NeuroFeedback, NeurOptimal and Electroencephalography

Beau said:
I had another session yesterday afternoon, my 5th, and had a similar experience, except not much anxiety, trying to sleep. I just tossed and turned trying to sleep with really strong racing thoughts. Melatonin seemed to have no effect whatsoever on me. I guess I need to up my melatonin dose (3mg currently) and/or take the GABAcalm with it. The interesting thing is that I've been feeling sharper and clearer mentally when awake. But boy did sleeping just not work. There might be other factors that affected me though, since I've got a cold and took liposomal vitamin C around 8pm which could have energized me.

Let me add that I think there was a lot of processing being done last night. My brain just felt different while trying to sleep. A number of times I woke up, opened my eyes in a pitch black room and saw images for a few seconds. It never seemed like I got into any kind of deep sleep. Just felt like a busy night for my brain.
So far I've done 4 sessions and find it to be an interesting experiment.

The first was very relaxing. Although I tried to think about things that I worry about, the thoughts seemed to lack the emotional energy to keep them going. There was some physical movement or 'popping' sensations at different locations in my body. I've also has these sensations at times when doing ee or reading denser or thought provoking books. I could be off, but i'm thinking that those are blockages in the body that are clearing. Once they 'pop' it feels as if there's 'energy' (for lack of a better word) moving up and out toward the head area.

Immediately after that session, I felt very little anxiety and as if I had energy to give to people in conversations. I also felt seated in my body. This was particularly interesting to me because if anyone had asked me about this before, I would've said that I actually felt as if I was too much in my body (hypervigilant). I guess the way I would describe the newer sensation is that I felt somewhat 'at home' in my skin. I felt more engaged with people at work and would even describe it as a kind of joy. This lasted until the next session.

This is when I felt as if I was 'losing' progress as some of the anxiety started to return. Right after that session, I felt spacey and unable to focus as well as before. There was a bit of sadness creeping in about this, but I told myself to just accept this and that this was probably just part of the process.

The next day I purchased the HDT audiobook and started listening to it. This also gave me something to work with in addition to the sessions.

A few days after, I had the third session which was similar to the second in terms of anxiety and movement of energy.

The fourth session was similar as well. What's interesting though, is that some of the anxiety seemed to lift a few days after that so I'm thinking that perhaps I may need to space the sessions out a bit more. Not sure.

I think my sleeping habits have pretty much remained the same. There were some flashes at different times. That's about it for now.
Today I had my 7th Neuroptimal session. This session was a bit different than the others in that I felt floaty, light-headed and had sense that I was drifting out of my body. If I weren't already sitting down I would've had to do so. This feeling came and went and I fell asleep and dreamt, but I can't remember what the dream was about.

My sleep is somewhat deeper. I'm still waking a bit early.
Had my sixth session yesterday. I've had a few periods of anxiety several days ago, but this seems to have subsided though there is sometimes still an edge of it that lingers. Like others have mentioned, sleep has also been an issue. Bottom line is I'm now taking 4X the melatonin I was a few weeks ago. Otherwise I'll wake up after only 5-6 hours of sleep like clockwork, and no matter how tired I'm feeling.

Immediately after doing a session I usually feel so relaxed that I have had a little bit of a challenge concentrating while doing tasks. So I have just been ok with it and keep going until the fog passes. Then there were other times (in between the sessions) when I notice my mind trying to work out understandings from the readings, my life experiences, developments in the news, etc. but I thought (or imagined) that the quality of my thinking was different (maybe better) in some instances; like there might have been a few more pistons involved.

To use another car analogy, a few nights ago I lay my head down to go to sleep and was thinking on something when at some point I stopped myself and thought that my thinking had just 'changed gears,' so to speak. Like I was thinking and seeing or observing myself as I was thinking, unlike the monkey brain clanging away quality of some thought processes. And as though I was more engaged in the act of thinking. This last part is the best and most beneficial of what I've noticed so far since starting the sessions.
Beau said:
Beau said:
I had another session yesterday afternoon, my 5th, and had a similar experience, except not much anxiety, trying to sleep. I just tossed and turned trying to sleep with really strong racing thoughts. Melatonin seemed to have no effect whatsoever on me. I guess I need to up my melatonin dose (3mg currently) and/or take the GABAcalm with it. The interesting thing is that I've been feeling sharper and clearer mentally when awake. But boy did sleeping just not work. There might be other factors that affected me though, since I've got a cold and took liposomal vitamin C around 8pm which could have energized me.

Let me add that I think there was a lot of processing being done last night. My brain just felt different while trying to sleep. A number of times I woke up, opened my eyes in a pitch black room and saw images for a few seconds. It never seemed like I got into any kind of deep sleep. Just felt like a busy night for my brain.

I've had the same thing where I feel like I'm sleeping very light and like my brain wants to be awake. I had a few similar experiences like this before doing NeoroOptimal when I lowered my dose of anti-histamine for my hives so I just chalked it up to that. The histamine neurotransmitter might still be involved in some way:

Gaby posted this earlier in the thread:

Arousal is mediated by several different neural systems. Wakefulness is regulated by the ARAS, which is composed of projections from five major neurotransmitter systems that originate in the brainstem and form connections extending throughout the cortex; activity within the ARAS is regulated by neurons that release the neurotransmitters acetylcholine, norepinephrine, dopamine, histamine, and serotonin. Activation of these neurons produces an increase in cortical activity and subsequently alertness.

So perhaps this reflects some changes going on in the brainstem.

I've had three more sessions, making this last one today my seventh. I'm feeling a bit more clear in my thinking than I have been but still have ups and downs. I've cut out all caffeine as I think that was part of what was contributing to the blockages in my thinking process (I described it earlier like my mind was moving very slowly, as if through sludge). I used to have an inverse reaction to caffeine (I'd get sleepy after drinking it) but have felt it only once in a while the past couple of years. It seems with the NO that I get very, very cloudy when I drink any type of caffeine. I was hoping it was just coffee, but I've had to cut out tea as well.

The cycle of cloudiness/dissociation vs stronger stability makes sense. As we become more attuned to our bodies, it's very likely that uncomfortable emotions that have been suppressed are trying to surface. A reaction to that can be spaciness. One key, I think, is to try to stay grounded in the body to actually feel whatever comes up.

I've had more imagery during the sessions, particularly the fifth one. There was one bit where it felt like it could have been a memory of a past life. I was a black man working in a field, I think around colonial times. I was arguing with my wife, who had come to talk to me nicely dressed. The feeling of bitterness and resentment toward her was very strong, although I don't know what it was about. I now feel remorseful and upset thinking about it. I think she was trying to make something right and I distorted her good will and intentions.

Here's a possibly interesting thing that may also be related to the sessions. I have a friend at work that I hadn't seen for three or four weeks and was wondering if she's okay. Yesterday, as soon as I arrived at work, I felt happy that I would see her. It wasn't based on anything; the feeling just popped up. Sure enough later that day I did see her and got to catch up a little.

Also during the fifth session I felt a good deal of tension in my face relax. I felt some of the bigger muscles relax but it also felt like there were tiny micro-muscles relaxing. I often notice that the muscles in my face are tense, mostly in my lips and cheeks. The interesting thing is this effect lasted at least a couple days beyond that session. It reminded me of the section in HDT that discusses how the face is connected with the nervous system:

Healing Developmental Trauma said:
In his groundbreaking work on the autonomic nervous system, Porges emphasizes the phylogenetic emergence of two vagal systems (1) an older circuit originating in the brainstem involved in the defensive strategies of immobilization such as fainting and dissociation, and (2) a newer limbic circuit linking the heart to the face that is involved in both social engagement behaviors and in dampening reactivity in the sympathetic nervous system. These two aspects of the polyvagal system are respectivly referred to as the dorsal vagus system and the ventral vagus, and each supports a different adaptive function.

I don't know if the following interpretation fits with the polyvagal theory, but it would seem that the useful function of the ventral system can be inhibited, perhaps by the ventral system. Tension in the musculature (immobilization) seems to have the ability to block the processing of emotion. The face communicates how your feeling probably better than anything else. So when you 'put on a happy face' or maintain a 'stiff upper lip', you're effectively blocking both the communication of what you're going through and block what you are able to feel as well. This can serve a purpose when you're not in an environment that allows you to wear your heart on your sleeve, but it's not healthy when you always do this. It's good to be able to drop the mask when you are around people you care about and who care about you, which I know I have issues with.

I think one of the major effects from the NeuroOptimal sessions is the grounding it provides, which seems substantially deeper than the grounding as described in Healing Developmental Trauma, mindfulness training, etc. I'm not knocking those techniques as I'm finding them very useful as well. But NF seems to reach deep into 'internal' nervous system regulation. I don't know if this would either be an analogy or an accurate description, but if the nervous system is largely electrical, then it's a bit like this particular type of grounding (or something similar) can provide a completed circuit that allows you to better connect with yourself and more genuine connections with others would also seem to follow.

As infants, it seems one of the first things our bodies begin to 'learn' is how to regulate our nervous systems and I think it would be fair to say that in very early development our parents and particularly our mothers act as a sort of external nervous system. In the early stages nurture seems very important, however, it also seems that we need to begin to learn how to internalize coping strategies, otherwise we may begin to continually rely on said 'external nervous system'. At first this may mostly be the mother, but as we grow, a continued dependency on external sources of stimulation and relief seem to serve as one of the primary functions for STS "feeding". When there isn't a solid 'grounding' force, the energy would seem to connect with whatever is available and from the descriptions in HDT, it seems to be the imagination, or the belief center as the C's describe. One of the things that really struck me when reading Samenow was how 'real' the self image is in terms of the energy put into it. What seems to happen when we don't internalize regulation, the false personality grows as an outlet for external dependency. Since the nervous system isn't grounded internally, it seeks a constant source of both stimulation and soothing through the things and people around us, that is largely (if not entirely) driven by the imagination and belief center. This seems come by way of dependency relationships, fantasy, paranoia, addiction, creating drama, etc.
Renaissance, those were very valuable observations and speculations about what is going on. I hope that more people who are doing the sessions will give the rest of us feedback of that sort so that we can try to understand what the system does and how best to incorporate it.
The one place closed to me (300 km away) offers this system:

Fee Structure

The fees for individual counselling and psychological services are based on the recommended fee schedule set by the Psychologists Association of Alberta. A 50 minute session is $200.

The initial Neurofeedback session costs $200. Follow up Neurofeedback sessions cost $120/each. We also offer a bundle package of 15 sessions at $100 each ($1,500 in total). Fees are paid on a per session basis and you do not need to pay the $1,500 upfront.

Between sessions 1-5 you have the option to decide to buy a bunlde of 15 and pay the amount owing for the bundle. (For example, if you bought the first 3 trainining sessions at $120 each and then decided to buy the bundle, the extra $60 paid for individual sessions would be put toward the bundle pricing, so that overall, you pay $1,500 for 15 sessions).

Receipts for fees paid for Psychological services will be issued at the end of your session and these can be submitted for full or partial coverage.

Many extended health insurance plans cover the cost of at least a portion of psychological services provided by a Registered Psychologist. Please contact your extended health care insurance provider to find out what services are covered.

Pretty expensive.

However, I did catch the rental offer posted and also see from here that they have a "PERSONAL TRAINER PLAN: $600 per month

Includes 10 sessions = $60 per session. Ideal for one person training 2-3 times per week. (Additional session costs $25)."

Some of the personal testimonials/observation read here on posts are pretty interesting.
I had my 6th session yesterday. At least so far, I think the biggest effects to report are less stress and worrying, and feeling more centered and grounded--it's like my mind is less inclined to rapidly jump to a place of worrying and fear about whatever's going on at the time. I think the shift so far has been fairly subtle, so it's hard to precisely quantify. I haven't been feeling as sleepy during the sessions for the last two or so, and so far the treatments haven't appeared to have any significant impact, positive or negative, on my sleep in general.

I was feeling a bit bored during the slower part of the music for the last two sessions and during the last session had the vague impression that I was hearing more clicks during that session. As I was looking over the software after the session, it looked like there are different parts of training during the session and that the slower music part corresponded to a different training type, so I was considering the possibility that I was feeling 'bored' during that part of the session because the training was working on something that my brain didn't like having trained as much as other parts. That, or I just find that musical portion a bit on the boring side as compared to the rest (which I generally enjoy).

Overall though I'm still enjoying the sessions and feeling some kind of changes that are hard to put into words (and so perhaps sorting out pre-verbal developmental trauma), and looking forward to continuing on with the experiment.
Renaissance said:
As infants, it seems one of the first things our bodies begin to 'learn' is how to regulate our nervous systems and I think it would be fair to say that in very early development our parents and particularly our mothers act as a sort of external nervous system.
Very interesting. This bit reminds me of young babies when they're hungry. Their lower lip will quiver particularly if they need to wait a bit (like bottle being warmed up or maybe Mom is engaged in something at the moment) before being fed. Being fed simultaneously quells the hunger and regulates the nervous system. I'm also reminded of when children/adults become 'hangry'. While this may be a consequence of being on the SAD diet, perhaps there are also remnants of difficulties with internal coping strategies.
J'ai reçu la réponse de ma thérapeute Neurofeedback
Une première séance 1/2 heure pour faire connaissance
La séance 50 euros (10 séances minimum) d'1/2 heure
1 séance par semaine
soit sur 4 semaines/1 mois : 200 euros
+ chauffeur et voiture : 20 euros de l'heure il faut compter 2 h minimum soit : 40 euros
sur 4 semaines : 160 euros
total pour 1 mois = 360 euros
Pour 10 séances : 500 euros + transport 400 euros soit 900 euros...
Cela fait beaucoup avec une petite retraite...
Je dois faire détartrer les dents de mon petit York Ugo chez un dentiste spécialisé suite à une grave orthodontie
500 euros par an et ce jeudi 22/02/18 + 2 transports de 1h30 soit 3 heures = 60 euros
Et j’emmène ma petite York Hella pour voir si elle en a aussi besoin...
Je ne peux me permettre de commencer maintenant, malheureusement...

I have received a response from my Neurofeedback therapist
The session 50 euros (minimum 10 sessions per half hour)
1 session per week
or over 4 weeks/1 month: 200 euros
driver and car: 20 euros per hour it is necessary to count 2 hours minimum: 40 euros
over 4 weeks: 160 euros
total for 1 month = 360 euros
For 10 sessions: 500 euros + transport 400 euros or 900 euros...
That's a lot with a small retirement...
I have to have my York Ugo's teeth decalcified by a dentist who specializes in severe orthodontics.
500 euros per year and this Thursday 22/02/18 + 2 transport of 1h30 or 3 hours = 60 euros.
And I'm taking my little York Hella to see if she needs it too....
I can't afford to start now, unfortunately...

Translated with
This morning I've had my first NeurOptimal session. It's been a very relaxing experience. I've been seated on a lounge chair, in a small room but decorated with a big picture with some stones in front of me, and a couple of lights which created a warm atmosphere. The practitioner has been very kind and we have been speaking about the reason I try NeurOptimal and what I expect or look for to get from it and the reason he decided to start with it. He's put 5 small electrodes on my head and ears (are they called electrodes?), 2 on my right ear, 1 on my left and 1 on each parietal bones, right and left. I've been listening to relaxing music, sometimes with drums, or piano, or some voice like singing without lyrics and I've felt completely in calm during the process, just focusing on my breathing. I've got a kind of state I've felt before when meditating, feeling my body is quite light. I've even moved my fingers to check I could do it because I've felt myself really light. Once I've even opened my eyes to assure I was there (and I was) although I've not fallen asleep in the process. For a moment I've though I was going to but after a moment I've become fully aware I was not going to fall asleep, I've felt it quite clearly like some enhanced awareness. At the last minutes of the session I've felt like a light oppression on my solar plexus and that's it (it has lasted for an hour or so). In general it's been a nice feeling and I will go back next Monday. I knew this practitioner is offering the sessions on 50% sale till March but he's surprised me positively when he's told me he is not charging an euro for the first session because he wants people to try it.

If anyone is interested, this is the link, in Spanish though.


I'll keep on reporting ;)
I will have my second session tomorrow morning. I forgot to mention in my previous post that when the trainer took the initial baseline readings the alpha waves dropped significantly when I closed my eyes. Closing my eyes shuts off the main sense for scanning the environment and triggers more hypervigilance. It improved somewhat in the reading after the session but I thought aha! That explains a lot about my insomnia. My brain has great difficulty passing through alpha to theta to delta. Closing my eyes alerts my body rather than calming it. I've continued to feel the aching in my body, sometimes more intense than others and the exhaustion continued for the first two days. The trainer told me I'm getting a true picture of what a toll hypervigilance has had on my body and nervous system. Her training was as a nurse and then training other nurses. She talked about how suppressed my immune system and nervous system are. I'm just aware of my body in a way I never have been and after one session seem to have more ability to be with what is going on. Looking forward to my session tomorrow morning.
Bluefyre said:
I will have my second session tomorrow morning. I forgot to mention in my previous post that when the trainer took the initial baseline readings the alpha waves dropped significantly when I closed my eyes. Closing my eyes shuts off the main sense for scanning the environment and triggers more hypervigilance. It improved somewhat in the reading after the session but I thought aha! That explains a lot about my insomnia. My brain has great difficulty passing through alpha to theta to delta. Closing my eyes alerts my body rather than calming it. I've continued to feel the aching in my body, sometimes more intense than others and the exhaustion continued for the first two days. The trainer told me I'm getting a true picture of what a toll hypervigilance has had on my body and nervous system. Her training was as a nurse and then training other nurses. She talked about how suppressed my immune system and nervous system are. I'm just aware of my body in a way I never have been and after one session seem to have more ability to be with what is going on. Looking forward to my session tomorrow morning.

I was reading an article earlier today about how autoimmune conditions are related to emotions and brain waves and such (something like that) and I wondered if people who have autoimmune conditions will find improvement working with NO system. I sure hope so.
I'm hoping the same thing. I was shocked at how much pain I started feeling and suspect that it has always been there but my brain, in it's survival wisdom learned to block it out so that I could carry on. I've actually been gobsmacked at just how disconnected I am/have been from my body. It makes sense that it would affect every system and also explain the mitochondrial dysfunction for lo these many years. It's like the energy it takes to hold a beach ball under water is similar to how much energy it takes to suppress memories and the body's cries for help. I actually feel a sense of excitement, even adventure for the first time. I've pondered the idea of unlimited possibilities for a long time but could never get past the blockages. I have new tangible faith that I never had before. I can stop working my guts out to reach some basic level! This is the most amazing stuff and I am so grateful that it is available and for all of the input from everyone here! :hug:
I had my first session of NeurOptimal yesterday, and overall it's been great.

First, the Dr. asked me lots of questions about everything (health conditions -including Irritable Bowel Disease and Candida, which was suprising-, sleep, mood, concentration, verbal expression, sight, school, work, relationships, etc.) and she explained what is Neurofeedback, why she uses NeurOptimal instead of other types and what can be expected. She said that I shouldn't think it's a magic solution, that it works very well and fast for some people, but for others it can take more time, depending on the brain's resistance.

After all the questions she said that according to what she could gather, I'm 'a good candidate for Neurofeedback', but she thinks I might need therapy (only if I wanted to) or someone to talk to, even if it is just herself or her assistant, because things might get released and I can probably feel things coming up, or have old symptoms appear again... Just like a detox diet, she explained. She said that it seems I have things inside to clean up and reorganize. She explained that it's like taking all the old stuff out of the boxes and reorganizing them (and throwing away what's not useful anymore). She didn't say this in a bad way, she seemed very empathetic and it seemed that she wanted to make sure that I would have support in case strong things come up after doing this 'cleaning'.

Then we proceded to the session itself. I did it with music. It was very relaxing and I could hear the clicks so I started playing a bit, like thinking about different things to see if the clicks were more frequent, or doing maths in my head, opening my eyes, closing my eyes, etc... I didn't notice any difference between doing these activities and the clicks, but I did hear many clicks. In the final 10 minutes I relaxed and almost fell asleep, and I felt quite sleepy after the session. When I got home, I could only read for little while and then fell asleep. I noticed a light headache when lying down, and some sort of pressure on the left lower back part of the head, where the skull meats the neck, I guess. During sleep I had lots of dream activity. Nothing very significant, but just lots of dreams one after the other.

I want to add a few observations the Dr. made, this session lasted for almost two hours, but I was connected to the machine for only 30 minutes, so you can imagine that we talked a lot.

After the session the Dr. showed me the 'results'. She showed me that my 'baseline' before the session was very 'flat' and that it could mean I was calm, but she thought, according to what she heard from me before, that it could be that my brain was kind of shut down. Yet, the line was in one of the upper 'levels' which, according to her, means lots of intellectual activity.

‎After the session, the line had lots of spikes, which, according to her is really good because it seems that my brain woke up from sleep. She's happy with the results and she believes it's very likely that I will respond very well to the training. And also because she sees that I'm very engaged in the process.

She also noticed low alpha waves. I then searched and that's common in people who are constantly stressed and unable to relax. And now I've read what Bluefyre posted above and it makes sense. She only told me about the alpha waves because I asked. She said she normally shows the results once in the beginning and then just after a few sessions, because she thinks that's a better approach to deal with the anxiety and expectations through the process, BUT if I want to see the results after each session, that's fine too.

In the end she asked me if I knew about orthomolecular medicine (and I said: YES!!!! :D) and she said that we could also work with other things if I am interested. She said she works with two colleagues who make tests on neurotransmitters and hormone levels and that if I want we can explore that as well. They do their tests and she then uses supplements to help where it's more needed. I told her that I tried GABA before and she said that it's ok, but it's better to know more about how the brain is working so that we use the right nutrients. Anyways, this would be only after neurofeedback, in order to not mix things together.

‎After talking a bit about this she told me she normally uses convencional treatments because people are very closed-minded here, and it works well with most, but for some people, she works with different stuff. And she mentioned the book 'Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar--Your Brain's Silent Killers' and that she's into that line of work as well, which is just awesome :) .

She recommends doing 2 to 3 sessions per week, but wants me to do just one session per week to begin with and later on, if I want, I can do more. We should do at least 20, she said.

So, as I said, it's been very good overall and I'm very happy to find a Dr. who seems very well prepared and take it very seriously (with all the questions and all that to keep a record and monitor the effects), and also knows about diet and suplements and all that. Oh! She also mentioned breathing excersises that she could teach me if I wanted...

Edit: spelling and missing word
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