I just wanted to write more details and background about what's going on in Russia now, in order to clarify why this question could be important. Well, at least I and other Russian forum members would greatly appreciate some clarification, because it's as if we suddenly woke up in a parallel reality, and the key turning point was Putin leaving to Geneva.
So the short timeline is that on 16th of June, and while Putin's plane was in the air on its way to Geneva, we heard in the news about the initiation of mandatory vaccinations of 60% of employees (sectors: health, service, education) in Moscow and Moscow region. It was approximately at 12:00 (Moscow time GMT+3).
The summit has begun approximately at 14:36 (Moscow time GMT+3), so at least
outwardly it seems that this decree wasn't
the result of the summit.
The decree was issued by the chief sanitary doctor (and Moscow's mayor Sobyanin) that demanded and put responsibility on employers to organize mandatory vaccinations of at least 60% of employees, and also supply exact documentation and proof regarding the number of vaccinated. Non-compliance would result in extremely high fines, up to a million rubles.
The news on the topic, including hysteria regarding the "deadliness and dangers of delta strain" were increasing, and all kind of new laws and restrictions were initiated in record speed. Suddenly it wasn't only 60%, but now everyone in these sectors have to vaccinate, and also not only in Moscow region, but other regions as well.
And despite the fact that at the beginning various lawyers provided concrete and calming information that according to Constitution every citizen of Russia has a right to refuse and has a right to choose if to vaccinate or not, and that employers only have to organize the vaccinations and collect written refusals from their employees is enough, the officials continued to up the draconian measures and made various declarations that disregarded this constitutional right.
Don't want to make the post too long by describing the ridiculously fast progression of the demands, I will just mention what we have right now after only a week. Right now all restaurant businesses in Moscow have 5 days to install a QR code reading system, because only vaccinated and those with antibodies will be allowed in the business. Medical papers are not accepted, so vaccination and antibody count status (PCR test) have to be electronic.
Also, all students will have to be vaccinated before the beginning of studies, and also everyone who works in the education sector, not to mention service and health. What's more, Peskov (Press secretary) while answering concerns regarding segregation and violation of human rights sad that yes, discrimination will happen eventually and to be expected. Also, employers have a right to "refuse work access" to those who refuse to vaccinate.
What's more, various journalists, including RT's Margarita Simonyan, started an aggressive pro-vaccination talk, up to a point where Simonyan wrote the following (deeple translation):
Remember when there were no guards or metal detectors at the entrances to public places and even when boarding a plane? And smoking was allowed everywhere. Even on airplanes.
And now you can't. And the metal detectors and demands to open your purse are being accepted as an imperceptible, mechanical daily routine.
It'll be the same with these codes. We'll get used to it. We'll understand that it's for our own safety. Like metal detectors.
What's the alternative?
There is much more to say about the measures, but you get the point.
Now, it's true that Sputnik V vaccine is "the least evil", and it's possible to handle it (hopefully) successfully by following the pre and post vaccination protocol that is shared on this forum. In my opinion the main concern and question is regarding the measures and blatant violation of constitutional rights. I mean, not long ago I felt that Russia remained the last "iceland of sanity", but now it appears that current vaccination measures are akin to lockdown craziness in the West, also because Russia has a low vaccination rate (only around 10%). Russian people simply didn't want to vaccinate, also because there were still concerns that weren't clarified by the authorities.
These concerns still remain, but authorities just provide all kind asinine explanations, like the one that this delta strain is more deadly and requires "twice as much antibodies", and that "vaccination lessens the covid symptoms, even if you certainly can still get covid again after vaccination". What's more, they definitely promote polarization of the masses, while the vaccinated blame the non-vaccinated for the "irresponsible approach".
As for the question itself, "did Putin know about plans to introduce new vaccination requirements in Moscow before he left Russia to meet Biden in Geneva", I think it's important to understand if all of this was done with his full knowledge and acceptance, or if he was sabotaged in some way. Because it does look like a sabotage, and some Russians expressed the same thoughts.
Only a month ago Putin said
the following when he addressed the Russian people (video in Russian). He said that there is no reasonable justification for a mandatory vaccination, and that Russian people have a right to choose. Of course he appealed to the people and asked to think about it, but the overall tone was non-authoritative and not demanding. Now there is a polarization of opinions, some say that he lied (again), or that it was a deliberate sabotage directed toward him. And there is a chunk of those that accept all the measures as necessary, and a big chunk of those who are going to do the vaccination because they are either afraid or don't want to lose their job.
Some time ago Russian economic Khazin said that after the failure with Navalny and the whole gang to destabilize the situation in Russia and bring people to the streets, they decided to try a different approach. Back then his speculation was that they may concentrate on igniting discord due to rising prices and the looming crisis, and that this time the next "opposition leader" may actually be from a patriotic camp. And that the whole point will be to further erode people's confidence in Putin, with the goal of finally removing him. Khazin advised to pay close attention during the following months and until the upcoming autumn.
Unfortunately, now Khazin also fell victim to the pro-vaccination propaganda, or at least doesn't want to touch the topic of mandatory vaccinations. But his speculation does appear to be valid. As I said above, the main issue isn't with vaccination per se, because Sputnik V does appear to be a safer choice in comparison to mRNA vaccines, but with the mandatory aspect of it, and that many people may lose their jobs or businesses if they will refuse vaccination. Or that businesses will lose a big chunk of customers due to the QR codes restrictions. At least for now businesses say that they may lose up to 90% of their customers. It means that a lot of anger will be directed at the leader of the country.
At the moment Putin hasn't done any official statements on this topic, but there is going to be a "Direct Line" with him on 30th of June, so will see what he will say. But it's quite possible that he will express support for the measures, also because he may not have a choice. Or it's possible that he knew about it all along. We don't know.