New book: American Heart of Darkness

Yes, I did see that explanation, but will have to search further for who runs the site and crunches the numbers.
Okay then.

Please accept my apology for presuming the opposite, and I'm wishing you happy hunting for any background info -- which certainly seems necessary considering their drastic projections.
This deagle forecast is plausible, and not too far off from some projections I have seen from several sources I believe to be reliable. I took a post-graduate course with about 30 aerospace science engineers and we crunched our own numbers with several options. The results were roughly the same no matter how we changed the parameters. Pandemic or no pandemic, global warfare or no global warfare, biological weapons or not..., the planet was beginning to change rapidly and a mass-extinction was underway that would kill off billions of humans in the 21st century. This was in 1990 and we figured there would be noticeable socio-economic effects by about 2013 and virtually a complete global collapse by about 2042. We had access to some of the most powerful computers and some of the best information in the world and there was just no way around it.

We also found that some of the best info came from the pentagon and NASA. Although these two entities are known for secrecy and disinformation, they do not tend to lie to themselves. Of course you had to know were to look to find this info, in other words you had to know or strongly suspect what the outcomes were likely to be to find the info in the first place. Henry Kissinger actually advocated depopulating Africa to allow American access to the abundant resources, and later the infamous Project for a New American Century advocated using biological weapons in the 21st century.

And I have discussed before that the People's Temple was an experiment in genocide using HIV, psychotropic drugs, and mind control directed at mass-murdering people of
African decent. There was a time when I would have said that these ideas were paranoid, but not now, not after having researched my first book. I actually found this and much more that literally "creeped me out." There is evil at the top of the "dung heap" that is almost beyond belief. This I am sure of.
Re: New book: American Heart of Darkness; Earth, a Planet in Peril

The threat to the environment appears not to be overpopulation. Chris Hedges recently wrote, "Animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than all worldwide transportation combined—cars, trucks, trains, ships and planes.3 Livestock and their waste and flatulence account for at least 32,000 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year, or 51 percent of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions.4 Livestock causes 65 percent of all emissions of nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas 296 times more destructive than carbon dioxide. Crops grown for livestock feed consume 56 percent of the water used in the United States.6 Eighty percent of the world’s soy crop is fed to animals, and most of this soy is grown on cleared lands that were once rain forests. All this is taking place as an estimated 6 million children across the planet die each year from starvation and as hunger and malnutrition affect an additional 1 billion people. In the United States 70 percent of the grain we grow goes to feed livestock raised for consumption...."

Although this is not the total answer, it is a big step to identifying what the problem really is. Over and over again I see people who skip right to solutions without defining what the problem is and analyzing it.
Robert, I recommend to you the book 'The Vegetarian Myth' by Lierre Keith, if you have not heard of it already. It is probably the most concise explanation I have read of why any system of food production which does NOT involve animals is unsustainable. The issue, as you have outlined, is the way in which we feed and raise the majority of animals in modern agriculture. As usual, the corporate and economic power structure is the root of this problem.
Ben said:
Robert, I recommend to you the book 'The Vegetarian Myth' by Lierre Keith, if you have not heard of it already. It is probably the most concise explanation I have read of why any system of food production which does NOT involve animals is unsustainable. The issue, as you have outlined, is the way in which we feed and raise the majority of animals in modern agriculture. As usual, the corporate and economic power structure is the root of this problem.

I agree here with Ben, TVM by Keith is an excellend backgrounder - you can also listen to SOTT Talk radio for the interview with her - transcript here.

Robert Kirkconnell said:
The threat to the environment appears not to be overpopulation. Chris Hedges recently wrote, "Animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than all worldwide transportation combined—cars, trucks, trains, ships and planes.3 Livestock and their waste and flatulence account for at least 32,000 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year, or 51 percent of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions.4 Livestock causes 65 percent of all emissions of nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas 296 times more destructive than carbon dioxide.
Although this is not the total answer, it is a big step to identifying what the problem really is. Over and over again I see people who skip right to solutions without defining what the problem is and analyzing it.

Robert, you may also want to query SOTT's search database for the term CO2, it may not be as simple as many people posit, which stems from peeps at the IPCC who seem to be endlessly quoted. Have you had a chance to read Pierre's book, Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection: The Secret History of the World - Book 3? If not, it may help you to look at aspects of the electrical universe model (plasma influences on our terra) and the heating up of not just the earth, it is the same with other spheres that revolve around our Sun at this current space time. Also, there are very good studies that describe ice core samples that point to historical cycles of increased CO2 as a harbinger of cooling - and these were not anthropogenic causation's. Further to this, there is the issue of methane traps being released at greater frequencies from beneath our oceans and lands with various consequences - so the issue of our planet heating up has perhaps ephemeral ties to a larger cosmic picture?

There are others here who have a very good handle on these issues, so perhaps they may correct me and offer you other things worth reading.
voyageur said:
There are others here who have a very good handle on these issues, so perhaps they may correct me and offer you other things worth reading.

At a more basic level you could say: With the volume of outright lies that come from PTB organizations and governments, how is it possible not to question organizations like USDA, FDA, AMA, IPCC, etc? A look under the covers reveals that the vast majority of their policies have no scientific support.
I was curious as to how much flatulence we hungry humans produce, reference from _

The average human generates 0.6-1.8 Litters of gas per day, (mostly at night, while we are sleeping)

Taking about 300 million or so Americans, at a figure of 1.2 Litre... that’s 360 million Litres of American gas per day, though mostly air apparently, it’s still flammable and even potentially explosive due to the hydrogen and methane components... which is said to be small, no information on the actual percentage of hydrogen and methane.

So for average between 180-540 Million Liters of flatus daily, That’s 65,700,000,000 - 197,100,000,000 Liters of American flatulence yearly... and it’s an impressive amount, that some might say is just hot air, and nowhere near, cow flatulent figures.

But then there’s also, the gas produced from our private septic (poo) tanks, and large sewage treatment plants of towns, and cities, that might add a bit extra...

We could eat vegetables to solve the problem, but somebody pointed out, we have no rumen, so its not for everybody, and our emissions could go through the roof, but not sure if there’s any study on vegetarian gas emissions, to back that up, and green house gas, might be the least of our worries.

Still there’s not much meat on a cow, mostly just bred for milk... we could get rid of the cow, but would that save our bacon, probably not, but it dose warrant attention, something creative, I’m sure somebody will think of a TAX. :shock:

Just correction of mistakes :-[
Interesting comments. The manner in which meat is produced is, of course, the crux of the issue. There is no question that it takes over a thousand gallons to produce one pound of beef. Add to this the fact that US agriculture is now putting ten calories of fossil fuels into crops to get one calorie on your plate. When the crops grown are then fed to live stock the ratio is even worse, far worse. Further, the pollution caused is mind boggling! Of course there are some who contradict these known facts, but every time I have checked they have been backed up by big power and money.

I will check out some of the info that disputes the above, and more, when I get back. Just too busy now at the Miami Book Fair, which is most interesting. Always great to hear from you folks. Perhaps we will fart our way to oblivion!
Robert Kirkconnell said:
Interesting comments. The manner in which meat is produced is, of course, the crux of the issue. There is no question that it takes over a thousand gallons to produce one pound of beef. Add to this the fact that US agriculture is now putting ten calories of fossil fuels into crops to get one calorie on your plate. When the crops grown are then fed to live stock the ratio is even worse, far worse. Further, the pollution caused is mind boggling! Of course there are some who contradict these known facts, but every time I have checked they have been backed up by big power and money.

I will check out some of the info that disputes the above, and more, when I get back. Just too busy now at the Miami Book Fair, which is most interesting. Always great to hear from you folks. Perhaps we will fart our way to oblivion!

You will definitely profit from reading Lierre Kieth's Vegetarian Myth and any of Joel Salatin's books (Polyface Farms). Animals belong on pasture where they actually greatly improve the land/soil - monocropping destroys it. And in today's market, there are plenty of sources of pastured animal products from small farm ops so that no support goes to CAFOs.
Re: New book: American Heart of Darkness: Miami Book Fair

Now at the Miami Book Fair, the largest in the US. Today is the last day and the only day that I can just go cruise around. This has been interesting. As most of you know, the indy/self publishing scenario has completely changed the writing/publishing market. No longer can the big publishing houses "gate keepers" control this market. The guy in the booth next to me was selling a coloring/story book where he starts the story that they complete it. These are the kinds of things that kids need to foster their inherent creativity that belong in the classroom. My wife used to have to make up her one stuff because there wasn't anything like this available.

Also went to the Readers' Favorite Awards presentation last night and saw the same there. Hundreds of awards went to writers and illustrators from all over the world. There was so much creativity in the room, and I really learned a lot. By the way, Readers' Favorite is a class act that really does top notch work. It starts with a free review, and they really do a good job of it. Link to the page is here...
If you will be driving through NC on your way back, you might want to drop in and visit our HQ there in Otto, NC. If so, PM one of the mods for directions.
I would love to do that Laura, and thanks for the offer. Unfortunately we have a full schedule going back that goes along the "Southern route." With six Grandkids and four Great Grandkids, scattered all along the way we just can't make it. I will take you up on that next year when we plan to go up the East coast tho!! Thanks again.

I saw more interest in many of the subjects that I also see on SOTT at the book fair. Also more and more Indi authors that have knocked the doors off the major publishing houses' gate keepers. So much talent! It is really good to see.

I do not intend to ignore some of the references given here as far as meat production, and of course grazing cattle is a far different thing that the huge agribusiness factory farms we see now. I choose to be vegetarian for several reasons, but that choice is personal, I do say that the present methods of producing meat are unsustainable and barbaric. As a society, we cannot cause the suffering that we do in meat production and still treat fellow humans the way we should.
Back in California now, and it was quite a trip. RV'ing from Cal. to Florida, we noticed a few things. One was that agriculture in the West is collapsing, at least some of it due to overuse of the Ogallala aquifer which been drained from about 20 feet after WW-II to about 80 feet today. We could see abandoned farms all over the place. We also saw a lot of blight and abandoned housing all along the way, and even whole communities that have collapsed. We were looking for an RV park in Beaumont, Texas and went through a neighborhood that was mostly abandoned. You could see some people living there but they appeared to be homeless who had just broken into abandoned houses. There was a Caterpillar tractor bulldozing houses. This struck us as ironic that Caterpillar has been selling to the Israelis to bulldoze Palestinians houses and now it is U.S. houses that are being bulldozed.
In talking to people we could also see that many middle class people had lost their homes or lost the equity in their homes. They looked to be doing about as well as they have been, but when you talked to them it became apparent that their wealth had been hollowed out. That would be the money that they used to use to send their kids to college, etc.
Noticed the budding Prince Andrew scandal and I wonder how the power elite is going to contain this. I have not doubt that they will, but someone is going to connect the dots and for sure this will lead to high places. One book I read that is a real eye opener is the Franklin Cover-up. I even mention this on Facebook and it gets deleted.
I'm glad you had a safe trip Robert and it sounds like it was very educational as well. Not many see the decline unless its happening to them! And god knows the media isn't reporting the real picture. It is pretty ironic that caterpillar is bulldozing homes in America too, and at the same time, not really, considering our police are now being trained by the Israelis. Like a virus, the slow creep spreads.

Are you considering writing a book about the decline of America? Maybe include pictures you took on your trip? I suppose most people are unaware that whole communities are abandoned (or close to it). I think people would be shocked, and are in for more shock when the price of food really soars because of the western drought and harsh weather in general. Everyone is feeling pretty good because the price of gas is around 2 bucks a gallon, but things like butter have gone from $2.49 a pound to $5.48! And the mess that is unfolding in Ukraine and ISIS in the Middle East, it seems it'll always will be endless war. But for sure, the decline in America will start to pick up pace and many will be caught unaware. From what I've been reading, another wealth grab of peoples retirement funds is looking fairly imminent. Between that and police brutality, all hell is gonna break loose.
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