New vaccination requirements in Russia.


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
On June 16, just before Putin had to have a talk with Biden in Geneve, Russian authorities introduced new requirements for public related businesses (like restaurants) in Moscow to make at least 60% of personal to get their COVID shots. This put many people in situation where they have to choose either to get a shot, or loose their income source. Right after that several other Russian regions copied these new rules locally. So, the question is:

Did Putin know about plans to introduce new vaccination requirements in Moscow before he left Russia to meet Biden in Geneve?
I just wanted to write more details and background about what's going on in Russia now, in order to clarify why this question could be important. Well, at least I and other Russian forum members would greatly appreciate some clarification, because it's as if we suddenly woke up in a parallel reality, and the key turning point was Putin leaving to Geneva.

So the short timeline is that on 16th of June, and while Putin's plane was in the air on its way to Geneva, we heard in the news about the initiation of mandatory vaccinations of 60% of employees (sectors: health, service, education) in Moscow and Moscow region. It was approximately at 12:00 (Moscow time GMT+3).

The summit has begun approximately at 14:36 (Moscow time GMT+3), so at least outwardly it seems that this decree wasn't the result of the summit.

The decree was issued by the chief sanitary doctor (and Moscow's mayor Sobyanin) that demanded and put responsibility on employers to organize mandatory vaccinations of at least 60% of employees, and also supply exact documentation and proof regarding the number of vaccinated. Non-compliance would result in extremely high fines, up to a million rubles.

The news on the topic, including hysteria regarding the "deadliness and dangers of delta strain" were increasing, and all kind of new laws and restrictions were initiated in record speed. Suddenly it wasn't only 60%, but now everyone in these sectors have to vaccinate, and also not only in Moscow region, but other regions as well.

And despite the fact that at the beginning various lawyers provided concrete and calming information that according to Constitution every citizen of Russia has a right to refuse and has a right to choose if to vaccinate or not, and that employers only have to organize the vaccinations and collect written refusals from their employees is enough, the officials continued to up the draconian measures and made various declarations that disregarded this constitutional right.

Don't want to make the post too long by describing the ridiculously fast progression of the demands, I will just mention what we have right now after only a week. Right now all restaurant businesses in Moscow have 5 days to install a QR code reading system, because only vaccinated and those with antibodies will be allowed in the business. Medical papers are not accepted, so vaccination and antibody count status (PCR test) have to be electronic.

Also, all students will have to be vaccinated before the beginning of studies, and also everyone who works in the education sector, not to mention service and health. What's more, Peskov (Press secretary) while answering concerns regarding segregation and violation of human rights sad that yes, discrimination will happen eventually and to be expected. Also, employers have a right to "refuse work access" to those who refuse to vaccinate.

What's more, various journalists, including RT's Margarita Simonyan, started an aggressive pro-vaccination talk, up to a point where Simonyan wrote the following (deeple translation):

Remember when there were no guards or metal detectors at the entrances to public places and even when boarding a plane? And smoking was allowed everywhere. Even on airplanes.

And now you can't. And the metal detectors and demands to open your purse are being accepted as an imperceptible, mechanical daily routine.

It'll be the same with these codes. We'll get used to it. We'll understand that it's for our own safety. Like metal detectors.

What's the alternative?

There is much more to say about the measures, but you get the point.

Now, it's true that Sputnik V vaccine is "the least evil", and it's possible to handle it (hopefully) successfully by following the pre and post vaccination protocol that is shared on this forum. In my opinion the main concern and question is regarding the measures and blatant violation of constitutional rights. I mean, not long ago I felt that Russia remained the last "iceland of sanity", but now it appears that current vaccination measures are akin to lockdown craziness in the West, also because Russia has a low vaccination rate (only around 10%). Russian people simply didn't want to vaccinate, also because there were still concerns that weren't clarified by the authorities.

These concerns still remain, but authorities just provide all kind asinine explanations, like the one that this delta strain is more deadly and requires "twice as much antibodies", and that "vaccination lessens the covid symptoms, even if you certainly can still get covid again after vaccination". What's more, they definitely promote polarization of the masses, while the vaccinated blame the non-vaccinated for the "irresponsible approach".

As for the question itself, "did Putin know about plans to introduce new vaccination requirements in Moscow before he left Russia to meet Biden in Geneva", I think it's important to understand if all of this was done with his full knowledge and acceptance, or if he was sabotaged in some way. Because it does look like a sabotage, and some Russians expressed the same thoughts.

Only a month ago Putin said the following when he addressed the Russian people (video in Russian). He said that there is no reasonable justification for a mandatory vaccination, and that Russian people have a right to choose. Of course he appealed to the people and asked to think about it, but the overall tone was non-authoritative and not demanding. Now there is a polarization of opinions, some say that he lied (again), or that it was a deliberate sabotage directed toward him. And there is a chunk of those that accept all the measures as necessary, and a big chunk of those who are going to do the vaccination because they are either afraid or don't want to lose their job.

Some time ago Russian economic Khazin said that after the failure with Navalny and the whole gang to destabilize the situation in Russia and bring people to the streets, they decided to try a different approach. Back then his speculation was that they may concentrate on igniting discord due to rising prices and the looming crisis, and that this time the next "opposition leader" may actually be from a patriotic camp. And that the whole point will be to further erode people's confidence in Putin, with the goal of finally removing him. Khazin advised to pay close attention during the following months and until the upcoming autumn.

Unfortunately, now Khazin also fell victim to the pro-vaccination propaganda, or at least doesn't want to touch the topic of mandatory vaccinations. But his speculation does appear to be valid. As I said above, the main issue isn't with vaccination per se, because Sputnik V does appear to be a safer choice in comparison to mRNA vaccines, but with the mandatory aspect of it, and that many people may lose their jobs or businesses if they will refuse vaccination. Or that businesses will lose a big chunk of customers due to the QR codes restrictions. At least for now businesses say that they may lose up to 90% of their customers. It means that a lot of anger will be directed at the leader of the country.

At the moment Putin hasn't done any official statements on this topic, but there is going to be a "Direct Line" with him on 30th of June, so will see what he will say. But it's quite possible that he will express support for the measures, also because he may not have a choice. Or it's possible that he knew about it all along. We don't know. 🤷‍♀️
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. I mean, not long ago I felt that Russia remained the last "iceland of sanity",
I thought that too.
know about plans to introduce new vaccination requirements in Moscow before he left Russia to meet Biden in Geneva", I think it's important to understand if all of this was done with his full knowledge and acceptance, or if he was sabotaged in some way. Because it does look like a sabotage, and some Russians expressed the same thoughts.
I guess PTB could not afford loose stands, and they will do whatever it takes in order for them to have certain personalities on their side. Cannot be done with presidents - apparently - can be done with other structures as the media.

I see it similar to what is happening in Mexico, apparently is voluntary, but.

It's very alarming what is happening and not just there.

Thanks for your explanation.
Thank you for bringing up this topic Aimarok and for explaining the context, Keit. My brother shared with me, just hours ago, the news about these crazy measures being adopted in Russia. My heart sank, for I too believed that at least in Russia we would not see the pathocrats gain such a power so fast, including mandatory vaccinations and draconians resolutions like these, hurting millions of employees and citizens.

@Keit , do you think the increase in cases and deaths related to Covid (as told by the MSM media) is the alleged cause for this? I ask because in our local media, in Brazil, they are already saying this, that it's all because the numbers are increasing and that the russians are avoiding the vaccine too. I fear that Russia may be used in this way, to show to the world what happens when there is "vaccine hesitancy".
The Western Powers are not recognizing Sputnik vaccine as one that is recognized in its sphere of influence. Could it be that a deal was made that if Russia gets its numbers of vaxed up, Russian vax papers will be recognized ? Russia is not immune to pressure as some fair number of its people still need to travel into Western countries, hence this could be the pressure point.
@Keit , do you think the increase in cases and deaths related to Covid (as told by the MSM media) is the alleged cause for this? I ask because in our local media, in Brazil, they are already saying this, that it's all because the numbers are increasing and that the russians are avoiding the vaccine too. I fear that Russia may be used in this way, to show to the world what happens when there is "vaccine hesitancy".
Moscow particularly had a spike of Covid cases several days before these draconian measures were stated, but authorities have total control over statistics and could just make up the numbers. So it could be just a pretext to force people into vaccination. One of the real reasons for this campaign seems to be money: 1 billion $ is going to be spent on buying vaccines from Russian Big Pharma.
It is important to understand the internal political dynamics within Russia to even try to understand the schizophrenic nature of Russian politics/geopolitics/vaccine politics.

Basically, you have a faction of Judeo-Liberals in Moscow (and most big cities, sadly) that are the real opposition in Russia. Navalny was a political operative of the West sent to stir up trouble, but he was just a nuisance. The systemic opposition is already in the corridors of power. They control the media, many government bureaus, big state monopolies and they control the Duma, which is rotten to its core, sadly.

Putin has always talked about ending the hysteria, all the way back to last year when he tried to go ahead with the Victory Day Immortal March, which has become a huge patriotic yearly occurrence since the events of Crimea led to an upsurge in patriotic feeling among the population.

Sobyanin - the mayor of Moscow- and his clique are dead-set on squashing any organic patriotic manifestation of the will of the people. They are 100% onboard with the western Judeo-Liberal agenda and it goes without saying that they support the vax regime. Sobyanin in particular is quite villainous because he literally copied Cuomo playbook and tried to even outdo him. For him, New York is the template for Moscow.

For all the good that Putin has done, he has been unable to address the cancer that is the leftover Soviet Nomenklatura (party elites) and the newer 90s robber barons. Progress has been made, of course, but far too little.

Most of Putin's support comes from the 50+ crowd TV-watchers, which is the majority of the voting population. His whole MO is to control the main channels' news and by doing so ensure that he retains a comfortable majority vote. He has done nothing to reach out to the younger crowd. That means that the 90s generation and younger read the internet, where tech giants like Yandex and Vkontakte promote CIA/Mossad operations like Tjournal, Meduza and censor his supporters. Like Trump, Putin does not understand the Internet (he doesn't even have a phone or e-mail!) and so he does not understand how important Big Tech censorship is. Roskomandzor - the government body charged with watching the internet, is run by a member of the Tribe, and does nothing to promote the idea of a separate China-style Russian "Runet" separate from the West. Also, because his support base is elderly, the corona hysteria is particularly prevalent among them. Putin is in a tight spot because he no doubt suspects that Sobyanin and friends will try to undermine the base of his support by claiming that he let 6 trillion people die from the epidemic because of x reasons.

This is the new line of attack being opened up against him.

The only thing that Russia has going for it is the newly modernized army and the rapid collapse of the USSA. But when it comes to countering western propaganda, western money in its politics or western pressure applied via the systemic opposition, Russia is foundering. If you knew these dynamics, the recent acceptance of the Western vax regime by sobyanin and big business in Russia should not have come as a surprise.

If I were to make a prediction, in the coming weeks, Putin will no doubt pick up on the significant resistance from the population to the forced vax measures and might dial it back. The population was promised that vaccinations would be voluntary, but now it is being forced on them in the big cities and some republics. This will be seen as a betrayal.
My take on it is that it was probably a setup by the „fifth column“ in order to increase the discord against Putin and co. The goal being; to decrease Putins popularity within russia. Sort of like: „see, Putin doesn’t stay true to his words, he is a liar!“. What is clear is that Putin and Lawrow made it pretty clear that they are against any forced vaccinations and that it should be the free choice of each individual.

I noticed right away: as soon Putin and co. left the country (among other things, in order to meet Binden) those measures were immediately implemented, first in Moskau. I think that‘s just a pretty sneaky move by the PTB to undermine Putin. Moskau! Psychological manipulation of the population: Many ordinary people think/believe that Putin has the say on everything that happens in the capital and thus they are forced to believe that Putin gave those orders, thereby proving himself to be a liar! I think that is one key reason why they did it right away in Moskau first, of all places.

I also noticed pretty quickly: in the way that this was likely setup it will become quite difficult for Putin to stop those measures and/or fire those responsible. If it would have been a less heated topic for example, Putin would have probably fired those responsible right away and discontinued the measures.

But since the Corona stuff is a very dangerous area (in which not to be strategic does end fatal quickly) and Putin and co. have already pretended to go along, stopping what they implemented becomes dangerous as well. What can he say or do?

I also note how extremely fast things could probably go downhill in russia as soon as Putin is not around anymore. He is fighting windmills.
I also note how extremely fast things could probably go downhill in russia as soon as Putin is not around anymore. He is fighting windmills.
This is very true.

The patriotic forces in the country have not been mobilized at all. Once Putin is gone, we can only hope that he has picked a far more worthy successor than Medvedev, hopefully a military man, otherwise Russia will adopt the Washington consensus so fast that people's heads will spin.
I noticed right away: as soon Putin and co. left the country (among other things, in order to meet Binden) those measures were immediately implemented, first in Moskau. I think that‘s just a pretty sneaky move by the PTB to undermine Putin. Moskau! Psychological manipulation of the population: Many ordinary people think/believe that Putin has the say on everything that happens in the capital and thus they are forced to believe that Putin gave those orders, thereby proving himself to be a liar! I think that is one key reason why they did it right away in Moskau first, of all places.
Yes, this was a very clever move. Down the road, Russia will not have an easy time because the pressure that was there since Kursk is still there. Most Westerners do not appreciate how disconnected Navalny as a political actor is from main stream Russia. These type of people are all over the EU, but to ID them one needs to know what to look for and understand their MO.

PaleFace said​

Once Putin is gone, we can only hope that he has picked a far more worthy successor than Medvedev,
In my opinion, Medvedev would be a disaster for Russia. I think he is a snake in sheep's costume.
In my opinion, Medvedev would be a disaster for Russia
I fully agree.

I could go into a whole screed about Medvedev, but suffice it to say, it is good that Putin took back the reins.

On a deeper level, there are no competent elites in Russia outside of the military.

A military junta would unironically be better for Russia for the time being until new patriotic cadres can be raised.

Russia needs to do the following to survive the 21st century, in no particular order:

1) Survive the Judeo-Liberal assault
2) Return the historical slavic lands where millions of Russians are stranded (Most of Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltics, Western Kazakhstan)
3) Get a grip on the out of control migration situation (promoted by Judeo-Liberals and Big Business)
4) Boost the birth rate by fixing the broken housing situation, encouraging Orthodox family values
5) Shut down the Western Internet and create their own Internet like China did
6) Continue decoupling from Western financial structures
7) Encourage dissidents in the West

But the most important change is a mentality change. Russians need to leave the Petrine legacy of looking to the West for guidance behind. Russia needs to find the strength and confidence to forge her own path.
Imo it must have been planned since such laws/requirements don't come just overnight. Don't know how much Putin has to say in such health related issues, and it could be, that cause of covid some parts of the government got more rights - since it is an "emergency" - and Putin can be left out.
I read about this situation in Russia on a Telegram tchat, but was rapidly summarized. Thanks @Keit for the details.
As many, I hope Putin will react, and we can count on him to do it well, let's wait.
What I was thinking, or better say hoping, is that now that the army extended the definition of a war (let's summarize like this), we could also imagine that this "attack", because it's one, is seen as a national thread, and that the army takes the hand on it, meaning in practice that these ... let's say "corrupted politicians" (not only politicians but mainly) are already or will be strongly monitored and we may see a couple of arrestations in the incoming future. Of course the west will shout "au scandale", but who cares, blaming one more time Russia is not much more effective.

Please keep informed about the situation. I suppose we'll not hear about Putin until the date of 30 June, we'll see.
Please keep informed about the situation. I suppose we'll not hear about Putin until the date of 30 June, we'll see.
KingPu is shown every day in Russian television media, so he is aware of everything that is happening in Russia. Without the knowledge (and direct instruction) of KingPu, nothing is done in Russia.
In general, it is ridiculous to read about all sorts of "fifth columns" and some "liberals" who harm the tsar. The tsar is good, but the boyars are bad! 500 years have passed since the time of Tsar Ivan 4, but little has changed in Russia since then.
Understand, in Russia there are no "liberals" / opposition / fifth column. All independent media outlets have long been closed in Russia, and all real opponents of the king are either in prison or have left the country. In terms of freedom of speech, Russia now occupies a place somewhere between Belarus and Gabon (forgive me the inhabitants of these countries).
Medvedev would be a disaster for Russia. I think he is a snake in sheep's costume.
Medvedev was president for 4 years, and the world did not collapse because of this.

This is indeed a shocking turn of events. I do see that if the PTB wants to, it can enact these things with a snap of the finger now. (Desperation?)
In Russia in September 2021 there will be "elections" to the lower house of parliament. Even under the condition that they are completely falsified (and it cannot be otherwise), the legitimacy of this whole "performance" remains a big question. At best, the voter turnout will be at the level of 15-20% (taking into account doctors / teachers / military and other civil servants who will be FORCED to vote).
What does it take for ordinary people to "accept" these elections? That's right, you first need to introduce a hard lockdown (mandatory vaccination, etc.), and then KingPu will appear on a white horse and cancel this lockdown and this vaccination. And everyone is happy and everyone is happy! Machiavelli was pleased too.
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