Nuclear Scare Scam | Galen Winsor

Nader was quite a stubborn man without scientific training.
Imagine how scientists blindly accept global warming, now apply it to an non-technical politician.

Way back, when disc brakes were invented, he tried to get them banned- saying they were unsafe.

As for plutonium oxide, that's interesting. Oxide basically means the inert form. Rust for example, iron oxide is inert (and useless).
Thank you BHelmet for your work, that's what was needed to be said.

Richard S said:
What next? Maybe some guy telling us the Sun doesn't actually exist and that we are just imagining it is there because we have all been deceived into thinking it is there...?

This is quite new topic, very interested for me - there is theory, the Sun is just some kind of electric arc between our space and higher dimensions or densities. There is nothing inside - nothing material from our space, just a "black hole" - we can observe it through sun spots... I'm not sure, but I think C's have given some clues supporting this theory.
There was a trailer from 2015 named 'Nuclear Lands: A Story of Plutonium' with under 600 views. It is short at just over 2 min.

Not a great deal is mentioned other than:

Published on Nov 6, 2015

Nuclear Lands examines three areas in the world whose landscapes are dominated by nuclear sites: the US, France and Japan. The film traces the story from the birth of plutonium production in the 40's in Hanford, USA to the nuclear reprocessing plant in La Hague, France and tells of the Rokkasho nuclear site in Japan which is actually built on a seismic fault line. Based on archives, Nuclear Lands recreates the story of an industrial environment secretly born in arid and desolate locations. The sites, depicted through creative imagery, show us that humankind made an irreversible choice in the mid-twentieth century. From its evolution as matter used for military purposes to one which is used for nuclear energy, the film explores the scientific, industrial and geopolitical implications of its production.

I'm guessing they completed the film, or perhaps not, as it has not been located yet.

This link looks to every documentary film made concerning the nuclear industry since 1950 up until 2008 (Concordia is in Montreal).

Prepared by Lisa Lynch, Concordia University
Please distribute

but attribute!

CinéFête has a YouTube channel that lists the film above; the short version only (and a lot of other films).

Though to mention it in case someone knows of it.
This is why I love this forum. Most here can entertain ideas that are out there! really out there! ...and they might fit the rules of this reality.

Anyway all this talk reminds me of C's mentioning heavy water as a byproduct or an ingredient for alchemy. This is very interesting, and maybe worth digging out. There are not many concepts or processes in the world transformed and made into the most powerful annihilator weapon know to man.
I hope this does not sound too "out there" - but for a long time now I believe that all these nuclear bombs, missiles, are mostly popcorn and party favors. What is to stop the PTB from just spending the money elsewhere, since we know that none of the things will ever be used? We saw the smoke show that Trump's fanatics deployed on Syria recently, out of nearly 80 missiles not even 10 struck something?! Makes you wonder though, where does all this money go?! Most of it does not add up! Specially since the C's have warned us that the planet is under a one world government for quite a while now...
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