Nigel Kerner - Gray Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls

RyanX said:
Sorry if this is old news for some people here, but this all kind of hit me over the head this week.

I thought AI actually wrote a handy summary there, RyanX, so thanks for posting it.
Shijing said:
RyanX said:
Sorry if this is old news for some people here, but this all kind of hit me over the head this week.

I thought AI actually wrote a handy summary there, RyanX, so thanks for posting it.

Yeah, that is a pretty concise summary. Of course the details are also very important, which made the recaps from SHOTW posted by Laura so valuable. It really helped to refresh all this in yet another context, all growing out of / spun off from the Neanderthal Legacy thread. And I gotta agree that reading SHOTW several times would be a great idea as overall understanding has grown. But I've only read it in it's entirety once and read sections (sometimes out of sequence) several times.

One thing that always makes me smile is that many of these episodes on the forum (no matter the real motivation / intention of rofo or similar posters) really help me (and not just those who may be new to this Work or those who encounter it in the future) in unexpected ways to consolidate my studies and understanding of so many interrelated issues that are really very large to chew and digest at one go.

One more thing, and it's related to psychological projection, rofo makes several references to "our conclusions" but we are still sifting through data, using working hypotheses, and NOT drawing hard and fast FINAL conclusions, which is more than can be said for rofo. The attitude of showing "us our errors" is amusing because we try to consider things very carefully before we come to any conclusions. I mean, there are many people who are not genetically pathological who have participated in all manner of atrocities and are doing so presently. But when all is said and done, and the dust clears and the blood dries, so to speak, these are broken people who will suffer from the burden of their conscience for the rest of their lives, UNLIKE the genetically pathological small minority.
FireShadow said:
rofo6850 said:
I agree with an important point Mona show. I think there is something wrong with human nature, no distinctions made. The problem does not end in psychopathy, each one of us can do everything psychopats do easily if we lack two main traits, compassion and empathy.

Here he goes again. He says no it is not just psychopathy, it is anyone who lacks compassion and empathy (definition of psychopath, I think). So it is not just psychopathy, it is also psychopathy...???

But then, perhaps he meant this: When people give up their free will to belief (in religion or other ideology) they can easily be made to believe that the atrocity they are being asked to commit is actually "the right thing to do". So in effect, they do still possess their compassion and empathy, but it has become neutralized in the service of their ideology. Perhaps rofo merely perceives the neutralization of empathy/compassion as a lack of same. Effectively they do lack empathy/compassion, or seem to.

But, note that the only way people of conscience are capable of those atrocities is when they give up their will to "belief" in a religion or ideology that is used by pathologicals to get them to commit those atrocities.

On a side note:

I am often amazed at how pondering on one thing can lead to greater understanding of something else.

As I pondered this thread, I sort of "free-associated" on:

-People who give up their will in belief of an ideology, of the "authoritarians" who obey authority no matter what. of how this has always baffled me. Then, I realized they have faith in power. They trust it to protect them. They seek it. They worship it, so they follow and obey.

-My long struggle with faith. I have long been convinced that I do not have faith. I tried to have faith, but because so many people talk of faith in connection to various religions I always associated faith with belief

-My difficulties with belief. Belief was not something I could just decide to do, though I did try many times. And yes, I can be convinced of things (even erroneous things), and in being convinced, I can believe. But if reality does not conform, my belief breaks down. And, so I continued to think this meant I had no faith.

-Some things I remember being told. A friend of mine once told me that yes, I do have faith, it is Love. Until now, I did not understand what she meant. And, a mentor once spoke about "path of power vs path of love". Then, I remembered the C's talk of love as knowledge and how knowledge protects...I realized I do have faith.

I have faith in knowledge. I seek it. If I am correct in my new understanding, I have almost always trusted knowledge over power. Not to say I have always possessed accurate knowledge, but I have valued it and trusted it over power. Oh yes, I have certainly fallen under sway of power on various occasions, but eventually it falls apart for me. In the end, knowledge wins for me.

Wow. For me this was profound.

And so in a way, rofo has helped me, though perhaps not in the way he/she intended.
rofo6850 said:
Now tell me, why Europeans support their governments involvement in Nato enterprises in the Third World?

I have some guesses, economical interests, securiry interests, and the new "gods" of modern world, "democracy and freedom", which of course are only for the dominant part of the world.

You see, not always is the madness of religion the suitable means of control for people, it is culturally dependant.

You asked me to clarify my ideas with respect, I answer you, as I have answered all the posts I thought were worth to answer.

I think there is a major idea that you are missing. Europeans do not support their governments and involvement in NATO etc. That is to say, they do not support the TRUE nature of their governments and involvement in NATO etc because they DO NOT KNOW IT! Are you aware of the extent of the lies and propaganda that are (and have been for many decades) directed at peoples of Western nations? Western peoples DO NOT WANT WAR! They DO NOT WANT imperialism. Most Western people are anti-war and pro-peace. The ONLY reason that they support the psychopathic enterprises of their leaders is because they have been supremely lied to about the real nature of what is being done in their name so far away.
rofo6850 said:
each one of us can do everything psychopats do easily if we lack two main traits, compassion and empathy.

Each of us can do what Mozart did if we have his main trait - his talent and genius.

That is your reasoning. Do you see the problem?
Hi, Ark

Your comparison doesn`t makes much sense. rofo talked about “lacking” some very important and common traits, traits that should be present in all humans, traits that arise from the neo-cortex, a brainy dispositive all humans have. Traits that maybe are lost for not being used, you know, all kinds of capabilities are lost if we do not make use of them enough time, not only physicals, also psychological and mental.

You, instead, talk of some very rare and scant traits, more properly a “gift” one in a million subjects has, the “genius” gene.
You talk about something we all DO NOT have, only a negligible percentage of population does. rofo talks about something we all should have, but many have lost. I am afraid the differences are huge.

For some reason it seems many, many humans tend to “put to sleep” compassion and empathy. Maybe the causes are the demands this world put upon us, the culture we live in “specially Westerns” and, why not, your own forum teachings” promoting minds without hearts. It is enough to see how some of your own members are punished for showing consideration and compassion for other fellows in this sinking ships we live in.

This phenomena of leaving behind qualities that characterizes we as humans does not need the concourse of psychopats (your own new created “demons”) to occur. It is arising from normal humans everywhere. rofo was right to observe the problem doesn’t end in psychopathy, but there is something wrong with all of us.

Aside from demonizing the purported 6% of psychos all around the world, such a model does no good to our understanding of human evil. It leaves a big part of the picture out of consideration. Our shadow keeps unrecognized and doing his job.

I wonder why rofo himself has not answered yet…I hope he wasn’t kicked out. If this were the case you wouldn’t be addressing him in your answer, you should know he can’t answer…or … would you?

BTW, what happened to the brainwave post, the one rofo refers to in this post?

Also removed? Mmm…bad, quite bad.
darktown said:
Hi, Ark

Your comparison doesn`t makes much sense. rofo talked about “lacking” some very important and common traits, traits that should be present in all humans, traits that arise from the neo-cortex, a brainy dispositive all humans have. Traits that maybe are lost for not being used, you know, all kinds of capabilities are lost if we do not make use of them enough time, not only physicals, also psychological and mental.

You, instead, talk of some very rare and scant traits, more properly a “gift” one in a million subjects has, the “genius” gene.
You talk about something we all DO NOT have, only a negligible percentage of population does. rofo talks about something we all should have, but many have lost. I am afraid the differences are huge.

Exactly. You got it. Even if you do not realize it. That's the whole point. If one is hardwired one way then it is impossible to act as one would be hardwired another way. You can try to fake it, but it will be a poor fake. You just have a different wiring.
Like I have a different wiring than Mozart had, so I can't really fake Mozart.
If you are hardwired with compassion you cannot fake lack of compassion. Well, you can try - but it is not gonna work.
Coming to a theatre near you!!! rofo II: The Revenge... Don't miss it!!!

OK... Pardon my levity... It is just funny to me how this thread keeps popping up.

darktown said:
Hi, Ark

Your comparison doesn`t makes much sense. rofo talked about “lacking” some very important and common traits, traits that should be present in all humans, traits that arise from the neo-cortex, a brainy dispositive all humans have. Traits that maybe are lost for not being used, you know, all kinds of capabilities are lost if we do not make use of them enough time, not only physicals, also psychological and mental.

You, instead, talk of some very rare and scant traits, more properly a “gift” one in a million subjects has, the “genius” gene.
You talk about something we all DO NOT have, only a negligible percentage of population does. rofo talks about something we all should have, but many have lost. I am afraid the differences are huge.

In the case of psychopaths you either have them or you don't. By "them," I mean compassion and empathy, or more accurately, the potential to develop such traits.

darktown said:
For some reason it seems many, many humans tend to “put to sleep” compassion and empathy. Maybe the causes are the demands this world put upon us, the culture we live in “specially Westerns” and, why not, your own forum teachings” promoting minds without hearts. It is enough to see how some of your own members are punished for showing consideration and compassion for other fellows in this sinking ships we live in.

This phenomena of leaving behind qualities that characterizes we as humans does not need the concourse of psychopats (your own new created “demons”) to occur. It is arising from normal humans everywhere. rofo was right to observe the problem doesn’t end in psychopathy, but there is something wrong with all of us.

Aside from demonizing the purported 6% of psychos all around the world, such a model does no good to our understanding of human evil. It leaves a big part of the picture out of consideration. Our shadow keeps unrecognized and doing his job.

Actually, quite a bit of time has been dedicated to the evil in the other 94% of humanity. For example, the book "The Narcissistic Family" discusses this rather thoroughly.

I don't think our point is that if one could remove psychopaths with the blink of an eye then all problems in the world would be gone. Because of free will, humans will always have a choice to serve lower emotional and physical impulses and their potential for extreme self-centeredness. Our point is that the presence of psychopathy in the halls of power is a massive influence that is almost COMPLETELY ignored whereas much thought has been devoted to the genesis of evil in "average" humans. Because of the work of folks like Lobaczewski, we do suspect that work on the lower impulses of regular humans will be basically useless until the effect of psychopathy on society in general is well understood. Psychopaths in positions of power tend to create a playing field that benefits their own skill set, and thus, "average" humans have to develop cheating strategies to cope and survive. It just so happens that the human soul is razed in the process of adapting to this type of environment.

I don't mean to be rude, but are you another person who is going to challenge the conclusions of our research without understanding the developmental materials that are their foundation?
darktown said:
For some reason it seems many, many humans tend to “put to sleep” compassion and empathy. Maybe the causes are the demands this world put upon us, the culture we live in “specially Westerns” and, why not, your own forum teachings” promoting minds without hearts.It is enough to see how some of your own members are punished for showing consideration and compassion for other fellows in this sinking ships we live in.

Can your first interaction in this forum be considered as an act of conscience, the source of empathy and compassion?

7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Please go else where to impart lessons empty of being and EXAMPLE.
darktown said:
For some reason it seems many, many humans tend to “put to sleep” compassion and empathy. Maybe the causes are the demands this world put upon us, the culture we live in “specially Westerns” and, why not, your own forum teachings” promoting minds without hearts. It is enough to see how some of your own members are punished for showing consideration and compassion for other fellows in this sinking ships we live in.

What do you suggest? That we make room for all pathological viewpoints and then get lost in the mud? How is that showing compassion for others?

darktown said:
This phenomena of leaving behind qualities that characterizes we as humans does not need the concourse of psychopats (your own new created “demons”) to occur. It is arising from normal humans everywhere. rofo was right to observe the problem doesn’t end in psychopathy, but there is something wrong with all of us.

Nobody is saying that all evil deeds are done by psychopaths. But psychopaths are the root of evil. Can you see the difference?

darktown said:
Aside from demonizing the purported 6% of psychos all around the world, such a model does no good to our understanding of human evil. It leaves a big part of the picture out of consideration. Our shadow keeps unrecognized and doing his job.

You obviously haven't studied what others on this forum have written. This statement just sounds foolish for those of us who have taken the time to read the material here.

darktown said:
I wonder why rofo himself has not answered yet…I hope he wasn’t kicked out. If this were the case you wouldn’t be addressing him in your answer, you should know he can’t answer…or … would you?

BTW, what happened to the brainwave post, the one rofo refers to in this post?

Also removed? Mmm…bad, quite bad.

rofo was rude, condescending and maintained an attitude of wanting to teach everyone here a lesson, just as you're doing right now. Do you see how this isn't constructive behavior? I have no idea if he is gone or not, but I hope he will take the time to review what he wrote and the feedback people gave him. He might learn a valuable lesson.
darktown said:
You talk about something we all DO NOT have, only a negligible percentage of population does. rofo talks about something we all should have, but many have lost. I am afraid the differences are huge.

Rofo talks about certain qualities, but does not demonstrate them. He behaved in a manipulative, covertly rude, and devious manner.

darktown said:
For some reason it seems many, many humans tend to “put to sleep” compassion and empathy.

There are very good reasons for it: psychopathic culture, manipulation (in a similar mode to that effected by Rofo, in fact. All done in the guise of being "nice.")

darktown said:
Maybe the causes are the demands this world put upon us, the culture we live in “specially Westerns”

Exactly the point we have been discussing on this forum. However, we don't think that blaming normal humans for being enculturated into a Matrix like system is quite the thing to do. We expect people to learn what is real, authentic, decent, true compassion, empathy, etc. Small signs of that are TRUE courtesy, NOT being manipulative, covertly rude, and devious.

darktown said:
and, why not, your own forum teachings” promoting minds without hearts.

We always get that accusation from pathological types who wish to impose their own twisted world view on others and find it so anti-democratic when we refuse.

darktown said:
It is enough to see how some of your own members are punished for showing consideration and compassion for other fellows in this sinking ships we live in.

It is exactly that dynamic that pathologicals use to gain control of other people. As psychologist Martha Stout points out, if she had to define one main tell-tale sign of the psychopath, it is the pity ploy. And they use it mercilessly on normal humans, eliciting their pity, their support, their backing, for their rapacious acts all the while veiling it behind words of great gentleness and piety. Exactly like Rofo, in fact.

darktown said:
This phenomena of leaving behind qualities that characterizes we as humans does not need the concourse of psychopats (your own new created “demons”) to occur.
It is arising from normal humans everywhere. rofo was right to observe the problem doesn’t end in psychopathy, but there is something wrong with all of us.

Of course there is something wrong with all of us: we've been pathologized by a psychopathic society which began to grow and take over about 10,000 years ago. And, I should point out that it has been our experience here that every time - EVERY time - anyone has come along with that line, they have proven to be pathological themselves. The main argument that the psychopath wishes to spread is that "it's just normal human behavior... "

darktown said:
Aside from demonizing the purported 6% of psychos all around the world,

This is exactly the language used by pathologicals throughout history.

darktown said:
such a model does no good to our understanding of human evil. It leaves a big part of the picture out of consideration.

No, you are missing the biggest part of the picture: the source of the infection. Indeed, the whole body is sick and infected, but there is a microbe at the root. In fact, YOUR declared "model of our understanding of human evil" has been developed, trotted out, run through its paces, for a very long time and has done nothing to explain the problems normal human beings face. You could even say that YOUR model is the same one at the foundation of the "original sin" concepts. It is also quite clearly diagnosed as characteristic of schizoidal psychopathy: the schizoidal declaration.

darktown said:
Our shadow keeps unrecognized and doing his job.

Schizoidal declaration.

darktown said:
I wonder why rofo himself has not answered yet…I hope he wasn’t kicked out. If this were the case you wouldn’t be addressing him in your answer, you should know he can’t answer…or … would you?

Yes, he's banned, and you are on the way to ban city yourself.
Quote from Ark

Exactly. You got it. Even if you do not realize it. That's the whole point. If one is hardwired one way then it is impossible to act as one would be hardwired another way. You can try to fake it, but it will be a poor fake. You just have a different wiring.
Like I have a different wiring than Mozart had, so I can't really fake Mozart.
If you are hardwired with compassion you cannot fake lack of compassion. Well, you can try - but it is not gonna work.

I realize, be sure about it, more than you think. But it sounds a little…mmm…may I say National Socialist?, forgive me if my honesty sounds a little rude.
I would feel myself inclined to more prudent and less radical explanations, cultural influences, survival pressings and why not teachings like yours?
But, before stoning me, let me cite some words of your group founder, (sorry, it was simply irresistible):

Quote from LKJ
"I would like to see everyone doing our EE program and waking up and teaching it and getting together and pow wowing about some good activities that relate back to the original shamanism that is at the root of all the various Pagan lines.

"That's what I want to restore! It was only as a result of the destruction of cataclysmic events that destroyed that unity and introduced genetic mutations into the population that slowly, but surely, poisoned the blood of normal humans."
“My work is all about following these lines of Pagan/shamanistic ideas/teachings back to the Ice Ages, the cave painters, the Northern European origins, to find the most original, fundamental, common foundation of all of them. That's what FOTCM is based on. Paganism was the original Christianity and that is why people are always saying that Christianity has pagan roots. Well yeah.... more than anybody suspects.”

So what would those "good activities that relate back to the original shamanism" actually be? A ritual slaughter of a goat to Thor perhaps, and then the ingestion of some good entheogentic soup and a group orgy? Maybe a little weather witching and some wild game calling?

And that implied threat to all those who aren't good pagans, those who "slowly but surely poisoned the blood of the human race," is pretty scary and more than a little similar to the original philosophy of National Socialism. Nobody is human but us good Aryans...well, after all it seems old rofo was right, sadly right.

quote from LKJ

No, you are missing the biggest part of the picture: the source of the infection. Indeed, the whole body is sick and infected, but there is a microbe at the root. In fact, YOUR declared "model of our understanding of human evil" has been developed, trotted out, run through its paces, for a very long time and has done nothing to explain the problems normal human beings face. You could even say that YOUR model is the same one at the foundation of the "original sin" concepts. It is also quite clearly diagnosed as characteristic of schizoidal psychopathy: the schizoidal declaration.

Well, yours is much worse…lucky with your religion
Hi darktown, since your IP address points to where Rofo lives, and you're displaying exactly the same behavior as Rofo - you wouldn't happen to be Rofo, would you?

Either way, your latest posts displays such ignorance of what this forum does and what the organization behind the forum is about, that it's almost amusing, if it weren't so verbally hostile. Since verbal hostility and generally acting like a rude crazy person are against forum guidelines, your posting privileges have been suspended.
So what would those "good activities that relate back to the original shamanism" actually be? A ritual slaughter of a goat to Thor perhaps, and then the ingestion of some good entheogentic soup and a group orgy? Maybe a little weather witching and some wild game calling?
How about an intelligent, objective conversation? That sounds pretty good.

quote from LKJ

No, you are missing the biggest part of the picture: the source of the infection. Indeed, the whole body is sick and infected, but there is a microbe at the root. In fact, YOUR declared "model of our understanding of human evil" has been developed, trotted out, run through its paces, for a very long time and has done nothing to explain the problems normal human beings face.
It seems like you are doing a pretty good job explaining the problem.
Well, yours is much worse…lucky with your religion

Luck may be a factor, but it sure does feel like mostly really hard Work, OSIT.
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