New blog in spanish

Find in KARMA library, in Barcelona. Find in google. Is a very New Age library, but this books (maybe) are there.
I'm thinking about close my blog too or re-define it, but i have not time so may be it can take some time.

Alvaro let us know about your progress in this subject.
I'm working every day on it, hopefully soon be ready. I am reviewing many texts and looking for "new. "
pirataloko said:
I'm thinking about close my blog too or re-define it, but i have not time so may be it can take some time.

Pirataloko IMHO I think the most important thing is to dedicate to yourself, if then you find time to dedicate to your page, working on it, sure that many can benefit from your information, don't hesitate it.
The blog is going to be online, simply i don't have actually enough time to think in it and i have not actually in mind any idea to share (at least as a defined idea), when i started this proyect i had some ideas to share... in fact they were ideas or points of view that i didn't find in another websites so i decided to create a new one to share it. In fact every article published (at least at the beginning) was a representation of some thought i had in my mind. When i did it in first instance i believed that the work was done.... but i was encouraged to go on with it... as a result the last articles are information that i think is relevant although this information can be found in others websites..... but this is not going to be repeated because the way i do this last function (take information from one website and relocate in another one) is cooperating in I don't like the copy - paste way to create or develop a blog, there are a lot of websites fulfilling that function.

So I guess that when some thought return to my head from my heart and show me something to be shared i'll back to write, meanwhile the blog is definitely stopped. The last days there are some ideas about how to develope it, so i guess that when i fell the hammer hit my head i'll write something. The only thing i know is that crazy, radical,... and this kind of beautiful and motivating words probably are the ones that people is going to think about me when i write the next article, nothing new under the sun, is the same i'm hearing my entire life ;).

Obviously the priority is to work in myself , and in this network.
Great, fantastic! is excellent news that expected for some time. Lately I've been not very active in forum. However, still practicing EE Breathing though perhaps not with the regularity it should. Yearning to be expected with a group meet here in my city for a practice together and share experiences.

Thanks to everyone for making it possible
Tristan said:
Great, fantastic! is excellent news that expected for some time. Lately I've been not very active in forum. However, still practicing EE Breathing though perhaps not with the regularity it should. Yearning to be expected with a group meet here in my city for a practice together and share experiences.

Thanks to everyone for making it possible

I was wrong to publish this post here I should have done in the other thread: Eiriu Eolas in Spain - interested in helping and participating?
(I have not been able to use the function to report to moderator)
New blog in spanish: The Log of the reality

I am creating a new blog, now do not have many entries because I created a few days ago, only about 20 posts. Is under construction and missing many posts I have in mind, but you can visit. His name is "The log of the Reality", and try to cover the mechanisms used by the PTB to control the world (ponerology, psychopathy, handling strategies, etc.).. There are also articles on psychology (third factor, adaptive unconscious, positive disintegration, etc.). And I will add more as I come across interesting things.

I hope you enjoy it!
Very nice blogs!

I have to say thanks for creating them and keeping them because it is very important to have a lot of people sharing all this... :D

I put a link to your blogs in my blog. Hope you don't mind. If you do, please tell me so.

The best for you!

Acid Yazz
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