You know, I'm just wondering how usful that would be to anyone. You see, all of the deliberate experiences are of the "don't try this at home" variety, things I was personally inclined to do and compelled by circumstance, but of course nothing that involved harm to anyone except perhaps risk to myself.Ben said:I'd be interested to hear about your experiences EQ, if you would be interesting in recounting any of them!
Yet none of these zones was approached without thorough prior research and a clear message from within to proceed. That's why I fully understand that one should respect individual freedom of choice in these matters because cross the board generalization has its limits. In fact, if I had been any more conservative than I had been, I don't think I would be alive or sane today.
And in all of this I was protected in a sense. I have had more than one individual look at me in surprize, and let slip "what? You're still alive?" That's why I think it is important to cultivate that inner voice of grace that helps us avoid what needs to be avoided and confront what needs to be confronted, which is different in each case, although general guidlines help those who have still to get that voice loud enough to move through life "freestyle" as it were.
That said, I'll recount one experience as an example.
It involved this park, on private land around a rock quarry turned lake. On major holidays in the summer this place would fill with thousands of camping party animals imbibing every substance under the sun over two or three days. These parties would set any parent in a fit and there were always a few dead bodies floating in the quarry when all was said and done. Still, it was always non-violent and victims would be those that tried to go swimming when they could barely walk.
The last year I was there (early 90's) things started getting strange. The place was said to be over some Indian burial ground possibly related to human sacrifice. Many people considered it a "power spot", and Ohio is pretty much full of these. So the last time was a 4th of July weekend, and it all started "innocently" enough in that context. The second night had 3-5 thousand people gathering with a Doors band playing on one side of the park.
Now when you have this bunch of people tripping, it affects the energy greatly even if you happen to be sipping water. And I don't know who, but apparently a group came in that connected with a lot of seemingly random people there that was bent on "calling up" something. Either that or it was a spontaneous event. So at some point even while dancing I was hearing people mumble around me "it's coming...it's coming", even as all the hairs on my body seemed to raise.
And this was starting to infect everyone, even people on the other side of the park who all seemed to be in a kind of trance-like frame of mind, as opposed to the usual party atmosphere where people have conversations or just do their own thing. Also I was getting hostile looks from everyone, the type you get if you're a black man walking in on a KKK gathering. Aquaintances would say things like "now you're in for it", and I felt this was not just some kind of physical threat, although that may have been included.
Then the band started playing "Mojo Rising" and it turned into some kind of weird litany. I quickly left the scene and walked fast to a friend's tent, finding him, and feeling like I was ready to double over in nausea as well. So I just let my intuition guide me and grabbed my walkman and told him to grab his and we went somewhere on the quarry cliffs where we would be away from it all. As soon as we clicked on the walkmans all symptoms went away. When the walkman's were off you could hear people howling all over the place, and really strange sound effects coming from the band like a pervasive growling.
Anyway, there was a presence like what you described in your dreams, but imagine it covering a large camp area, like a giant parade balloon. You couldn't see anything although the shadows played as malevolent forms, but you could surely feel it. Something was revelling in its freedom, and cries of "the power, the power" coming from the side of the lake, where the band was to our right.
My friend was wide awake and lucid by now and we focused on our music and just meditated on a solution to the situation, because it was obvious that this energy was not going to go away in the morning if things kept escalating. There was a light at the other end of the lake and we focused on that, just a lamp but from far away it looked like a bright star. And as the rest was drowned out the star took precedence and became more than the lamp. Fireworks were exploded over the lake and the smoke started vortexing in front of the light and did not dissipate.
It started forming a winged figure that seemed to become luminous unto itself. We were focused in this vision for four hours, which was not really a vision but something that could be felt and seemed to separate us from the darker energies. At the end of this time, batteries started to wane and we took off the headphones. The howls by this time had turned into howls of rage, screams, bashings of metal, sounds that made us think twice about going to the campground. And the music now was 20 different kinds of heavy metal from different sources merged into complete insanity.
Some people discovered our little hide-away and were throwing fire-works at us, raging with hatred (although luckily their attention span was short and they would move on as more started coming with attention spans just as short). So we got up and got as far as we could from the mayhem, but still within the bounds of the park where we could talk about what was going on. Both of us got the impression that what was called up was contained, and because it was contained it unleashed its rage on everyone there although even this was contained to a large extent. And by morning it spent itself, because with the first rays of the sun all was quiet again.
When we went back to the camp ground, it was a scene of devastation. Our tent was untouched, but most others were trampled. People were bleeding, some were still unconscious in the mud, two cars were smashed, barrels with fires in them were turned over. Everyone was moaning and stumbling in confusion. I heard that at some point the place just turned into one big bar brawl. Now these people are usually seasoned partyers of the types that get up the next day a bit mellow but otherwise none the worse for wear, and some could be rowdy, but most were your peaceful hippy types.
An interesting point was that the group we knew making all the veiled threats last night were angry at us for not sticking around and acted as if we had betrayed them or something ("what you did was NOT cool man"). After that day one of the parents of those there had enough connections to investigate the place and get it shut down, so at least there were no such antics there again, and even some seven years after when I last inquired about the place.
One thing I do know is that this type of thing was very common among sacred spots, usually with small groups of ten or twenty people, and was going on for some time, but escalated exponentially during 90's. A lot of people I knew were being affected and talking about new order in the world and such, even though very few were in any kinds of organized gatherings, and all were just normal friends of friends, until this strange behaviour popped up.
In addition, a lot of seemingly innocent "ceremonies" were done by "light bringers" and "healers" at the time that were really looking for some "reward" from the experience. All these people had some esoteric inclination, and all in their meditations or rituals intimated that they were guided somehow by something that promised greatness.
So what I observed was a wide variety of people, from types aligned with new age ascension zones, to pure demonists and a lot of people in between that basically expressed the same "connection", which had promised them supremacy or a "special place" for "chosen ones".
I realized I needed to understand this more. To me it seemed like mass possession in varying degrees. I also came to the conclusion that a lot of this was necessary because formerly hidden layers of the collective unconscious were coming to the surface, and all the energies resonant with them were coming into play. And life-affirming energies were blocked because entropic ones were rooted where the others would otherwise ground. So I instead of waiting for the negatives to come to me on their own time, I started calling them up by getting my hands on every grimoir I could find.
Now most if not all of these are hoaxes, but what matters is that many people have turned the symbols into a focus of negative energies with specific purposes. Anyway, that is another story.
All in all it makes for a nice campfire story, but I don't see much use in it except to get people starting to wonder about me. It does reveal, however, how large groups of people can be influenced without the use of technologies other than what is already around us.