Need help with burned esophagus

Hey Gertrudes, I've been following your thread and am rooting for you. Sounds like quite the nasty burn you've had. Several days ago I applied too much magnesium oil (over the course of three days) and had as a result some surprising but temporary burns on the back of my legs. It's of course nothing like you've experienced, but I didn't know magnesium could burn like that. Good to hear you're getting some temporary relief with aloe and hopefully you'll be getting some DMSO sooner than later.

Although I have some hesitations about the use of Reiki, I've found it has remarkable results in healing burns. It's probably the only thing I really use it for. It doesn't necessarily heal the wound of the burn, but in my experience it does take the burn out. I don't know if you know of any Reiki practitioners or if you are one, but it's something to consider.

Hope you're better soon.
This sounds terrible, Gertrudes. :cry: I really hope you find some relief soon. I wonder if maybe the muscle relaxing properties of the magnesium have caused the esopageal sphincter to relax allowing stomach acid to spill up into the esophagus. Or maybe the sphincter was damaged by the burn. If the sphincter isn't closing properly, for whatever reason, this would explain the reflux-like symptoms, like it getting worse when you lie down. I don't really have any suggestions, but I certainly hope you feel better soon.
Shane said:
I don't know if you know of any Reiki practitioners or if you are one, but it's something to consider.

I'm a Reiki practitioner and although I hadn't used Reiki for a long time, I did use it this time when the pain became unbarable. I don't really know whether I felt a difference though. I had fever as well so everything felt kinda fuzzy.

Shane said:
Hope you're better soon.

Thanks Shane. I am better today. I'm moving better and managed to walk to the grocery shop, which is a great improvement.

dugdeep said:
I wonder if maybe the muscle relaxing properties of the magnesium have caused the esopageal sphincter to relax allowing stomach acid to spill up into the esophagus. Or maybe the sphincter was damaged by the burn. If the sphincter isn't closing properly, for whatever reason, this would explain the reflux-like symptoms, like it getting worse when you lie down.

I think that's exactly what happened dugdeep. Well, either of those two possibilities. I assume that if there was damage to the sphincter it will heal itself with time....or I very much hope so.
Glad to know that you are improving. Keep progressing, and with the Reiki too. If you have a FIR sauna, you could do the Reiki whilst in the sauna - a double benefit!

Here's a big hug. :hug:
Glad to know you are healing and feeling better Gertrudes :flowers:. I didn't realize that magnesium pills could do that, but the ones I take are so big I can see how they would easily get stuck.
I'm glad to hear that you're doing better today too, and I hope that no significant problems are found when you finally do your endoscopy. I'm also glad that the aloe was helpful, and I hope that and the DGL give you some relief until you heal more completely :flowers:
3D Student said:
Glad to know you are healing and feeling better Gertrudes :flowers:. I didn't realize that magnesium pills could do that, but the ones I take are so big I can see how they would easily get stuck.

Just a note that this wasn't caused by a pill, but rather by undiluted magnesium Powder. I think that it is important to distinguish because although it was my own silly mistake, I can see some of us also doing what I did.
I basically had a teaspoon of undiluted magnesium citrate powder in my mouth and then drank a sip of tea. The magnesium must have had some sort of reaction with either the esophageal juices or the tea itself.

So just out of caution, a warning for everyone: Do not drink powdered magnesium citrate (and probably any magnesium type powder) without diluting it first. It will absolutely kill your esophagus and leave you in bed for nearly a week
I read the label and although, as expected, it informs the consumer of how to take it, there is no warning of how NOT to take it. I'll be writing to Now Foods (the brand) about this.

On a positive note, me and my partner have been stretching our imagination in looking for variety of liquid foods. Today I made something very simple but yummy. If you fancy avocados, try having it in a shake with coconut milk and xilytol. It tastes like ice cream, really delicious.

I am now pain free unless I move too much too fast, lie down, or eat/drink. I think I might go back to work on Friday, or at least by next week :dance:
It's good to know you're doing better Gertrudes.

That avocado shake sounds interesting. Weird, but interesting. I may try it. :)
Great to know there's improvement, Gertrudes. Sorry I'm late to this thread, I'm really behind again and trying to catch up on the forum and even more so SOTT articles. But just to mention MSM is really good for burns. It might be good for your burned esophagus. It's a good supplement for many reasons, but it is particularly beneficial for burns reducing/eliminating burn caused scarring etc. These benefits make sense as it is a highly bio-available form of sulfur.

Hoping you get better soon and fully recover.
Odyssey said:
That avocado shake sounds interesting. Weird, but interesting. I may try it. :)

You have to drink it soon after you do it though. I noticed that after a while it tastes different, it looses its freshness very fast.

SeekinTruth said:
But just to mention MSM is really good for burns

Thanks for the tip SeekinTruth. I'll get it even if just to keep it in my up til now non existant first aid cabinet.

Quick update: I think I've also damaged my stomach. I ventured into taking 2 vitamin supplements today and it totally wrecked my stomach.
From the feel and looks of it I think it will take a couple of weeks for me to go back to solid food and venture eating more complex food and supplements. I've accepted that there is no way this will heal within days or even a week. I don't really mind, as long as it gets better and I can go back to work SOON, I'm up for anything.

In the meantime I'll stick to aloe vera juice, DGL, slippery elm, and DMSO once it arrives.
Hey Gertrudes the same thing happened to me 7 days ago and I am worried I will have long-term problems because of it, did you recover?
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