New Additions - kittens


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
These are our new additions. Betty the Tabby and Piper. 2 sisters we got the from a cat foster charity. Certainly fun to have them charging round the house.
Our dogs have being fab and the girls have settled in very quickly. They have amazing energy then crash and sleep for hours. Seem like lovely characters very happy to introduce them.
Ooooh Thebull, they are soooo cute 😻!!!! I was hoping you would post after you said you were getting new kittens. How old are they? Thank you so much for sharing and yeh, it is a wonderful thing indeed to watch them so blissfully in the moment. What a beautiful pic, I wish you all the best for all of you.
Merci pour le partage de la photo de ces deux petits anges qui font fondre mon coeur...
Prenez en grand soin et merci de les avoir accueillis... LOVE

Thank you for sharing the picture of these two little angels that melt my heart...
Take great care and thank you for welcoming them... LOVE
I´d love to tickle them right now, beautiful four perls!

Cats take their hunting ability in earnst, one of mime used to put whatever she´d been chasing after in my shoe, and then sit in her nonchalently ordinary way right next to it, with a flame of victory in her eyes, until I´d found out the reward :wow:
Ooooh Thebull, they are soooo cute 😻!!!! I was hoping you would post after you said you were getting new kittens. How old are they? Thank you so much for sharing and yeh, it is a wonderful thing indeed to watch them so blissfully in the moment. What a beautiful pic, I wish you all the best for all of you.
Hi Laura,
They are 10 weeks now. They've settled really well. I was mesmerized watching Betty after a fly this after noon for about 20 minutes. How are your kitty's getting on?
Haha, no worries; Laura is my real name. Pinot and Jack are thriving and developing personalities, very fun to see adventurous developments in one and running back to safety in the other. Foodwise, I found a butcher here in our village who sells me 3 kgs of chicken-stomachs, -necks, -livers and -kidneys for 9 euros, which i put in a food processor and they absolutely love it! It's closest to their natural food minus the bones. I got it from this website Making Cat Food, which was mentioned on one of the threads in this forum. I do wonder if i should feed them also, in a few weeks when they are a little bit older, some grain free dry food. But i found quite a few websites, such as Dr Mercola's that say that dry food is a nono. What are your thoughts on this?
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