New Forum Layout Suprise!

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Nice Work Techies.... Looks Great.

Thank you for the time & effort put into this.

PS: The smiley thingy is really cool.... :) :D :lol:
Thanks for the easy let-down, Anart, but after reading Neil's Ufo's are a hoax thread and the replies, I realise that I must give myself no let-up with these self-administered psychic slaps if I'm ever to dislodge the predator programing. So 'dumb' it is, in the American sense of the word, until I learn to think before yapping off. I mean, how easy was it just to scroll down.....?

Found the 'Return to this topic' button. Thanks again.
Scott said:
This forum will have eventually have sections for French, Spanish, and possibly other languages.
Maintaining multiple forums was a pain!

OK, Thank You. But when? ....

Please I need to work at net in the idiom that I dominate: Spanish.

Thanks Again.

Pardon for my English.
Hello Nitra,

In the mean time the priority is to arrange/fix the English forum. Then we will be able to set up Spanish and French sections and then we have to figure out a way to make signup multi-lingual. Once you're subscribed you can change your profile settings into Spanish (or other languages), but subscriptions are still available only in English.

Stay in tune. We overstretched ourselves in the past maintaining multiple forums with so little resources. Once we have the main technical problems figured out in the English forum, it will be easier to set-up other non-English sections.

For Spanish speaking members:

Actualmente se le está dando prioridad al arreglo del foro en inglés, después pondremos las secciones de español en este mismo foro. En el pasado mantuvimos varios foros con muy pocos recursos y resultó ser un tanto complicado. Todo en un mismo foro será mucho más fácil. También tenemos que averiguar un modo de hacer las suscripciones en varios idiomas. Una vez que estás suscrito, puedes cambiar en tu perfil el idioma predeterminado al español, pero las suscripciones por el momento están solo disponibles en inglés.

Mantente sintonizado. Una vez que tengamos arreglado los principales problemas técnicos en el foro en inglés, se crearán las secciones en español. No sabemos cuanto tiempo tome, pero esperamos que sea lo antes posible. ¡Saludos!
Scott said:
Ooooh, I see. Well, that's pretty bothersome. I guess we'll have to write our own "link repair" script to go through the messages and repair the links to old forum posts.

Alrighty, all the links in posts that formerly pointed to posts or topics on the old SOTT forum have been fixed.

I also noticed that there are a few blank posts here and there. The reason for this is that the conversion script seems to have hiccuped at times. So, if you find an empty post, send me a PM with a link to the post (to send a personal message to someone, click the shiny blue or black human icon underneath their avatar). To get the link to the specific post (instead of the topic in general), right-click on the title of the post itself and pick "Copy Link Location" or whatever your browser says. Paste that link into a PM, and send it to me.

In other words, links should look like this:

NOT this:

That will help speed up the post restoration process so I don't have to search through every post of long threads to find the blank ones!
Speaking of links, how do I get a link to work so that instead of displaying the whole hyperlink text it can just be a couple of clickable words? There used to be a help button that explained how to do it but I don't find one now. Thanks.

New layout is looking good btw. :)
navegante said:
Hello Nitra,

In the mean time the priority is to arrange/fix the English forum. Then we will be able to set up Spanish and French sections and then we have to figure out a way to make signup multi-lingual. Once you're subscribed you can change your profile settings into Spanish (or other languages), but subscriptions are still available only in English.

Stay in tune. We overstretched ourselves in the past maintaining multiple forums with so little resources. Once we have the main technical problems figured out in the English forum, it will be easier to set-up other non-English sections.

For Spanish speaking members:

Actualmente se le está dando prioridad al arreglo del foro en inglés, después pondremos las secciones de español en este mismo foro. En el pasado mantuvimos varios foros con muy pocos recursos y resultó ser un tanto complicado. Todo en un mismo foro será mucho más fácil. También tenemos que averiguar un modo de hacer las suscripciones en varios idiomas. Una vez que estás suscrito, puedes cambiar en tu perfil el idioma predeterminado al español, pero las suscripciones por el momento están solo disponibles en inglés.

Mantente sintonizado. Una vez que tengamos arreglado los principales problemas técnicos en el foro en inglés, se crearán las secciones en español. No sabemos cuanto tiempo tome, pero esperamos que sea lo antes posible. ¡Saludos!

OK, Navegante.

I will wait for the section in Spanish. While I read the forum in English. I am not accustomed to get in touch with you in another idiom. But in short: Thanks.

Pardon for my English
cool layout!!! these smileys are so funny~

time to take one out for a test ride ;)


wooo hooo!
Enjoying learning the new layout!
Congrats on the transition (having run my own forum years ago I know what a pain it is to migrate!)

Definatly like the

:scooter: :boat: :whlchair:

Actually, I just noticed something missing! There's no link to the page at the top of the forum anymore. Oversight or design? :)
salleles said:
Hi Alada, you can use the following code (without spaces in the url-fields)

[ url = ]Signs of the Times[ /url ]


Signs of the Times

It would be handy if the beginning of the "Insert hyperlink icon" code displayed [ url = ] instead of [ url ]
I know I'm a little late with this, but was away for a month. I'm still getting used to the new set up, but there are lots of features I really like. Well done! :clap:
Belibaste said:
It would be handy if the beginning of the "Insert hyperlink icon" code displayed [ url = ] instead of [ url ]

Yes, noticed that change too. It's a tad less convenient.
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