New video of the 911 attacks emerges

The one thing that really freaked me out in this video are the gas prices! Holy cow, under two bucks? That's insane.
hahahaha!! yes I know.. crazy how that works, today it's about twice or three times as much in that similar area I would say.
There are so many 911 threads and I wasn't successful in searching if this has been posted. Apparently between 9/11 and the 2004 Madrid train bombings the are 911 full days (and 22 hours and 50 minutes, depending on which times you use).
Certainly puts to rest the "no planes" theory.
It sure does, although that was never really plausible I think. Too much footage, plane-parts lying around etc. For those wanting to muddy the waters the "no plane" theory also nicely distracts from all the other weird stuff that was going on that day, and creates a neat confusion with the "no plane at the pentagon" theory, which we all know is actually true.

Here's a collection of recordings by someone on youtube who tried to collect as much original footage of plane #2 hitting the WTC. The plane is not in frame in all the footage, but a lot of the videos clearly show a plane hitting the building.

(The video is age restricted so only available for adults logged in to youtube, it won't always play embedded.)
but a lot of the videos clearly show a plane hitting the building.

Not plausible ?

Because so many people witnessed it ?
Oh. ?
Did you know many people interviewed said they never heard nor saw any planes - but that didn't make the media did it. Wonder why ?

I've always found the "no plane theory" interesting - in much the same way as the recent bullet photo whizzing by DJT's noggin.

Video can be made to show anything. The statement " Certainly puts to rest the "no planes" theory. " was, imo, made by someone with no experience in either aviation nor mechanical engineering and further suggests that, either, little homework was done on the subject or a boatload of research was done where the speaker came to the opposite conclusion but for whatever reason, e.g. threat, or financial / legal intimidation, but something or someone changed that person's tune.

The little flash in front of the plane before it impacted - remember that ? Static or plasma discharge - wasn't it ? Yeah, no. Why the heck do people not follow up on this ? Apparently I'm the only one who remembers video from the 70's and 80's where old airliners and other small aircraft were flown low, into objects for stress analysis ? Steel light posts don't bend or break when hit by aluminum wings. Buildings made with reinforced three foot steel I-beams do not give way to flying pop cans, no matter how fast they were supposedly travelling. Planes impacting a building from tip to tail disappearing without some form of deformation - there was no change in forward velocity from tip to tail - that does not happen - there is a rate of change of velocity with respect to time when one mass meets another.

Does some virus affect our ability to think rationally... to see conspiracy where we want to ? No. It means people fake things for whatever agenda or narrative they've been ordered, or threatened, or volunteered to perform. The Trumpenstein ass-sassination show ought to clarify that.

Didn't mean to rant, just had a lot on my mind. Cheers eh.
Not plausible ?
Did you read 911: The Ultimate Truth by Laura and Joe? I ask this because I think, reading your post, you seem a bit lost in the 911 conspiracy web, and since I guess a lot of us here on the forum knows how confusing that can be sometimes, I thought I recommend you their book. It tells you all you need to know about what happened on 911, and then some.

There are a lot of theories going around about 911, claiming everything from "there were no planes that hit the towers in NY, those were holograms", to aliens (of course). Finding out what is true and what is false is quite a job, because by this time the waters are quite muddied. So why not read a book written by people who've already done a lot of that research for you? Just a recommendation, but I think it would benefit you.

I remember that "flash" right before or at the moment one of the planes hit the buildings. I don't really know how it fits into the theory again, it's been a while since I read about all this. I don't think it was that important though, and in the end it doesn't prove much.

I agree that the planes couldn't have brought down the buildings. But that doesn't really point in the direction of there being no planes at all.
This is a really clear video of the impact of the 2nd plane - I don't recall seeing a video this clear before.

The guy says "oh my god" first, it sounds somewhat surprised, but after the "oh my lord" x3 or 4 times - everyone else seems completely surprised and stunned and this guy within 5 seconds makes the observation of it being a United Plane, which seems a bit hard to believe. Also, later, he jokes "Are they gonna get rid of the statue of liberty next? haha". Keeps saying "my lord". Also specifically talks about parts falling onto the ground - all the people it'll kill and doesn't sound at all sad about it - while other people around him are just stunned and are a loss of words. Yeah, wonder who this guy really is. Hmm..
Shocking events make people react differently, we can’t even say how we’d react on impulse if we were witnessing something like this, until we witness it we don’t know.
I’d guess though, my initial reaction would be some kind of awe and then the enormity of the matter would kick in after the adrenaline settles down a bit and the brain can think more clearly.
Did you read 911

Hey M, yes, many years ago, along with many of the wave series - although i don't recall much; I'll have to find it and look through it again.

Sure, it may appear that i am lost in that web yet that is far from the case; reality is i'm only lost in my own thoughts and internal debate.

A guy I worked with once said to me, "well you watched it happen with your own eyes (with the tone that I'm retarded); my reply was, " yes, and I watched the Millenium Falcon land on Tatooine, too".

Just the facts sir, just the facts, please ... let's start with that Englishman ... Newton.

; ) cheers
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