NeuroFeedback, NeurOptimal and Electroencephalography

I had noticed this week that my OCD's (Obsessive-compulsive disorders) had lessen a little bit , in fact , I had been thinking when these started, they had changed over time and, I belive they originated after ... I could say some sort of post traumatic episode ... that it was not that traumatic, now that I think of it, but it was a kind of origin of other issues I had been having since then, it was at 1999 ... the OCD's I had been having around this years are, checking the stove keys many times before leaving for work or going to sleep, checking the purse to see that effectively I have the credit/debit cards and ID's minutes later I opened it, and, after reaching home and before going to sleep, checking If I close the door with its correspondented locks before going out or going to sleep, ... and lately, checking at work, all stuff being unplunged except the alarm before closing ... I had noticed that I had checked less and that most important, I do not have urgency to check them again and again ... in other times it had helped me to do it conscioulsy ... if I do it in an automatic mode, I do not trust myself and need to check them ...again

Yup. A whole lot of the little OCD things I used to do are just GONE!
Placebo effect is not just the cause but could be an enhancing effect.

I have the NO2 music saved from when I was copying other music to try with NO.
I listened to it the other day and had a similar feeling of going "in and out" of focus through the stages, like I felt during the sessions.
It could be a remembered response, who knows.

If anyone else liked the music from NO2, I can privately share the music track for you- just PM me.
Voici un résumé de mes deux premières séanes de Neufofeedback du 16 et 21 aout 2018

Première séance du 16/08/18 avec Aurélia Egretteau
Mail :
Site :
Lien presse : Neurofeedback Dynamique | Genève | Neurosources | MEDIA PRESSE

Beaucoup de « clics » lors de ces 33 minutes
Je n'ai pas ressenti beaucoup d'effet dans l'après-midi, pas de maux de tête ni rien à signaler.
Lors de cette première nuit du 16 au 17/08/18, j'ai fait deux rêves dont je me suis souvenue qui n'étaient pas très agréables alors que d'habitude ceux-ci sont doux et paisibles
La nuit du 17 au 18/08/18 aussi un rêve peu agréable mais qui ne concernait en rien ma Maman...
J'ai l'impression que ma concentration s'est légèrement améliorée...

Deuxième séance du 21/08/18 – première séance toute seule
Carol Ann
est la personne qui m’a mise en contact avec Aurélia Egretteau

Bonjour Aurélia,
J'ai fait ce matin ma deuxième séance Neurofeedback toute seule grâce à Vous et celle-ci est réussie...
Merci Aurélie pour votre patience et de m'avoir téléphoné avant cette séance...
J'ai entendu plusieurs "Clics" mais il me semble moins qu'avec Vous lors de la première séance.
J'ai perçu quelques mini-coupures aussi, je ne me souvenais pas en avoir eu la première fois...
Aucun maux de tête, pas de sensation négative, juste la satisfaction d'avoir réussi toute seule...
Un grand Merci à Vous,

Hier après-midi, le 21/08/18, j'ai fait une longue sieste et j'étais tellement fatiguée que je me suis couchée à 18h sans avoir la force et le courage de regarder la télévision, j'ai juste écouté la radio pour les infos, je me suis endormie et me suis réveillée ce matin à 3h, je suis restée au lit jusqu'à 6h15 en m'étant rendormie vers 5h50 mais mes petits Yorks voulaient sortir donc je me suis levée...

Cette nuit du 21 au 22/08/18 j'ai fait un rêve pas très agréable avec ma Maman, je me suis souvenue de ce que Carol Ann m'avait écrit suite à la 1ère séance :
"En ce qui concerne vos rêves, il peut arriver que NeurOptimal® fasse apparaître certaines choses qui sont enfouies au plus profond de vous.
NeurOptimal® «remue le pot» au fur et à mesure de son travail, mais au fur et à mesure que vous continuez à animer des sessions, vous verrez que tout se déroule bien et que celles-ci commenceront à diminuer et à disparaître."

Aussi je me suis rendormie aussitôt et ce matin je ne me souviens pas de ce rêve !...
Voilà ce qui m'est arrivée maintenant je vais bien, me sens en forme comme d'habitude...

Carol Ann précise : Voici un lien vers une "carte de tête" simplifiée qui montre où se trouvent C3 et C4 (vue aérienne).
et voici une démonstration vidéo de l'application des capteurs :

Il est important, cependant, d'expliquer à vos clients qu'ils n'ont pas à se stresser pour avoir les capteurs à l'endroit exact et correct.
Tant qu'ils sont dans le voisinage général de C3 & C4, c'est assez bon.

Here is a summary of my first two Neufofeedback sessions of August 16 and 21, 2018

First session of 16/08/18 with Aurélia Egretteau
Mail :
Site :
Press link : Neurofeedback Dynamique | Geneva | Neurosources | MEDIA PRESS

Many "clicks" during these 33 minutes
I didn't feel much effect in the afternoon, no headaches or anything to report.
During that first night from 16 to 17/08/18, I had two dreams that I remembered that were not very pleasant while usually these are sweet and peaceful
The night of 17 to 18/08/18 also a not very pleasant dream but which in nothing concerned my Mother...
I feel that my concentration has improved slightly...

Second sitting of 21/08/18 - first sitting alone
Carol Ann
is the person who put me in contact with Aurelia Egretteau

Hello Aurelia,
I made my second Neurofeedback session this morning all alone thanks to You and this one is successful...
Thank you Aurélie for your patience and for calling me before this session...
I heard several "Clicks" but it seems to me less than with You during the first session.
I perceived some mini-cuts too, I did not remember having some the first time...
No headaches, no negative feelings, just the satisfaction of having succeeded alone...
A big thank you to you,

Yesterday afternoon, 21/08/18, I took a long nap and I was so tired that I went to bed at 6pm without having the strength and courage to watch television, I just listened to the radio for the news, I fell asleep and woke up this morning at 3am, I stayed in bed until 6:15am when I went back to sleep around 5:50 but my little Yorks wanted to get out so I got up...

That night from 21 to 22/08/18 I had a dream not very pleasant with my Mom, I remembered what Carol Ann had written me after the 1st session :
"As far as your dreams are concerned, it can happen that NeurOptimal® makes certain things appear that are buried deep inside you.
NeurOptimal®"stirs the pot" as it works, but as you continue to facilitate sessions, you will see that everything is going well and that the sessions will begin to diminish and disappear.
So I went back to sleep immediately and this morning I do not remember this dream!...!
That's what's happened to me now I'm fine, I feel fine as usual...

Carol Ann says: Here is a link to a simplified "head map" that shows where C3 and C4 are (aerial view).
and here is a video demonstration of the application of the sensors :
It is important, however, to explain to your customers that they do not have to stress themselves to have the sensors in the exact and correct place.
As long as they're in the general vicinity of C3 & C4, it's pretty good.

Translated with
I have the NO2 music saved from when I was copying other music to try with NO.
I listened to it the other day and had a similar feeling of going "in and out" of focus through the stages, like I felt during the sessions.
It could be a remembered response, who knows.

My trainer told me an interesting story about the music. She has worked extensively with addicts over the years. There was one client who decided to stop NO and start using again but when she tried to use she heard the NO music in her head and she just couldn't use and went back to NO sessions. I don't know if it's so much the music or the association in the brain/mind with the music. So perhaps listening away from actually sessions has a powerful impact as well, without the feedback.

I've lost track of how many sessions I've had now. I started in March and am feeling stable enough to have one every two weeks for the time being.
I had my 31st session on Monday after having a few months off from it. I started feeling a bit of anxiety coming back into my life after a recent break up with my girlfriend, so I decided to have another session, which has helped with the anxiety. I have another 2 sessions planned for the next week or so and will see how I feel after that.

on a side note, this was the first session I had with a practitioner, the first 30 sessions I did were at home. I think I prefer home sessions as there are less distractions, but I can't afford to buy a unit, so it will have to do.
987baz, peut-être pourrais-tu louer le matériel pour faie tes séances à la maison...
Comme je l'ai fait moi-même...
Tu peux contacter Carol Ann qui parle anglais
c'est elle qui m'a mis en contact avec Aurélia Egretteau en Suisse qui me loue le matériel chez moi pour 10 séances dans un premier temps...

987baz, maybe you could rent the equipment to do your sessions at home...
As I did myself...
You can contact Carol Ann who speaks English
it is she who put me in contact with Aurélia Egretteau in Switzerland who rents me the equipment at home for 10 sessions at first...
I had today the 28th session over a period of 3 months and one of the key noticeable effect is the lessening of negative though loops. That translates to more patience with myself and more clarity. It has also meant a willingness to look towards the future and intermediate steps away from where we live.

Doing the NO sessions I sometimes zone out like in EE, but at other times focused reading takes over. More 'coincidences' seem to happen or perhaps I am just becoming aware of them. All in all very happy with having discovered NO.
I had today the 28th session over a period of 3 months and one of the key noticeable effect is the lessening of negative though loops. That translates to more patience with myself and more clarity. It has also meant a willingness to look towards the future and intermediate steps away from where we live.
I had observed that as well, although not having more patience precisely, more like being less anguish mostly at work ... because ususally it happend that my thoughts seem to go/went freely in the negative thought loops with a lot of " negative if's" ... and since I began with the NO sessions, I am able to stop short those thoughts and be more eager -that would be the term- to trust in the providence and or trust more on myself

Doing the NO sessions I sometimes zone out like in EE, but at other times focused reading takes over. More 'coincidences' seem to happen or perhaps I am just becoming aware of them. All in all very happy with having discovered NO.

That happends to me as well, I prefer to hear the audio closing my eyes, that seems to go directly to the road of falling asleep or being zoned out, and try to focus also in relaxing the body along with my breathing ... I had observed that is more tiredsome with the fractals...

Aeneas, what it means "focused reading takes over"???

At one of the sessions, I try to do crochet--- I had heard/read that sometimes people use movies, and wanted to try with crocheting while being plugged, I did not zoned out, nor fall asleep, and, I managed to count over 200+ interruptions, but ... I did not get this ... characteristic bloated feeling in the head that sometimes it accompanies me for a coulple of days after the session, and it came to my mind that it may not had worked ... on the other hand, I think that maybe? I should not associate the functioning with the weird feeling, right?
Even if they are, if the patient sees an improvement in thinking, behavior and/or feeling, isn't that what is important? Placebo effect or not, results are what matters.

Beau, I want to agree with you. But, following that argument, all quack (medical) science was capable to produce some benefits in the patients. Why would no one is looking to purchase snake oil or fresh pig urine to treat their maladies anymore?

It is the profit incentives that forces the medical practitioners to peddle the stuff that brings them big bucks. The modern science is not immune either :(
Sorry for raining on neurofeedback's parade, but so far no scientific evidence has been produced, that supports the practitioners' claims...
Read this before paying $100s for neurofeedback therapy

If you come across the evidence to the opposite, please, share the link...

SlavaOn, have you actually read this thread? I daresay you haven't becuase otherwise you would know that it contains plenty of evidence that neurofeedback does work. As the saying goes, "by their fruit ye shall know them" and the reported fruit of neurofeedback has so far been nothing short of excellent.

I haven't added my own testimonial of my three-moth rental of NeurOptimal but I will when I have some time. AllI can say is that's the best money I have ever spent and as soon as I've saved enough I will rent it again. The quality of my entire life has improved in ways I never even imagined to be possible and compared with my own cognitive and emotional experience lack of scientific evidence means very little.

I'm really surprised you posted the article given that this thread consists of 54 pages proving the author of the article wrong. Funny that, these are exactly the kind of thinking errors and logical pitfalls NO is amazing at resolving. :-P
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