Nuking the parasites within

Not sure this could be , qualified as metaphysical but...

Session 4 March 2012 :

Q: (L) Does that mean that a virus is a transdimensional manifestation?

A: Yes. Thoughts made manifest! Compare to some crop circles!

Q: (Psyche) Some viruses in the atlas DO look like crop circles. [wind noise muffles Ark's question] (Ark)...of course virus is just pure DNA, or what? (Psyche) It can be both DNA or RNA depending on the type of virus, and usually coated to protect itself. There are so many types of viruses; it can be just a piece of genetic code. (Ark) Okay, so my question is whether there is a particular part of the virus that has the property that is not just described by normal quantum physics or quantum chemistry and so on, or its the whole organization of virus that has this property?

A: Yes. Information field aggregates matter.

in the case of multi-cellular parasites, yet still tiny in comparison to a human body, they can/could be used as vectors for sts shenanigans
The 30% remark referred to the earliest sessions.

I don't know what you are talking about. Ivermectin is indeed approved for human use, so why would you need to raid a veterinary shop? Are you still falling for the covid-era misinformation about Ivermectin?

Obviously you need to look at the possible side-effects - in the case of Ivermectin there are basically none.
Are you following the topic?
Look at Kadam post at the very begining
From my perspective, if I were around a heap of people that were draining my life like vampires (parasites) I wouldn’t care what their names are when I’m trying to get the hell outta there.
Because one of them is your boss and give you job, other is your mother and yet other clerk at your local store
Nuking them indiscriminately will nuke some friend by the way and gain you title of local asshole
i never heard of medical approach called nuke'em'all, you usually look for an offender and eliminate him with the solution which affects him and nothing else
That's the logic behind life in general and there are no shortcuts that would ease it, shortcuts are domain of blind and you in order to fight enemy must know it first and apply correct tool in order to win
Dear Deneb. I think I understand what you mean. There are indeed beneficial protozoas. There are in little number, just enough to live in balance and cooperation with our benefical bacterial flora. This is what you mean. In little number and not all of them are bénéficial (exemple: amibia),
That's why it's more suitable to call them protozoa and not parasits. In this thread, when one talks about "nuking the parasites", it's about the parasites, not all the protozoa family. The word "parasite" is a généric/general word for negative micro-organisms, be it protozoa, "virus", bacteria, unicellular fungus.

For example, candida albicans, a common fungus, in low quantity is inoffensive and even cooperating (in vitamin use, if I remember well). But in high number, it wreaks havoc. In this case, when you have a candida infection (on toes, or in sinuses for example, or elsewhere in lung and in this case it's life threatening), you don't have any choice but eliminating it. Once you have eliminated the candida that became parasitic because of their abnormally high number/multiplication, your affected organ is able to heal and function again. You destroy that candida colony in order to your organs to work again optimaly. A new candida presence will came back, in normal (few) number and balance will be restored again thanks to cells/organs being able to work correctly thus copperate correctly with all other micro-organisms present in our body. No microrganism presence is completely destroyed (cf microzymas' also called bions by Wilhelm Reich) physiology. You musn't worry about destructing them. They will always exist, everywhere. On the other hand, there are micro-organisms which have nothing to do in our body.
Here is an analogy to explain what I'm trying to convey: In the WWII, In order to establish peace again, some countries had to eliminate Nazis. Without doing it, peace would not be able to come back. There had been lots of Nazis who escaped elimination, there will always remain a small number of pathologic humans, but once their number and power had been reduced, Germany had been able to construct itself again, and flourish, having the best economy in Europe, attracting lots of people from other countries.
Unfortunately, in this process , innocent peoples died too. But here too, humanity will never die. Good humans born again.

You can see other examples in current wars. It's a question of balance: not too much parasitism. A little number of pathological individuals are beneficial in our country or our personal life, because they (involuntarily) help us becoming less naïve, more vigilant, more interested in learning all sorts of things, facilitating our curiosity to know more about our world, about other types of human beings.

In conclusion, you don't need to kill any micro-organism (even candida, helminths, etc...) unless they hinder your optimal functionning, unless they meddle with your DNA, as what is talked in this thread and sessions quotes.
I hope this helps.
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Because one of them is your boss and give you job, other is your mother and yet other clerk at your local store
Nuking them indiscriminately will nuke some friend by the way and gain you title of local asshole
i never heard of medical approach called nuke'em'all, you usually look for an offender and eliminate him with the solution which affects him and nothing else
That's the logic behind life in general and there are no shortcuts that would ease it, shortcuts are domain of blind and you in order to fight enemy must know it first and apply correct tool in order to win

Cutting ties with a parasitic boss, mother, or clerk at the local store is actually exactly what is required in many cases. Yes, there's another strategy laid out by Castaneda - 'stalking the petty tyrant' AKA staying in the toxic situation in order to feel the tension, learn, and perfect one's ability to not be agitated. Both strategies are legitimate. I don't see anyone claiming that we indiscriminately nuke all the people in our lives. Just the parasites. Stop putting up straw-man arguments.

Also, I don't particularly care if some people may start calling me an asshole for cutting all ties with pathologicals. That's based on an impoverished view of reality where everyone needs to be nice and happy and tolerant. And where I worry a lot about what other people think. Blech. No thanks. It's a worldview that also doesn't understand the significant danger of OPs and psychopaths in our midst. Though I could be wrong, it seems that you have precisely this impoverished view of reality? Especially with your weird, angry New-Age post of 'parasites are part of nature, let them be'. But as Nature points out, maybe it's a language issue. No one is saying that we indiscriminately nuke all the micro-organisms in our lives. Just the parasites.

As for the medical approach of nuke 'em all - yes, that's exactly what one could do with biological parasites. We don't need the C's sessions to understand why. They are an energy drain on the body, leading to all kinds of health complications. There's a ton of info on the forum detailing this fact. And it's no shortcut to aim to nuke 'em all. Why would it be a shortcut? If you can kill two birds with one stone - aka kill two or more parasites with one medicine - that's not a shortcut, that's just Knowledge being applied. As is the case with iodine.

Sure, it makes sense to not go too hard and too fast with detoxing parasites, and to do it properly, as the Herx reaction can be really rough and some complications can arise. Which, if I want to be generous, is what I think is what you're saying. But many people, myself included, have got huge benefits by intending to nuke 'em all, using the proper iodine protocol in particular, as well as ivermectin, and other detox protocols such as those used to combat toxic molds, etc.

Anyways, I find your communication style needlessly abrasive. What makes it worse is that you don't seem to know what you're talking about. Something for you to work on, IMO.
That's the logic behind life in general and there are no shortcuts that would ease it, shortcuts are domain of blind and you in order to fight enemy must know it first and apply correct tool in order to win
So you’re saying that we should find out all the intimate details of parasites before we can decide if we want to get rid of them?
How many names of our 4th Density overloads do you know? Kevin, Bob, Judy, Rachel…. Any others?? I heard Kevin prefers middle age white women who’s never had children and watches Bold and the Beautiful. Is that true?

I must be an asshole because if/when I come across any of those guys I’m gonna ixnay all of their advances.
Taking a look at a veterinary store is still a smart move with all the nonsense floating around about stuff being completely inappropriate for humans -because its used for horses too- .. while in some cases that is actually true, there is zero inherent logic to that statement.

Also for whatever reason, the shunned covid treatments are STILL not available at 'human pharmacies'. Lets keep in mind here that ivermectin and its discoverer got that nobel prize 9 hears ago after saving thousands of lives, and how that got so deeply memoryholed somehow. In any case, i'm not too well versed on brands and productions processes and so on, also assuming this is an american store, so looking forward to more input and options :)
To explain/expand on what i want to nuke ...
"nuke" parasites was used by Laura in wave 7 or 8.

if my notes are correct, (i have been a while) below drugs were mentioned.

Chemical compound

Doxycycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic of the tetracycline class used in the treatment of infections caused by bacteria and certain parasites. It is used to treat bacterial pneumonia, acne, chlamydia infections, Lyme disease, cholera, typhus, and syphilis. It is also used to prevent malaria. WikipediaFluconazole
Chemical compound

Fluconazole is an antifungal medication used for a number of fungal infections. This includes candidiasis, blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, dermatophytosis, and tinea versicolor.

Chemical compound

Metronidazole, sold under the brand name Flagyl among others, is an antibiotic and antiprotozoal medication. It is used either alone or with other antibiotics to treat pelvic inflammatory disease, endocarditis, and bacterial vaginosis. Wikipedia

Chemical compound

Flunarizine, sold under the brand name Sibelium among others, is a drug classified as a calcium antagonist which is used for various indications. It is not available by prescription in the United States or Japan. The drug was discovered at Janssen Pharmaceutica in 1968. Wikipedia

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