NeuroFeedback, NeurOptimal and Electroencephalography

How are you getting on with the Healing Developmental Trauma book? It sounds somewhat similar to the Connection defence style. At the very least you may not be well grounded in your body.

I actually got the book just as I was starting my NO sessions, and read it during the sessions. Unlike all the other books like those by Stout, Simon, Hort, Pressman, Golomb, which I couldn't connect with despite refection, meditation, or constantly stopping and trying to place the info into my life (connect with it), this one by Heller hit the nail on the head. All this information I'd had all along arranged themselves like pieces in a puzzle and made sense, a story that fit. Once I've gone through more NO sessions, I may go back and read those other books again, and maybe I'll be clear enough to see a reflection. I identified a few traumas, but the main one was was my birth experience, which set me up for everything else. As for not being well grounded in my body, I've been working on connecting with body since my youth, and I don't feel that is a huge problem, although I have a strong tendency to think/intellectualize. It depends on context. Often at the screen, or reading, I can be in my head, but if I choose I can be both in my head and in my body at the same time while doing those activities with no difficulty, and I practice it occasionally.
I am working on the post of my NO sessions experience, and I should be done soon.
I have noticed more clarity when writing new material, it almost feels like an open focus type awareness, well, that's the best way I can describe it.

Now that my new studio is up and running I hope to put it to good use. Reading Frankl's work at the moment and I came across this quote which struck a chord with me. "When if not now"

yes. good one. that quote reminded me of a similar (or maybe the same?) quote which I can't attribute.
"if not now, then when? If not you, then who?"
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I have been watching my brain frequencies on the screen during a couple of sessions (I am renting a professional system), after I found this 'Cartography of Consciousness: EEG Correlates' on Zengar's site. I thought it was really interesting, I am not sure it will help, but now at least I know a bit more about these frequencies.
It has been nearly a month since my last NO session and I just wanted to give a quick update on what I noticed so far. One thing I know for sure is that I want to continue the NO sessions as soon as possible.

As I had my NO sessions on a daily basis during a break from my everyday life I was curious to see how the effects I noticed would “survive” when being put to the test of my normal routine. Settling back in after some time away was easy and I felt a good clarity and distance that enabled me to make a list of things I would like to change / work on. After a couple of uneventful weeks, the stress kicked back in with a heavy workload in the office and the house, lots of travelling and visits ahead, and things to organize. My old friend, the paralyzing feeling of “I can’t handle this, it’s too much”, came back, lurking in the background and got his five minutes here and there, but overall, I noticed I was able to stop myself from getting lost in unproductive fear of the stress and instead was able to take a step back. It feels like I am now able to disrupt those thought circles that used to make me irritated when too many things ask for attentions at the same time. That’s good, nevertheless I am convinced that by continuing the NO sessions I should be able to handle situations I regard as stressful on a more subconscious level. Or at least that is my hope. I feel like that even with being able to interrupt unproductive worries those thoughts still take too much energy.

Another thing I noticed is, that I sleep like a stone. No matter whether it is at home or somewhere else. I always used to have problems sleeping the first night in a new place but now I can just lay down my head and that’s it until the sun comes up or the alarm goes off.

To sum this up: There is a longer lasting effect even after taking a break from the NO sessions but the intensity of the changes I experienced during the sessions seems to weaken over time.

I am curious what others are noticing after a break from their NO sessions?
yes. good one. that quote reminded me of a similar (or maybe the same?) quote which I can't attribute.
"if not now, then when? If not you, then who?"

It could be Emma Watson while giving a speech at the HeForShe Campaign in 2014. That's what came to mind. Towards the end of this short video, she adds, "If not me, who? If not now, when?"

I enjoy smoking during sessions; and 987baz, the open focus while playing guitar after a session and inspiration to write I have experienced too.

It's really inspiring and helpful to read all of your experiences and comments :-)
My little brother had his first NO session today. He said he found it very soothing, and during the session he was reminded of good/happy moments of his life. He also said that the headache he had before the session (around the back of the head) disappeared after the session! Quite interesting.
I want to report my observations regarding the NeurOptimal treatments I recieved a short while ago. It definitelly effected me in many ways.

Most of the sessions were quite relaxing but I felt tired afterwards. At times it made me very emotional during and also after the sessions. In one instance, I wanted to pet a friends dog but couldn't reach it from where I was sitting. It made me so sad that I started crying, as if this not being able to reach someone had a symbolic meaning for me. I'm not sure. These emotions of sadness lasted for quite a while. There were memories connected to these emotions but I'm not sure if the emotiones triggered the memories or the other way around. For instance I was deeply moved when I thought about SOTT and the forum, that despite all the crazyness in the world, something so beautiful has grown, a place where people try their best to work on themselves and live up to their ideals, apply knowledge and help each other. In another instance certain realisations created a tingeling sensation that went up my spine. Some sessions seem to have made me more sensitive, even thin skinned afterwards. Many issues about myself, old programmes, fears and harsh self judgements were more present for a while. It was also a good opportunity to observe them and deal with them. Also the quality of my vision increased from session to session. Colors became more vibrant, contrast increased and the level of detail seems to have increased as well, structures and patterns look more pronounced.

This clarity of vision is still there, maybe a little decreased. I'm not sure. Maybe I just got used to it. But just a couple of days ago I was amazed when I watched the leaves of a tree near my working place, the shear complexity of the moving patterns. A similar clarity seems to have affected my inner vision, helping me sort things out in a more direct way. There was a difficult situation with a friend and I had to address an uncomfortable topic, that I might have avoided in an earlier situation, not sure. I just seem to be a little more direct and less avoiding. I just did it and we both felt it was good to have this honest conversation. I also had a few really productive talks with my therapist. She said there are quite a few things going on in terms of understanding myself and others. I feel a little more focussed and I'm not so much caught up in constant thought loops, something I was quite used to before the NO. I also feel more grounded at the moment. I believe I have a clearer vision about what to work on, how to become less egocentric and open up more. Let's see how it goes.
Another thing I forgot to mention. My sleeping pattern changed. I easily get out of bed much earlier so that I have more time before I go to work. Could also be the heat. :-P However it's a good thing, whatever the reason.
I feel a little more focussed and I'm not so much caught up in constant thought loops, something I was quite used to before the NO. I also feel more grounded at the moment. I believe I have a clearer vision about what to work on, how to become less egocentric and open up more. Let's see how it goes.

It's amazing what everyone has shared so far with their experience with NO. I've just started and have done only 2 sessions, i've been doing a daily diary of what or how i'm feeling, and will share it when I have more sessions done. But I thought about mentioning this also, cause it's something i've noticed a lot.. those negative thought loops or thinking errors that were so stuck in my brain, yes they are still there, but it's like they last waaay less time than they used to, so this is one thing i've noticed so far and I do feel it's been different. It's like I can look at them but don't identify with them anymore and just let them fade. I've also felt veery tired, but things have been moving a lot since the past week so it's like a mix of many things I guess..

I'll report more when I have more sessions done and see how things go :)
I had my first NO session today. I will just keep a basic log of how I'm feeling, as I don't have time to do journal entries or anything extensive. I hope I'm not one who gets more tired with the sessions, as I usually end up going to bed too late.
I had my monthly session with my kinesiologist today. I have had 12 NO sessions so far and she said in all her time doing kinesiology she had never come across what she did today. Apparently, my hippocampus has made quite a lot of new connections. Considering the hippocampus is, from what I understand, a big player in long, short and spatial memory, her guess was that, things were coming up that were long ago buried so they could be dealt with and healed. It also may have something to do with my increased creativity!?
I have done 17 sessions so far. My sleep has improved (Halellujah!) and I'm dreaming again most nights as well as mostly sleeping right through. If I go down for an afternoon nap, it's 20 - 30 mins and I'm waking up very refreshed.

I was doing the sessions 5 times a week when I first started, but more recently I've felt the need to slow down because negative feelings were getting very intense and hanging around - I've felt like I need a breather between sessions to let that pass.

I've also felt more comfortable taking steps in some area's that I've found challenging and am feeling less dread about the future.

Still no change in my tinnitus. I came across this video that gives some indications that the recent increase in intensity of my tinnitus may be due to my meningioma - time will tell I suppose.

One of the things mentioned is that positive feelings can help mitigate the experience of tinnitus.
I was doing the sessions 5 times a week when I first started, but more recently I've felt the need to slow down because negative feelings were getting very intense and hanging around - I've felt like I need a breather between sessions to let that pass.

Hmm, I paid for a certain number of sessions up front, planning on one a day. I have noticed after a week of sessions that I had a lot of anger and irritability coming up at the end of the week. I did beatha Thursday, and I think I should have skipped it. But I was feeling pretty good during the beginning of the week. I'll probably hold off on beatha until I'm done.
I have about 22 N.O. sessions under my belt now. I'd like to share a period starting around the 16th session. After it I noticed I was starting to become much shyer and withdrawn in social situations. During the 17th I felt very ungrounded, and afterward I was very non-talkative and extremely self-conscious. The technician who was supervising the session said that I looked like a shy four year old coming out of it. When he asked about that period of my life I really, really tried to give a nonchalant answer, but I could say nothing. All I could relate was this feeling of deep sadness. I did a lot of journaling that night. I think over the course of those few sessions I was releasing some kind of pre-verbal trauma, and integrating a split off part of my psyche.

I felt like I had to re-learn how to be more socially outgoing again.... I remember that after the release I felt like none of the familiar social markers for reading people were there anymore. I felt lost in social settings like a child who doesn't now what the right way to act in a situation. I of course knew how intellectually, but emotionally I had to re-learn a few things. Sometimes when I am stressed I would dance to relieve tension and energy. But even this felt a lot less spontaneous and much more awkward than I've felt originally. In addition to this, I realize that I have much stronger awareness of when a social situation is draining for me. I've even noticed myself a lot less comfortable with vulgar conversations or thoughts with sexual themes. Over time a few of these things (such as the social awkwardness) have abated, while other things seem to be sticking more (such as my minimal tolerance for draining individuals in conversations).

This definitely wasn't something I was anticipating N.O. to bring out of me, and I think it's a testament to its ability to deeply heal parts of us we don't even realize are broken.
This definitely wasn't something I was anticipating N.O. to bring out of me, and I think it's a testament to its ability to deeply heal parts of us we don't even realize are broken.

I'm 21 session in, and I think it has affected me in a similar way. I have noticed in the last few weeks that I have been feeling quite insecure in my relationship, which has never happened before in my adult life (this has now abated).

As from my post above regarding my kinesiology experience I think I this insecurity came from early life (my kinesiologist said around 5 years old). So I would have to agree with your assessment whitecoast!

I think the thing to remember here, is that these things that come up are temporary and are part of the healing process IMO.
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