Nigel Kerner - Gray Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls

on the topic of semites continued:

Secret History of the World said:
According to “experts”, Sargon of Akkad reigned approximately 2,334-2,279 BC, and was one of the earliest of the world’s great empire builders, conquering all of southern Mesopotamia as well as parts of Syria, Anatolia, and Elam (western Iran). He established the region’s first Semitic dynasty and was considered the founder of the Mesopotamian military tradition.

Sargon is known almost entirely from the legends and tales that followed his reputation through 2000 years of cuneiform Mesopotamian history, and not from any documents that were written during his lifetime. The lack of contemporary record is explained by the fact that the capital city of Agade, (note the homophonic similarity to Arcadia) which he built, has never been located and excavated. It was destroyed at the end of the dynasty that Sargon founded and was never again inhabited, at least under the name of Agade.

According to a folktale, Sargon was a self-made man of humble origins; a gardener (think “gardens of the Hesperides”) having found him as a baby floating in a basket on the river, brought him up in his own calling. His father is unknown; his mother is said to have been a priestess in a town on the middle Euphrates. (Note all the similarities to the story of Moses as well as Perseus.) Rising, therefore, without the help of influential relations, he attained the post of cupbearer to the ruler of the city of Kish, in the north of the ancient land of Sumer. (Notice the clue of the cup here.)

The event that brought him to supremacy was the defeat of Lugalzaggisi of Uruk (biblical Erech, in central Sumer). Lugalzaggisi had already united the city-states of Sumer by defeating each in turn and claimed to rule the lands not only of the Sumerian city-states but also those as far west as the Mediterranean. Sargon became king over all of southern Mesopotamia, the first great ruler for whom the Semitic tongue known as Akkadian, rather than Sumerian, was natural from birth.

Sargon wished to secure favorable trade with Agade throughout the known world and this, along with what was obviously a very energetic temperament, led Sargon to conquer cities along the middle Euphrates to northern Syria and the silver-mining mountains of southern Anatolia. He also took Susa, capital city of the Elamites, in the Zagros Mountains of western Iran, where the only truly contemporary record of his reign has been uncovered.

As the result of Sargon’s military prowess and ability to organize, as well as of the legacy of the Sumerian city-states that he had inherited by conquest, and of previously existing trade of the old Sumerian city-states with other countries, commercial connections flourished with the Indus Valley, the coast of Oman, the islands and shores of the Persian Gulf, the lapis lazuli mines of Badakhshan, the cedars of Lebanon, the silver-rich Taurus Mountains, Cappadocia, Crete, and perhaps even Greece.

During Sargon’s rule, his Akkadian language became adapted to the script that previously had been used in the Sumerian language, and there arose new spirit of writing evident in the clay tablets and cylinder seals of this dynasty. There are beautifully arranged and executed scenes of mythology and festive life. It could be suggested that this new artistic feeling is attributable directly to the Semitic influence of Sargon and his compatriots upon the rather dull Sumerians. In contrast to the Sumerian civilization, in Sargon’s new capital, military and economic values were not the only things that were important.

The latter part of his reign was troubled with rebellions, which later literature ascribes, predictably enough, to sacrilegious acts that he - like Solomon - is supposed to have committed; but this can be discounted as the standard cause assigned to all disasters by Sumerians and Akkadians alike. The troubles, in fact, were probably caused by the inability of one man, however energetic, to control so vast an empire. There is no evidence to suggest that he was particularly harsh, nor that the Sumerians disliked him for being a Semite. What’s more, the empire did not collapse totally, for Sargon’s successors were able to control their legacy, and later generations thought of him as being perhaps the greatest name in their history. What is most interesting is that Sargon attributed his success to the patronage of the goddess Ishtar, in whose honor Agade was erected.

Sargon’s story sounds a lot like a combination of the Biblical stories of Moses, David and Solomon and certainly, there is evidence of infusion of Semitic traditions into the culture of the Sumerians. We also wish to consider the the fact that Sargon was the first “semite.” Nowadays “Semitic peoples” are generally understood to be, more or less, individuals of Middle Eastern origins: Jews and Arabs predominantly. That is to say, to be an Arab or a Jew is to be “Semitic.”

In recent years the idea has taken hold that the Ashkenazi Jews are really Turkish and not Jews at all. Recent genetic studies place the Ashkenazi as closest in kinship to Roman Jews on one side, who are just a small step away from Lebanese non-Jews, and Syrian non-Jews on the other. The Syrian non-Jews are very close to the Kurdish Jews and the Palestinian non-Jews - i.e. the “Palestinians.”

What actually seems to have happened is that when the Khazar kingdom “converted” to Judaism, they invited Jewish rabbis to come and teach them how to be proper Jews. These rabbis, being “proper Jews,” took Khazar wives, mixing with the Khazar population in this way. Additionally, after the fall of the Khazar kingdom, Yiddish-speaking “Jewish” immigrants from the west (especially Germany, Bohemia, and other areas of Central Europe) - which would include Roman Jewish lines, began to flood into Eastern Europe, and it is believed that these newer immigrants intermarried with the Khazars. Thus, Eastern European Jews have a mix of ancestors who came from Central Europe and from the Khazar kingdom. The two groups (eastern and western Jews) intermarried over the centuries.

In this sense, the Ashkenazi Jews are, indeed, descendants of the Israelites through the male line.

Analysis of the Y chromosome has already yielded interesting results. Dr. Ariella Oppenheim of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem said she had found considerable similarity between Jews and Israeli and Palestinian Arabs, as if the Y chromosomes of both groups had been drawn from a common population that began to expand 7,800 years ago.

About two-thirds of Israeli Arabs and Arabs in the territories and a similar proportion of Israeli Jews are the descendents of at least three common prehistoric ancestors who lived in the Middle East in the Neolithic period, about 8,000 years ago. This is the finding of a new study conducted by an international team of scholars headed by Prof. Ariella Oppenheim, a senior geneticist in the Hebrew University’s hematology department and at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. In the study, soon to be published in the scientific journal ‘Human Genetics,’ the researchers probed the history of Jewish and Arab men by analyzing the genetic changes in the Y chromosome.[…]

The results of the study, says Prof. Oppenheim, ‘support the historical documentation according to which the Arabs are descendents of an ancient population of the country and that a large proportion of them were Jews who converted to Islam after Islam reached Eretz Israel in the seventh century CE.’ […]

They […] discovered that Jews and Arabs have common prehistoric ancestors who lived here until just the last few thousand years..[…] In view of the small geographical area of Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the researchers were surprised to discover that some Palestinians on the West Bank have a unique genetic trait that is reflected in a relatively high frequency of certain genetic signs. This fact indicates that they are the descendents of people who have lived here for a few hundred years at least. […] Dr. Filon says that the unique genetic trait is characteristic of a population that has lived in the same place for many generations.”

Data on the Y chromosome indicates that the males originated in the Middle East, while the mothers’ mitochondrial DNA seems to indicate a local Diaspora origin in the female community founders.

We have analyzed the maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA from each of nine geographically separated Jewish groups, eight non-Jewish host populations, and an Israeli Arab/Palestinian population, and we have compared the differences found in Jews and non-Jews with those found using Y-chromosome data that were obtained, in most cases, from the same population samples. The results suggest that most Jewish communities were founded by relatively few women, that the founding process was independent in different geographic areas, and that subsequent genetic input from surrounding populations was limited on the female side. In sharp contrast to this, the paternally inherited Y chromosome shows diversity similar to that of neighboring populations and shows no evidence of founder effects. These sex-specific differences demonstrate an important role for culture in shaping patterns of genetic variation and are likely to have significant epidemiological implications for studies involving these populations. We illustrate this by presenting data from a panel of X-chromosome microsatellites, which indicates that, in the case of the Georgian Jews, the female-specific founder event appears to have resulted in elevated levels of linkage disequilibrium.

The emerging genetic picture is based largely on two studies, […] that together show that the men and women who founded the Jewish communities had surprisingly different genetic histories.[…]

A new study now shows that the women in nine Jewish communities from Georgia, the former Soviet republic, to Morocco have vastly different genetic histories from the men. […] The women’s identities, however, are a mystery, because, unlike the case with the men, their genetic signatures are not related to one another or to those of present-day Middle Eastern populations.[…]

The new study, by Dr. David Goldstein, Dr. Mark Thomas and Dr. Neil Bradman of University College in London and other colleagues, appears in The American Journal of Human Genetics this month.... His [Goldstein’s] own speculation, he said, is that most Jewish communities were formed by unions between Jewish men and local women, though he notes that the women’s origins cannot be genetically determined.[…]

Like the other Jewish communities in the study, the Ashkenazic community of Northern and Central Europe, from which most American Jews are descended, shows less diversity than expected in its mitochondrial DNA, perhaps reflecting the maternal definition of Jewishness. But unlike the other Jewish populations, it does not show signs of having had very few female founders. It is possible, Dr. Goldstein said, that the Ashkenazic community is a mosaic of separate populations formed the same way as the others.[…]

‘The authors are correct in saying the historical origins of most Jewish communities are unknown,’ Dr. [Shaye] Cohen [of Harvard University] said. ‘Not only the little ones like in India, but even the mainstream Ashkenazic culture from which most American Jews descend.’[…] If the founding mothers of most Jewish communities were local, that could explain why Jews in each country tend to resemble their host community physically while the origins of their Jewish founding fathers may explain the aspects the communities have in common, Dr. Cohen said.[…]

The Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA’s in today’s Jewish communities reflect the ancestry of their male and female founders but say little about the rest of the genome... Noting that the Y chromosome points to a Middle Eastern origin of Jewish communities and the mitochondrial DNA to a possibly local origin, Dr. Goldstein said that the composition of ordinary chromosomes, which carry most of the genes, was impossible to assess.

These studies suggests the idea that some of the early ancestors of the ancient Levant and Mesopotamian civilizations originated in the region of Armenia and moved southwards - that they were “Semitic” the same way Sargon was. Further, the Tanach records extensive evidence of intermarriage between Jews and ancient peoples who originated in eastern Anatolia, such as the Hittites and Hurrians (including the Jebusites of Jerusalem). The Edomites who were of mixed Hebrew and Hurrian ancestry were also absorbed into the Jewish people. The Armenians and Kurds are the descendants of people who remained in Eastern Anatolia, Armenia and Kurdistan, subsequently intermarrying with the Turks and neighboring peoples. So, we see the idea of the “Ten Lost Tribes,” or even the “Thirteenth Tribe” to be myths exploded by the science of genetics.

The problem is, of course, that all existing studies fail to compare modern Jewish populations’ DNA to ancient Judean DNA. The question remains: If Sargon was the “original Semitic ruler,” was he a Semite as we understand Semites today? The next question that occurs to us is: Did Sargon, as a conqueror, impose a language and cultural expression on a genetically different people, the Sumerians, who had already imposed their own language and culture on the indigenous population of the Fertile Crescent?

What we notice most particularly is that Sargon was said to have come “from the North” and that he worshipped the Goddess Ishtar. Also, when we think of the word “Semitic” in terms of the Green language, we naturally wonder if it doesn’t imply something that was “half” of one thing and “half” of another?

The question then becomes: Who were the Sumerians that absorbed and adopted the Semitic language and cultural expressions, adapting them to their own use?

The Sumerians were a non-Semitic people who, judging by archaeological remains, were generally short and stocky, with high, straight noses and downward sloping eyes. Many wore beards, but some were clean-shaven. These people apparently migrated to the Fertile Crescent - they suddenly appeared in the area - and immediately established what was, for a long time, considered to be the first real ‘Civilization’. They built cities, step-pyramid-temples, large residences and economic facilities. They referred to themselves as the “black-headed people” as if to emphasize their difference from the indigenous population who, one might assume, were not black-headed.

The picture painted by the archaeological record of the Sumerian City-State civilization before Sargon is one of constant strife between these cities, especially the most prominent ones: Kish, Erech, Ur, Adab, and later Lagash and Umma. Constant warring weakened the Sumerians until “the kingship was carried away by foreigners” such as the king of Awan, Sargon of Akkad, the Gutians, the Elamites, and eventually Hammurabi. Sargon of Akkad, the first Semite, was then, a “foreigner” to the Sumerians who had (as we will see) a rather “lengthy” history prior to the Semitic influence.

It is quite curious that despite their sense of nationalism and the sharing of a common identity, the “black-headed people” were unable to unite in order to resist the conquerors. What is even more ironic is the fact that, even though they were unable to resist being conquered and ruled - in fact - by foreigners, the Sumerian culture was, to a great extent, assimilated by the conquerors by the adoption of their customs, script, and literature, including many of their religious myths.

The cultural “soul” of a people can be found in their stories, myths, and rituals. The stories of Sumer, as inscribed on its clay tablets, allow us to reconstruct, at least partially, a process of dynamic development that took place over many centuries. Some experts propose that Sumerian storytelling was indebted to the wandering Semitic tribes, who, being allegedly “illiterate”, had the narrative memory capacity of “illiterate peoples”. It is suggested by such experts that these Semites often entertained their more “civilized” Sumerian hosts by “elling tales around the campfire” or in the market place. It is then suggested that these stories were then written down by Sumerian scribes, who attempted to categorize the material into orderly groups of continuous narrative. Obviously, the “wandering, illiterate Semites” weren’t quite so backward since they conquered the Sumerians and their influence actually gave the Sumerian civilization a cultural boost. What is more likely is that the writing of the Sumerians was developed for economic and military purposes, which was the purview of the “god” and his priests. It was only after the incursions of the Semites that a literary tradition began, and the development of writing proceeded in such a way that it could be utilized for literature.

The experts tell us that the Sumerians themselves had no real “sense of history” even though they had invented writing. This opinion is arrived at due to the fact that the Sumerians had recorded a sort of “history,” in the form of a King list that was, to understate the matter, astonishing.

The Sumerians’ relationship with their gods was the driving force in the rise of their civilization. The very reason for the existence of Sumer and her people seemed to lie with these strange and mortal ‘deities’. The very reason for being was to serve the appropriate deity.

The Sumerian religion was more like a feudal covenental relationship with an overlord than the mystical worship of a god as we would understand religion today. For the Sumerian, worship of the gods meant complete servitude - the very purpose for which mankind was (according to the Sumerians) created by the Sumerian gods.

According to the Sumerians, the city-states had been founded by the gods far back in time and it was the gods who had given the Sumerians, “the black-headed people“, all the tools and weapons and marvelous inventions of their culture. For the Sumerians, everything that they had - cities, fields, herds, tools, institutions - had always existed because the gods had created all of it before they had created the black headed people to run things as their slaves. This immediately makes one think of the only people who claim an origin as slaves: the Jews.

This “slave-master” Religion was the central organizing principle of the city-states, each city belonging to a different deity who was worshipped in a large temple. According to the Sumerians, even if the gods might prefer to be just and merciful, they had also created evil and misfortune and there was nothing that the black-headed people could do about it. Judging from the Sumerian Lamentation texts, the best one could do in times of trouble would be to “plead, lament and wail, tearfully confessing his sins and failings.” Their family god or city god might intervene on their behalf, but that would not necessarily happen even if the rules were carefully followed. After all, man was created as a broken, labor saving, tool for the use of the gods and at the end of everyone’s life, lay the underworld, a dreary place like the Sheol of the early Hebrews.

According to the Sumerians, their gods were very intelligent, extremely long-lived and yet, very mortal beings. This is evident in their king lists. According to the Sumerians, the time before the flood was said to be a period of 432,000 years. Two kings from after the flood that are listed were Gilgamesh and Tammuz. The legends of Tammuz were so well-liked that they were assimilated to the pantheon of Babylon and later became the model for Adonis to the Greeks. Gilgamesh became the hero of the Babylonian epic poem which bears his name, and which also contains an account of the flood.

Until recently, these king lists and the names in them were thought to be purely mythic, but in the 1930’s, Sir Leonard Woolley, while excavating a building at Ur on the Ubaid level, found an inscription indicating that the structure had been erected by the son of the founder of the First Dynasty of Ur, a person up till that time regarded as fiction. Gilgamesh, too, has inscriptions telling of the buildings he built.

The “King-List” is divided into dynastic periods that are city-state oriented as apparently regards the seat of central power. The most startling of these sections is the list dealing with the pre-deluge Kings . Eight Annunaki Kings are listed, as are five city-states where centralized rule apparently was seated. Length of rule is given in what is known as a “sar”. All of the remaining King-List sections have the length of rule measured by years. The “sar” was equivalent in length to 3,600 years.

... to be continued next post
On the topic of Semites, continued:

Secret History of the World said:
Now it is important to note that during this astonishing length of time recorded as “history” by the Sumerians, only two Annunaki held overall reign. First was Enki (later known as Ea) and the second was Enlil, a half-brother of Enki. The event that ended this first list was the legendary deluge. It was also during the latter part of this first period of the King-List that human beings appeared.

Calculating the length of time back to the arrival of these “Annunaki,” brings us to about 450,000 years ago. That puts it well before the accepted date of the appearance of modern man.

The numbering system of the Sumerians is actually quite fascinating. The Sumerian civilization can be more or less divided into three periods of cultural manifestation. The first included the development of glyptics where cylinder seals were engraved with parades of animals or scenes of a religious nature. This was followed by the development of sculpture, and finally, the emergence of writing.

During the first period of cultural manifestation, archaeology indicates that there were no palaces for such as what we would consider a real king. The “king” was actually a priest who lived in the temple. The priest-king was titled “EN, or “Lord.” It was only later, in the second cultural period that the title of king, or Lugal, came into use. At the same time, palaces became evident, witnessing a separation of the State - and its military forces - and the priesthood.

At the beginning of the second millennium BC, the Sumerians came back to dominance for a period, but after Hammurabi, Sumer disappeared entirely as a political entity. Nevertheless, the Sumerian language remained a language of priests.

Around 3,200 BC, the Sumerians devised their numerical notation system, giving special graphical symbols to the units 1, 10, 60, 600, 3,600. That is to say, we find that the Sumerians did not count in tens, hundreds and thousands, but rather adopted base 60, grouping things into sixties, and multiplying by powers of sixty.

Our own civilization utilizes vestiges of base 60 in the ways we count time in hours, minutes and seconds, and in the degrees of the circle.

Sixty is a large number to use as a base for a numbering system. It is taxing to the memory because it necessitates knowing sixty different signs (words) that stand for the numbers from 1 to 60. The Sumerians handled this by using 10 as an intermediary between the different sexagesimal orders of magnitude: 1, 60, 602, 603, etc. The word for 60, geš, is the same as the word for unity. The number 60 represented a certain level, above which, mutiples of 60 up to 600 were expressed by using 60 as a new unit. When they reached 600, the next level was treated as still another unit, with multiples up to 3,000. The number 3,600, or sixty sixties, was given a new name: šàr, and this, in turn, became yet another new unit.

The Sumerian numbering system often required excessive repetitions of identical marks, placing symbols side by side to represent addition of their values. The number 3, 599 required a total of twenty-six symbols. For this reason, the Sumerians would often use a “subtractive convention” with a little symbol that meant “take this number away from that number to get the number that is being indicated.”

In the pre-Sargon era, certain irregularities started to appear in the cuneiform representations of numbers. In addition to the subtractive convention, entirely new symbols were being created for multiples of 36,000. This means that instead of repeating 36,000 however many times it was to be indicated, the numbers 72,000, 108,000, 144,000, 180,000 and 216,000 had their own symbols assigned to them.

In all of human history, the Sumerians are the only ones we know of who invented and used a sexagesimal system. This can be seen as a “triumph” of their civilization, and a great mystery as well. Many people have tried to understand why they did this and numerous hypotheses were offered from Theon of Alexandria to Otto Neugebauer. These hypotheses range from “It was the easiest to use” and the “lowest of numbers that had the greatest number of divisors,” to “it was natural” because the number of days in a Solar year rounded down to 360, and so on. Daniel Boorstin suggested that the Sumerians used base 60 because they multiplied the number of planets known to them (5) times the number of months in the year. It was pointed out by the Assyriologist, G. Kewitsch in 1904 that neither astronomy nor geometry can really explain the origin of a number system, presupposing that abstract considerations preceded concrete applications. Kewitsch speculated that the sexagesimal system actually resulted from the fusion of two civilisations, one of which used a decimal number-system, and the other used base 6 derived from a special form of finger-counting. This was not easily accepted since there is no historical record of a base 6 numbering system anywhere in the world.

However, duodecimal systems, or base 12 numbering systems ARE widely attested, especially in Western Europe. It is still used for counting eggs and oysters. We regularly use the words “dozen” and “gross” and measurements based on 12 were used in France right up to the Revolution, and are still used in Britain and the U.S.

The Romans had a unit of weight, money and arithmetic called the as, divided into 12 ounces. One of the monetary units of pre-Revolutionary France was the sol, divided into 12 deniers. The Sumerians, Assyrians, and Babylonians used base 12 and its multiples and divisors vary widely as well. The Mesopotamian day was divided into twelve equal parts, and they divided the circle, the ecliptic, and the zodiac into twleve equal sectors of 30 degrees. This means that base 12 could very well have played a major part in shaping the Sumerian number system.

The major role of 10 in the base 60 system is well attested as well, since it was used as an auxiliary unit to circumvent the main difficulty of the sexagesimal system. This leads us to an important clue: the Sumerian word for “ten” also means “fingers” suggesting an earlier counting system.

Taking this back to a variation on Kewitsch’s hypothesis, Georges Ifrah proposes that base 60 was a “learned solution” to the union between two peoples, one of which used a decimal system derived from a vigesimal system and the other a system using base 12. As it happens, 60 is the lowest common multiple of 10 and 12 as well as the lowest number of which all the first six integers are divisors and, 5 X 12 is 60.

What is interesting to note is that the French words for 80 and 90 (quatre-vingts, quatre-vingt-dix) carry the traces of a vanished vigesimal arithemetic in Ancient Europe.

Ifrah’s hypothesis is that the Sumerian society had both decimal and duodecimal number systems, and its mathematicians subsequently devised a system that combined the two bases.

Of course, this hypothesis fails on the ground that it pressupposes way too much intellectual sophistication. Unless, of course, we consider the disjecta membra of a vanished high civilization.

It is evident that the Mesopotamian basin had one or more indigenous populations prior to the arrival of the Sumerians. The Sumerians were “immigrants” who came from somewhere else about which we know nothing since they seem to have broken all ties with their previous environment.

Coming back to the question: Who were the Semites?, we understand that the term itself derives from the Old Testament where the tribes of Eber (the Hebrews), Elam, Asshur, Aram, Arphasad, and Lud are said to be the descendants of Shem, one of Noah’s three sons. However, this claim makes the Elamites, who spoke an Asianic language, first cousins to the Hebrews, Assyrians, and Aramaeans, whose languages belong to the Semitic group.

“Asianic” is the term used for the earlier inhabitants of the Asian mainland whose languages, mostly of the agglutinative-kind, were neither Indo-European nor Semitic. It is generally believed that Mesopotamia was originally inhabited by Asianic peoples prior to the arrival of the Sumerians. It is thought that the Semitic-speaking population came in a later wave and that Sargon was the first Semitic king of a “Semitic nation.” Of course, that still doesn’t explain the Sumerians and their language.

Significant Semitic elements are to be found in the cultures of Mari and Kis at the beginning of the third millennium BC, and it has even been proposed that the El Obeid peoples were the original Semites, though they were absorbed and assimilated by the Sumerians. The discovery of the Ebla tablets reveal the existence of a Semitic language in the mid-third millennium BC.

When Sargon founded the first Semitic state by defeating the Sumerians, Akkadian became the language of Mesopotamia and pushed aside the unrelated language of Sumer. When the Sumerian cuneiform writing was adapted by the Akkadians, the writing system was already several centuries old. The Akkadians found an ideographic writing system that was already drifting toward a phonetic system and accelerated this drift while still retaining some of the ideographic meanings. The Akkadian and Sumerian cultural heritages merged, creating a true literary tradition. When Akkadian speech and writing finally supplanted their Sumerian counterparts in Mesopotamia, a strictly decimal numbering became the norm in daily use. The ancient signs for 60, 600, 3,600 and so on, progressively disappeared. In the hands of the Semites, cuneiform numerals and Mesopotamian arithmetic were gradually adapted into a system with a different base working on different principles. Nevertheless, base 60 did not disappear entirely, as we have already mentioned.

We should note, however, that it was with the sudden appearance of the Sumerian civilization - as early as the 5th millennium BC - that the long era of the tribal, egalitarian society of the Neolithic came to an end between 4,000 and 3,000 B.C. Archaeologists and anthropologists have documented that the early society of Mesopotamia had been guided by women and had a Goddess as deity. The end of female leadership can be deducted from the following quote in “In the Wake of the Goddesses” by Frymer-Kenski:

The dynasty of Kish was founded by Enmebaragesi, a contemporary of Gilgamesh. The name breakes down as follows: enetik - eme - ebakin - aragikor - ageriko - ezi which can be transliterated to “from that time on - female - harvest - lustful - notorious - to domesticate” or “From that time on the lustful, notorious harvest female was domesticated.”

This “name” tells us in no uncertain terms that the time of the Goddess was on the decline, because male domination had arrived with the Sumerians. Sargon, conversely, attributed all of his successes to the Goddess.

Now, let’s come back to the clues that the French words for 80 and 90 (quatre-vingts, quatre-vingt-dix) carry the traces of a vanished ancient European vigesimal arithmetic, put together with the fact that the first Semitic king came from the “North” and that the “Semitic influence” of the Goddess worshipping Sargon accelerated the development of the Sumerian culture toward something more than being economic slaves to the gods. Considering these factors, we might wish to reconsider the term “Semitic”.

Indeed, the religion of the ancient Sumerians has left its mark on the entire Middle East. Not only are its temples and ziggurats scattered about the region, but the literature, cosmogony and rituals influenced their neighbors to such an extent that we can see echoes of Sumer in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition today. In other words, most of what we consider to be Semitic is actually Sumerian written in the Semitic Akkadian language. Undoubtedly, those peoples who today are called Semitic by virtue of having had a name assigned to them from the Bible, are actually descendants of the Sumerians and their “Semitic language” was imposed on them by Sargon of Akkad who was clearly not one of the “black-headed people.”

The linguistic affinity of Sumerian has not yet been successfully established. Ural-Altaic (which includes Turkish), Dravidian, Brahui, Bantu, and many other groups of languages have been compared with Sumerian, but no theory has gained common acceptance.

... to be continued next post
On the topic of semites:

Secret History of the World said:
Sargon became king over all of southern Mesopotamia, the first great ruler for whom the Semitic tongue - not Sumerian - known as Akkadian was natural from birth. This suggests to us that Sargon was not Sumerian, but that he was the bringer of a new language to Mesopotamia, imposing it on the peoples there in the same way that Spanish was imposed on South and Central America, and English has been adopted all over the world as a result of American domination of trade.

The language issue is our clue to who relates to who. The Afro-Asiatic language phylum has six distinct branches including Ancient Egyptian, which was known in its last years as Coptic, and which became extinct in the seventeenth century. The other five branches are Berber, Chadic, Cushitic, and Omotic. The Semitic language group is subdivided into an extinct Eastern branch, Akkadian, spoken by Sargon, and a Western branch with two sub-branches, Central and South. The Central group consists of Aramaic, Canaanite, and Arabic. The Southern group consists of South Arabian and Ethiopic. And here is the curiosity: one of the other branches of the Afro-Asiatic language tree is Berber, with sub-branches of Guanche - spoken by the original Canary Islanders; East Numidian, which is Old Libyan, and Berber proper.

Now, you ask, what is the oddity?

The Guanche language.

Some experts tell us that the Guanches must have come from the neighboring African coast long ages before the Black and Arab “invaders” overran it. We are sagely informed that Mauritania was formerly inhabited by the “same ancient Iberian race which once covered all Western Europe: a people tall, fair and strong.” Spain invaded, and most of the Guanches were wiped out by diseases to which they had no resistance due to their long isolation. It was over a hundred years before anyone attempted to record their language, customs, and what could be remembered of their history. Friar Alonso de Espinosa of the Augustine Order of Preachers, writing in 1580, tells us:

…It is generally believed that these are the Elysian Fields of which Homer sings. The poet Virgil, in the 4th book of the Aeneid, mentions the great peak of this island, when he makes Mercury, sent by Jupiter, go to Carthage to undeceive Aeneas, and to encourage him so that he might not abandon the voyage to Italy which he had undertaken.

It has not been possible to ascertain the origin of the Guanches, or whence they came, for as the natives had no letters, they had no account of their origin or descent, although some tradition may have come down from father to son. […]

The old Guanches say that they have an immemorial tradition that sixty people came to this island, but they know not whence they came. They gave their settlement the name “The place of union of the son of the great one.”

Although they knew of God, and called Him by various names, they had no rites nor ceremonies nor words with which they might venerate Him. […] When the rains failed, they got together the sheep in certain places, where it was the custom to invoke the guardian of the sheep. Here they stuck a wand or lance in the ground, then they separated the lambs from the sheep, and placed the mothers round the lance, where they bleated. They believed that God was appeased by this ceremony, that he heard the bleating of the sheep and would send down the rain.

…They knew that there was a hell, and they held that it was in the peak of Teyde [the volcanic mountain}, and the devil was Guayota.

They were accustomed when a child was born, to call a woman whose duty it was, and she poured water over its head; and this woman thus contracted a relationship with the child’s parents, so that it was not lawful to marry her, or to treat her dishonestly. They know not whence they derived this custom or ceremony, only that it existed. It could not be a sacrament, for it was not performed as one, nor had the evangelic law been preached to them.[…]

The inviolable law was that if a warrior meeting a woman by chance in the road, or in any solitary place, who spoke to her or looked at her, unless she spoke first and asked for something, or who, in an inhabited place, used any dishonest words which could be proved, he should suffer death for it without appeal. Such was their discipline. […]

This people had very good and perfect features, and well-shaped bodies. They were of tall stature, with proportionate limbs. There were giants among them of incredible size…

They only possessed and sowed barley and beans. … If they once had wheat, the seed had been lost… They also ate the flesh of sheep, goats, and pigs, and they fed on it by itself, without any other relish whatever… The flesh had to be half roasted because, as they said, it contained more substance in that way than if it was well roasted.

They counted the year by lunations… The lord did not marry with anyone of the lower orders, and if there was no one he could marry without staining the lineage, brothers were married to sisters.

They were wonderfully clever with counting. Although a flock was very numerous and came out of the yard or fold at a rush, they counted the sheep without opening their mouths or noting with their hands, and never made a mistake.

I’m sure that the reader can see that even though we have very little to go on, there are a couple of suggestive indicators recorded by the good friar. The first thing we note is the custom of driving a lance into the ground for the sheep to “call the god.” A memory of ante-diluvian technology, perhaps?

But more than this, the clues seem to indicate that what we call the “Semitic language” may actually have been a northern tongue, an Aryan language, adopted by peoples we think of as ethnically “Semitic” in modern terms but who, in ancient terms, were not Semitic at all.

The Rise of Sacrifice

Returning to Viracocha, what we learn about him was that he was a carver and shaper of humanity. He was a god of action, a creator and destroyer of worlds: the Shiva of the Andes. Before successfully creating the world of humans, Viracocha had annihilated previous worlds; first by fire and then again by flood. In short, for the Andeans, humanity emerged not from a utopian Garden of Eden - which is a Northern concept - but from the hard, living rock and water of the natural world: clay. Viracocha had two faithful servants who he sent in opposite directions to generate a new race of humans.

In Cristobal de Molina’s version of the same myth, these two culture heroes are the Andean Adam and Eve: the primeval male-female pair who were the children of Viracocha. Unlike the theme of a prior Golden Age, the events of the myth begin only after a universal flood. The Spanish cleric Bernabe Cobo informs us that the original name for Tiahuanaco was Taypi Kala. Taypi Kala meant “the stone in the center“; the natives ascribed this name to the site because they considered the city to be in “the center of the world, and that from there the world was repopulated after the flood.”

The peoples of the Andes had no known form of indigenous writing, so the evidence for their activities must come from other sources. The early Spanish chroniclers recorded what had been described to them about life in Inca times; their accounts include frequent references to “sacrifice” and “offering.” Some doubt has been expressed about these accounts, however, accusing the Europeans of a negative, Catholic point of view, suggesting that the chroniclers did not ask the right questions. However, pictorial evidence for sacrifice has long been known. The Incas made little in the way of figurative art, but existing pre-Inca depictions give visual evidence for sacrifice. Examples of archaeological evidence are now accumulating in the data from recent excavations in a number of places. Most of the archaeological evidence for human sacrifice in the Andes - most clearly among the Inca and the Moche - has been discovered only recently.

For many people in the modern Western world, making a sacrifice means either giving without receiving or giving up something valuable for a cause that may benefit others. What seems to be evident about the process of sacrifice in primitive belief systems is that sacrifices of animals and humans were done for the greater good of the group - to appease the anger of the god and prevent disaster. Blood was the symbol of life, of animation, of nourishment, the most important offering that could be given to the natural and supernatural beings. It was thought that the sacrificial nourishing of the “sacred beings” made life possible. It was also thought that the cosmos “ran” on this “nourishment.” It has been suggested that the number and violence of the sacrifices increased as the desperate Moche priests tried to appease the Gods. Unfortunately, such speculations do not fully answer the question as to why any human being ever thought that the death of another human being would satisfy the gods in some way.

In artistic depictions, the Moche are seen to cut the throats of prisoners of war and then drink their blood. Afterwards, the bodies were dismembered. It’s hard to say what the purpose of these endless sacrifices might be. Perhaps the priests thought that they obtained power from drinking the blood. We are reminded of the Biblical injunction that “the blood is the life,” and the Hebrews were forbidden to drink it or to eat meat that had not been thoroughly bled. Perhaps this was because the blood - and the life in it - was supposed to be reserved for the god exclusively. Child sacrifice is a recurrent theme not only in the Andes but also in much of the world.

Returning now to our problem: Yahweh. It seems that, like the Moche and the Aztecs, the Jewish priesthood began with terrifying cannibalistic rituals and sacrifices. Just picture the priest - kohane - standing before the worshippers spattered with dripping, stringy clots of blood, throwing basins of blood on the congregation to “cleanse” them, all the while the subliminal message being conveyed that “if you don’t obey Yahweh, this is what he will do to you!” This may have been what was taking place in the great Temple of Solomon which was very likely a displaced memory of a place so hated, the Temple of Hephaestus - the labyrinth - in Memphis, and was later transferred to the “labyrinth” at Crete. It was then brought to Palestine by the refugees from the eruption of Thera, and combined later with other tales of the cataclysm to produce some of the Old Testament and the rites of Judaism. We begin to understand why the labyrinth of Egypt was, according to Pliny, regarded with “extraordinary hatred” and why so many myths of a human eating Minotaur at the center circulated in the ancient world.

The idea of the ritual sacrifice of the king instead of thousands of virgins, children, or warriors, seems to be the result of the mingling of the Southern Sun god worship with the influence of the Northern Moon worshippers. This seems to be a distortion of the idea that the king was ruler by virtue of his “marriage” to the goddess, or her representative, and that this “marriage” involved a shamanic death in order to be able to transduce the cosmic energies of benevolence and prosperity to the tribe or to defend the tribe against evil spirits.

The northern custom of a king who had lost his vigor voluntarily abdicating and being replaced by the “right heir” who could “marry the goddess” was mixed with the sacrifice customs, and the result was that the priesthood had a weapon to wield over the monarch to keep him in line. Thus arose the idea of the “scape goat” king who was sacrificed in the labyrinth instead of maidens and warriors.

Herodotus tells us what seems to be an already garbled version of this mixing of the two ideas:

Being set free after the reign of the priest of Hephaistos, the Egyptians, since they could not live any time without a king, set up over them twelve kings, having divided all Egypt into twelve parts.

This may be the original story of Jacob and Esau and the 12 tribes.

This shift was also recorded in the myth of Theseus.

What seems to be so is that there was some sort of “object of power” at the center of the myth of the Sons of Aegyptus and the daughters of Danaus. It was a descendant of this “union” - Perseus - who “cleansed the temple” and restored the Goddess to her rightful place as depicted in the story of the slaying of Medusa, the freeing of Pegasus, and the rescue of Andromeda. But again, this is merely the assimilation of later events to the primal myth of Atlantis.

When we examine the evidence, we find many clues, but with the passage of time, the movements of people in migration and/or conquest, it is impossible to say with certainty just “who is on first.” There is, of course, much more to this than the little bit I am able to include here. This will be dealt with in a future volume.

In the Bible the “wise king Solomon” is portrayed as “whoring after” the Tyrian fire and sun god Moloch/Molech. One has to wonder what this means considering the fact that there is no difference between Moloch and Yahweh when one digs beneath the surface. Some “experts” suggest that the priest Melchizedek - who was the purported teacher of Abraham - was a priest of “Moloch,” and that the name means “Righteous Moloch.” However, that is a cross-conceptualization, and a somewhat sly way to trick the reader. If you are going to translate one word into English, you ought to translate the other. Malkiy, or Malak, means simply “king.” Tsedeq means “right” or “just” or benevolent. It carries the abstract suggestion of “prosperity.”

What seems to have happened, once again, is that a possible revelation of truth about our reality was co-opted and diverted by the denizens of hyperdimensional realities who do not wish their nature and agenda to be discerned. In the standard method of disinformation, truth was mixed with lies in order to mislead and divert. Those who wish that everything was either clearly black or clearly white, do not take the time to patiently pick through the threads and separate them so as to discern the truth. My suggestion on this point is that the ancient Priesthood of Melchizedek was designated thus for the express purpose of distinguishing it from the worship of Moloch, the Fire god.

The apparent co-opting of names and terms and symbolism throughout the ages continues. In the present day, there are many who claim to be “of the Order of Melchizedek” who are in fact, not.

Some experts quote Paul’s remark from Hebrews 9:22 where it says: “under the Law almost everything is purified by means of blood, and without the shedding of blood there is neither release from sin and its guilt nor the remission of the due and merited punishment for sins.” What such experts fail to mention - again a sly twisting - is what follows in that particular passage, which is an argument against such practices.

The religion of the Great Mother Goddess existed and flourished for many thousands of years in the Near and Middle East before the arrival of the patriarch Abraham who is depicted as the first prophet of the dominator male deity, Yahweh. Archaeologists have traced the worship of the Goddess back to the Neolithic communities of about 7000 BC, some to the Upper Paleolithic cultures of about 25,000 BC. From Neolithic times, at least, its existence has been repeatedly attested to well into Roman Times. Yet, Bible scholars tell us that Abraham lived in Canaan as late as between 1800 and 1550 B.C., a veritable Johnny-come-lately! How in the world has such a recent appearance on the world scene managed to push itself into such prominence and domination?

Over and over again in the studies of the ancient religions it is noted that, in place after place, the goddess was debased and replaced by a male deity - the worship of a young warrior god and a supreme father god. It has been assumed that this was the Indo-European invasion from the north. But when the cultural connections are considered, it is clear that this ideation moved northward from the South. Perhaps we ought to call it the “Indo-Incan” invasion since we have suggested a connection to the cultures of South America. Archaeology reveals that, after these incursions, the worship of the Mother Goddess fluctuated from city to city. As the invaders gained more and more territory over the next two thousand years, the male began to appear as the dominant husband or even the murderer of the Goddess! The transition was accomplished by brutally violent massacres and territorial acquisition throughout the Near and Middle East. The same is true regarding the conversion of the western world to Christianity. Something is definitely strange about this picture.

This corruption drifted north, as Eliade has noted, changing the shamanic cultures from goddess worshippers to male dominated societies. In studying the legends about the Golden Age, the Antediluvian world, we realize over and over again that these stories talk about a garden where woman and man lived in harmony with each other and nature. That is, until a dominator male god decided that woman had been a very bad girl and must now and forever be subservient to man.

The Chinese Tao Te Ching describes a time when the yin, or feminine principle, was not yet ruled by yang, the male principle, a time when the wisdom of the mother was still honored and followed above all. To many people, references to these times are no more than mere fantasy.

It seems that there were ancient societies organized very differently from ours, and chief among the finds in such digs are the many images of the Deity as female. Thus we are better able to interpret the references to the Great Goddess in ancient art, myth, and even historical writings.

The chief idea of these people was that the Universe was an all-giving mother. Indeed, this idea has survived into our time. In China, the female deities Ma Tsu and Kuan Yin are still widely worshipped as beneficent and compassionate goddesses. Similarly, the veneration of Mary, the Mother of God, is widespread. Even if in Catholic theology she is demoted to non-divine status, her divinity is implicitly recognized by her appellation “Mother of God,” as well as by the prayers of millions who daily seek her compassionate protection and solace. In fact, the story of Jesus‘ birth, death and resurrection seems to be little more than a reworking of those of earlier ‘mystery cults‘ revolving around a Divine Mother and her son or, as in the worship of Demeter and Kore, her daughter.

It is, of course, reasonable that the deepest understanding of divine power in human form should be female rather than male. After all, life emerges from the body of a woman, and if we are to understand the macrocosm by means of the microcosm, it is only natural to think of the universe as an all-giving Mother from whose womb all life emerges and to which, like the cycles of vegetation, it returns after death to be again reborn.

What is more important to us here is the idea that societies that view the universe as a Mother would also have very different social structures from our own. We might also conjecture that women in such a society would not be seen as subservient. Caring, nurturing, growth and creation would have been valued. At the same time, it does not make sense to think that such societies were “matriarchal” in the sense that women dominated men. They were, instead, by all the evidence, societies in which differences were valued and not equated as evidence of either superiority or inferiority.

What we do know is that “Venus” figurines have been found by the thousands, all over Eurasia, from the Balkans to Lake Baikal in Siberia, across to Willendorf in Austria, and the Grotte du Pappe in France. Some scholars (clearly with their minds where they ought not to be) have described them as “erotic art” of the stone-age and propose that they were used in obscene fertility rites!

But is that really so?

Can these ubiquitous female images found from Britain to Malta even be described accurately as erotic “Venus” figures? Most of them are broad-hipped, sometimes pregnant, stylized and frequently faceless. They look like pithoi and are clearly symbolic, just as the cross with the crucified man is a symbol. Future archaeologists who might dig in the remains of our civilization would find equally ubiquitous and symbolic crosses!

The worship of a female creator goddess appears, literally, in every area of the world. What is significant is that the most tangible line of evidence is drawn from the numerous sculptures of women found in the Gravettian-Aurignacian cultures of the Upper Paleolithic Age. Some of these date back to 25,000 BC, as noted above, and are frequently made of bone or clay. They were often found lying close to the remains of the sunken walls of what are probably the earliest known human-made dwellings on earth. Researchers say that niches or depressions were made in the walls to hold the figures. Such finds have been noted in Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Russia. These sites span a period of at least ten thousand years!

It appears highly probable that the female figurines were idols of a “great mother” cult, practiced by the nomadic Aurignacian mammoth hunters who inhabited the immense Eurasian territories that extended from southern France to Lake Baikal in Siberia.

In the oldest archaeological finds, the Goddess was represented by birds and wavy symbols that indicated water and/or energy. These same wavy lines are retained as the symbol of the Astrological sign of Aquarius which may be the oldest extant symbol of the Great Mother Goddess.

But suddenly, at a certain point, around 5000 years ago, serpents became associated with the goddess, and the wavy lines of water/energy were transmogrified to snakes. What happened to bring about this association? By 4000 BC, Goddess figures appeared at Ur and Uruk, both on the southern end of the Euphrates river, not far from the Persian Gulf. At about this same period, the Neolithic Badarian and Amaratian cultures of Egypt first appeared. It is at these sites that agriculture first emerged in Egypt.

From that point on, with the invention of writing, history as we know it, emerged in both Sumer and Egypt - about 3000 BC. (5000 years ago!) In every area of the Near and Middle East, the Goddess was known in historic times. It seems clear that many changes must have taken place in both the forms and modes of worship, but, in various ways, the worship of the Goddess survived into classical Greece and Rome. It was not totally suppressed until the time of the Christian emperors of Rome and Byzantium, who closed the last Goddess Temples about 500 AD.

It appears that the Goddess ruled alone in the beginning, though she was “married” to the king via a human female representative. Thus the son or brother who was also her lover and consort was part of the goddess religion in much earlier times. This individual was also truly “Semitic” in the sense of being half human and half divine.

Later, as the corruption crept in - seemingly after some dramatic, cataclysmic event - it was this youth - known in various languages as Damuzi, Tammuz, Attis, Adonis, Osiris or Baal - who died in his youth causing an annual period of grief and lamentation among those who paid homage to the Goddess.

For a very long time, this myth was annually enacted representing the fact that time was cyclical the same way the seasons were. It was the passing down of the knowledge of cyclical catastrophes connected to cyclical time. The world might end, but if it did, it was only because it had “run down” and needed to be “wound up” again.

But something changed all that. Somehow, the perception of the End of the World became a terrible punishment that might be prevented by savage sacrifices. And the sub-text of this idea was that time was linear and would end, finally and completely. This idea was brought with the invaders from the South, the murderers of the Goddess, the rapers of the Maidens of the Wells: the dominator religion that drove the sword into the stone.

Part of the cover-up seems to involve blaming this corruption on “northern invaders” or Aryan Indo-Europeans. The invasions of the Aryans took place in waves over a period of up to three thousand years according to standard teachings. They are called invasions because it seems that the arrival of masses of new people was always related, in some way, to evidence of destruction which may or may not have been related to wars of conquest. It may just as well have been related to atmospheric or geologic disruption. Those incursions of prehistoric times are suggested by speculative etymological connections. I propose that there were also invasions from the South, and these invasions brought the corruption that spread like a disease all over the globe, corrupting even the Northern worshippers of the Moon and the Goddess.

What is most significant in the coming of the “Northern invaders” revolutionized not only war, but also art and culture. They introduced the horse-drawn chariot, and the charioteer became a new aristocracy. Since the ancient steppe peoples used carts for traveling and carrying their goods, it seems logical to suggest that it was only after the mixing with the war-like Southern peoples that such vehicles were converted to the use of war and destruction.

Many “experts” tell us that it was these northern people who brought with them the concepts of light as good and dark as evil and of a supreme male deity. However, the archaeological and mythographic record suggests otherwise. If, indeed, they later assimilated the supreme male deity to their pantheon, it is clear that these ideas came from the mixing of cultures in Mesopotamia. The interweaving of the two theologies are recorded mythologically in the cultures of this region, and for too long, the blame has been cast in the wrong direction. But most of these ideas were formed before the knowledge of the Southern, American cultures was available. It is in the myths of South America that we discover the origins of the attitude that led to the destruction of the Goddess. It is also in these stories that we find the beginning of the concept of time as linear, with a beginning and an end for human beings, at least.

When we were in Mexico in 1997, I noticed an odd sculpture from one of the ancient temples that had been placed in the museum of anthropology. It was of a man whose skull, elbow joint, and thigh had been flayed, while the rest of his flesh was intact. This was a clear representation of not only the components of the skull and crossed thigh bones, but also the ubiquitous “joint” symbol of certain occult secret societies - societies that worship the flaying, blood drinking, male god.

I photographed the carving, and you will note that it also includes a rattlesnake entwined around the body of the flayed man.

The theme of flaying is also present in India in the dance of Shiva on the elephant god. After the elephant is flayed, Shiva dons the skin as a symbol of acquiring the power of the god. The same flaying and donning of the skin of the sacrificial victims was practiced by the South American sun worshippers, by the Egyptians, and also - so it seems - by the early Jewish priesthood.

Viracocha was the supreme Inca god, a synthesis of sun god and storm god. One version of the story says that the Creator God Viracocha “rose from Lake Titicaca during the time of darkness to bring forth light.” Viracocha was represented as wearing the sun for a crown, with thunderbolts in his hands, and tears descending from his eyes as rain. Viracocha made the earth, the stars, the sky and mankind, but his first creation displeased him, so he destroyed it with a flood and made a new, better one, taking to his wanderings - disappearing across the ocean, walking on water - as the Christianized version goes - as a beggar, teaching his new creations the rudiments of civilization, as well as working numerous miracles.

Another version of the story tells us that the Viracocha were so hated that the people rose up against them and massacred them, but that a couple of them escaped across the ocean. This is the most likely scenario considering all of the evidence. It also reminds us of the hatred of the Egyptian labyrinth. We should note that there are significant artistic representations in both South America and Egypt of “black headed” peoples sacrificing blond or red-headed men.

The term “viracocha” also refers to a group of men named the suncasapa or bearded ones - they were the mythic soldiers of Viracocha, also called the “angelic warriors of Viracocha”. Later one of the Inca Kings (the eighth Inca ruler) took the name of Viracocha. But in all cases, we see the “hint” that they were Aryans was provided by the Spanish friars, and is not supported by the archaeological evidence.

On the Gateway of the Sun, the famous carved figure on the decorated archway in the ancient (pre-Incan) city of Tiahuanaco most likely represents Viracocha, flanked by 48 winged effigies, 32 with human faces and 16 with condor’s heads.

What seems to be evident is that there were people who rose to power in South America known as the Viracocha. After the Spaniards destroyed all of the records of the natives of the Americas, they wrote their own versions, which included stories of the Viracocha being blond, Aryan types. This was due to the fact that the Spaniards noted a certain similarity between the myths of the Incan civilizing gods and their own religious beliefs. This was later taken up by Thor Heyerdahl, but a careful examination of the records gives no firm evidence that these individuals were Aryans. The evidence of Aryan types on Easter Island has been convincingly explained as the result of the survivors of a shipwreck taking up residence and has nothing to do with the “travels of the Incas.” However, the links between certain scripts found on Easter Island, and the script of the Indus Valley, and certain mythical motifs, strongly suggest a connection between South America, Easter Island, India, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the religion of the Jews. Of course, it is possible that such civilizing influence was transmitted by “big, blond, sailor” types who rose to power in South America and were destroyed in revolutions by the enslaved, native masses. Images of red headed men being sacrificed are known in South America, so perhaps they were viewed as “gods” and the indigenous population sought to acquire their powers by “flaying” them and donning their skins. We realize that skin color has been an issue throughout human history, so it would be reasonable to think that the primitive mind might see the white skin as a transmitter of power. Of course, that doesn’t even address the question as to why light skinned individuals were perceived as “higher caste” and worthy of emulation to begin with, but that’s another issue.

So we suggest “Viracocha” left the lands of the Inca and traveled across the Pacific. In India, we find the most interesting Indus Valley civilization which - upon visual inspection of the ruins - presents a striking resemblance to the ruins of the ancient cities of South America. The only difference was that the ability to shape megaliths seems to have been lost, and the Indus valley cities, while stylistically similar, are built of brick. As mentioned, we can note the similarity of certain writings found on Easter Island to the Indus Valley script.

At a later point in time, the movement was north to Mesopotamia where again, certain sigils found on cylinder seals are similar to the Indus Valley script. The rigid caste system of the Incas is found also in India.

Another item of considerable interest that connects Egypt to South America is the Ica skulls compared to the representations of elongated skulls among the Egyptian royalty. This is a subject I will cover more thoroughly in another volume. The point at the moment is to make clear the obvious connection between some very strange things in South America, and other strange things in Egypt and the Middle East, all connected in mysterious ways to the creation of three monotheistic religions, and the present day struggle among the three.

And so we find the Viracocha types from across the Pacific, making their way up the Indian peninsula, to meet with a group of big blond nomadic herdsmen from the Altai Mountains, probably in Mesopotamia. And so, the Southern male god was adopted by the Altai Aryans in their mingling with the Southerners that invaded India from across the Sea. “And the sons of God looked upon the daughters of men and saw that they were fair and took wives…”

This new “Aryan” god was frequently depicted as a storm god, high on a mountain, blazing with the light of fire or lightning from the thunderbolts he held in his hand. In many of these transposed myths, the goddess is depicted as a serpent or dragon, associated with darkness and evil. Sometimes the dragon is neuter or even male, but in such cases, is closely associated with the goddess, usually as her son.

The Goddess religion seems to have assimilated the male deities into the older forms of worship, and survived as the popular religion of the people for thousands of years after the initial Southern Sumerian invasions. But her position had been greatly lowered and continued to decline. In the form of Judaism and eventually Christianity, the male sun god finally suppressed the religion of the goddess.

And here we come to the most interesting thing of all: it is in the accounts of these mixed Aryans that we find the original religious ideas of the Hebrews. It is also from this mixing - the region from which Zarathustra emerged - that we get the original ideas of the End of the World. In the mixing of the two idealogies, there is the mountain-top god who blazes with light; there is the duality between light and darkness symbolized as good and evil; there is the myth of the male deity defeating the serpent; and there is the supreme leadership of a ruling class: the priestly Levites; all of these are to be found in both the Indo-Incan and Hebrew religious concepts and politics!

In India, we suggest that there is another way to interpret the evidence. We propose a “Southern Sumerian” invasion from across the sea, meeting and mingling with the Aryan invasion from the North which resulted in the assimilation of the Goddess worshippers and the emerging dominance of the Southern male god. The books known as the Vedas were a record of the Aryans in India. They were written between 1500 and 1200 B.C. in Sanskrit using scripts possibly borrowed from the Akkadians.

The “Southern” attitude toward women is made clear in two sentences attributed to Indra in the Rg Veda: “The mind of woman brooks not discipline. Her intellect has little weight.” And orthodox Jewish males daily thank god that they were not born women! This leads us to the obvious idea: The Indo-Incan patterns were either adopted by the Jews, or the Sumerian/Jewish priests were Indo-Incans from the start.

The Indo-Aryan Rg Veda says that “in the very beginning there was only ‘asura,’ or ‘living power.’” The asura broke down into two cosmic groups. One was the enemies of the Danavas, or Dityas, whose mother was the Goddess Danu or Diti; the other group, were known as the A-Dityas. Aside from the fact that this clearly depicts exactly what we are discussing here, the title betrays the fact that this mythical structure was created in reaction to the presence of the worshippers of Diti, since A-Ditya literally means “not Dityas,” or “not people of Diti.”

[M]many sociologists believe that some kind of a hierarchical social order, in terms of an individual’s occupation and duties, was in place perhaps ahead of the arrival of the Aryans. Its evolution into the caste or the varna system as we know today - with the four distinct castes of Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Sudra in the order of social standing - probably occurred with the settling of the Aryans who sanctified and legitimised the social order in their own terms which had a distinct religious underpinning. Some sociologists hold that the societal stratification in terms of rights and duties of the individual was a creation of the Aryans in their bid to exercise power over the indigenous proto-Asian populations of North India. […]

In recent times, with the rise of strident nationalism in the form of “Hindutva” ideology, which rejects the premise that Aryans were outsiders and views them as part of the continuum from the Indus valley civilisation, an unequivocal answer to this may have political implications. While material evidence of ancient history has not been able to resolve this issue, modern population genetics, based on analyses of the variations in the DNA in population sets, has tools to provide a more authoritative answer. Certain inherited genes carry the imprint of this information through the ages. […]

An international study led by Michale J. Bamshad of the Eccles Institute of Human Genetics of the University of Utah of caste origins has found (the findings have been reported in a recent issue of the journal Genome Research) that members of the upper castes are genetically more similar to Europeans, Western Eurasians to be specific, whereas the lower castes are more similar to Asians. This finding is in tune with the expectations based on historical reasoning and the prevalent views of many social historians. In exercising their superiority over native proto-Asian populations, the Aryans would have appointed themselves to higher rank castes. […]

Interestingly, an analysis of the genetic variations in the markers associated with the maternally inherited mtDNA and paternally inherited Y-chromosome show strikingly different trends. Maternally inherited DNA was overall found to be more similar to Asians than to Europeans, though the similarity to Europeans increases as we go up the caste ladder. Paternally inherited DNA, on the other hand, was overall more similar to Europeans than to Asians but, unlike in the case of maternal inheritance, with no significant variation in affinity across the castes. This is intriguing, but there is a plausible explanation. Migrating Eurasian populations are likely to have been mostly males who integrated into the upper castes and took native women. Inter-caste marriage practices, while generally taboo, are occasionally allowed, in which women can marry into an upper caste and move up in the social hierarchy. However, such upward mobility is not permissible for men. The caste labels of men are thus permanent, while women, by means of their limited mobility, cause a gene flow across caste barriers. This is the reason, according to the researchers, for the differing affinities of gender-specific genes among castes to continental populations.

One of the major Indo-Aryan gods was known as Indra, Lord of the Mountains, “he who overthrows cities.” Upon obtaining the promise of supremacy if he succeeded in killing Danu and Her son Vrtra, he does accomplish the act, thus achieving kingship among the A-Dityas. This reminds us of the early Sumerian text reported above:

The was founded by Enmebaragesi, a contemporary of Gilgamesh. The name breaks down as follows: enetik - eme - ebakin - aragikor - ageriko - ezi which can be transliterated to “rom that time on - female - harvest - lustful - notorious - to domesticate” or “From that time on the lustful, notorious harvest female was domesticated.”

This “name” tells us in no uncertain terms that the time of the Goddess was on the decline, because male domination had arrived with the Sumerians.

In a hymn to Indra in the Rg Veda which describes the event, Danu and Her son are first described as serpent demons; later, as they lie dead, they are symbolized as cow and calf. After the murders, “the cosmic waters flowed and were pregnant.” They in turn gave birth to the sun. This concept of the sun god emerging from the primeval waters appears in other Indo-Sumerian-Incan myths and also occurs in connection with two of the prehistoric invasions. We suggest that all of this connects such events to times of cataclysm wherein the sun is “darkened” or concealed by dust and clouds.

The Rg Veda also refers to an ancestral father god known both as Prajapati and Dyaus Pitar. Dyaus Pitar is known as the “supreme father of all.” The spread of the Indo-Sumerian culture mixed with the Aryan incursions brought with it the origins of the Hindu religion and the concept of light-colored skin being perceived as better or more “pure” than darker skins. (The Sanskrit word for caste, “varna” actually means color.)

The Indo-Sumerian-Aryan beliefs are found in Iran, though the records are very late - dating back only as far as 600 B.C. What the experts suggest is that the Indians and early Iranians - prior to the arrival of the Sumerians - were derived from the same ethnic group and had been established on the Iranian plateau from about 4000 BC speaking a Vedic Sanskrit dialect.

Though there is a considerable change from the Rg Veda to the Iranian Avesta, we still find the great father who represents light, with a new name: Ahura Mazda. He is the Lord of Light and his abode is on a mountaintop glowing with golden light. The duality of light and dark is inherent in Iranian religious thought. Ahura Mazda is on high in goodness, and the devil figure, Ahriman is “deep down in darkness.” We note in this the mixing of the Shamanic concepts with the Inca-Sumerian idea of a anthropomorphized god.

In the Iranian texts of 200 AD known as Manichean, we again find good and evil equated with light and dark. However, we are told in these writings that the problems of humanity are caused by a mixture of the two. And here, Mithra appears as the one who defeats the “demons of darkness.”

There is another clue that deserves note: the name of the Guanche Devil, Guayota. In the Iranian texts there is a character named Gayo Mareta who is the “first man.” He seems to relate to Indra in the Indian versions. Gauee or gavee in Sanskrit means cow. Mrityu in Sanskrit means death or murder, surviving in the Indo-Aryan German language as mord, meaning murder, and in the Indo-European English language as the word murder itself. Thus Gavo Mareta appears to be named ‘Cow Murderer.’ Danu was symbolized as the cow Goddess, whose worship is best known from Egypt before Narmer, and Indra Her murderer, so Gayo Mareta may once have held this position in Iran.

In the Pahlavi Books of about 400 BC. it was written, “From Gayo Mareta, Ahura fashioned the family of the Aryan lands, the seed of the Aryan lands.” We notice right away that this is an inversion. It is pretty clear that in the most ancient times, the Goddess was worshipped, and Gayo Mareta - Guayota, the Devil, murdered her.

In any event, we are certainly entitled to speculate on the fact that the Guanches, Aryans, a group isolated for possibly thousands of years, spoke a near cousin to the language of Sargon, a worshipper of the Goddess, and that the name of the “evil” in their language, was almost identical to the name of the hero in the Pahlavi books. Due to the fact that the Guanches were isolated for a very long, unknown period of time, one begins to suspect that they retained their original language from very ancient times. Perhaps there was a global, antedilivian language. And perhaps this gives us a clue as to who was really “on first”?

When we consider the “ancient Egyptian language,” we realize that it developed after the conquest of Narmer, and there is a very strong suggestion that Narmer had close ties with Sumeria. The famous Narmer Palette has distinctive Sumerian motifs, and also includes a row of men - sacrificial victims - with their heads cut off and placed between their thighs. Skull and Crossbones?

... to be continued next post
On the topic of semites:

Secret History of the World said:
The Shell Game

As early as the fourth millennium BC, a group entered the Tigris-Euphrates area. They were described as “newcomers from the east.” The statement derives a certain support from tradition; “as they jouneyed from the east they found a plain in the land of Shinar [ Babylon] and they dwelt there” [Genesis XI, 2]; but it is based on the material evidence of the pottery of al Ubaid and of Susa respectively, and on that evidence it is generally agreed that these people were related, culturally and presumably ethnically, to the early inhabitants of Elam.

Some scholars suggest that the Ubaid people brought the Sumerian language, which is neither Semitic nor Indo-European. Aratta is a place name often mentioned in Sumerian texts.

The Ubaid people established a major settlement in the place later known as Eridu. They broke up the Halaf culture, and wreaked devastation upon them. These Ubaids spread as far north as Lake Urmia and Lake Van, close to the Iranian-Russian border. This section was later known as Ararat or Urartu which could be corruptions of Aratta. The name “Eridu” could also be a corruption of Aratta, suggesting the original homeland.

In about 4000 BC, the Ubaid people built a temple at Eridu which appears to be the first built on a high platform. At this temple, not a single goddess figurine was found. Interestingly, a statue found in graves of the Ubaid people depicted a mother and baby with lizard-like features.

It is noteworthy that the Sumerians and present day “Semites” only differed in language, not religion, culture or politics.

The deity worshipped at Eridu in historic times was the god Enki. Before this, the god of the shrine seems to have been a fish or water god who rose up out of the water exactly like Viracocha, had scales, and was a civilizer-teacher of language and culture. Enki was thought of later as the god of the waters and was described as riding around in his boat. He was also described as “he who rides.” This concept of the fish or water god is similar to one found in a fragment of an Indo-Aryan Hittite tablet which tells of a sun god who rose from the water with fish on his head. It is also similar to the idea of the sun god who was born from the cosmic waters released by Indra by the deaths of Danu and Vrtra. Though Enki is not generally designated as a sun god, in the myth of Marduk he is named as Marduk’s father and Marduk is called the “son of the sun.”

The Ubaid people are credited with developing irrigation canals in Eridu which could hint at their origin in places that were along rivers and streams and where fish were common. Another clue to the identity of these people is the institution of kingship and the mention of the name Alalu as the very first king of Sumer in the king lists of the earliest part of the second millennium. According to these tablets which refer to a prehistoric period, it was in Eridu that “kingship was first lowered from heaven.” Sounds rather like the Inca myth of Viracocha.

Now, let’s think about this for a moment. We have a god with a fish on his head, thereby associated with scales, and who is described as “he who rides.” This scaly god not only rides, he rose from the water like the sun! Also, he was born from the deaths of the Mother goddess and her son. Mountains of fire are involved, gold, and kingship being “lowered from heaven.” It rather sounds like UFOs coming up out of the water as they have so often been reported to do in more modern times, or descending on mountain tops.

A third male deity - An or Anu - comes onto the Sumerian stage sometime after the beginning of the second millenium - the same period that the Hurrians are known to have entered the area, so they may well have brought this Anu with them.

In the early Sumerian period the name Anu is relatively obscure, and his name does not appear on any of the eighteen lists belonging to this period.

Anu appears as the successor to Alalu in the Hurrian and Hittite Kumarbi myth. But most interesting is his appearance in the later myth of Marduk, “the son of the sun.” Here we learn that Enki was first asked to subdue the Creatress-Goddess, whom they call Tiamat, and was not able, though he did manage to kill her husband Apsu, thus becoming Lord of the Abzu (primeval waters) himself. Anu was then asked to subdue Tiamat, but according to the legend when he confronted Her, he cringed in fear and refused to complete his mission. Finally Marduk, son of Enki, was willing, though only upon the promise of the supreme position among all other deities if he succeeded. This previously secured promise brings to mind the one Indra requested before murdering Danu and Her son Vrtra; both of these myths were probably written down at about the same period (1600-1400 B.C) though they are undoubtedly far older. In passing, I would like to note that the name Tiamat is similar to some of the earliest known names of male deities including Tiu, Tyr, Thor, etc, plus Mat which reminds us of Egyptian Maat, which was a goddess who represented truth, law and universal order.

This legend, known as the Enuma Elish, which explains the supremacy of Marduk, has long been designated as Babylonian and therefore Akkadian and Semitic. But more recent research suggests that, though Marduk was known in the Hammurabi period, the myth claiming his supremacy did not actually appear until after the Kassites, another tribe, had conquered Babylon. Saggs points out that “none of the extant texts belonging to it is earlier than the first millennium” and that “it has been suggested that in fact this work arose only in the Kassite period, a time now known to have been one of intense literary activity.” Gurney tells us that “The names of Indian deities are found to form an element in the names of the Kassite rulers of Babylonia.”

In about 2100 BC a Sumerian king named Ur Nammu declared that he would establish justice in the land. He did away with the heavy duties and taxes that were burdening the people at that time and “rid the land of the big sailors who seized oxen, sheep and donkeys.’’ One suspects that they were Aryan types corrupted by the worship of the male storm god.

Now, after all this invading, conquering and demolishing of the Goddess Worship over in the Tigris-Euphrates area, the same thing happened later on in Egypt with Narmer-Menes!

There is considerable evidence for contact between Egypt and Sumer. “Abundant evidence of Mesopotamian cultural influence is found at this time in Egypt.” Significant is the fact that cylinder seals (a specifically Mesopotamian invention) occur there, together with methods of building in brick foreign to Egypt but typical of the Jemdet Nasr culture of Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley civilization. Mesopotamian motifs and objects also begin to be represented in Egyptian art, such as boats of Mesopotamian type. The idea of writing, though it was expressed quite differently in Egypt, seems to have developed more or less coevally with Mesopotamia. Paintings in early dynastic tombs portray a conical basket type of fish trap, nearly identical to those of the Ertebolle people of northern Europe who were descended from the Maglemosians, a European Mesolithic culture, which links us back to the Akkadians as being from the North. The male deity of Egypt arrived with the invaders, and was portrayed as the sun riding in a boat!

Professor Walter Emery spent some forty-five years excavating the ancient tombs and pyramids of Egypt. Discussing the arrival of these people, he writes:

Whether this incursion took the form of gradual infiltration or horde invasion is uncertain but the balance of evidence... strongly suggests the latter. ...we see a style of art which some think may be Mesopotamian, or even Syrian in origin, and a scene which may represent a battle at sea against invaders... [in these] representations we have typical native ships of Egypt and strange vessels with high prow and stem of unmistakable Mesopotamian origin...

At any rate, towards the close of the fourth millennium BC we find the people known traditionally as the “Followers of Horus” apparently forming an aristocracy or master race ruling over the whole of Egypt. The theory of the existence of this master race is supported by the discovery that graves of the late pre-dynastic period in the northern part of Upper Egypt were found to contain the anatomical remains of a people whose skulls are of greater size and whose bodies were larger than those of the natives, the difference being so marked that any suggestion that these people derived from the earlier stock is impossible.

These invaders were known to the Egyptians as the “Shemsu Hor“, or people of Hor. And, of course, they brought with them their male god, Hor-Wer or Great Hor. By 2900 BC pictures of this sun god show him riding in his “boat of heaven.”

It certainly makes one wonder if a brilliant UFO rising up out of the water would cause the ancient peoples to connect a boat (that goes on water) with flying through the air while looking like the sun! And, over and over again we are finding this image or juxtaposition of images.

According to Emery, the name of the first king of the First Dynasty, known as Narmer or Menes in Manetho’s history of 270 BC, was actually Hor-Aha. Later, the name of Hor appears to have been incorporated into the more ancient goddess religion as the “son who dies.” This has led to a lot of confusion between the two “Hors,” Horus the Elder, god of light of the invaders, and Horus the Younger, the son of the goddess Isis.

Hor later was transmogrified into Horus by the Greeks, and is depicted as fighting a ritual combat with another male deity known as Set. Set is supposed to be his uncle, the brother of his mother Isis and father Osiris. The combat was supposed to symbolize the overcoming of darkness or Set, by light, symbolized by Hor.

In Sanskrit the word ‘sat’ means to destroy by hewing into pieces. In the myth of Osiris, it was Set who killed Osiris and cut his body into fourteen pieces which naturally reminds us of the sacrifices of the Moche. However, the word “set” is also defined as “queen” or “princess” in Egyptian! “Au Set,” known as Isis by the Greeks, means, “exceeding queen!”

In the myth of this ritual combat, Set tried to mate sexually with Horus; this is usually interpreted to have been an extreme insult. But the most primitive identity of the figure Set, before the wavy lines of water or energy became serpents, may be found in the goddess religion, and this combat, just as with the combat of Marduk with Tiamat, may have represented the suppression and destruction of the Goddess religion. Of course, the conquering invaders presented themselves as “saviors” and their conquest as a triumph of light over darkness!

So it has always been.

Nevertheless, the followers of Hor established the institution of kingship in Egypt. And, again, marrying the representative of the goddess in order to “steal her power” was an important part of the assumption of kingship as was recorded in the story of Solomon - he married an Egyptian Princess. We may justifiably compare the name of “Hor” to the Hurrians or Horites who came from India to Sumer.

Around the time of the Second Dynasty, the town of Heliopolis (known to the Egyptians as Annu!) became the home of a school of scribal priests who also worshipped a sun god who rode in a boat. In this town they used the name Ra. In Sanskrit, Ra means royal or exalted on high. This prefix is found in the Sanskrit word for king, raja and queen, rani. It survives in the German word ragen, to reach up, in French as roi, meaning king, as well as in the English words royal, reign and regal.

In the pyramid texts of the Fifth Dynasty, Horus was equated with Ra. Both Horus and Ra were closely connected, at times competitively, with the right to kingship. As Ra-Harakhty, Ra is identical with Horus of the Horizon, both meaning the sun at rising. Ra too is portrayed as the sun who rides across the heavens sitting in his sacred boat. Again, why a boat in the heavens?

Ra’s boat was said to emerge out of the primeval waters, much as Enki was said to ride his boat in the deep waters of the Abzu of Eridu, or as the Indo-Aryan sun god was said to have emerged from the cosmic waters, as in the myth of the sun god in the water who rises from the sea with fish on his head, so too Ra rose from the waters each morning.

As the name of Horus was assimilated into the Goddess religion, as the son of Isis, the priests of Memphis proposed another concept of the great father god. This time his name was Ptah, curiously like the Sanskrit Pitar. The texts concerning him describe the creation of all existence, suggesting that Ptah was there first. This time we are told that it was through an act of masturbation that Ptah caused all the other gods to come into being, thus totally eliminating the need for a divine Mother!

This idea of the masturbating god is not new. One of the Sumerian gods, Enki, was supposed to have masturbated and thereby caused the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to flow!

Even though these conquering Indo-Incans came in wave after wave, bringing their gods who ride in shining boats in the sky, the goddess religion still survived. This very fact may indicate the presence of another group who worked quietly to preserve the ancient truths in the face of almost overwhelming opposition. The new male gods were assimilated and synthesized, creating an almost impossible to sort mish-mash of gods and goddesses.

With the knowledge that the worship of the Goddess was violently overturned by invading Indo-Incans who were descendants of the Incan Sun worshippers, whose objective was to forestall another “end of the world” with the sacrifice of enormous numbers of human beings, we may better understand the transitions and inversions that have occurred in our myths and legends as well as our concepts of time. With this understanding, we are free to pursue a more open and reasonable series of speculations as to what the End of the World, and all the prophecies related to it, might be about.

Just as there was a Dark Age surrounding the period of time in which the Old Testament came into being, during which time Monotheistic Judaism - the parent of Christianity and Islam - was imposed forcibly on the Canaanites, and we have only the Old Testament itself to attest to its validity, we have a similar period of Dark Ages enveloping the development and codification of the New Testament and the imposition of Monotheistic Christianity on the Western World and Islam on those who were susceptible to neither of the former two.

Don’t you find that curious?

The End of Time

The god of the Jews is a personality who purportedly ceaselessly intervenes in history and who reveals his will through events. Historical facts thus acquired a religious value in the fact that they were specific situations between man and god, and history became the epiphany of god. This conception was continued and magnified by Christianity. We can see the seeds of the original myths here, but we can also see the major distortions.

In monotheism, every event is definitely situated in time - a given time and no other - and is not reversible; it is a historical event with weight and value in and of itself, and that weight is upon the shoulders of mankind, individually and collectively.

In Judaism’s daughter, Christianity, the Messianic hope, the victory over the forces of darkness, is projected indefinitely into the future and will only happen once in terms of linear time. Further, there is only ONE who can accomplish this conquest of darkness, and man’s only hope is to give up his will to this one who has been crucified and resurrected to symbolize his verity, even if he has really done nothing to change the state of the world in REAL time. When the Messiah comes again (never mind that he was supposed to have already been here and global conditions did not improve), the world will be saved once and for all, and history will cease to exist - and most of humanity along with it, not to mention a “third of the angels,” and so on.

This idea of irreversible, linear time, was imposed upon mankind through violence and exclusion, serving as the basis for the philosophy of history that Christianity, from St. Augustine on, has labored to construct.

In case you didn’t notice what just happened here, let me make it a little clearer. The concept of linear time gives value to the “future” as an END to everything. That’s it; there is nothing more. Further, the arbiter of that future is ONE god, who, I might add, is his own surety because he has helpfully announced at the beginning that he IS the ONE god. This one god has a select group of servants who will be preserved to the exclusion of all others in some way if they obey him, and destroyed if they disobey him. But, of course, it is “free will choice” as to whether to believe this or not. It doesn’t sound like a choice; it sounds like an ultimatum!

We begin to smell a rat here, a hint that the introduction of the concept of linear time was the raison d’être for the introduction of monotheism. In this way, all of humanity can be trapped in a condition of believing lies instead of truth, and “binding” spiritual drugs, preventing any possibility of “ascension.”

For the most part, our modern world is predicated upon linear time. Thus, the reason for the raison d’être can be dimly seen by those who have been tracking with me here: it is that linear time is a supreme weapon to use against the mind of man in terms of control and domination! Monotheism is a myth that establishes a particular identity as an antithesis, against another - actually, just about all Others! The ultimate club of elitists!

We come back to the fact that most of the Old Testament is a chronicle of genocide and horrendous practices of human and animal sacrifice. In the New Testament, we find that the work of a remarkable man who lived two thousand years ago in the Middle East, whose teachings gave birth to Christianity, has been replaced by a “story” based a human sacrifice ritual which was an already ages old corruption - the ubiquitous solar/fertility cult. At about the same time this was done, Judaism was revived, the Cathars were destroyed, and the Crusades were begun to discover some mysterious object in the “Holy Land.”

Curious, eh?

In any event, the concept of the barbaric custom of blood sacrifice passed into Christianity. It is, in fact, the heart of Christianity as it is understood by Christians today. However, making Christ the “once for all atonement” for everyone had curious consequences. With such an event as an “example,” it became quite easy to manipulate the populace to willingly emulate this self-sacrifice, and thus, the motivation for the Crusades, and endless wars and genocide by “civilized” peoples was made “normal.”

Fiendishly clever, I say.

There appears to be a group that has existed from the time of the Dark Ages, and this group is, effectively, the “new vehicle” for the Machiavellian machinations of these beings who may also be the Elohim who originally “fenced in” the Semitic peoples, in order to utilize them in various ways including the creation of an “army” for hyperdimensional manipulations with the seeming objective of dividing and conquering humanity.

Considering a “group” that may be behind the machinations of history, we must consider the term “fifth column,” defined as “A clandestine subversive organization working within a given country to further an invading enemy’s military and political aims” (American Heritage Dictionary, 1976).

There are certain self-proclaimed “experts” who tell us that Jews and Germans collaborated against the Catholic Church in the 9th century, forming a group of elitists that engaged in “sickening sacrificial rituals.” When I first read this claim, my immediate reaction was to snort in disgust and declare it to be nonsense. I am very sensitive to anything Anti-Semitic. However, after reviewing the history of the creation of the Bible, and putting it all together, I have come to the idea that such a claim is not too far off - except that that it probably wasn’t Jews, but rather “occultists” behind such activity. When I say “occult,” I don’t necessarily mean “black magic” or similar such nonsense, though such things are certainly not excluded. Generally, however, when such things as “occultism” are brought into the mixture, after careful investigation, one usually discovers the presence and activity of hyperdimensional beings masquerading as “angels” or “demons” as well as about anything in between.

Nearly all experts of “esoterica,” after years and years of searching and studying, eventually come to the idea that there is some sort of major conspiracy that has been running the show on planet earth for a very long time. The problem is, there are any number of conclusions as to “who is on first” in this trans-millennial, multi-national, global ballgame. The thing that raises red flags, however, is that just about any of the many conclusions can be supported by reams of “evidence.” At the same time, there is a concerted effort on the part of the official culture to persuade everyone that “conspiracy” theories are a sign of mental instability.

... to be continued
On the topic of Semites:

Secret History of the World said:
Mouravieff’s description of the “Fall” of the Adamic race also follows the same lines as the description given to us from the Cassiopaeans where we see that this is a symbolic version of the “Fall” of our consciousness unit. In the following excerpt, note that our term “Lizzies” is a short-hand notation for those theorized denizens of hyperdimensional realities whose “essence” is “read” as reptilian:

Q: Well, this is one of the problems I am dealing with in trying to write this history of mankind. As I understand it, or as I am trying to figure it out from the literature, prior to the ‘Fall in Eden,’ mankind lived in a 4th density state. Is that correct?
A: Semi/sort of.
Q: Please be more specific.
A: 4th density in another realm, such as time/space continuum, etc.
Q: Okay, so this realm changed, as a part of the cycle; various choices were made: the human race went through the door after the ‘gold,’ so to speak, and became aligned with the Lizzies after the ‘female energy’ consorted with the wrong side, so to speak. This is what you have said. This resulted in a number of effects: the breaking up of the DNA, the burning off of the first ten factors of DNA, the separation of the hemispheres of the brain...
A: Only reason for this: you play in the dirt, you’re gonna get dirty.
Q: (T) What were we before the “Fall?”
A: 3rd density STO.
Q: (T) We are STS at this point because of what happened then?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) We were 3rd density STO at that time. Was this after the battle that had transpired? In other words, were we, as a 3rd density race, literally on our own at that point, as opposed to before?
A: Was battle.
Q: (L) The battle was in us?
A: Through you.
Q: (T) The battle was through us as to whether we would walk through this doorway... (L) The battle was fought through us, we were literally the battleground. (T) Was the battle over whether or not we walked through that door?
A: Close.
Q: (T) Okay, we were STO at that point. You have said before that on this density we have the choice of being STS or STO.
A: Oh Terry, the battle is always there, it’s “when” you choose that counts!
Q: (T) This must tie into why the [aliens] keep telling people that they have given their consent for abduction and so forth. We were STO and now we are STS.
A: Yes, ... “When” you went for the gold, you said “Hello” to the Lizards and all that that implies.
Q: (T) ...By going for the gold, we became STS beings because going for the gold was STS.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) And, in doing so, we ended up aligning ourselves with the 4th density Lizard Beings...
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Because they are 4th density beings and they have a lot more abilities than we at 3rd density...
A: You used to be aligned with 4th density STO.
Q: (T) And we were 3rd density STO. But, by going for the gold we aligned ourselves with 4th density STS.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) And by doing so we gave 4th density STS permission to do whatever they wish with us?
A: Close.
Q: (T) So, when they tell us that we gave them permission to abduct us, it is this they are referring to?
A: Close.
Q: (J) Go back to what they said before: “Free will could not be abridged if you had not obliged.” (T) We, as the human race, used our free will to switch from STO to STS. (L) So, at some level we have chosen the mess we are in and that is the Super Ancient Legend of the Fallen Angel, Lucifer. That is us. We fell by falling into that door, so to speak, going after the pot of gold, and when we fell through the door, the serpent bit us!
A: But this is a repeating syndrome.
Q: (L) Is it a repeating syndrome just for the human race or is it a repeating syndrome throughout all of creation?
A: It is the latter.

The adamic race with its full set of DNA, with its connection to the higher centers in place and functioning, is what the C’s describe here as 3D density STO living in a “semi/sort of”4D state aligned with 4D STO. That sounds very much like a “Golden Age” when man “walked with the gods.”

In making the choice to experience greater physicality, the consciousness unit fractures and “Falls” from the STO state, loses its connection with the higher centers, and finds itself more or less at the same level as the pre-adamic race, those who have no possibility of reaching the higher centers because the DNA hardware isn’t in place. However, because this new 3D STS existence was not the “natural habitat” for a body with the potential to reach the higher centers, the fallen race is at a disadvantage compared to the pre-adamics.

Q: In Book III of his Gnosis, Mouravieff discusses what he calls “pre-Adamic humanity” and “Adamic humanity.” As I read this I could see that the thing I was struggling to understand in terms of psychopathy as discussed in the Adventures Series, was exactly what Mouravieff was describing. However, he was using the Bible to explain it, and that just didn’t quite work. Nevertheless, the basic idea is that pre-Adamic human types basically have no “soul,” nor any possibility of growing one. This is certainly shocking, but there have been many recent scholarly discussions of this matter based on what seems to be clinical evidence that, indeed, there are human beings who are just “mechanical” and have no “inner” or “higher self” at all. Gurdjieff talked about this and so did Castaneda. Are Mouravieff’s ideas about the two basic TYPES of humans - as far as they go- accurate.
A: Indeed, though again, there is a “Biblical Gloss.” The pre-Adamic types are “organic” portals between levels of density.

This, of course, raises the issue of whether or not trying to “help” or “save” such individuals is a waste of time. Another clue to the “vile superstition” and “hatred of humanity.”

Q: Is it a waste of time to try to help or “save” such individuals?
A: Pretty much. Most of them are very efficient machines. The ones that you have identified as psychopaths are “failures.” The best ones cannot be discerned except by long and careful observation.
Q: Have any of us ever encountered one of these “organic portals” and if so, can you identify one for the sake of instruction.
A: If you consider that the population is equally distributed, then you will understand that in an ordinary “souled” person’s life, that person will encounter half as many organic portals as souled individuals. BUT, when someone is in the process of “growing” and strengthening the soul, the Control System will seek to insert even more “units” into that person’s life. Now, think of all the people you have ever met and particularly those with whom you have been, or are, intimate. Which half of this number would YOU designate as being organic portals? Hard to tell, eh?
Q: (B) Is this the original meaning of the “pollution of the bloodline?”
A: Yes.

This certainly gave a whole new meaning to the experiences I have described in the Adventures series published on our website. It also became clear that the work of discerning these “organic portals” from souled human beings is CRUCIAL to the so-called “ascension” process. Without the basic understanding of transformation of, and conservation of energies, there is no possibility of making any progress in such a pursuit.

During the session quoted above, one of the attendees stated that there was a member of her family who she was certain was one of these “organic portals.” The C’s jumped to respond:

A: Now, do not start labeling without due consideration. Remember that very often the individual who displays contradictory behavior may be a souled being in struggle.
Q: (L) I would say that the chief thing they are saying is that the really good ones - you could never tell except by long observation. The one key we discovered from studying psychopaths was that their actions do not match their words. But what if that is a symptom of just being weak and having no will? (A) How can I know if I have a soul?
A: Do you ever hurt for another?
Q: (V) I think they are talking about empathy. These soulless humans simply don’t care what happens to another person. If another person is in pain or misery, they don’t know how to care.
A: The only pain they experience is “withdrawal” of “food” or comfort, or what they want. They are also masters of twisting perception of others so as to seem to be empathetic. But, in general, such actions are simply to retain control.
Q: (A) What does having a soul or not having a soul have to do with bloodline?
A: Genetics marry with soul if present.
Q: Do “organic portals” go to fifth density when they die?
A: Only temporarily until the “second death.”
Q: (V) What is the “origin” of these organic portal human types? In the scheme of creation, where did they come from?
A: They were originally part of the bridge between 2nd density and 3rd density. Review transcripts on the subject of short wave cycles and long wave cycles.

Ark had been reading the transcripts and noted that the C’s had said that sleep was necessary for human beings because it was a period of “rest and recharging.” They had also said that the SOUL rests while the body is sleeping. So, the next logical question was “what source of energy was tapped to recharge both the body and the soul?”

A: The question needs to be separated. What happens to a souled individual is different from an organic portal unit.

At this point, we stopped and discussed the possibility that the life force energy that is embodied in Organic Portals must be something like the soul pool that is theorized to exist for flora and fauna. This would, of course, explain the striking and inexplicable similarity of psychopaths, that is so well defined, that they differ from one another only in the way that different species of trees are different in the overall class of “Tree-ness” So, we divided the question and asked first:

Q: ... where does the energy come from that recharges Organic Portals.
A: The pool you have described.
Q: Does the recharging of the souled being come from a similar pool, only maybe the “human” pool?
A: No - it recharges from the so-called sexual center which is a higher center of creative energy. During sleep, the emotional center, not being blocked by the lower intellectual center and the moving center, transduces the energy from the sexual center. It is also the time during which the higher emotional and intellectual centers can rest from the “drain” of the lower centers’ interaction with those pesky organic portals so much loved by the lower centers. This respite alone is sufficient to make a difference. But, more than that, the energy of the sexual center is also more available to the other higher centers.
Q: From where does the so-called “sexual center” get ITS energy?
A: The sexual center is in direct contact with 7th density in its “feminine” creative thought of “Thou, I Love.” The “outbreath” of “God” in the relief of constriction. Pulsation. Unstable Gravity Waves.
Q: Do the “centers” as described by Mouravieff relate at all to the idea of “chakras.”
A: Quite closely. In an individual of the organic variety, the so-called higher chakras are “produced in effect” by stealing that energy from souled beings. This is what gives them the ability to emulate souled beings. The souled being, in effect, perceives a mirror of their own soul when they ascribe “soul qualities” to such beings.
Q: Is this a correspondence that starts at the basal chakra which relates to the sexual center as described by Mouravieff?
A: No. The “sexual center” corresponds to the solar plexus. Lower moving center - basal chakra. Lower emotional - sexual chakra. Lower intellectual - throat chakra. Higher emotional - heart chakra. Higher intellectual - crown chakra
Q: (V) What about the so-called seventh, or “third eye” chakra?
A: Seer. The union of the heart and intellectual higher centers. This would “close the circuit” in the “shepherd’s crook” configuration.
Q: (V) What about the many ideas about 12 chakras, and so forth, that are currently being taught by many new age sources?
A: There are no such. This is a corrupted conceptualization based on the false belief that the activation of the physical endocrine system is the same as the creation and fusion of the magnetic center. The higher centers are only “seated” by being “magnetized.” And this more or less “External” [unseated] condition of the Higher Centers has been perceived by some individuals and later joined to the perceived “seating” locations, in potential. This has led to “cross conceptualization” based on assumption!
Q: Are the levels of initiation and levels of the staircase as presented by Mouravieff fairly accurate?
A: Yes, but different levels accessed in other so-called lives can relieve the intensity of some levels in “another” life.

Summing Up

And so it is, according to the most ancient secret tradition, there are two types of humans on our planet. In the above quoted session, the Cassiopaeans confirmed that, once the Biblical gloss was removed, Mouravieff’s description was accurate. The most important thing about the Cassiopaean comments is, however, that they were able to deepen our understanding by situating the pre-adamic race within hyperdimensional reality and the Matrix control system. Let’s look at four points they raised:

The pre-adamic race serve as portals between levels of density.

They are “very efficient machines” and “The best ones cannot be discerned except by long and careful observation.”

They steal energy from souled beings so as to emulate them.

They make-up one-half of humanity.

One-half of humanity. Stealing energy from souled beings. Think about it. Sure does sound like what most people would consider a “vile superstition” and a “hatred of humanity.” Not just then, but now as well.

But if it is true, it explains why the teachings of Jesus say what they do. It also explains why it had to be covered up. Because, if it is true, it means that the two races have been interbreeding for a very, very long time.

Intermixing of the Races

It is extremely important to understand that the two races have been interbreeding for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years. It is impossible to look at the races on the earth today, the red, the white, the black, or the yellow, and argue that one or the other is this “pre-adamic” and soulless race. We cannot speak of groups, nations, tribes, or peoples who are members of the “soulless” race as a group. The DNA of the two races is completely mixed, and this is the real meaning of the pollution of the bloodline. Only those with the appropriate genetic makeup are actually able to accommodate a soul and therefore pursue esoteric work, which means that no color or ethnic group is either excluded or has an advantage.

Consider this further: According to the ancient tradition revealed by Mouravieff, the DNA of these two races is so mixed that both can be found within the same families. Jesus pointed out that he would turn a husband against his wife, a child against the parent, and so on. And we now begin to really understand what this might have meant, again, assuming this information to be accurate.

We wish to insist on this point so that the hard of thinking will not take this idea and use it to underpin any racist attitudes. The two races are so intermingled that it is a question of the individual genetics of each person on the planet. This is suggested in these comments from the Cassiopaeans:

Q: (L) I want to get back on my question that you have not answered... I want to know who, exactly, and why, exactly, genetically engineered the Semitic people, and why there is such an adversarial attitude between them and the Celts and Aryans.
A: It is not just between the Jews and Celts, if you will take notice. Besides, it is the individual aural profile that counts and not groupings or classifications. But, to answer your question: there are many reasons both from on and off the planet….
Q: (L) So, the creation of the Germanic “Master Race” was what they were going after, to create this “breeding ground”?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And, getting rid of the Jews was significant? Couldn’t a Germanic master race be created without destroying another group?
A: No.
Q: Why?
A: Because of 4th density prior encoding mission destiny profile.
Q: (L) What does that mean?
A: This means encoding to activate after elevation to 4th density, thus if not eliminated, negates Nephalim domination and absorption. Jews were prior encoded to carry out mission after conversion, though on individual basis….

You will notice that the C’s are pointing us in the direction of individuals and away from groups. It is not “groupings or classifications”, it is the “individual aura profile.” And this coincides with Mouravieff‘s statements on the issue as he remarks here:

…But the mixing of chromosomes was already an accomplished fact, so that the hormonal symmetry of the adamics has naturally diminished through the generations until it has become stabilized at the point it has now reached. … certain indications in the Gospel lead us to believe that the two human races that coexist on the earth are numerically equal… (p. 130)

We repeat: The DNA of these two races is so mixed that both can be found within the same families. Your brother, sister, mother, father, daughter or son. Not somebody “other” across the world or across the street worshipping a different god or with a different skin color. It may be somebody you live with every day of your life, and if so, they have but one reason to be here, to drain, distract and deflect souled beings from evolving. And it is important also to note that this cannot be “conscious.” Such individuals are as little aware that they do NOT have “higher centers” as those who do except, perhaps, that the latter may feel something is “missing” in their lives.

The way back to the activation of the DNA necessary to attain the contact with the higher centers is not through genetic manipulation, which is seeing the question through the lens of Matrix influences. The way back is through the ancient spiritual science, the real work of the alchemists, which through the heating of the crucible, the neo-cortex, rewires the brain so that the ancient and broken connection with the higher centers can be reestablished. It is the fusing of the “magnetic center,” the “birth of the holy child,” the real “I”. This is natural “genetic modification” in terms of enhancing the feedback loop between the Thought Center of Being rather than the Thought Center of non-being. Big difference.

Q: (A) Which part of a human extends into 4th density?
A: That which is affected by pituitary gland.
Q: (L) And what is that?
A: Psychic.
Q: (A) Are there some particular DNA sequences that facilitate transmission between densities?
A: Addition of strands.
Q: (L) How do you get added strands?
A: You don’t get, you receive.
Q: (L) Where are they received from?
A: Interaction with upcoming wave, if vibration is aligned.
Q: (L) How do you know if this is happening?
A: Psycho-physiological changes manifest. […] STO tends to do the process within the natural flow of things. STS seeks to alter creation processes to fit their ends.

OPs and the Big Picture

That there exists a soulless race, now numbering close to 3 billion inhabitants of this planet, certainly helps explain why the Earth is in its current state. That this soulless race are portals used by the 4D STS to maintain their control over us further explains the depth of the manipulations and why it was essential to cover up the teachings of the man we now call Jesus, but who the Cassiopaeans have said was actually named Jesinavarah. Organic Portals are the terminal connections of the geographic overseer sub-units of the Thought Centers of non-being. It is through our relationships with them that we feed and maintain the Matrix.

Organic portals are generic vehicles or portals, in human form, open for use by a variety of forces, which is why they make excellent matrix puppets. It just so happens that they’re being used now by 4D STS to control 3D STS / 4D STO candidates through “clapper” and “vampire” functions - keeping us locked into a behavioral pattern matching the orchestrated norm, and being physically close to us to sap our energies and to keep us from having enough “escape velocity” to remove ourselves from the Matrix Control System’s tug, via development of our magnetic centers.

Thus we see that the “natural” function of the OP of imitation of the soul energy assumes a specific character with the STS development stream of collecting the soul energy of souled individuals in order to pass it along the feeding chain to 4D STS. The principal role of the OP is now to prevent the genuine seeker from advancing along the Way. This is clear when we look at the following:

OPs collect soul energy from souled individuals.

This energy is transmitted to 4D STS.

OPs are intermixed in families with souled individuals.

When a souled individual makes the commitment to the “work,” he or she needs to learn to conserve the soul energy, for without it the work cannot be done.

When one makes a commitment to the “work,” one comes under attack.

This “attack” comes from those closest to you: family and friends.
AI Today wrote:

I may be wrong, but I got a feeling here and I wanna know what y'all think.
rofo6850 seems to be dicussing two(2) classes of people here.
1) Semitic
Quote from:
In linguistics and ethnology, Semitic (from the Biblical "Shem", Hebrew: שם, translated as "name", Arabic: ساميّ) was first used to refer to a language family of largely Middle Eastern origin, now called the Semitic languages. This family includes the ancient and modern forms of Akkadian, Amharic, Arabic, Aramaic, Ge'ez, Hebrew, Maltese, Phoenician, Tigre and Tigrinya among others.
Bolded above to formulate a question. _

2) Aryan/Caucasians. Yes?

How the white man kills I do not debate. BUT, the question is why to point this out. I can see Semitic is a subgroup race of peoples. The debate is going round and round. Never giving up to prove what? Firstly, Jew is a religion, NOT a race. After much debate am I supposed to forgive Israel for their ruthlessness? Is this the ultimate goal? Why else is the Middle East madness so seemingly consuming in the rofo6850 postings? Why?

WHAT IS YOUR POINT rofo6850? Quit the political rhetoric, please?

Please... Tell me if I'm wrong...

AI, you are close to what I want to say, except a neural point. I don't know if it is a problem of my english or not.

You ask:

After much debate am I supposed to forgive Israel for their ruthlessness?

My answer

Not at all, conversely, I am the first to condemn Israeli actions in ME. My point (I have already said this when I placed International Zionism in cultural, political and economical terms) is this (I copy myself from a previous message in this same thread)

Remember carefully that what is now going on in Middle East is not due to a fundamental flaw in semitic people, it is not due to a "psychopatic gene or trace inherited from the neanderthals", the truth is plain and simple and can be accessed by anyone who read the news, it is not necessary for me to teach you that international zionism has nothing to do with semitic groups.

It is simply another colonial and genocidal enterprise made by aryan groups, aimed to depredate, conquer natural resources and wipe out indigenous cultures, (nothing new under the sun) as many, many you can find in the last 3000 years of known history, perpetrated as well by several aryan people. If you want to close your eyes to this fact, it is up to you, everything has a price in this world.

You see, it is quite simple and clear.

Maybe this other fragment from another post of mine in this same thread can clarify yet more:


Certainly, but there is a subtle issue here you do not see: we do agree controllers use religion as a means to manipulate the masses. However if this is the case condemning religion would be something as your saying goes: "throwing the baby with the bathwater" if I recall it correctly.

For example, the best example is European society itself, the vast majority of Europeans are not religious at all. However this fact doesn't stop them joining NATO armies and supporting the predatory enterprises of their governments in the Third World. THIS IS THE POINT, religion (bad religion) is NOT the only problem, as I have already said, there are other suitable and powerful means of manipulating the masses. In semitic societies is religion, in Western ones (European ones) is not, except of course USA that shows an astonishing level of allegiance to closed religious systems.

Now tell me, why Europeans support their governments involvement in Nato enterprises in the Third World?

I have some guesses, economical interests, securiry interests, and the new "gods" of modern world, "democracy and freedom", which of course are only for the dominant part of the world.

You see, not always is the madness of religion the suitable means of control for people, it is culturally dependant.

I know I am an outsider in this forum and that it seems to be a huge cultural barrier (and maybe linguistical too)

You asked me to clarify my ideas with respect, I answer you, as I have answered all the posts I thought were worth to answer.
And maybe things will be more clear if we talk in terms of culture and idiosincracy instead of genetics, in this terms the two groups you talk about can be easily identified.
Obviously, you did not read the material I posted which, one would think, might make certain things clear.

I am reading it, it is quite extense-

Some of it I have already read in your book.

I will try to reach a conclusion or make a synthesis, up to now I still can't do it.
Mona said

I have to say something here. Why is it that the alien issue stirs up so much anger in people? These little gray/green little or big idiots are doing a good job at deviding us all. Even though the 4D manipulation of these creatures does affect us in whatever ways we think they affect us, we still should not get so uptight about it because as I see it they are the ones who end up being the winners once we do fall for their manipulation game. Yes, I am in the same boat with you, I am angry right now.

As for deciding where the pathological behavior of people originated, it is educational to search for its origin, but that is as far as it should go. Attacking each other will not do us any good. Besides don't you think that all of humanity is just Screwed Up? We all are in this bubble of insanity. Maybe the universe was designed to be insane for just that reason, to keep our minds stimulated so that we would not get too tired of living in a happy bubble.

I am really sick of these little grays with fancy weapons/technology. That is all they have. Why should we give them any credit for that?

I agree with an important point Mona show. I think there is something wrong with human nature, no distinctions made. The problem does not end in psychopathy, each one of us can do everything psychopats do easily if we lack two main traits, compassion and empathy.

Sure it is interesting and valid to search for a genetic or cultural origin of evil in humans, but I am not optimist as finding the cause/causes. That's why I suggest you Scott Peck's book, he doesn't not take any taxative conclusion, only tells what he found as a therapist. His book is deeply humanistic and humble.

The last Mona's point is yet more interesting, I am convinced evil gestate in the inner and more intimate nature of material reality, the fundamental quality that characterizes this material world, separation and distinction. It is wrapped up in the very nature of material reality.

I do not take Kerner's model of Grays literally, I take them symbolically, more like the Archons of Gnostic teachings or the flyers of Don Juan, elements of our own brains and minds.

Let me cite a fragment of Kerner last book for your consideration:

Satan in no single person or life form, be it physically or metaphysically contrived. The great Satan is the universe itself and its laws of enforced amelioration. It is an engine of doom driven by the power between the Godverse and its opposite pole. This force is invisible. It translates through mouths, words, and terrifying deeds when funneled through the mind-sets of living beings, but its real nature is and expression outside the living and the dead. Its real nature is that of the universe itself - entropy. How then can there be hope of retrieval? How can there be a final victory over so overwhelming a force? I would suggest that the answer is as spectacular as it is simple. Jesus said it in three words, three marvellous words: "Change your mind"
Rofo, it is clear that you are not here to learn, but rather to debate and/or teach your version of reality. I suggest that you create your own website, publish your opinions, and hold forth on your own forum.

One of the most important things about making progress at this level of reality is learning how to conserve energy. Energy is best conserved among individuals who are colinear who, as Gurdjief described it, understand in the same way.

Gurdjieff in ISOTM said:
this circle consists of people who have attained the highest development possible for man, each one of whom possesses individuality in the fullest degree, that is to say, an indivisible 'I,' all forms of consciousness possible for man, full control over these states of consciousness, the whole of knowledge possible for man, and a free and independent will. They cannot perform actions opposed to their understanding or have an understanding which is not expressed by actions. At the same time there can be no discords among them, no differences of understanding. Therefore their activity is entirely co-ordinated and leads to one common aim without any kind of compulsion because it is based upon a common and identical understanding.

Time and again it has been demonstrated that you do not understand the way the majority of people on this forum understand. And that is not due to any "hive mind mentality" but rather to the long and arduous work of researching and digging for objective facts. A fact is a fact is a fact.

You, on the other hand, wish to try to work with opinions, wishful thinking, subjective perceptions, and try to disguise them as facts. I've given all to this discussion I am going to give. You can't even take the time to really read and try to understand what is being given to you so again I say, go and create your own website, publish your opinions, debate on your own forum.
rofo6850 said:
I know I said I am leaving. However I do not want to go without showing you something I regard very important, something that seems to be a big blind spot in all of you, which now is ready to be shown, thanks to the kindness of Laura who has posted the main Kerner ideas and of course Cass material, channeled by herself.

Rofo6850 talks about the need for self-criticism, yet all his responses are egotistic. "I am right. Let me show you the error of your ways."

There is no manipulation nor bad intentions on my side, only hope to contribute to help you see where I believe you are going wrong. It is my own unconscious the one who urges me to make this post.

Again, a LACK of self-criticism, urged by "unconscious" forces. And of course, a reassurance that he is NOT manipulating and has only good intentions. All signs of a strong false personality dominating interactions here.

This is in line with The Work, exactly as postulated by Gurdjieff regarding self-exploration, self-criticism and self-knowledge, the detection, acknowledgment and bringing to consciousness of all kind of programs we have built-in.

And yet rofo doesn't demonstrate any of the above; says one thing and demonstrates another.

Well, this is enough. It is CLEARLY SHOWN in Cass material who Aryans really are. Too it is clearly shown where the “religious madness” of the Middle East really come from, who are the “teachers”. All the evidence points to Aryan groups, they are the engineers and the implementers of violence in this world.

Simplistic and stereotyped ideation.

There is something very wrong in this picture. How it happened? I only can speculate, I think it has to do with blind spots and programs. We all tend to defend our own people and civilization, what we know and what we think we are. It is not easy to recognize mistakes and failures.

All of which reads somewhat superficial. Is rofo implying that members here cannot admit the mistakes and failures of our fellow Caucasians (if we are Caucasians)?

This is the reason I post this message, hopefully it will lead someone to a self-exploration and criticism. I am aware that most probably I will receive a huge load of accusations, insults and rudeness, this is to expect, these are all defense mechanisms.

Again, somewhat superficial and naively idealistic. Writing off criticisms as "defense mechanisms".

PD: regarding the “fear” you have of my Avatar, you must know our eyes, as part of our physical senses, are the less reliable instruments of “seeing”. All physical senses have certain programs built-in and show reality as it is programmed in them, not necessarily what is really outside. You are a group that claim be in search of transcendent realities and claim knowledge of esoteric topics, it is not me who has to tell you that the real seeing is done via the heart and mind, what is currently known as third eye. You should not fear my eyeless Avatar, it symbolizes precisely this.

All well and good. But the image is still odd and disturbing. I'm reminded of the following, from Ponerology:

The most frequently indicated and long-known of these is the asthenic psycho-
pathy, which appears in every conceivable intensity, from barely perceptible to an
obvious pathological deficiency.

These people, asthenic and hypersensitive, do not indicate the same glaring
deficit in moral feeling and ability to sense a psychological situation as do essen-
tial psychopaths. They are somewhat idealistic and tend to have superficial pangs
of conscience as a result of their faulty behavior.

On the average, they are also less intelligent than normal people, and their
mind avoids consistency and accuracy in reasoning
. Their psychological world
view is clearly falsified, so their opinions about people can never be trusted. A
kind of mask cloaks the world of their personal aspirations, which is at variance
with what they are actually capable of doing. Their behavior towards people who
do not notice their faults is urbane, even friendly; however, the same people mani-
fest a preemptive hostility and aggression against persons who have a talent for
psychology, or demonstrate knowledge in this field.

The asthenic psychopath is relatively less vital sexually and is therefore ame-
nable to accepting celibacy; that is why some Catholic monks and priests often
represent lesser or minor cases of this anomaly. Such individuals may very likely
have inspired the anti-psychological attitude traditional in Church thinking.

The more severe cases are more brutally anti-psychological and contemptuous
of normal people; they tend to be active in the processes of the genesis of evil on a
larger scale. Their dreams are composed of a certain idealism similar to the ideas
of normal people. They would like to reform the world to their liking but are un-
able to foresee more far-reaching implications and results.
Spiced by deviance,
their visions may influence naive rebels or people who have suffered injustice.
Existing social injustice may look like a justification for a radicalized world view
and the assimilation of such visions.
rofo6850 said:
I agree with an important point Mona show. I think there is something wrong with human nature, no distinctions made. The problem does not end in psychopathy, each one of us can do everything psychopats do easily if we lack two main traits, compassion and empathy.

Here he goes again. He says no it is not just psychopathy, it is anyone who lacks compassion and empathy (definition of psychopath, I think). So it is not just psychopathy, it is also psychopathy...???
FireShadow said:
rofo6850 said:
I agree with an important point Mona show. I think there is something wrong with human nature, no distinctions made. The problem does not end in psychopathy, each one of us can do everything psychopats do easily if we lack two main traits, compassion and empathy.

Here he goes again. He says no it is not just psychopathy, it is anyone who lacks compassion and empathy (definition of psychopath, I think). So it is not just psychopathy, it is also psychopathy...???


Their poor sense of psychological situation and reality leads them to
superimpose erroneous, pejorative interpretations upon other people’s intentions.
They easily become involved in activities which are ostensibly moral, but which
actually inflict damage upon themselves and others. Their impoverished psycho-
logical worldview makes them typically pessimistic regarding human nature. We
frequently find expressions of their characteristic attitudes in their statements and
writings: “Human nature is so bad that order in human society can only be main-
tained by a strong power created by highly qualified individuals in the name of
some higher idea.” Let us call this typical expression the “schizoid declaration”.
On the question of "Who are the Semites" and the excerpts that Laura posted from SHOTW, I think this is finally starting to make sense to me now.

It's amazing that having read the book, SHOTW, a few years back, I'm finding so many things that went completely over my head the first time I read it. I really gotta hand it to Laura for putting this book together.

Anyways, with the original topic of Neanderthals and the possible interbreeding of them with Cro-Magnum man and the possibly connection to Jewish psychopaths, this caused me to revisit this question of "who are the Semites?" From a very dry legalistic meaning, the word really makes no sense. Reed talks about this in regards to the name "Jew" in Controversy of Zion, but the definition of "Semite" is equally convoluted.

It seems that the working hypothesis is that there are two threads of humanity here, both wrapped up under the title "Semite" or "Jew". I think this post from Approaching Infinity from many years ago just recently summed up these things really well for me:

Laura, you have said that the Sephardic Jews are the 'real' Jews, and also that the Aryans are the 'real' Semites. Trying to tie the threads together, I come up with the following:

Abraham was a Hittite, and thus a 'Northern' Aryan (like Sargon). This "Abrahamic" line are the carriers of the 4D 'Trojan Horse' gene encoding. These are the Semites that 4D STS want to eliminate. Unless real 'Jews' and real 'Semites' are different classifications, then it seems that by 'mixing the bloodlines' (with the tribes that migrated to Judea during the Thera cataclysm), this group may survive in the Sephardim/Palestinians.

Then there are the 'other' Aryans, who are NOT 'real' Jews: the Ashkenazim (from the Turks/Khazars). By adopting Jewish religion and culture, they have 'evolved' in a nature described by MacDonald for intelligence, or more likely, psychopathy. Judaism is such that those with the "Perseid" bloodline (passed on via mtDNA, from unknown founding 'mothers') are stunted via first circuit programming/circumcision/etc, and those with the psychopathic bloodline breed more psychopaths and become more ponerized.

The Pathocracy, thru Hitler's plan, destroyed many Sephardic Jews. The modern Pathocracy, thru plans for population reduction, intend to eliminate as many 'normal' humans as possible. Included in these will most definitely be those "Semites" with 4D encoding.

Is this a somewhat accurate summary of the working hypothesis?

The above might not make that much sense unless you've read SHOTW. Like I said, I had read it years ago and it's only been this week that these pieces finally made sense to me! When I read this post from AI above all of a sudden everything fell into place in my head.

It always bothered me that Judiasm is an extremely male dominated religion, yet "Jewishness" is defined in the female genetic line. Trying to reconcile these two facts seemed impossible to me until now. There are basically two sets of widely differing genetic lines that hold the claim to the name "Semite". I could see this in the simplistic sense regarding the fact that most Jews that migrated to Palestine after WWII were more European (Ashkenazim) than Semitic (Arab), but I didn't understand the depth to which this whole hyperdimensional dance between these two groups really goes. :shock:

Sorry if this is old news for some people here, but this all kind of hit me over the head this week.
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