The Living Force
An update on the NO journey: at around 47 sessions so far since the first session in January, with a break between the first and second sessions, the second starting in April, and the benefits seem to increase with the sessions. I am more present in an indescribable way. It’s such a dramatic shift that it’s really astounding. Around session 5-7, I became more tired.
Perhaps a switch from the paleo diet to ketogenic affected this. I don’t crave alcohol or substances anymore which is a relief. I don’t panic too much about contact or communication with others. At times I get sugar cravings, which might be as a result of not having enough fats or eating too late in the day for my body. As much as possible I bake or make my own sweet treats with Xylitol or Stevia.
Between session 10 and 15, my sleep patterns changed – there was a time when it became pretty difficult to sleep some nights because I felt so energised. This levelled out around the 20th session. Strangely I think this was helped with longer or more sessions; so long as the sessions were an odd set of numbers, i.e. 2 or 4 sessions a day followed by some time off, it showed good results. The most sessions I have had in one day is 6. I remember Val mentioning somewhere that just one session a day suffices and that the brain needs time to catch up with the work it undertakes whilst having a session and getting feedback and added that it doesn’t hurt to have more, it’s just more taxing so I proceed with caution with this in mind.
I had an Energy Medicine session with an Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) practitioner back in January in between the Brainworks session and the first NO session.
As the Brainworks practitioner suggested that it might be energy level issues that need addressing after examining the initial QEEG assessment results, I found an Energy Medicine practitioner locally. It made a huge difference seeing her. It was a combination of kinesiology and Traditional Chinese Medicine mainly. There is more information on Eden Energy Medicine and Donna Eden here and here.
The EEM practitioner gave me some tools, tips and exercises going forward. As she had recommended three sessions and I have only seen her once, I felt I had what I needed from the exercises she had given me for the time being and would review after starting NO whether I required more EEM sessions.
Overall, I am much more aware, I notice things I didn’t before, seem to learn and recall better and have more energy. I am more organised, collected and disciplined which results in increased compassion OSIT.
All in all, the rest of the family have had less sessions. I have asked if they could learn to apply so that during busy life periods they can still benefit from the sessions even if I’m not present.
My younger brother said he felt more optimistic right after the session. He has had 8 sessions so far. His overall wellbeing has improved – I haven’t heard him speak about his depression since he began the sessions, so this tells me it has changed for the better.
And two younger sisters: they seemed more hyper and active after their respective initial sessions. The elder of the two has only had 2 sessions so far. She has been busy with exams revision and house renovations.
After her first session, she said she felt no change though a subtle change was noticeable in her: she seemed more energetic and, as mentioned above, hyper and active. She has requested to have her own music while doing NO and has sent me a playlist, so as soon as the music is there, she will be much more willing.
The youngest has had 8 and she has definitely seen improvements. She is sleeping better at night. She generally seems calmer and less agitated, She is 11 in a week so it's really interesting to observe the changes in her as her brain has the most development left to do in this lifetime.
My mother has been sleeping better. She has had 12 sessions. She finds her mind is clearer following sessions and that she is less stressed. She is pre-menopausal so maybe that’s why she has noticed a greater difference in comparison with the children? I think it might also improve her blood pressure, which makes sense overall if she is less stressed.
As a side note, I have asked my mother and my younger brother if they were able and willing to learn to administer a self hook-up as this means they can have sessions more frequently as sometimes it gets too busy and they cannot have it as pre-scheduled. We are still working on this front so hopefully there is some change the next time I post an update.
A friend said they feel they performed better cognitively after 5 sessions, which is really good to hear. That’s all for now. I am so very grateful for this NO journey and it is wonderful to see and read everyone else’s experiences and input. Thank you! Onwards and upwards!
Perhaps a switch from the paleo diet to ketogenic affected this. I don’t crave alcohol or substances anymore which is a relief. I don’t panic too much about contact or communication with others. At times I get sugar cravings, which might be as a result of not having enough fats or eating too late in the day for my body. As much as possible I bake or make my own sweet treats with Xylitol or Stevia.
Between session 10 and 15, my sleep patterns changed – there was a time when it became pretty difficult to sleep some nights because I felt so energised. This levelled out around the 20th session. Strangely I think this was helped with longer or more sessions; so long as the sessions were an odd set of numbers, i.e. 2 or 4 sessions a day followed by some time off, it showed good results. The most sessions I have had in one day is 6. I remember Val mentioning somewhere that just one session a day suffices and that the brain needs time to catch up with the work it undertakes whilst having a session and getting feedback and added that it doesn’t hurt to have more, it’s just more taxing so I proceed with caution with this in mind.
I had an Energy Medicine session with an Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) practitioner back in January in between the Brainworks session and the first NO session.
As the Brainworks practitioner suggested that it might be energy level issues that need addressing after examining the initial QEEG assessment results, I found an Energy Medicine practitioner locally. It made a huge difference seeing her. It was a combination of kinesiology and Traditional Chinese Medicine mainly. There is more information on Eden Energy Medicine and Donna Eden here and here.
The EEM practitioner gave me some tools, tips and exercises going forward. As she had recommended three sessions and I have only seen her once, I felt I had what I needed from the exercises she had given me for the time being and would review after starting NO whether I required more EEM sessions.
Overall, I am much more aware, I notice things I didn’t before, seem to learn and recall better and have more energy. I am more organised, collected and disciplined which results in increased compassion OSIT.
All in all, the rest of the family have had less sessions. I have asked if they could learn to apply so that during busy life periods they can still benefit from the sessions even if I’m not present.
My younger brother said he felt more optimistic right after the session. He has had 8 sessions so far. His overall wellbeing has improved – I haven’t heard him speak about his depression since he began the sessions, so this tells me it has changed for the better.
And two younger sisters: they seemed more hyper and active after their respective initial sessions. The elder of the two has only had 2 sessions so far. She has been busy with exams revision and house renovations.
After her first session, she said she felt no change though a subtle change was noticeable in her: she seemed more energetic and, as mentioned above, hyper and active. She has requested to have her own music while doing NO and has sent me a playlist, so as soon as the music is there, she will be much more willing.
The youngest has had 8 and she has definitely seen improvements. She is sleeping better at night. She generally seems calmer and less agitated, She is 11 in a week so it's really interesting to observe the changes in her as her brain has the most development left to do in this lifetime.
My mother has been sleeping better. She has had 12 sessions. She finds her mind is clearer following sessions and that she is less stressed. She is pre-menopausal so maybe that’s why she has noticed a greater difference in comparison with the children? I think it might also improve her blood pressure, which makes sense overall if she is less stressed.
As a side note, I have asked my mother and my younger brother if they were able and willing to learn to administer a self hook-up as this means they can have sessions more frequently as sometimes it gets too busy and they cannot have it as pre-scheduled. We are still working on this front so hopefully there is some change the next time I post an update.
A friend said they feel they performed better cognitively after 5 sessions, which is really good to hear. That’s all for now. I am so very grateful for this NO journey and it is wonderful to see and read everyone else’s experiences and input. Thank you! Onwards and upwards!