I was curious as to how much flatulence we hungry humans produce, reference from _http://www.badgut.org/information-centre/a-z-digestive-topics/intestinal-gas/
The average human generates 0.6-1.8 Litters of gas per day, (mostly at night, while we are sleeping)
Taking about 300 million or so Americans, at a figure of 1.2 Litre... that’s 360 million Litres of American gas per day, though mostly air apparently, it’s still flammable and even potentially explosive due to the hydrogen and methane components... which is said to be small, no information on the actual percentage of hydrogen and methane.
So for average between 180-540 Million Liters of flatus daily, That’s 65,700,000,000 - 197,100,000,000 Liters of American flatulence yearly... and it’s an impressive amount, that some might say is just hot air, and nowhere near, cow flatulent figures.
But then there’s also, the gas produced from our private septic (poo) tanks, and large sewage treatment plants of towns, and cities, that might add a bit extra...
We could eat vegetables to solve the problem, but somebody pointed out, we have no rumen, so its not for everybody, and our emissions could go through the roof, but not sure if there’s any study on vegetarian gas emissions, to back that up, and green house gas, might be the least of our worries.
Still there’s not much meat on a cow, mostly just bred for milk... we could get rid of the cow, but would that save our bacon, probably not, but it dose warrant attention, something creative, I’m sure somebody will think of a TAX.
Just correction of mistakes