Nuke in Texas?

Yes, the Bill Cooper thing was an interesting case. I had some exchanges with him oh... geeze, musta been back in 2000 or maybe even earlier. At that point, he was so paranoid and had been betrayed and done over that he was probably hanging onto his sanity by a shred. A good example of that kind of mind mucking is the Paul Bennewitz case.

Between the mind control tech such as HAARP and other things, and hyperdimensional manipulations, he didn't have a ghost of a chance because he simply would not let go of the strictly material explanation for everything. And I'm not going airy fairy here and suggesting ethereal demons either.

Karla Turner did the opposite, and went off on the "demons" thing. Both of them are dead now, and both of them were "gotten to" in certain ways (I'm sure) and I tried to warn both of them about what was being done to mess with their heads, but neither of them would consider it because of the bad name that so-called "channeling" has. Because I was experimenting with chatting up the C's, they both were suspicious of anything I had to say. It's sad. If they had taken heed, at least trying out what I was saying as a working hypothesis, they both might still be alive.
A reader sent in the following:


Ken Welsh Nuke Audio-He’s guessing

I got more out of reversing Ken than the Condi Rice clip. The website for those who want to read up on this, and listen, is _

It really goes to show that RS is a long way from being perfect, but I believe it is the best we have right now.

Ken Welsh, on his site has a recording of Condi Rice speaking at a conference sponsored by Charles Schwab. Ken is explaining reverse speaking and showing where he has heard her saying in reverse that there is a nuke hidden in a ship by terrorists.

This was very interesting for me to analyze because it really brought home, how our beliefs can color our RS perceptions. I include myself in this to be sure. There is so much room for interpretation with RS, and if we are holding a certain belief or worldview, we will start to interpret what we hear to fit that viewpoint.

I have mentioned that David Oates, the founder of RS has never really delved into evp, or at least that is what he said about a year ago. So he hears the owl, or the net, and interprets that as parts of the mind or psyche. I know that he is wrong about that.

It is my view that Ken Welsh is also very much in the 3-d mindset. I hear, from reversing him while he is reversing Condi Rice, that he is determined, but limited in his view of reality. For him, the information has to fit that reality.

He makes references in reverse to guessing. He says at one point, ‘you’re off, when I guess. (Pronouns are often all over the place). When he is going more into explanations of RS he says in forward speech, “There are times when a very strong consonant in the forward speech…” In this phrase he says in reverse “you’re off on this menace”. The exact place where this reversal shows up is in the section “consonant in the forward. One has to take of the con in consonant to hear this reversal.

When he is saying in forward speech, “I have boosted the volume on interesting segments just to help you notice them”, there is, for me, a very telling reversal in this section. To be precise, it is in the forward “volume on interesting segment” (cut off the s at the end of segments).

In this clip, I could clearly hear “I’m guessing. It’s certainly not May out.” (What he thinks is going on has nothing to do with reptilians leaving the planet).

I will admit, I have a very strong belief that this group is leaving in May, so when I heard that, I realized that he will never get the story straight (in my opinion of course) unless he understands the reptilians, their hold on this planet, and their leaving because of Planet X. If he is seeing reality as nukes, terrorists, and pretty much what we get on the nightly news, he can find the reversals to fit that scenario, but is that accurate?

When he ferret’s out “a nuke hidden in a ship”, I had heard before any manipulation of that clip, a nuke that initiates. So here we have a dilemma. Is the nuke hidden in a ship by terrorists or is a nuke going to initiate the events before the reptilian terrorists leave the planet? Hummm; lots of room for speculation.

RS is coming from a part of the mind that is definitely interdimensional as well as Universal. Having had so much interaction with evp and the spirit people, followed by reptilians who inhabit the other side of reality, I learned first hand that we are much more aware than our shut-down conscious minds can even begin to grasp. In reverse, we speak as much about that world as this one, perhaps more. I think that if you don’t understand these other aspects of life and the bigger picture, RS is opening a door, but just a crack.

The bottom line for me with this audio is, there may be hidden nukes, and certainly hidden agendas, but he is off the mark.
Thought I ought to add that the above opinion is of dubious nature considering the source and the claims of the source on other matters!!! Caveat Lector!!!
Scott has discovered that we have software that will do the reverse speech thing so we are going to dig up some podcasts and run them through it and see if there is anything to this business. Generally, we think it is either bunk or wishful thinking. We'll let you know any results!
Hi Laura,

Was this experiment ever done? I just happened upon that guy's EVP blog today and thought it was kind of funny/silly that he said he hasn't found a decent channeler yet and that all sources prove to be reptiles in disguise. A search reveals that EVP has been mentioned but hasn't been discussed in any depth on any of the forums here. Curious to know if this is totally nuts or what.
Yeah, we reversed our speech from a session and from podcasts and it was just gobbledygook. You'd have to have a really good imagination to make anything out of it. We didn't report any results because - well, there weren't any!
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