Nigel Farage: Summary


Dagobah Resident

I just got a link with a nice summary of Nigel Farage on youtube.
I was very impressed with UKIP leader, Nigel Farage, in the live debate with the self-serving criminal Nick Clegg. He said that the EU had blood on its hand from pursuing its imperialist agenda in Ukraine. That took integrity and courage. His safety may now be cause for concern.

Or is he a PTB shill?

Hope not.
I hope not also Paddy John, however can't help but think that as he gets so much media coverage, some of which is not flattering its true but publicity nonetheless, that he is potentially COINTELPRO.

Another 'false messiah'!

I would assume if he isn't and if he gets anywhere near the knobs and levers of power his next 'plane crash' will be his last!
I dunno. He seems very much like absoloutely all the others to me.

Just more charming , more charismatic and a better orator.

Michael Hesseltine, the old Tory deputy leader said pretty much the same thing- no one even noticed now that he's too old to bethe Tory party pin-up boy!

Nigel Farage's real skill seems to me, to be picking up on what appears to be popular public opinion and reflecting it as his own.
(reads The Sun and Daily Mail on Monday - gives his opinion on Tuesday)

He's not got any seats in parliament and has nothing at all to lose. He can say what he likes to gain popularity.
All the current parties are so awful he has rich pickings, it's like shooting fish in a barrell.

Pick a policy, take the opposite line - bingo!

Maybe I am cynical, but he seems just the same as any other politician trying to win votes.

In my view, they really ae all the same and he is no exception, maybe even worse as there seems to be a darker side to the
UKIP party that is revealed in things said by the other members of his party. (Actually, not worse. 'Cos they are are, all the same.)
Althought that could be their naivety as a political party that other more established parties are more experienced at hiding their darker sides.

As I said, maybe I am just an old cynic but who remebers a young Tony Blair and "New Labour"?
Nigel Farage: Vladimir Putin is the world leader I most admire

Nigel Farage has named Vladimir Putin as the world leader he most admires. He praised the Russian president’s skills as an “operator”, citing his “brilliant” handling of the civil war in Syria.

The Ukip leader’s comments emerged days after he provoked anger by accusing the European Union of having “blood on its hands” for encouraging the turmoil in Ukraine, which led to Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

Mr Farage was asked by GQ magazine’s new interviewer Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair’s former spin chief, which world leader he most admired. “As an operator, but not as a human being, I would say Putin,” he replied. “The way he played the whole Syria thing. Brilliant. Not that I approve of him politically. How many journalists in jail now?”

Right, but how many of them are actually journalists trying to report the truth, and not direct or indirect Western propagandists?

Moscow is closely allied to the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad and has supplied arms to his regime. It blocked moves to sanction him at the United Nations, but also took the lead in a brokering a deal under which Syria agreed to surrender its chemical weapons.

The remarks echo a clash with Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg in last week’s head-to-head debate in which the Ukip leader stressed he did not approve of Crimea’s annexation, but lambasted EU leaders for being “weak and vain” over Ukraine and Syria. He added: “If you poke the Russian bear with a stick, he will respond.”

Mr Farage later rejected accusations that he was siding with Mr Putin, but stood by his claim that the EU provoked the crisis by “destabilising” Ukraine.

The Deputy Prime Minister is expected to return to the theme on Wednesday in his second televised debate with the Ukip leader.

A Lib Dem minister said: “Farage has taken Putin’s side in the most outrageous land-grab in modern times and he must be held to account for that.”

Elsewhere in the interview – the first conducted by Mr Campbell for GQ – Mr Farage used highly undiplomatic language about the German Chancellor Angela Merkel who received the red carpet treatment on a visit to London this month.

The Ukip leader said: “She is incredibly cold. I always say - I agree this is a bit rude - but whatever you think of the public image of Merkel, in private she is even more miserable. I warm to more extrovert people.”

He claimed to see little to choose between the leaders of Britain's three major parties, insisting he did not “give a damn” whether David Cameron or Ed Miliband triumphs in next year’s general election.

He said Mr Cameron was “a perfectly nice fellow who stands four-square for nothing”, Mr Miliband was a “nice chap, not very worldly - I would love to see him in a working men's club in Newcastle” and Mr Clegg was a “very nice guy, just wrong”.
ska said:
I dunno. He seems very much like absoloutely all the others to me.

Just more charming , more charismatic and a better orator.

Michael Hesseltine, the old Tory deputy leader said pretty much the same thing- no one even noticed now that he's too old to bethe Tory party pin-up boy!

Nigel Farage's real skill seems to me, to be picking up on what appears to be popular public opinion and reflecting it as his own.
(reads The Sun and Daily Mail on Monday - gives his opinion on Tuesday)

He's not got any seats in parliament and has nothing at all to lose. He can say what he likes to gain popularity.
All the current parties are so awful he has rich pickings, it's like shooting fish in a barrell.

Pick a policy, take the opposite line - bingo!

Maybe I am cynical, but he seems just the same as any other politician trying to win votes.

In my view, they really ae all the same and he is no exception, maybe even worse as there seems to be a darker side to the
UKIP party that is revealed in things said by the other members of his party. (Actually, not worse. 'Cos they are are, all the same.)
Althought that could be their naivety as a political party that other more established parties are more experienced at hiding their darker sides.

As I said, maybe I am just an old cynic but who remebers a young Tony Blair and "New Labour"?

Did you watch the debate, Ska? In particular were you observing Nigel Farage's body language and facial expression, and how he spoke those words about the EU having blood on it's hands?

To me it was completely spontaneous and heartfelt.

I wouldn't pay too much attention to what the tabloid press said about "...a darker side to the UKIP party that is revealed in things said by the other members of his party." There are idiots in all political parties. If a party has a genuine non-psychopathic leader all he can do is kick them out. Yes, we must be on guard against wishful thinking, but many of us here have hope in Vladimir Putin. At the moment I have a similar hope in Nigel Farage. The world is due some non-psychopathic leaders with STO leanings and we don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water.

I agree with Esoterica though - "
I would assume if he isn't [a false messiah] and if he gets anywhere near the knobs and levers of power his next 'plane crash' will be his last!" Unless he is a sufficiently important player to warrant divine intervention. Perhaps he already received some:

(AP) LONDON — A light aircraft carrying a candidate for a minor party in Britain's election crashed Thursday, but officials said the pilot and passenger escaped with minor injuries.The plane was towing a banner for the euroskeptic UK Independence Party when it crashed at a small airfield about 60 miles (100 kilometers) northwest of London. Nigel Farage, a former leader of the party and its candidate in the area, was on board.The wreckage of the plane was upside down, and the cockpit appeared smashed. Photographs showed a bloody Farage escaping the ruin after the crash."Looking at the wreckage behind me, I think you can make your own judgment as to how lucky they were," said Detective Chief Inspector Martin Kinchin of Northamptonshire Police. "The people inside the plane were lucky to come out with not very serious injuries."An aide, Chris Adams, said Farage was being treated at a local hospital for facial injuries. "It's one of those grace of God things that he is still alive," Adams told the BBC.He was later transferred to a larger facility in nearby Oxford for further tests after experiencing chest pains, Adams said. The plane's pilot was cut out of the plane and airlifted to a hospital in Coventry, about 35 miles (55 kilometers) away.The plane was hired for an election-day stunt, towing a party banner which read "Vote for your country – Vote Ukip" over the constituency where Farage is running for a seat in Britain's House of Commons. He is a member of the European Parliament.The party advocates Britain's withdrawal from the European Union. Farage is standing against John Bercow, a Conservative who is the speaker of the House of Commons. According to tradition, the main parties do not run candidates against the speaker._

The pilot of the 'doomed' plane later threatened to kill Farage, but committed suicide instead. Or so we are told - _

Yes, Kniall. Good point. A touch of disappointing and naive generalisation there from Mr Farage.
Or maybe astutely tactical. And he was being interviewed by the psychopath Blair sycophant - Alastair Campbell.
Looking forward to the second debate on Wednesday.
Hi Paddyjohn

Yes, I did see the debate and he was very good, but I'm afraid I still don't trust him.
It concerns me that so many homophobes and racists seem to find a kindred spirit in the party, although to be fair Farage does distance himself from that fringe.

I will get around to watching the CH4 thing (linked below) some time.

It might be that you see something I am missing !

"Filmed over six months, controversial filmmaker Martin Durkin meets controversial UKIP leader and political whirlwind Nigel Farage, in the run-up to the European elections, at which some commentators predict Farage will lead UKIP to victory. They also believe he may stop the Conservatives from winning the general election.

A few years ago, no one had heard of Nigel Farage; now he's a major force in British politics. But who is Nigel Farage? Durkin finds out on a journey full of incident: drink in hand, Nigel guides viewers through his favourite watering holes in the City, and he sneaks the film crew into the Euro Parliament, only to be swiftly ejected.

From battling with protestors to keeping UKIP MEPs in line, Durkin gets to know the man who is turning British politics upside down."
ska said:
Hi Paddyjohn

Yes, I did see the debate and he was very good, but I'm afraid I still don't trust him.
It concerns me that so many homophobes and racists seem to find a kindred spirit in the party, although to be fair Farage does distance himself from that fringe.

I will get around to watching the CH4 thing (linked below) some time.

It might be that you see something I am missing !

"Filmed over six months, controversial filmmaker Martin Durkin meets controversial UKIP leader and political whirlwind Nigel Farage, in the run-up to the European elections, at which some commentators predict Farage will lead UKIP to victory. They also believe he may stop the Conservatives from winning the general election.

A few years ago, no one had heard of Nigel Farage; now he's a major force in British politics. But who is Nigel Farage? Durkin finds out on a journey full of incident: drink in hand, Nigel guides viewers through his favourite watering holes in the City, and he sneaks the film crew into the Euro Parliament, only to be swiftly ejected.

From battling with protestors to keeping UKIP MEPs in line, Durkin gets to know the man who is turning British politics upside down."

But there are homophobes and racists in all the parties, same as there are homophobes and racists in society. Of course the MSM are going to highlight them whenever they possibly can if it involves an entity that threatens the PTB status quo. And the PTB will infiltrate entities, such as UKIP, to destroy it from within - for example by joining UKIP and playing the role of homophobe and/or racist.

Did you see the documentary? Wasn't he incredible in his tirades against the unknown, unelected EU presidents? The documentary actually showed Farage in a positive light. That worries me though. Shortly after watching the documentary I had a sort of sudden vision - the PTB put Farage and UKIP in power, then use it to create a race issue, and generate race riots. That would be a lovely little move for implementing a major increase in control of society.
tonight, tonight?
I seem to be randomly repeating myself!
(must be getting over excited. Sorry Sorry)
ska said:
tonight, tonight?
I seem to be randomly repeating myself!
(must be getting over excited. Sorry Sorry)

It's a very enjoyable watch. Apart from the Farage thing itself, the EU is ripped into. And we get to see inside the 'parliament' building.

Enjoy enjoy.
Watched both the debates and the documentary now.

He is very watchable and likeable, you are right.

Mind you, with such immoral and awful politicians, they are soft targets.

Great that some one is doingit though. Did you notice how Cleggs main defence was trying to scare us - he must have used the word "terrorisim" at least half a dozen times
totally out of context and irrelevant to the debate on European Membership. Cheap and nasty.

I don't trust politicians of any type, but if this guy is a thorn in the side of the current leadersand and their "supposed" alternatives then good luck to him!
Farage came across very well in the debate last night, seemed exceptionally calm and composed in light of some blatant scaremongering and distortions from the PTB shill Clegg.

He was more reticent about the 'blood on the EUs hands' issue, I wonder if he realized that he had unmasked the beast and saw the potential consequences?
Clegg came across as a complete idiot, attacking Farage at every opportunity, and not able to answer questions properly. Im wondering if next year, voters will vote for Cameron and get Clegg out of the picture then the UK can have the referendum to exit the EU.

Farage spoke with strength and conviction that we have had enough wars and the public are thoroughly sick of it.

I like very much what he has to say but he seems to good to be true.
Esoterica said:
Farage came across very well in the debate last night, seemed exceptionally calm and composed in light of some blatant scaremongering and distortions from the PTB shill Clegg.

He was more reticent about the 'blood on the EUs hands' issue, I wonder if he realized that he had unmasked the beast and saw the potential consequences?

I thought exactly the same thing, Esoterica. That issue had/has the potential to bury him. I am hoping he has successfully extracted himself from it, without actually going back on what he said.

You cynic, French Marigold :) No seriously, we are right to be wary and suspicious. But good people have existed in the higher echelons - Caesar, Putin and others. About time the UK produced one. But the UK is such a dark entity, governed by seasoned psychopaths willing to commit any atrocity to further their aims. Murder of troublesome individuals, as well as groups of dispensable cattle, is a matter of course for them. Remember Dr Kelly and Iraq WMD. 'Committed suicide' in a field. And I always wondered about John Smith, Labour party leader for a day or two, before he 'died of a heart attack.' The signs were suggesting that Mr Smith was not a PTB lackey. And his death opened the door for sick psychopath tony blair. Then there's 7/7 of course. It would not surprise me at all to find out that Hillsborough and Bradford were not in fact caused by negligence, but by police or agents unknowingly complicit in a bigger agenda.

But with the Wave comes not only increased STS manifestation - STO too. Why shouldn't we ultimately have an STO victory?

I am investing hope in Nigel Farage because it is a pin prick of light that gives me energy in the blackness of this current 3D reality. But I am fully conscious of the dangers of wishful thinking. I am also conscious of the fact that if Farage is genuine then he will be targeted for assassination. Alternatively he could be used to create anarchy here. But I will hold on to an STO outcome until evidence shows me otherwise.


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