesting article focusing on The Moscow Times by Russian Insider. Is it possible - The Moscow Times is funded by Soro's/U.S. interests?

'The Moscow Times' Is Outraged the Kremlin Won't Glorify Child Murder
Because not broadcasting a child's severed head on national TV is clearly just one more example of the terrible censorship of Putin's regime.

On February 29, 2016 in Moscow, a deranged 38 year old migrant from Uzbekistan beheaded a 4 year old disabled girl she was babysitting. She waited for the parents to leave, then killed the girl and set the apartment on fire. She was arrested outside a Moscow metro station, dressed in black, holding up the child's severed head and screaming "I am a terrorist!"

A gruesome, and terrible tragedy. One that makes you wish Russia had not, in its attempt to emulate Western Europe, bowed to pressure to suspend the death penalty.

Enter Anna Dolgov and The Moscow Times, a publication notorious for its thinly veiled Russophobic journalism.

I find Moscow Times particularly curious for the fact they distribute the print version of the publication free-of-charge. There is hardly any advertising. It raises the question who pays their bills. Well, I can make an educated guess.

I am always offered a copy on Aeroflot flights. It's very gracious of Putin's dictatorship to hand out this tripe on Russia's state-owned airline. Unless of course there is a shortage of toilet paper in the lavatory.

Well, apparently the business model of not charging anything didn't work out for them, as they were forced to cease their daily print edition last November and go to a weekly format.

Or maybe it's just that the majority of expats who move to Moscow (their target audience) aren't interested in reading the same old banal anti-Putin diatribes they can in Western papers.

I will give them credit for occasionally publishing information about scandals or local news that otherwise wouldn't be reported in English - one reason their stories occasionally appear on Russia Insider. But their agenda is clear.

Back to the matter of this tragic and disgusting murder. Ms. Dolgov had the following to say about the lack of coverage on Russian TV channels:

The Kremlin has decided that some incidents in Russia are too incendiary to be shown on television.

After police on Monday detained a woman who was brandishing the severed head of a child and threatening to blow herself up in northwestern Moscow, Russia's digital media and social networks were overflowing with updates on the story and expressions of horror and outrage.

But none of the major television networks — including Channel One, Rossia-1, NTV and Moscow's TVTs — made a single mention of the incident in their newscasts, the RBC business news agency reported. RBC said its journalists watched all newscasts by these and other television channels following the woman's detention.

The majority of Russians get their news from television, according to polls, and as far as the main television networks were concerned, the bloodcurdling story simply did not happen.

Apart from masquerading as a news story what is actually an opinion piece (something typical for Moscow Times), the implication by Ms. Dolgov is that there was a concerted effort by the Kremlin and Russian TV channels to keep the Russian people uninformed about this incident.

That is simply inaccurate. The case has been widely discussed in Russian media in the last few days, and not only in "digital media and social networks." It has been on the front page of Russia's leading newspapers. They have quickly gathered facts on the woman's background. There is all manner of speculation about her motive, as well as her sanity.

Here is the story reported yesterday in Kommersant:

The Komsomolskaya Pravda reporting also includes photos of the makeshift memorial of toys and flowers left by Muscovites at the site where the murderous nanny was arrested with the child's head.

One wonders how so many people learned about it, since "the majority" of Russians get their news from TV, according to Ms. Dulgov, where of course, there was no coverage.

In fact, even Kommersant ran a story about this incident being excluded from TV - probably the uncredited original inspiration for the Moscow Times piece.

Let's see how Dulgov reported what Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Peskov said:

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied the administration issuing any directives to the networks, but said he approved of the absence of the incident from television newscasts.

“The channels themselves decided to not show crazy people,” Peskov was quoted by RBC as saying. “But we support them.”

Unidentified employees of Russian television networks told RBC the authorities wanted the story scrapped from newscasts to avoid drawing the nation's attention to ethnically or religiously charged issues.

First of all, the nanny's full name, age, ethnic and national origin, and religious views have been covered in depth in Russian newspapers. The suggestion of the "unidentified employees" that the Russian government is trying to prevent that information from being highlighted is therefore absurd and easily disproved.

The fact is, the TV censorship (which nobody denies happened, whether it was ordered by the Kremlin or not), is a question of propriety, not one of infringing the freedom of the press. Sober discussion and speculation in print media is appropriate and fully accessible to the public.

It is a question of not rewarding and glorifying a reprehensible act through the medium of video and television. Apparently in their clear bias in favor of the idea that Russia must embrace all things Western, The Moscow Times and Anna Dulgov fail to see this fact outside their ideological blinders.

The Kommersant article shed some light on the decision of the TV channels when it asked the opinion of Leonid Levin, head of the Duma Committee on Information Policy:

He said that a crime against a child "surpasses all known levels of cruelty and immorality." The was "covered on all media channels, including television," and therefore "to talk about concealing or prohibition of information is unfair."

But "the constant accusations of mass media about promoting violence and the cynical attempt to create regulatory authorities, aimed at combating the cult of violence and cruelty in the media, of course imply reasonable care on the part of editors", assured Mr. Levin. This he considered "reasonable editorial policy", which "allowed them to convey timely information to citizens, while reducing possible damage to the health of social relationships."

This is precisely one of the things most wrong with mass media in the West and the United States in particular - the glorification of senseless or gruesome violence. It inspires "copycat" crimes, and has unmeasurable negative effects on the mental health of the population at large and the development of children in particular.

"Killing sprees" in Russia, though they have occurred, are rare.

But hey, if America does it, it must be better than the way they do things here in backward Russia. I say, shame on Russian media for not emphasizing arson and decapitation nearly enough.

Curiously, The Moscow Times apparently did not consider Mr. Levin worth citing when they wrote their piece.
The Moscow Times definitely comes across as a disinfo rag.
angelburst29 said:
Interesting article focusing on The Moscow Times by Russian Insider. Is it possible - The Moscow Times is funded by Soro's/U.S. interests?

It has an alliance with the New York Times, and yeah it definitely pushes Western propaganda.
Gosh my heart goes out to the poor child and her parents. Sadly it can easily happen. I had nannies and au pairs for my children, sadly due to my alcholic husband and having to go to work. I had two girls, during that time, despite my doing rigorous background checking, that turned out to be very suspect schizoid, unhealthy types. We had some near misses, despite my being super vigilant about my children. It can so easily happen. One warning broken, or my 'rules' for the safety of my children not respected and they were history.

Never can we be too careful. Another I instantly dismissed for not using safety belts in our car for the children AND going on a 'outing' with them and her boyfriend. Sadly the need to pay bills means many mothers have to very reluctantly, me for sure, have to go out to work when having children means taking the responsibility of Being there for your children.

In today's society I wouldn't even feel safe letting my kids alone in a nursery school with all the paedophiles around!
It's starting to stink, i think:
'Revenge against Putin for Syrian airstrikes': Nanny who beheaded child in Moscow 'explains' killing

Published on 3 Mar 2016 (1 minutes)

Note: Turn on subtitles to see English translation
The nanny accused of beheading a four-year-old girl and waving her severed head outside a Moscow Metro station said it was revenge for “Putin's airstrikes in Syria.” The claim came as it emerged the woman was a
mental hospital patient in her native Uzbekistan - READ MORE

Added: from what i gather from the subtitles, she chose to kill a child because Russia is bombing Muslims. And she wanted to go to Syria. She appears quite vacant and clearly there's no logic to her 'because Russia is bombing Muslims' - unless she's somehow happened to miss what the US has been doing for the past 10 years (and longer). Which is why, for me, it stinks of a set up, early detonation, mis-fire, whatever, what's being said and her desired outcome stink of the usual. - i'll try and find the transcript because the above is just my interpretation.
From the link
The nanny accused of beheading a four-year-old girl and waving her severed head outside a Moscow Metro station said it was revenge for “Putin's airstrikes in Syria” while it has emerged the woman was a mental hospital patient in her native Uzbekistan.

“While people commit such crimes at the time of a sharp aggravation of the disease, they explain their actions when already in remission. One can hear some of the most incredible and fantastic versions of the motives. Some consider themselves to be Napoleons, others think they are an Indira Gandhi, etc – you name it. If there's anyone who should take [Gulchekhra Bobokulova's] words seriously, it's the psychiatrists,” Vladimir Markin, spokesman for the Investigative Committee, said on Thursday.

A Samarkand regional mental hospital in Uzbekistan confirmed on Wednesday that Bobokulova had been registered with a local psychiatrist. "Gulchekhra Bobokulova has been registered with our institution with a diagnosis of 'acute schizophrenic disorder' since 2003,” hospital officials told RIA Novosti, adding that the patient had regularly demonstrated "deviations in psyche, along with the loss of control over her actions."

In video footage leaked online on Wednesday, Bobokulova is heard speaking erratically: "I took revenge against those who spilled blood... Putin spilled blood, planes carried out bombings. Why are Muslims being killed? They also want to live," she told an investigator in the video.

She says that she had wanted to relocate to Syria, but lacked the money to move. When asked whether she wanted to join Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), Bobokulova replies “I don't know,” adding that she “just wanted to live there.” She says she has been avidly reading the Koran, and that God told her that “the end of the world is coming in a second.”

Numerous videos released online on Monday recorded Bobokulova's indistinct speech as she waved the girl's severed head outside the Metro station. It was possible to make out some of her words, however, including “I hate democracy. I’m a terrorist. I'm your suicide bomber… I'm going to die in a second…The end of the world…”

A spokesman for Russia's Investigative Committee has urged media outlets not to jump to hasty conclusions regarding Bobokulova's motives, saying that she will first be given a thorough psychological and psychiatric examination.

Bobokulova appeared in court on Wednesday over the alleged murder of the girl in her care. She briefly stated that she was born in 1977 and has three sons, aged from 16 to 20. When asked if she pleaded guilty, Bobokulova replied “Yes.” She was seen smiling inside the court cage.

Bobokulova, who did not have a work permit, was reportedly employed as a nanny to the deceased girl for at least 18 months. She will officially be charged on March 4, and will be preliminarily detained until April 29.

Investigators are trying to identify Bobokulova’s boyfriend, who she mentioned during questioning. Her friend, Aziza Gazoeva, told RIA Novosti that Bobokulova had acted aggressively during her last visit to Uzbekistan, allegedly under the influence of her boyfriend.
Laura said:
dugdeep said:
I'm actually wondering if this is a case of a Greenbaumed subject "going off early", as was discussed in the C's sessions. The fact that she kept making references to having a bomb and that she was a suicide bomber makes me wonder if she was perhaps being set up for something bigger but got triggered early by something else. Maybe a plan for the upcoming Russian elections?

Well, all things considered, "Greenbaum type programming" really refers to being programmed to "go off at a signal" and it does seem that this woman was either really hiding deep pathology all her life, or something happened to her to set her up to "go off" and then that signal occurred. And the signal can be anything as stage hypnosis demonstrates. Instead of being programmed to think she was a chicken on a stage, something more sinister was involved. So I would imagine that setting "signals" is most often carefully done so as to avoid, as much as possible, premature triggering. But I'm sure it's not a perfect science.

The incident is staggering and heartbreaking for the poor, innocent child and the parents. God, what a mess our world has become!

I am wondering if Putin is aware about Greenbaumed type programming and what is going to be his next movement due to this horrible incident.Yes Laura our world is more that a mess...The red line has been cross...we are seeing a lot of awful incidents with of the most beautiful energies in this planet :(

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