The Force is Strong With This One
Greetings to all on this forum.
Bernhard said:Hola there!
Your first post and just a link?
Maybe a little introduction of yourself and what this link is all about would be appreciated.![]()
Bernhard said:Who is Nassim Haramein and why do you promote his work on here? Are you affiliated with him?
anonymousoneuk said:..Salutations, Here i stand, a spectacle of satirical yet sublime secrecy, swept substitionally upon the societal stage, stereotyped as both scoundrel and subordinate by a swift stoic shift of destiny. This Semblance of Self, no surface show of supercilious superiority, is but a symbol of suffrigi to the status quo, now silenced, suppressed. However, this stalwart specter of a by-gone stance, stands spirited and steadfast and has sworn to surmount these shameless and splenetic scum safeguarding shylocks and supporting the scurrilous serpentines and stiflers of sovereignty. Sequentia! - stridulous yet stimulating subjection, seeking sanction against the sachem of a sadistic statute. Surely, This Shibboleth of sagacious speech swerves sonorously, so let me simply summate that i am significantly honoured to meet you, and you can call me S. ;D
Nassim Haramein (born November 20, 1962) is a Swiss-born self-trained scientist who claims to have developed a unified field theory together with physicist Elizabeth Rauscher which he calls the Haramein-Rauscher metric.[1]
In 2003, Haramein founded a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, The Resonance Project Foundation, where he is currently the Director of Research. The Foundation sells a 4 DVD set of Harameins's ideas called "Crossing the Event Horizon: Rise to the Equation".
Haramein claims his theory explains the origin of spin, which he defines as a "spacetime torque." He claims that his amendment to Einstein’s Field Equations, which incorporates torque and Coriolis effects in "'plasma dynamics'"[2] interacting with a "polarized geometric structured vacuum", produces a unified field theory. Further, he and Dr. Rauscher have developed a "Scaling Law for Organized Matter"[3], which characterizes all matter from subatomic to galactic and universal size as various sized black holes. His unified field theory and the fractals associated with this "Scaling Law" are integral to his concept of a "Holofractographic Universe".
In a least one lecture he claims to decode crop circles.[4] Topics discussed in his 4 DVD set in addition to his unified field theory include "The Arc of the Covenant, Knights Templar, Emmanuel's Tomb, Kabbalah, Tree of Life Decoded".[5] Haramein notes that some of the geometry referred to in his theory has also been found in the ruins of ancient structures as well as crop circles.
In June 2008, Haramein announced that the Resonance Project has lost its funding, and would be vacating its headquarters in Hawaii. In a letter to his supporters, Haramein appealed for donations, and encouraged his supporters to promo his DVD set, saying "This work is for humanity and should be supported by humanity."[6]
In California, it was discovered by Dr. Adey that animal brain waves could be altered directly by ELF fields. It was found that monkey brains would fall in phase with ELF waves. These waves could easily pass through the skull, which normally protected the central nervous system from outside influence.
In San Leandro, Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher, director of Technic Research Laboratory, has been doing ELF/brain research with human subjects for some time. One of the frequencies produces nausea for more than an hour. Another frequency, she calls it the marijuana frequency, gets people laughing. "Give me the money and three months,"she says, "and I'll be able to affect the behavior of eighty percent of the people in this town without their knowing it."
Ark said:I glanced through the paper and then went to the Appendix. It is often a very good idea to start with the appendix, because whoever is the author, less attention is being paid to the appendix, because the deceiver would think: "who is gonna read the appendix anyway?" it is there to create a good impression.
So I went to the appendix, and after reading the first two paragraphs I was sure that this paper is
a) a fishing expedition
b) a disinfo
c) a joke
The mathematical nonsense telling that the paper was prepared by a well paid student is evident. Well, perhaps not a student, perhaps someone like Dan Winter with his credo: the public is too stupid to see the difference
It is a fishing expedition, because once in a while there is a catch sentence that should attract those who may know something about some open problem
It is disinfo, because it contains some truth but suggests a wrong path.
It is a joke, because I am sure someone was having a good laugh accepting the final version (I am sure there were several drafts)
Every specialist will know on first sight, looking into the appendix that it is a joke. But how many specialists will read it? Perhaps I am only the second one in the whole world. I would estimate there are ca 100-200 experts in these areas on the planet, those who on the first glance would know instantly.
If you would like a confirmation of what I said, find any theoretical physicist who knows group theory and show him the end of the first sentence of the third paragraph in the appendix:
"... SO3, the special orthogonal SU3 group."
Watch his face!
The point is that it takes one day to write a nonsensical paper. It takes one month for a real scientist to find out with a practical certainty that it is just that - nonsense.
These people are well aware of this fact and they use it, consciously or not.
The MIC is also taking the full advantage of it.
I was listening to a radio interview of Haramein. He was described as a "theoretical physicist", but he is not a theoretical physicist, for sure. Perhaps he has some fancy ideas, much like a boy. There are millions of such visionaries on the planet. The funny thing is that he likes to play with the "Star of David" and such things. He has no idea about the math, he says that Einstein's field equations are the most difficult stuff on the planet, while I was teaching these equations to my students, and they did not have problems with them!
I think he is just a smart kid that is being used. Instead of prompting him to get an education, they use him as a decoy.
Laura said:Among the things you will hear on his videos is Haramein boldly stating that there is no way that human beings built the pyramids of Egypt, Mexico, China, etc. at least certainly not in the amount of time and using the methods propounded by archaeologists.
Can't argue with that IMHO.
He gets into the cryptid skull remains with huge cranial capacities and indicating body heights of 12-15 feet found in Peru and Mexico:
I've been interested in those things for years! See:
He gets into the Arecibo/Chilbolton crop circle "dialogue"
See my article on the topic:
I think he is just a smart kid that is being used. Instead of prompting him to get an education, they use him as a decoy.
Elizabeth Rauscher the erstwhile nuclear physicist was there and Bill van Bise. Of course those two aging scientists would attend, after all they had been living gratis on the same estate thanks to the largesse of Josh Reynolds when he was alive. In spite of everything Norwood Robinson an attorney could do to get them off the property they absolutely refused to leave. "Ain't going to do it!" they more or less declared but seemed to have left it open for negations, having filed a claim against the estate for $40,000. You gotta admire the sense of play of a woman of Rauscher's high education who tacks up a picture of Perry Mason and declares that he is her attorney in these matters. Very cool. Her companion William van Bise, was reported to be working on an electronic device for the enhancement of extrasensory perception. More X-files!!
Good old Josh Reynolds had supported Puharich for about seventeen years. He was the grandson of the founder of Reynolds tobacco. Ricky Morell, staff writer of the Charlotte Observer called Josh "a quirky, private man". Well Josh is quirky no more having begun his dirt nap about six months before Puharich tumbled down the stairs. One of Puharich's finely honed and most excellently tuned abilities was garnering monetary support from the rich. He excelled at it, Josh Reynold being merely the last in the chain that wends its way back to the late 1940's. "He was a brilliant man, who, in order to get money for his research needed the rich, who used him for entertainment." Bep avowed to me in the same letter in which she growled that I had better mind my P's and Q's.
Puharich, brilliant man, was one of those kind of in the military and kind of not in the military back in the late 1940's. During the planetary blood letting known as the second world war the army had picked up a number of promising individuals to participate in what was then called the Army Specialized Training Program. This group would provide the doctors and dentists to replace those that got shot up or to augment those already in place. Huge casualties were expected and advanced planing was the order of the day. Andrija, received his medical education compliments of the United States Government who picked up the tab. He was officially given the rank of private during his tutelage. By the time he had gotten smart doctor-wise the war was over. By the time he had completed his residency at Permanente on the west coast the Army Specialized Training Program was dropped. His medical education took place at the ever-lovely and most diligent school of big data, Northwestern University. Andrija busied himself there easing animals into sleep with low frequency square waves and then operating on them. Throughout his life Andrija performed many outrages on four legged inhabitants of earth, slicing and dicing them as he saw the need to do so all in the name of science. Dogs were a favorite. One of life's little mysteries is why he belonged to the Kennel Club, but he did. It was while he was at Northwestern that Andrija put his mental-pedal to the mental-metal and came up with his Theory of Nerve Conduction.
The theory proposed that the neuron units radiate and receive waves of energy which he calculated to be in the ultrashortwave bands below infrared and above the radar spectrum. Therefore the basic nerve units - neurons - are a certain type of radio receiver-transmitter. Hot spit! The theory got passed around and glimpsed by various high personages of 1940's scientific importance. Among them was Paul Weiss, a neurophysiologist at the University of Chicago. Jose Delgado, the guy who tortured animals by putting electronic implants into their brains to influence their behaviour liked Paul Weiss and you can find his grateful acknowledgment to the man in his 've know vat's goot for you' book "Toward a Psychocivilized Society." While his nerve conduction manuscript was thusly circulating Puharich headed out for California to do his internship as a medical researcher. He spent a year or so at the Permanente Research Foundation. During that time he carried out research into the effects of digatoid drugs was funded by Sandoz Chemical Works. Sandoz, isn't that the same name as the famous LSD-In-Your-face pharmaceutical company?
One of the three scientists ordered to leave the Surry County estate of Richard Joshua Reynolds died last night after suffering a heart attack and falling down a flight of steps.
Dr. Andrija Puharich, aged 76, fell about 7:15 p.m. Puharich was extremely frail and his health had been failing, said Susan Mandell, who took care of Puharich. Mandell said earlier that Puharich would not fight the magistrate's eviction order, and that he was waiting for his social security check because he couldn't afford to move.
The other scientists, Elizabeth Rauscher and William Van Bise, are fighting the eviction order, and said that Puharich had changed his mind and had filed to fight the eviction order.
The executor of the estate said that he had recently talked to Surry County Social Services to get Puharich involuntarily committed so he would get some medical help. "I knew he could not continue in that environment without first class medical attention."
To the people who had known Andrija Puharich, the news of his death came as a shock. Many knew that his health had been failing, but few were aware that, in spite of his frail condition, he was fighting an eviction order. It had all started in June 1994 when Richard Joshua Reynolds died.
In 1980, Josh, as his friends called him, had invited Andrija to the estate to study the effects of electromagnetic field on brain waves.
However, when he died, he had not provided for Andrija in his will. The executor handling the sale of the estate had no alternative than to ask Andrija to vacate the premises. The date was set for September 15, 1994. Andrija was resolved to leave, sadly, but nevertheless with all intent. However, in July 1994, he collapsed and was hospitaised. Examination showed severe diabetes; kidney failure, related to the diabetes; anemia, secondary to the kidney function; high blood pressure; progressive dementia, due to the anemia and lack of blood supply to the brain.
He had sudden violent outbursts, pulled out IV's and pulled off the telemetry patches. He also had a rash on his leg, a possible onset of gangrene.
The doctors advised Andrija to look for placement in a rest home, but he refused to even consider it. It was then decided to return him to the care of Susan Mandell, but to keep placement in a rest home in mind. On the day of his discharge Andrija was stable, talkative and in good spirits, but on the way home he suddenly developed generaised weakness and was re-hospitaised. A few days later he insisted again on leaving, and Susan signed him out.
If only he had not been so bull-headed he might still be alive.
Andrija Puharich was my former husband, and father of my two children, Yvonne and Andy. We knew that he was seriously ill, and that he had to leave the estate. We had therefore come from Holland - where we have lived since 1965 - for a possible last visit, and to help with the packing and moving. This had been four months ago, in September 1994.
Unfortunately at the last minute Andrija refused to go with Andy to upstate New York, where Andy had rented and furnished a small apartment for his father and Susan, not too far from Maritza, Andrija's daughter.
It was a sad ending of a difficult, but also wonderful visit. It was a time of lovingness. Danica, also a daughter from Andrija's first marriage had joined us, and in the evening we would all sit on the porch, enjoying the sound of the rushing stream some yards out in front, and the racket of the crickets. Andrija was like a child, loving every minute of our company. With a happy smile on his face he would look at each of us and say over and over again that we should do this more often. He thought it was Christmas, and he thanked me for getting the whole gang together. "You were always such a great organizer,'' he said.
It was wonderful to see how, because of this happiness, his periods of lucidity became longer each day. We acted like the lovebirds we once were, holding hands and chatting away, to the delight of the children. They had never seen their parents that way.
And now, only four months later we are back in North Carolina for the interment.
We sit together quietly as we drive through the rugged countryside in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains towards 'Devotion', the Reynold's estate.
Glancing over my shoulder, I see Yvonne's hand on the black plastic box that contains her father's ashes. Her face is pale, her eyes large and dark. The same beautiful blue as her father's used to be. What is she thinking?
So much has happened since we left the Netherlands three days ago. After the call that Andrija had fallen down the stairs and died, we had taken the next possible flight from Amsterdam to North Carolina. Because none of the other children could come we had taken it upon us to fulfill Andrija's wish to be cremated.
I shudder as I remember the conversation with the gentleman from the funeral home. To perform an inexpensive cremation - there was no insurance, and no money - he would pick up Andrija's body at Mt. Airy hospital in Dobson, bring it to Greensboro - the only crematorium for Surry County - and execute the cremation as soon as possible. Thinking of the way it is done in the Netherlands. I had asked if we could be anywhere close by to sit in prayer, and if we could see the body.
"I'm sorry," he answered, "that's not customary. Besides, we might do the cremation at night."
"With nobody present, nobody to say goodbye to him?" I asked.
"I thought you wanted it as inexpensive as possible. If you want another kind of cremation..."
"No, but it sounds so cold and heartless. How will you bring Dr. Puharich to Greensboro?"
"In a body-bag, ma'am."
I couldn't believe what I heard.
Andy had handed me a tissue and put his arm around me, "papa taught us that the body is only a place where the soul lives temporarily", he said, "it is not him in that bag, mama."
I could tell by his voice that he too was shocked and in the eyes of Yvonne I saw the same.
"He also told us that the body is a temple for the soul. Even in the poorest part of India, they cremate their dead with respect," I had whispered.
Seeing our distress, the gentleman promised to deliver Andrija's ashes to the motel, so we could have a private ceremony.
Next to me, handsome in his dark suit, my son looks solemn. I know that he is thinking of how to conduct the ceremony, what to say. I would like to voice my feelings also, but I know that I won't be able to. Instead I'll read a last farewell that Phyllis Schlemmer, a long-time friend of Andrija, has given me. It is from Judith Skutch, another friend, and supporter of his work. Unable to come herself, she had faxed the message to Phyllis:
"Beloved teacher... it is with tremendous gratitude that I celebrate your life today. You will never know how profoundly you influenced my life. There must be thousands of others who can say the same thing. Go in peace and watch over us. With love. "
Judith' words reflect my own feelings. Andrija had been my teacher also, and he certainly influenced my life profoundly. Although we were together for only seven years, we had known each other for nearly forty.
I had just turned 26 when I met Andrija. I was a happy girl, very much in love with a wonderful boy, with whom I was to go to Holland to visit my parents, and afterwards to India. How differently everything had turned out.
Meeting him after he had just taken his mentally ill wife to a hospital, Andrija -then Dr. Puharich, to me - begged me to take care 'temporarily' of his three daughters. When we were "young and foolish" and fell in love, my life changed drastically. Instead of going with my friend to Holland, I became a full-time mother of three little girls, and later of a daughter and son of my own.
After we had signed the papers necessary for the release of Andrija's body from the hospital the next day, we were surprised when asked if we wanted to see the deceased. Andy and I had said yes. but Yvonne did not feel up to it. The room we were taken to was nothing more than a storage room, a large closet where they, kept mops. pails, and other cleaning paraphernalia. The nursing supervisor, a nice lady, with a kind face and a soft compassionate voice, warned us that the body had not had any cosmetic treatment and was still as it was at the time of death. We nodded our understanding; glad that at least we were able to say goodbye. After she had put on surgical gloves, the supervisor opened a metal door in the corner of the room and pulled back the plastic shield that covered the body. Yvonne was right not to have come with us.
I wonder if I'll ever be able to erase this last memory of Andrija. His forehead was bruised from the fall down the stairs and under the hairline a wound was visible. His lower denture was gone, receding his lower jar grotesquely. Yet he had a peaceful expression as if he were merely asleep. I kissed his forehead, whispered my thanks for the love we had shared and the children he gave me, and wished him God speed. We were numb with grieve.
Crossing the last of six wooden bridges that span the Mitchell River, we are on the driveway that leads to the big old house. Such sadness, the whole place.
Inside the same filth and stench as in September, with zillion cats scurrying away. I can still hear Andrija's slippered feet shuffling towards the stairs. We had wondered how he still managed to get up and down, unaided and we had been afraid that one day he would slip.
Quickly I go outside to the porch where he used to sit by the hour, enjoying the sound of the rushing stream. I watch the people assembled talking to the reporter from The Charlotte Observer.
Phyllis, and Henry Belk, a businessman from North Carolina, are the only people I know. Israel Carmel is there too. He is a healer and Phyllis' husband. Another medium, like Phyllis, is Mary Myer. She has brought a portable cassette player and a bouquet of red roses. Joseph, her husband is an engineer and a psychical researcher. Also Elizabeth Rauscher, the other scientist who faces eviction, is present. We are waiting for Susan.
Off to the side I spot Kenneth, the caretaker of the estate. He is a big, burly, bearded man with the kindest eyes I have ever seen. When I had first met him in September, he wore a cowboy hat and, what looked like a shark-tooth necklace on his hairy chest. He carried a knife and a gun, "to protect me from snakes," he said. He was at the time with his little daughter, and his tenderness towards her, belied his stern exterior. He and his wife had come to love and respect Andrija.
I touch the small gold wedding band on my right hand ring finger. Not wanting it any longer, I had given it to Yvonne many years ago. "Maybe you want to wear it today," my thoughtful daughter had said.
When Susan appears, Andy asks us to follow him to the bridge for the scattering of the ashes ceremony. He is hugging a white porcelain urn close to his heart.
"I welcome you all on this sad day to say goodbye to a man who has meant a great deal to each and everyone of us at one point or other during his life on planet Earth. I thank you for coming. Some of my dad's friends couldn't be here today, but they have faxed their good-byes. May I ask you to read them, and your own farewells, out loud, please."
While in the background the music softly plays, I listen to the words of love, admiration, and gratitude for Andrija's "pioneering spirit; his courage to tread new paths and open new doors through which he guided others with kindness, generosity and humor."
Although my voice quivers and tears make my vision blurry, I manage to read Judith' message, adding a few words of love of my own.
When all the good-byes are spoken, we stand in a circle and hold hands. Only the sound of flowing water overruns the silence. My daughter's hand feels icy, as must mine feel in hers, and we tighten our grip.
After Andy has given us a chance to touch the urn, or the ashes, as most of us do, he tips the urn over the railing of the bridge. "Goodbye daddy," he whispers, "have a save journey to the other side."
One by one we drop a red rose into the churning water of the Mitchell River and watch them float away. When everybody leaves, we remain behind for a last farewell of our own. A white patch in the river marks the end of an era," as Elizabeth Rauscher had poignantly stated.
Back at the motel the topic of conversation is of course Andrija.
"Such a remarkable man."' I hear Phyllis say. "It was a joy working with him. I have just rewritten my, book The Only Planet Of Choice. I feel that Andrija as the founder of the original group that worked with the Council of Nine should be in it too."
Many years ago I had beard about "The Nine" from Andy, who or what they were I had no idea.
With mischievous eyes and his typical southern drawl, Henry Belk remembers the "fun" he had with Andrija. "All those wonderful things we did together forty years ago. Do you remember Peter Hurkos?" he asks me. 'I brought him to the United States to be studied by André."
anonymousoneuk said:Well...
"I am quite disappointed...
That is i think i am, if it is that you are suggesting Nassim Haramein is promoting Misinformation.
I will try to address some points and give my opinion.
Indeed it is quite unsettling that this Elizabeth Rauscher has played a part in Mr Harameins project.
This is indeed sinister, but perhaps not for the reasons alluded to thus far.
Laura you are quite right in what you say, anyone who has a slightest possibility of solving and revealing the riddles that perplex those in the field of physics not to mention humankind in general, would certainly be pushed out into the fringes of society.
This is what Nassim Haramein has described himself to have experienced.
anonymousoneuk said:Well...
I am quite disappointed...
That is i think i am, if it is that you are suggesting Nassim Haramein is promoting Misinformation.
Laura you are quite right in what you say, anyone who has a slightest possibility of solving and revealing the riddles that perplex those in the field of physics not to mention humankind in general, would certainly be pushed out into the fringes of society.
This is what Nassim Haramein has described himself to have experienced.
Ark, i would guess your analysis on part of the mathematics is correct, however, it seems that you are suggesting that this is a certain indication that Nassim Harameins theories have little potential to carry much weight.
Could Elizabeth Rauscher involvement be for sake of corrupting his efforts because he is on to something?
What better way to prevent someone from speaking their "truth" and revealing mysteries, than to infiltrate and divert?
I say this, but haven't we all been at various stages in our lives? Yet we all got to where we are now, we are all on "the path".
Despite this absence we survived and why?
Because STS cannot subjugate freewill, they can only subvert it.
They cannot destroy truth, they can only distort it.
If he is onto something and they cannot as they cannot kill him or destroy his truth, then would they leave him to his own devises?
Right now i am speaking on account of an intuitive sense, that the way way his explains the progressive development of physics and the way he explains his vision of how it physixcally operates, make sense.
I don't think this is as clear cut case of disinformation as has been suggested, seeing as Mr Haramein has now had his funding cut, i think it will be interesting to see what develops.
anonuk said:Well...
I am quite disappointed...
That is i think i am, if it is that you are suggesting Nassim Haramein is promoting Misinformation.
anonymousoneuk said:Well...
I am quite disappointed...
That is i think i am, if it is that you are suggesting Nassim Haramein is promoting Misinformation.