New SOTT site layout

Nicolas said:
When will the t-shirt be available with the new SOTT logo? :cool2:

That was my first thought as well! I really like the circle logo. But would be better to also include on there somewhere too (for the t-shirt).

I love the new layout - the header looks balanced now & not cluttered up at the right hand side. Great job guys! :headbanger:
Haven’t been able to view the site since the update. Did you change the server -- that is, is it a DNS question or something else?
Great job! I love the new site and the new round logo, and can't wait for the personalized features :clap: :thup:

Oh, and I found the other languages easy, but I don't know if it was changed by the time i checked them out. You can open the scroll down by clicking on the US flag on the top of the page, next to Home About etc.
Galahad said:
Haven’t been able to view the site since the update. Did you change the server -- that is, is it a DNS question or something else?

Hi Galahad,

Not sure what the problem is at your end, but can you try the link below and see if that gets you through. It is SOTT's IP address.
I thought something was different today when I went on to read the Signs!! At first it felt like something was missing, and now that you mention it, all that 'fluff' was gone. I kinda missed the old layout but after reading for an hour I felt like I covered a lot more than before.... so much easier on the eyes. Kudos to the team!


I wonder, are there any snapshots of previous incarnations? I'd love to see the evolution of the site.

Oh yea, and the new logo's pretty sweet too!
The main page says happy birthday to me!
Interesting feature ... indeed at 20:00h I will be 34 years old.

By the way I love the new donate button, a piece of art work really worth noticing.
Thanks for this. Next month I cannot miss to renew the one year subscription.


  • birthday.jpg
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m said:
I just noticed that the page layout expands when the browser window expands. When that happens all text in the center column expands too. On a wide screen, of something like 2000 pixels wide, that makes the lines of text very long, and a bit harder to read. For example, on my screen the text lines are roughly 12 inches long, and at that resolution the fonts are small.

You might consider putting a wrapper around the page so that it's only expands so far, maybe 970 pixels. CSS would be "max-width: 970px" if I remember right. Also, blue font text for body copy is not as easy on the eye as darker text, something between black (color code #000000) and charcoal (#333333).

Just a few thoughts.


I do not agree with your consideration.
I do believe the page works ok, and it is wrong to fix this issue on the page (css, as you point out).
I do use a widescreen 1900px.
A page must expand or shrink depending on the screen, or to be more precise on the rendering size for the browsing window.
Unfortunately for widescreen users sometimes the fonts are small, and indeed it is difficult to read very long lines.
Nonetheless I recommend you to zoom (I use keyboard Control, plus mouse wheel, to zoom in and out). Increasing the font is great to fit your needs.
Another workaround is to resize your navigation window to a smaller size.

Consider that when a page limits the width, it is like disabling your widescreen (non sense).
When full screen option is enabled, I can see sometimes big white spaces on both sides. Like 20% white space, + 60% content, + 20% white space. Painful, and this effect can also be achieved just resizing the windows to the same width. The whitespace sides are in this scenario parts of your desktop (outside your main window).
By the way, maximizing and with a zoom out I see this effect. I attach an image to illustrate.


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Yes, could not help but notice the very nice changes; it was great before, too. :cool2: :thup:

And a happy Birthday jordifs :flowers:
I see a problem on the main page. Articles with a YouTube video shows the Facebook profile instead of the video.

I am using Firefox 4.0.1 so I assume it is a problem with this version because with Safari, the video is shown just fine. Just an FYI.

Edit: When I click on the article, the video appears like it should. Problem is only on the main page.
Great job! The new design looks fantastic - and works better on wide screens. Many thanks.
It looks great. Easy to navigate, pleasing to the eye (good colors, pictures and fonts). Seems like a lot of work had been put into design quality and detail. I also particularly like what you have done to QotD.
Looking forward to see the Ice Age theme, even though I'm pretty sure I will prefer this new 'Classic' theme. :cool:
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