Namaste said:
Laura said:
How DO they know exactly what to say or do or how to act to fool people so completely? Their uncanny ability to project or mirror whatever traits they need in order to get what they want must come from somewhere.
Could it be like in the book "Blink". They are very good machine and they gather a lot of information in their computer and therefore they recognize in a blink how to fool someone???
Well, yes that is one way to try to answer this pertinent question. Let’s not forget that the downloading of information in their computer starts from a very early age onwards.
Children can at times be very hurtful to one another, all of them, but one more than the other of course. Still, normal, non-psychopatic children will show signs of growing empathy towards other children. At times, they will feel pain themselves when another child has been hurt, or is crying, and will try to comfort the other child. They might become angry, when they are confronted with lies, or injustice. They will feel remorse when they come to realize how much they just hurt another child.
I imagine that the situation must be entirely different for a psychopathic child. Maybe they will start laughing when another child will have hurt itself and will be reprimanded for that. If the reprimand is something they decide to avoid, next time they will run a different program. It’s as simple as that. Let’s not forget that those without empathy will never have moments of remorse, or guilt. They do not have to spend time and energy for such things. And is it not such that non-psychopatic children, and adults too actually, spend an enormous amount of time and energy to cope with guilt, remorse, and in developing a moral system that is fundamentally anchored within conscience? I guess that this vast amount of time and energy remains for a psychopathic person to be used differently. It becomes spare time and surplus energy that they can deploy to learn to mimic behaviour, or to fantasize on different scenarios, or to experiment with the reactions of normal people, ... This might explain why their mimicking is so precise.
Also, I don’t think that psychopathic individuals have dysfunctional mirror-cells. I think the dysfunction is to be found at a different location. One doesn’t need empathy to learn to mimic behaviour, and learn what it does to other people. But a psychopath by means of lack of empathy will be able to study a much wider spectrum of behaviours and the repercussions it has on other people, as he will not be confined by a frame of conscience that naturally develops in normal children. A psychopath will very much learn this by trial and error, very much like a machine, while a normal child will be guided and confined by this kernel of conscience and empathy that is fully growing. This might explain why their mimicking and downloaded behaviour programs can be so divergent and towards extremes.
There is also an entirely different way that could explain some of their "intelligence". It factors in the hyper-dimensional aspect. They are "possessed" so to say and most probably at one time more than at other times. Maybe most people are possessed but normal people are usually able to withstand the pressure of an STS possession as they prefer to be guided by conscience, while psychopaths are not able to withstand such possession as they simply don't have any conscience.
While I don’t think that this explains their uncanny capacity to mimic behaviour (the above explanation can do), it might explain why they are so good in picking the right behaviour from their spectrum of downloaded programs for one particular setting. More importantly, it might explain their seeming urge to steal energy at every turn, sign the wrong documents, forget things at the (for the predator) right timing, make the wrong decisions (from a normal person’s perspective), appear out of the blue to disturb an important communication between normal individuals and !!! at times seem to act in unison, against normal people from entirely different spots on our BBM.
As with that psychopathic serial killer for instance who claimed that he didn’t plan it and was just walking through nature, and that once he passed that window didn’t remember anything, thereby going for a not-premeditated murder. But he climbed through the window and slaughtered the girl with the scythe. When asked why he picked up the scythe three hours before, he did not know why he did that.
They are not only machines with downloaded behaviour programs. Maybe, at times the machines are remote controlled.