New Additions - kittens

Here's Piper having a snooze. Great little cats. Thinking about keeping them as house cats but they can't wait to go outside. Will decide on the spring. I personally like to let the outside but we've lost 2 cats over the last twenty years on the road.
Merci pour les nouvelles et les photos...
Quand on aime ses chats, on ne les laisse pas sortir, c'est ce que dit un américain qui fait une série sur les chats à problèmes (à cause de leurs maitres) et il résout les problèmes... Je vais chercher le nom de son émission que j'enregistre pour ne pas les louper...
Hell"s cats Jason Galaxy

Thank you for the news and photos...
When you love your cats, you don't let them out, that's what an american guy says when he makes a series about cats with problems (because of their masters) and he solves the problems. I'm going to look for the name of his show that I record so that I don't miss them... Hell "s cats Jason Galaxy

I know well how this question is tearing. I've not definitive answer regarding that subject, a golden cage is still a cage, just look what they do for us now, and how we feel.
I've lost cats to cars over the years. I let my 7 y.o cat outside as soon as she was about 6 months old. She was EAGER to explore the world! She got hit by a car years ago but lived to tell the tale. She's a wild critter with a strong personality, and I can't imagine her being happy indoors. She'd become neurotic and very unhappy. Anyway, where I live it's almost impossible to prevent her from going outside, short of locking her up in a separate room. I wouldn't want that for her.
Hell "s cats Jason Galaxy a fait installé des arceaux qui reviennent sur eux pour que le chat qui essaie de les surmonter ne puisse pas sortir, il retombe dans l'espace ainsi protégé, le filet est soutenu par les arceaux...
J'ai moi même fixé un filet de protection invisible sur mon balcon pour la protection de mes chatonnes...
J'ai perdu une siamoise, SWAMIE qui s'est tuée en tombant du 4ème étage, un autre LANCELOT est tombé également mais ne s'est pas tué ni fracturé, je l'ai retrouvé en bas de l'immeuble après la promenade de mes petits Yorks, il est simplement venu vers nous, je n'en revenais pas, je l'ai porté jusqu'à l'appartement voir s'il n'avait rien... Ce sont des peurs dont je ne voulais plus...
Mais c'est votre choix et celui-ci vous appartient et je le respecte...
Le premier lien est celui pour le balcon, le second pour les jardins...

Hell "s cats Jason Galaxy has installed hoops that come back on them so that the cat that tries to overcome them can't get out, it falls back into the space so protected, the net is supported by the hoops ...
I have fixed myself an invisible protection net on my balcony for the protection of my kittens...
I lost a Siamese cat, SWAMIE, who killed herself when she fell from the 4th floor, another LANCELOT also fell but didn't kill herself nor fractured, I found him at the bottom of the building after my little Yorks' walk, he just came towards us, I couldn't believe it, I carried him to the apartment to see if he had nothing... These are fears that I didn't want anymore...
But it's your choice and it's yours and I respect it...
The first link is the one for the balcony, the second one for the gardens...

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That is a lovely photo of your cat Perlou. I adore cats and have two. A big boy "Bob" and a naughty little girl called "Ruby". Ruby brings me live mice and drops them in my home as gifts presumably. I am quite adept at catching mice. Luckily they are a bit stunned after being in a cat's mouth and are relatively easy to catch. I do get the odd bite. I have to get up in the middle of the night sometimes, put them in a box and take them a distance to set them free. If I set them free in the garden they will just get caught again. The things we do for our kitties and other 2D residents.:-)
NON, votre chatonne n'est pas vilaine bien au contraire, Elle vous fait un cadeau que vous ne savez pas apprécié...
Si vous relâchez la souris dehors le chat vous la rapportera et vous deviendrez le troisième joueur...
Je suis toujours stupéfaite comme les humains ne connaissent pas le besoin de leurs animaux de compagnie...

NO, your kitten is not naughty, on the contrary, she gives you a gift that you don't know how to appreciate...
If you release the mouse outside the cat will bring her back and you will become the third player...
I am always amazed how humans don't know the need of their pets...
Very, very cute kittens. :love:
I know well how this question is tearing. I've not definitive answer regarding that subject, a golden cage is still a cage, just look what they do for us now, and how we feel.
I had the same thoughts and think cats should always be allowed to go out. Of course, everyone must decide for themselves and it also depends on where you live. But I could observe it with our tomcat. He explored his territory little by little and it took a long time until he really left the property and explores the city around us. I think cats are very good at judging what they can and can't do. Unfortunately, our neighbor's cat has also gone very crazy because he is not allowed out at all. He is aggressive towards strangers. Our cat, on the other hand, is a very even-tempered fellow and you get the feeling he is the king of the whole place. But I can tell you he also likes to be inside, however he wants it. But maybe it is good that you have two cats, so they have each other. ;-)

NON, votre chatonne n'est pas vilaine bien au contraire, Elle vous fait un cadeau que vous ne savez pas apprécié...
Si vous relâchez la souris dehors le chat vous la rapportera et vous deviendrez le troisième joueur...
Je suis toujours stupéfaite comme les humains ne connaissent pas le besoin de leurs animaux de compagnie...

NO, your kitten is not naughty, on the contrary, she gives you a gift that you don't know how to appreciate...
If you release the mouse outside the cat will bring her back and you will become the third player...
I am always amazed how humans don't know the need of their pets...
Perlou, I think Tuulikki used the word "naughty" not in a literal derogatory way, but as a term of endearment like you'd use for a mischievous child. I know cats like to bring mice and birds as a "gift" to their owner, but if my cat brought me a mouse, I'd try to save it too ;-) though of course I wouldn't "scold' my cat for doing what is in her nature to do.

Perlou, je pense que Tuuliki a employé le terme "vilaine" non pas de manière littérale ou dénigrante, mais plutôt de manière affectueuse (comme pour un enfant malicieux, par ex.). Je sais que les chats aiment bien apporter des souris ou des oiseaux "en cadeau" à leurs proprio, mais si mon chat me ramenait une souris, j'essaierais de la sauver aussi ;-) même si bien sûr, je ne gronderais pas mon chat parce qu'il a fait qqe chose qui relève de sa nature.
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