New Additions - kittens

Taureau, je viens de prendre connaissance de ton message et photo dont je te remercie, je viens de prier pour Milly, elle restera dans mes prières chaque jour, pourrais-on avoir une photo de Milly ?... Merci d'avance...

Taurus, I have just read your message and photo for which I thank you, I have just prayed for Milly, she will remain in my prayers every day, could we have a photo of Milly? ... Thank you in advance ...
Thank you so much photo above.
Oh, my, Thebull, I've seen pictures of Milly before, but the one you posted above seems to really capture who she is. Thank you for all of the pictures of your beloved 4-footed companions. They are a joy to see. A :hug: to Milly and have already prayed for her and will continue to do so.
My little dog Milly was at the vets today and had a 8 tumours removed of varying size. We know that one was malignant and one wasn't. We had seen 3 of the marks but the vet found other questionable marks that although small as she was under anesthesia we decided to remove them.
Anyway if anyone could say a prayer for Milly for her fully recovering it would be much appreciated. She's struggling tonight but only operated today. At least she's home with us now

How is Milly doing? Let us know when you find time. I did a little statement and a visualisation for her, will repeat throughout the day. Give her a tender kiss at the forehead from me and you all stay safe... ❤️
Milly has had a comfortable day although she is very sleepy. It must be very uncomfortable for her as they removed the tumors/mole from different parts of her body. We've sent what the vets removed for tests though do we'll see what they say. Even they were all cancerous I very much doubt wed put her through chemo.
I really do thank you all for your living prayers and messages it means slot 💖
This is a pic from this morning. I know she looks sad but she had eaten. Got the shirt on so she doesn't pick she's very relaxed in it to be honest. She's back to the vets tomorrow to check on her stiches.
Merci pour les nouvelles et la photo d'hier que je découvre seulement maintenant...
Hâte d'avoir les nouvelles du jour...
Super l'idée de la chemise, ça lui va si bien...
Elle reste dans mes prières pour le moment...
J'espère que les chatons ne l'embêtent pas trop... Love...

Thank you for the news and the picture from yesterday that I only now discover...
Can't wait to get today's news...
Great idea for the shirt, it suits him so well...
She remains in my prayers for the moment...
I hope the kittens don't bother her too much... Love...
She's not doing bad at all . So the stiched area I've shown is the problem area she had 2 lumps removed that were quite close together there though small. She caught it yesterday scratching whilst I walked my other dog Star, my wife was working at the time.
The vet was worried about this area too we want to make sure there's no infection.
All the other stiches seem okay at the moment. I hope we don't have to put her through this again.
Saying that Millys lived with arthritis from 2 years of age and she a strong girl. Milly loves cuddles and she loves to snuggle up with us. We'll be keeping her shirt on a bit longer to try stop her catching the stiches.
Thanks for asking Perlou all in all Milly seems to be doing well. Thank you all.
Merci pour les nouvelles et les photos, pauvre petite, ça me fait mal rien que de voir ses plaies...
J'espère qu'elles ne s'infecteront pas... Prenez grand soin d'elle et faites lui un câlin pour moi...
A bientôt de lire les prochaines nouvelles... Je la garde dans mes prières...

Thanks for the news and the pictures, poor little girl, it hurts me just to see her wounds...
I hope they won't get infected... Take good care of her and give her a hug for me...
See you soon to read the next news... I keep it in my prayers...
So Milly would like to thank you for the prayers and loving thoughts you've sent. She has had all the stitches out today and apart from one area on her leg where she pulled a stitch out everything is healing well.
The vet called to discuss the lumps and the prognosis is as good as it could be. Only one lump was cancerous and it is the one that we already suspected.
There's not much to do for now as little Milly doesn't really need anymore trauma for a while.
We'll let her heal and keep an eye on her. Thank you all for giving Milly your time. Especially with other members going through such difficult times. They'll be in my thoughts and prayers too.
Betty and Piper are doing well and growing fast. Very loving and keep our dogs on their toes. I think we all here find our animal family a source of comfort during these times of change. :hug2:
Je vous ai cherché pour prendre des nouvelles de Milly et je viens de voir vos belles photos de vos petits anges ...
Un grand Merci à Vous ...
Je la garde dans mes pensées et prière...
Vos chatons sont adorables...
Prenez bien soin d'eux tous... LOVE

I've been looking for you to check up on Milly and I just saw the beautiful pictures of your little angels ...
Many thanks to you...
I keep her in my thoughts and prayers ...
Your kittens are adorable ...
Take good care of all of them ... LOVE
Comment va notre petite Milly qui est toujours dans mes prières matin et soir ?

How is our little Milly who is always in my prayers morning and evening?
Hi Perlou,
Thank you for asking. She's been a brave girl and seems to be healing and brighter.
Unfortunately her arthritis is really bad at the moment and she's unable to walk very far at all which is a shame as she likes to be out though not in the rain. .
She's a brave girl and we try and manage the pain as best we can for her.
We are giving her lots love and care. We enjoy her company and hopefully she can keep enjoying her time here.
She loves to be with people and as my wife is a hairdresser working from home she's able to socialise.
I'll post some photos soon. All the various scars are healing well though just one small section that we'll have checked shortly.
Pour mes petits Yorks 8 et 18 ans je leur donne du Rumathyl depuis plusieurs années déjà, chaque soir quelques gouttes, c'est un produit homéopathique de chez BOIRON en France, et ils ne boitent plus du tout malgré des problèmes de ligaments croisés... Embrassez vos bébés pour moi...

For my little Yorks 8 and 18 years old I have been giving them Rumathyl for several years now, every evening a few drops, it is a homeopathic product from BOIRON in France, and they don't limp at all despite problems with cruciate ligaments ... Kiss your babies for me...
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