New show: NewsReal with Joe & Niall

Coming up today on NewsReal, live at this link from 4pm CET / 10am US Eastern / 2pm UTC...

Welcome to Pandemia: Viruses and Governments Run Wild!

The effects of government lockdowns to counter the pundemic continue to reverberate across the globe. This week on NewsReal, Joe and Niall discuss the sharp rise in non-Covid illnesses as social distancing measures ease and seasonal viral transmission returns with a vengeance.

In apparent response to this and other 'side-effects' of lockdowns, governments are responding with increasingly radical control measures. Media reports about food shortages and Covid vaccines becoming mandatory round off another hellish week in the Land of Pandemia...

Show notes

Tucker Carlson vs the NSA

Spanish emergency law

US govt to 'go door-to-door' with Covid shots

Covid-19 outbreaks in fully vaccinated nursing homes

Australian government vaccination advert

UK anti-protest law

UK '5-year-plan'

Ireland indoor dining

RSV outbreak Australia & New Zealand

RSV outbreak USA

RSV outbreak France & Japan

UK 'rolling food shortages'

Empty shelves in UK supermarkets

Truck driver shortage UK

UK government on meat tax in February

UK government on meat tax in June

World Economic Forum paper on meat tax

Cargill food crisis simulation
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Coming up today on NewsReal...

Have watched many shows, however this one had a particularly large amount of BS ;-), which by the way I concur, that behind the headlines the BS was flowing like honey to the masses this week.

PS. From the show, the Mirror states a 10-year prison sentence for 'serious annoyance' protests, without definition (will they use a colour coded threat indicator - "yellow annoyance alert," perhaps?) As for noise, or 'noisy' said the headline, no decibel levels were made to define. Again, perhaps a yellow noise alert level will be used set at, say above 95 dbl. to make an arrest. What about Mime protesting?

Had a look, and apparently it did not work out for this Mime, which is kind of BS because this Mime seemed to be nothing more than a Mime plant for Extinction Rebellion, thus the arrest must of been for poor theatre, and sensational optics in this case?


PPS. 14 grams of meat stated for daily allowance? Those are fighting words. Now what the WEF did not provided was what is the definition of meat? I call BS on that.


Great back and forth, guys!!!
Love the podcast, and the other SOTT podcasts.. thanks guys! It's so nice to listen to like, a dose of sanity.. All your good humoured realness seems to have an effect on me where listening helps me remember myself. The gradually building fear and hopelessness for the future I start feeling these days is washed away.. For days after listening, I'll be walking at the supermarket or wherever, with my (mandated) mask on, but instead of feeling scared, suspicious and almost in a panic I start feeling sort of open.. like I start seeing the real people under all the masks again, and feel much less immersed in all this fear..

I don't know how to describe what I mean except...Positive mental attitude!

So anyway thanks for the great podcasts :) Off to listen to the newest couple now..
Good show and thank you. The sarcasm and cynical mirth were clear, but whacha gonna do with this type of information?

Speaking of; what are you going to do. What to do if/when faced with difficult decisions, where one may have to deal with separation, confinement, or the D word, while following whatever form of resistance they choose to follow?

It’s kind of like walking the razors edge in the fog. I find one of these difficulties is dealing with the issue of doubt “am I doing the right thing”? In this fog we really can’t just do what the others in our group are doing as each and ever situation is individualized just for us. The right thing to do, is the right thing in your individual nuanced situation at that time.

The time of the masses having the comfort of rule of law and basic social cooperation are ending quickly, and we are sinking deeper into a time of cheat-steal-&-lie. Can we cheat steal and lie, for the ultimate good? When is telling a lie a good thing? (No, I’m not hiding Jews in the basement.)

We will be making mistakes. And, that’s ok! Pick yourself up, dust off, and keep moving.

We’re not ones to tell each other what to do. And now is no different. Take the jab. Don’t take the jab. Be a martyr. Don’t be a martyr. Fight! Hide! And so on. For now, I have boiled it down to asking the DCM to help me live my destiny, and fulfil my hearts desires. If that leads to martyrdom or hiding in a basement until it’s safe to come out, so be it. I think if a person’s desires are to be true and do the right thing, then the mistakes are of less consequence.

This would be a tricky discussion, but I would like to see us have it. As best we can anyway. I’m posting it here on the NewsReal show, but perhaps it would fit better over at the Mind Matters Show. So, I’ll post it over there as well, as a possible show discussion. (it’s also possible that the subject is to nebulous , and to easily misconstrued by listeners to have, and that may be the case)

The below video/podcast that was posted on the “My Astra Zeneca shots and the effect on me” thread, by Zzartemis. We are collectivist, or a group in the work, yet there is an individual part to the soul’s advancement that I think we should look at, especially if we find ourselves in the future detached from communication with each other. I found this ½ hour video thought provoking. I would have to comb through it carefully to really recommend it as "good", but it was good that it got me thinking. A quote. “In freedom everyone’s path will be different”

Thanks again for the show!


Masterful execution, NewsReal!

YT was absolutely mesmerized when you called out all these Nazi-looking people chanting 'Freedom' as they walked the streets. You immediately recognized the threat to democracy by successfully identifying Nazi gestures, Nazi flags and Nazi t-shirts. YT is honored to include your observations in the next version of its algorithm. In fact, for your future shows, YT's algorithm will route your information bits to its nearest fully-vaccinated branch so that the flight of your pixels shall remain spike-free.

All fact-checkers unanimously agreed that you have stopped the spread of misinformation for 1:32:45, an Olympic record. They were delighted that you included the speech of the venerable Israeli political doctor. The YT dissection committee is still lost for words.

Moreover, YT is amazed by your mathematical senses, as millions of vaccinated people will be forced to lock themselves in the YT library because of a few disliked, unvaccinated individuals. You proved the existence of the unvaccinated wave, a noble price to pay in YT views.

To celebrate your transhumanistic prowess, YT will send you a love magnet by mail. If the love magnet doesn't stick to your arm, then YT will send you another one, "free of charge."

Masterful execution, NewsReal!

YT was absolutely mesmerized when you called out all these Nazi-looking people chanting 'Freedom' as they walked the streets. You immediately recognized the threat to democracy by successfully identifying Nazi gestures, Nazi flags and Nazi t-shirts. YT is honored to include your observations in the next version of its algorithm. In fact, for your future shows, YT's algorithm will route your information bits to its nearest fully-vaccinated branch so that the flight of your pixels shall remain spike-free.

All fact-checkers unanimously agreed that you have stopped the spread of misinformation for 1:32:45, an Olympic record. They were delighted that you included the speech of the venerable Israeli political doctor. The YT dissection committee is still lost for words.

Moreover, YT is amazed by your mathematical senses, as millions of vaccinated people will be forced to lock themselves in the YT library because of a few disliked, unvaccinated individuals. You proved the existence of the unvaccinated wave, a noble price to pay in YT views.

To celebrate your transhumanistic prowess, YT will send you a love magnet by mail. If the love magnet doesn't stick to your arm, then YT will send you another one, "free of charge."

Best show review eva! Thanks! :lol:
Thanks for the show guys, love the back and forth as always.

During the show there was mention of American Frontline Doctor's (AFD), which had never really been explored personally other than in reference, video or from reading in posts. So thanks for that.

At the risk of adding a bit of a rant (okay more than a bit), and while looking for the AFD's website after it was mentioned, could not help notice that there was this McGill university hit piece (once a good school) brought up in the algorithm search directed to their Office for Science and Society page, with an attack on the AFD, and in particular, Lee Merritt. It was the usual type of attack; words to prime and words left out, leading off with such words as "Dr. Merritt may be a fine orthopedic surgeon, but when it comes to the science of COVID-19, she is a bumbling neophyte," and furthermore he adds comments directly to the AFD that they are "a handful of conspiracy-minded physicians" :lol: with a few more chosen words to twist around their facility page and air dry.

Note: By the way, McGill did receive a grant, December 2020 from Pfizer for $600,000, adding to the 2.5 million for covid infrastructure.

Now just to show that this erudite professor can box (he does chemistry), alternatives to these er, vaccines, must be demonized, with statements like "It is at this point that the snake in the grass, namely hydroxychloroquine, rears its head." Again :lol:. This is followed up with "Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic medication used in animals is also championed by America’s Frontline Doctors. {and then he throws the AFD a bone} While there are theoretical possibilities for some benefit, so far clinical trials have been inconclusive, with some showing no effect, and others demonstrating a decrease in inflammatory markers as well as a shorter time for viral clearance. Certainly, ivermectin is not a “magic bullet” that targets COVID-19 as claimed."

No trials are mentioned.

"Theoretical" like the covid vaccine benefits?

I'm guessing that by default, the vaccines are the "magic bullet" and he knows with great scientific 'rigour' this to be true.

And just to be sure that his/their message carried weight, added was that:
"This handful of physicians, who have no specific training in epidemiology, virology or infectious disease, claim to have better knowledge of COVID-19 than the thousands of academic and pharmaceutical researchers who have forged specialized careers in these areas."

Well, case closed, a handful against thousands (obviously not the thousands of doctors who have signed against), kind of like the C02 schtick (which this Joe writes about also - demonizing) with all that settled science stuff - emphasis on 97% of scientists say...

Yet this Joe needed to add more:
Dr. Merritt buys into all these conspiracy theories and the various pseudoscientific treatments. Masks are useless, she says, and meetings with friends should be encouraged. Along with her Frontline Doctor colleagues, she demonstrates an ignorance of science and the scientific method, and her rebuke of COVID vaccines puts people who follow her advice at risk. She does, however {another bone}, get one thing right. In the video, she mentions that a low blood level of vitamin D is a risk factor for COVID-19 and correctly suggests that supplements may be useful, especially in northern climates where sun exposure in the winter may be minimal. As for the rest of the garbled word salad in this painful thirty-minute long video, let’s be kind and just say “ummm, there is no evidence.”
Hmmm, ignorance of scientific methods, or so said this prof.

Thus, Dr. Joe Schwarcz PhD closes the book on the AFD for all within the uni-facility, along with the student body and anyone else who happens to peek in. And that is it, that's a wrap, there is nothing more to see and hear related to those "handful" of crazy AFD physicians. McGill has spoken through their representative - on behalf of science, scientists and possibly their donors.

Note though, this Joe (and selected peeps) have a 156 pages of other articles (from 2017), and to be fair some articles look rather interesting (like why do plastic finger nails pose a fire risk - so be carful around candles ladies), while many other articles (by himself or select colleagues) look to debunk anyone who stands out, such as RFK Jr., Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche (requiring a little help from Dr. Offit in order to get the skinny on), and Stephanie Seneff, and of course Lee Merritt, basically anyone who offers up what is deemed offensive information to the narratives du jour of our times. So, once this covid-fairytale took on its full line of force, the scientific enforcers came out to earn their keep, like this professor.

Speaking of masks, this prof recently captured an earlier study related to Masks and Children, the former being toxic to them. Yet hold your horses, this professor says, this is 'What We Know About Kids and Masks' citing study flaws, such as:
The authors measured carbon dioxide levels on the inner surface of masks while being worn by 45 children aged six to 17. They found carbon dioxide levels to be what they claimed were dangerously high and possibly toxic. But there were some irredeemable problems with the study. First, the device they used to measure CO2 levels was designed to measure CO2 levels in incubators and had a large margin of error when used in an open setting.
What that margin of error exactly is the good professor omits to say, let alone just what an 'open' setting means (I guess as opposed to an incubator). So, let's be generous and say this error is half of 13,910 ppm's, which is still bloody toxic. Thus, this guy is picking peeper out of fly s&%$. This prof has also likely never once fit tested a respirator or used a C02 sensor (and if he has he would know), which when done, it is really not that hard to find high readings of > 2,000 ppm's (incubator or not).

Sadly, this prof neglects that the very underlining words of these children, who must have seemed to him as nothing more than imagined symptoms, otherwise he might have mentioned them (yet it is not scientific TM to do so) - yet he could not not as they would not add weight for his piece (mentioning inconvenient things):
Some of the issues the kids encountered from wearing masks include irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), less happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%) impaired learning (38%), and drowsiness or fatigue (37%).
So, nothing to see here as the article conveniently never mentions these kids.

A bit of a digressing rant, a McGill redirect, although somewhat interrelated to what was mentioned on the show.
Hello good peoples! Another Sunday, another show! So tomorrow, we'll likely be talking about some aspect of the topic 'du jour' (covid nonsense), but I was wondering if any of you who tune in have any particular angle on that or any other topic you would like us to delve into. All suggestions considered!
Looking forward to it! :flowers:

Here are some ideas to consider regarding "covid craziness":
- Change in the narrative. When people died it was "due to covid" and not due to present chronic diseases. But now, when vaccinated people die, it is "due to present chronic diseases".

Add to this push in various countries to vaccinate children. Israel is again the first to do that.

There is also this news that was published by The Washington Post.

Made me wonder why The Washington Post decided to share it, unless it's a prep for boosters or reinstation of lockdowns.

Also, here' a map of vaccination percentages in Europe that paints a curious picture. Perhaps this could be useful in some way in the discussion.


And speaking of Israel, here another example of various "distraction" games. I know you said in one of the previous shows that it doesn't matter, and nothing will come out of it, so fwiw. 😅

And perhaps a topic of looming food shortages in relation to Earth Changes. Or shortage of various necessities our civilization is so fond of. For example:

Higher coffee prices could be passed on to consumers as Brazil frost threatens supply

Stock up on your favorite wine now: Low inventory and higher prices are on the horizon

In regard to the following point:

Change in the narrative.

Luc put together a good list here:

Yeah, that's their new story - "the unvaccinated are literal factories for variants which then threaten everyone, therefore we need 100% vaccination rate".

So from the top of my head, here are a few changes in their metrics since it all began (applies to Germany but probably most countries):

  • Hospitals will be overwhelmed, so we need to flatten the curve for 2 weeks
  • Hospitals are not overwhelmed, so now we need to lower the "R value", which is an indicator of how fast the disease spreads
  • The R value actually looks very good, so let's just count deaths, it looks scary
  • Not many deaths, so now we need to look at "cases"/incidences, ignoring the number of tests performed of course
  • We need to be below 100 cases per 100k inhabitants of a randomly defined region; no it's 50; no 30; shit, we reached that number, so let's make it 10...
  • Incidences are so stubbornly low goddammit, so now let's look at some new complicated number that involves models we can just make up
  • Herd immunity doesn't help, forget it
  • Except that it does help if immunity comes from the vaccine
  • We need 50% vaccination rate, oh no 60, nah, 80
  • Vaccination rate is actually pretty high, so herd immunity doesn't work anymore, because the unvaxxed are factories for new variants
  • Ergo - lockdowns and fascism are always necessary, no matter what happens in reality!

That's just for the metrics...
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