Iodine and Potassium Iodide


FOTCM Member
A Word of Caution to the Reader from the owners of Cassiopaea Forum
The information presented in this thread should not be undertaken without first consulting with a physician. Proper laboratory and clinical monitoring is essential to achieving the final goals of using safe and natural treatments. This discussion is for informational purposes only.

I realized I had way too much information archived about iodine from the Medical Veritas Institute, by Mark Sirus. The info is pretty interesting so I'll add it here. Perhaps others have some other info from other sources or some experiences with this mineral.

So I selected only quotes from articles. But I'll be putting also a few articles too.


“Fluoride has been shown to inhibit the ability of the thyroid gland to concentrate iodine. Research has shown that fluoride is much more toxic to the body when there is iodine deficiency present.”

“Very few of us know that iodine actually provokes the elimination of both lead and mercury and very importantly flouride.”

“Iodine also concentrates in seaweed and is another chelator of mercury. Spirulina and chlorella have also been used widely in this regard.”

“Seaweed sold in the United States has a tremendous variation in the amount of iodine content. In Japan, the average Japanese eats around 13.8 mg of iodine per day with the vast majority of that iodine coming from seaweed that has been specifically grown and cultured to maximize iodine trapping in the seaweed. To my knowledge, this particular type of seaweed is not being sold in the United States at the present time. Gupta: Consequences of Iodine Deficiency _"

“The longer and the deeper we become acidic the more our illness takes hold so it's best to fight acidic conditions early on and in every presenting clinical situation. Certainly a highly toxic drug like anti viral Tamiflu won't do a fraction of the job sodium bicarbonate will do especially if it's combined with magnesium chloride and iodine as well as high levels of vitamin C.”

“Add the toxic exposures and mix in some nutritional deficiencies, especially in the area of magnesium, zinc, iodine and selenium and we have lots of trouble in Washington that health officials don't want to understand or do anything about. We need to remember that mercury and radioactive pollution are invisible and so is the lead in your bread. Next time you read a report from the medical media or establishment suggesting you stay away from this or that vitamin or mineral because of toxic properties remember that the bread you eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink is toxic to one degree or another. All of our bodies are being compromised and are having to do double work to eliminate these poisons from our bodies. Some of us do much better than others in this regard and some of us live in areas that just overwhelm our capacity to excrete these unwanted chemicals.”

“In the 21st century the last thing you want to be short on is iodine. We might debate about the optimum dosage but we should find quick agreement that iodine is absolutely necessary for a healthy thyroid as well as healthy ovaries, breasts and prostate. If you want cancer or run down mitochondria forget all about iodine, which was a universal medicine a hundred years ago. In an age of increasing radioactivity and toxic poisoning specifically with fluoride, chlorine and bromide, and even mercury, iodine is a most necessary mineral to protect us from harm for immediately these toxic substances will increasingly flow out of the body in the urine.”

Iodine and Chelation
Heavy Metals and Halogens

Chelation bears the government's seal of approval for detoxifying the body, most often after an industrial accident or environmental exposure to hazardous materials. Each year some 60,000 Americans undergo chelation treatments, which are gaining ground as a potential therapy for a range of conditions, from Alzheimer's disease to cancer and heart disease. A preliminary study published in the Archives of Neurology found heavy metals stack up in the brains of Alzheimer's patients. Another survey claimed a 90-percent plunge in cancer deaths during an 18-year follow-up of 59 patients treated with the chelating agent calcium-EDTA.[1]

Heavy metals are found throughout nature but we have opened Pandora's Box by spreading these toxic metals throughout our environment and even injecting them directly into children's bodies and implanting them in their mouths. As levels of heavy metals rise in our air, water, and topsoil, they also rise within our bodies, contributing to chronic diseases, learning disorders, cancer, dementia, and premature aging.

The Environmental Working Group has published a devastating report titled Body Burden - The Pollution in Newborns.[ii] "U.S. industries manufacture and import approximately 75,000 chemicals, 3,000 of them at over a million pounds per year. Studies show that hundreds of industrial chemicals circulate in the blood of a baby in the womb, interacting in ways that are not fully understood. Many more pollutants are likely present in the womb, but test methods have yet to be developed that would allow health officials to comprehensively assess prenatal exposure to chemicals, or to ensure that these exposures are safe. From a regulatory perspective, fetal exposure to industrial chemicals is quite literally out of control.[iii]

The poisoning starts from conception and before.[iv]

Humanity is traveling down a deadly path. Awaiting each and every child born on the planet is a life doomed to being poisoned. There is "overwhelming evidence that every child, no matter where in the world he or she is born, will be exposed, not only from birth, but from conception, to man-made chemicals that can undermine the child's ability to reach its fullest potential -- chemicals that interfere with the natural chemicals that tell tissues how to develop and construct healthy, whole individuals according to the genes they inherited from their mothers and fathers," says Dr. Theo Colborn, Senior Program Scientist, at the World Wildlife Fund. This chapter offers a hugely important answer, a guardian angel in chemical form that we can and actually have to use in the highly toxic age we are all living through. Every pregnant woman should be using iodine and magnesium chloride applied transdermally to initiate protective action from even before conception.

Heavy metals poison us by disrupting our cellular enzymes, which run on nutritional minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and selenium. Toxic metals kick out the nutrients and bind their receptor sites, causing diffuse symptoms by affecting nerves, hormones, digestion, and immune function. The heavy metals most often implicated in human poisoning are lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium but uranium is playing catch up since depleted uranium became the favorite armament of the United States military. Once in the body, they compete with and displace essential minerals such as iodine, zinc, copper, magnesium, and calcium, and interfere with organ system function.

No where is this process more evident than in the case of the halides, which are all antagonistic elements to iodine, meaning they will impede the absorption of iodine. Heavy metals get stored in the same receptors that are looking for iodine. Almost all of us are exposed to bromine and fluorine and are storing these toxic halides in our iodine deficient receptors. The mechanism of iodine in the cells is very ancient and lacking of specificity, in fact, cells are not able to distinguish iodide from other anions of similar atomic or molecular size, which may act as "pseudo-iodides": bromide, flouride, chlorine, thiocyanate, cyanate, nitrate, pertechnate, perchlorate.[v]

In the 1960s iodine added to bread increased
the average daily intake 4-5 times RDA levels.

Then they took the iodine out of the bread and some medical idiot substituted bromide, a bio-poison in its place.[vi] There are actually four halogens: iodine, bromine, fluorine and chlorine. All these halogens use the same receptors in the body. Therefore if a person's diet is deficient in iodine the iodine receptors in the thyroid and stomach, for example, may fill up with bromine which is common in grains, bleached flour, sodas, nuts and oils as well as several plant foods. Iodine is depleted by bromine, which is used as a spray on fruits and vegetables, in baked goods, as a fumigant, and in Prozac, Paxil and many other pharmaceutical drugs. Chlorine, fluorine, and fluoride are chemically related to iodine, and compete with it, blocking iodine receptors in the thyroid gland.

Iodine intake immediately increases the excretion of bromide, fluoride,
and some heavy metals including mercury and lead. Bromide and
fluoride are not removed by any other chelator or detoxifying technique.

Dr. Kenezy Gyula Korhaz states that iodine chelates heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium and aluminum and halogens such as fluoride and bromide, thus decreasing their iodine inhibiting effects[vii] especially of the halogens. Iodine has the highest atomic weight of all the common halogens (126.9). Iodine is the only option when it comes to removing these toxic haloids from the thyroid and even the pineal gland where fluoride concentrates, especially when there is a deficiency in iodine in the body. In an age of increasing radioactivity and toxic poisoning specifically with fluoride[viii], chlorine and bromide, and even mercury, iodine is a necessary mineral to protect us from harm for immediately these toxic substances will increasingly flow out of the body in the urine.

Many of us are forced or conditioned to drink fluoridated water and also brush our teeth with fluoride. Could an iodine deficiency be related in some way to the current epidemic of hypothyroidism, breast, and prostate cancers? Are government health officials poisoning the public with fluoride and bromide, aspartame and mercury, and even with rocket fuel, just to name a few things? Yes this is exactly what they are doing and they are feeling quite defensive about it.

There is growing evidence that Americans would have better health
and a lower incidence of cancer and fibrocystic disease of the breast
if they consumed more iodine. A decrease in iodine intake coupled
with an increased consumption of competing halogens, fluoride and
bromide, has created an epidemic of iodine deficiency in America.
Dr. Donald Miller Jr.

Dr. David Brownstein says that fluoride inhibits the ability of the thyroid gland to concentrate iodine and research has shown that fluoride is much more toxic to the body when there is iodine deficiency present. When iodine is supplemented the excretion rate of the toxic halides bromide, fluoride and perchlorate is greatly enhanced. Brownstein says that after only one dose of iodine the excretion of fluoride increased by 78% and this is very important for those who are drinking fluoridated water or are taking medicines with fluoride in them; bromide excretion rates increased by 50%. Our environment is loaded with the toxic halides bromine and fluorine and up to now we have had no way to detoxify the body of these thyroid poisons.

No chelation or detoxification
protocol can afford to ignore iodine.

Over the last 2 decades bromine has contaminated our bread. Bromine blocks thyroid function and may interfere with the anticancer effect of iodine on the breast. Now, the risk for breast cancer is 1 in 8 and increasing 1% per year. Chlorine also blocks iodine in the body, so chlorinated water (both drinking and bathing) should best be avoided when possible. (See chapter on sodium thiosulfate for chlorine neutralization) Iodine increases mobilization of bromine from storage sites with increased urinary excretion of bromide[ix]. Elevated bromide levels were observed in urine and serum samples,[x] twenty times the levels reported in the literature in normal subjects.[xi]

Patients who experience side effects while on
orthoiodosupplementation are often excreting
large amounts of bromide in the urine.

Chloride competes with bromide at the renal level and increases the renal clearance of bromide[xii] thus magnesium chloride is ideal for magnesium supplementation. Some patients require up to 2 years of iodine therapy to bring post loading urine bromide levels below 10 mg/24 hr, if chloride load is not included in the bromine detoxification program. Rapid mobilization of bromine from storage sites with orthoiodosupplementation combined with increased renal clearance of bromide with a chloride load often causes side effects. Increasing fluid intake and adding a complete nutritional program minimizes these side effects.

Dr. Abraham noted that in some patients the excretion of lead, cadmium and mercury increased several fold after only one day of iodine supplementation and that increased aluminum excretion was noted about a month after beginning supplementation. Orthoiodosupplementation induces a detoxification reaction in some patients with high bromide levels. The symptoms include increased body odor and cloudy urine. The body odor lasts one to two weeks, but the cloudy urine may last several months before clearing up. Side effects can be minimized by increasing fluid intake. Increased fluid facilitates the excretion of excess iodine and the bromides, fluorides and heavy metals that the iodine displaces. Dr. Abraham also reported that the administration of magnesium in daily amounts up to 1200 mg eliminated the body odor but not the cloudy urine.

Released bromide from storage sites can induce decreased
thyroid function, bromide being a potent goitrogen.

In the United States especially people will want to note that iodine also is protective and effective at eliminating perchlorate from the body. Perchlorate, the explosive ingredient in solid rocket fuel, has leaked from military bases and defense and aerospace contractors' plants in at least 22 states, is contaminating drinking water, dairy milk, produce and many other foods and plants affecting millions of Americans. In the past year, CDC scientists have found that a significant number of women are at risk of thyroid hormone depression from perchlorate exposure. Perchlorate impairs the thyroid's ability to take up iodide and produce hormones critical to proper fetal and infant brain development. Further, studies show that breast milk may have even more worrisome levels of perchlorate.

The EPA's proposed safe exposure level for the rocket fuel contaminant perchlorate is not protective of public health. In the past year, CDC scientists have found that a significant
number of women are at risk of thyroid hormone depression from perchlorate exposure.[xiii]

The CDC/BU (Boston University) study,[xiv] which examined breast milk from 49 Boston area women, found that the average breast fed infant in this study is being exposed to more than double the dose of perchlorate that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers safe; highly exposed babies are ingesting up to 10 times this amount. In a related 2006 study, the CDC found perchlorate in the urine of every one of 2,820 people tested, suggesting that food is a key route of exposure in addition to drinking water.[xv] Applying the results of the CDC study to the California population, EWG estimates that at exposure to 5 ppb of perchlorate in drinking water, 1 in 10 California women of childbearing age with low iodine intake would be diagnosed as sub-clinically hypothyroid and require medical treatment when pregnant to protect themselves and their babies.[xvi]

Dr Kellman of the Centre for Progressive Medicine in New York said, "Once damage to the thyroid takes place it affects all the other organs - starting with digestion and absorption. Toxins start accumulating in the system. You can have an array of symptoms: heart disease and its complications, high homocysteine levels, poor circulation, weight gain/loss, no appetite or bingeing, bloating, fluid retention, skin problems, aching joints, low blood pressure, high cholesterol, low libido, hair loss, and sensitivity to cold." [xvii]

Dr. Sebastiano Venturi informs us that "iodine is one of the most abundant electron-rich essential elements we consume and is transported to the cells via iodide transporters. Iodide, which acts as a primitive electron-donor through peroxidase enzymes, seems to have an ancestral antioxidant function in all iodide-concentrating cells. Oxygen is a potent oxidant whose accumulation in terrestrial atmosphere resulted from the development of photosynthesis over three billion years ago, in blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria)." Iodine was used by Nature as one of her main strategies of antioxidant defense in plants and animals. The point is that antioxidants, iodine included, are important as protective substances against many chronic and degenerative diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

The antioxidant biochemical mechanism of iodides is probably the most
ancient mechanisms of defense from poisonous reactive oxygen species.

Dr. Sebastiano Venturi

"The evolution of oxygen-producing cells was probably the most significant event in the history of life after the beginning of life itself. Oxygen is a potent oxidant and life has to contend with the toxicity of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) which react with lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and DNA and thus interfere with the functions of cellular membranes, cell metabolism, cellular signaling, cell growth and differentiation. Oxidative stress has been implicated as a causative process in the development of a vast number of degenerative diseases,"[xviii] continues Dr. Venturi. The antioxidant properties of dietary iodide depend on a series of redox reactions underlying the iodination of tyrosine leading to the formation of thyroid hormones. Iodine can react with double bonds on lipids such as polyunsaturated fatty acids rendering them less reactive to ROS.

Thyroid hormones are known to play a major part in the
regulation of mitochondrial oxidative metabolism.[xix]

A newly discovered oxidant defense system is found in the free radical scavenging capacity of thyroid hormones Thyroxine, reverse-T3 and iodothyronines seem to be important as antioxidants and inhibitors of lipid peroxidation[xx],[xxi] and is more effective than vitamin E, glutathione and ascorbic acid.[xxii] Doctors involved in the chelation of children with neurological conditions need to take notice and start treating them with iodine as a primary not secondary form of treatment.

Mercury is the most toxic non radioactive poison on earth
and has the capability to destroy all biological life and
activity either through a slow torturous death or a quick one.
It qualifies as an intense systemic poison meaning it has
its effect which is remote from the site of entry into the body.

Dr. Brownstein indicates that iodine is also a chelator of mercury and had tested quite carefully the amounts removed.[xxiii] Mercury not only poisons the nervous system and digestive tract, it can also poison the thyroid gland. There are 4 iodine binding sites or receptors on the thyroid gland. These receptors bind with the iodine we get from our diet. The iodine enters the thyroid and activates it. If the thyroid is not absorbing enough iodine it will not be fully activated and the body's temperature will be abnormally low. Mercury from dental fillings can migrate to the thyroid gland and sit on one or more of the thyroid's 4 iodine receptors blocking the iodine from reaching the receptors and activating the thyroid. When this happens iodine is not absorbed in normal amounts by the thyroid gland. The result is low body temperature or hypothyroidism.

Thanks to the continued promotion of mercury fillings by the American Dental Association and conventional dentists, consumers continue to be poisoned by this heavy metal that's intentionally placed into their mouths. There's so much mercury currently being put into the mouths of humans that the total volume of mercury being dumped into the environment from mercury fillings is nearly equal to that emitted by coal plants. Combine the two sources of mercury with a diet high in fish, which are contaminated with mercury and add a year's flu vaccine that also has mercury in it and we have a huge problem that health officials are not addressing at all.

Several mechanisms are utilized to remove mercury from the body. In order for these detoxification mechanisms to work properly, numerous essential minerals like Iodine, Zinc, Sulfur, Selenium, and Silica stimulate the excretion of mercury. Unfortunately, the average person's daily intake of Iodine is not high enough to protect them from mercury. The National Health and Nutrition Survey undertaken by the CDC showed iodine levels falling over 50% in the last 30 years. In 1940 the average American got 800 micrograms of iodine in their diet. In 1995 we averaged 135 micrograms; an 83% decline! Eating seafood and seaweed can keep your dietary levels in the healthy range. Supplementing with iodine can offer additional help in maintaining these healthy levels of iodine.

This is a medical disaster already in advanced stages because as the need for iodine has increased daily intake has decreased. The Rising Tide of Mercury and the sharp increases in bromide and fluoride are overcoming our body's ability to eliminate. We are staring right in the face of one of the most fundamental building blocks of the modern day plight with chronic diseases including cancer. Iodine is first on the list with magnesium chloride as the surest preventive and treatment of the vast majorities of today's chronic and acute diseases. Allopathic medicine has got it terribly wrong paying no attention to these two emergency room medicines of great importance.

Supplementing with iodine can replenish your iodine stores while flushing out poisons. People usually do not experience the negative effects of some type of detoxification when using iodine unless they are removing unusually high levels of bromide and fluoride. Most people actually notice increased energy, better sleep, and mental clarity.

Mineral replacement therapy (nutritional support) is essential when doing any form of chelation. In fact it is not clinically correct at all to separate chelation from minerals like they are different processes. Trace mineral therapy is important because minerals compete with toxic metals for binding sites. In other words, when ones body is properly mineralized, the absorption and toxicity of heavy metals is greatly reduced. Our bodies should be as strong and healthy as possible before the chelation process should be attempted and minerals top the list not only because they make us stronger, but because they start the chelation process before an "official" chleator is even used.

The healthy cell wall favors intake of
nutrients and elimination of waste products.

The involvement of free radicals in tissue injury induced by magnesium deficiency[xxiv] causes an accumulation of oxidative products in the heart, liver, kidney, skeletal muscle tissues and in red blood cells.[xxv] Magnesium is a crucial factor in the natural self-cleansing and detoxification responses of the body. It stimulates the sodium potassium pump on the cell wall and this initiates the cleansing process in part because the sodium-potassium-ATPase pump regulates intracellular and extracellular potassium levels.[xxvi] "ATP production is essential for every cell to have an ample supply to deal with the challenges of metal overload, as it is required to even permit the cell to keep on pumping out calcium. Lack of ATP then is the underlying cause of abnormal calcification of tissues," writes Dr. Garry Gordon

Transdermal Magnesium Therapy

One concern with traditional allopathic chelation therapy in general is that chelating agents are not as specific as we would like and are likely to remove essential trace minerals as well as toxic metals. Mercury drastically increases the excretion of magnesium and calcium from the kidneys.[xxvii] Both mercury itself and the drugs used to chelate mercury have a strong impact on mineral levels.

Limitations with the traditional allopathic chelation therapies include the fact that the agents used, while sometimes too specific to the metal targeted for removal, are also not protective enough when it comes to minerals that should be spared. Consequently essential trace minerals are likely to be depleted, making trace mineral replacement therapy absolutely essential. For example, EDTA is not effective for mercury, the number one toxic threat in most people. And DMPS and DMSA are dangerous to use because of their toxicity. Only highly trained physicians can safely administer them and even then we have problems like we do with all allopathic treatments.

Magnesium protects cells from aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium and nickel. Magnesium protects the cell against oxyradical damage and assists in the absorption and metabolism of B vitamins, vitamin C and E, which are anti-oxidants important in cell protection. Data demonstrates a direct action of glutathione both in vivo and in vitro to enhance intracellular magnesium and a clinical linkage between cellular magnesium, GSH/GSSG ratios, and tissue glucose metabolism.[xxviii] According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, low magnesium is associated with dramatic increases in free radical generation as well as glutathione depletion and this is vital since glutathione is one of the few antioxidant molecules known to neutralize mercury.[xxix]

"For every molecule of pesticide that your body' detoxifies, you throw away or use up forever, a molecule of glutathione, magnesium and more," says Dr. Sherry Rogers who goes on to say that, "Your body uses nutrients to make this glutathione and it uses up energy as well. Every time we detoxify a chemical, we use up, lose, throw away forever, a certain amount of nutrients."

Sea minerals in general are very helpful to doctors because the relative composition of many mineral trace-elements of the animal body is similar to the composition of the sea, where the first forms of life began. The sea is rich in iodine, about 60 micrograms (?g) per liter. Brown algae (seaweeds) accumulate iodine to more than 30,000 times the concentration of this element in seawater.[xxx],[xxxi] Marine vegetation concentrates iodine for its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.[xxxii]

Doctors involved with Chernobyl nuclear plant catastrophe in 1989 used kelp for detoxification and thyroid gland rehabilitation, Modifilan helped thousands of nuclear plant workers and people in the area who were affected by the explosion because the iodine is protective against Strontium 90 and other toxicities.

The most important nutrient provided by kelp is iodine. Seaweed is noted for its ability to bind heavy metals and radioactive pollutants. Dr. Yukio Tanaka of the Gastrointestinal Research Lab at McGill University demonstrated that kelp may inhibit the absorption of lead, cadmium, and radioactive strontium (one of the most hazardous pollutants). 80 to 90 percent of radioisotopes of Strontium 90 could be removed from the intestinal tract in the presence of seaweed. Iodine and the sodium alginates found in seaweed are the specific agents that do the chelation. So much Strontium 90 has been released by nuclear explosions, power plants, and nuclear weapons facilities that it is believed that every person has detectable levels in their bone tissue. Many cancers are attributable to this contamination.

Some doctors see cancer tumors having characteristics very similar to yeasts. "Seaweeds (iodine) have exceptional value in the treatment of candida overgrowth. They contain selenium and (all the) other minerals necessary for rebuilding immunity; furthermore the rich iodine content is used by enzymes in the body to produce iodine-charged free radicals which deactivate yeasts. Before the advent of anti-fungal drugs, iodine was the standard medical treatment for yeasts. When candidiasis is complicated with tumours or cancers, then seaweed is of additional benefit. Salt should normally be restricted during candida overgrowth".[xxxiii]

In today's highly toxic world everyone is being heavily exposed to hazardous materials but for some strange reason the medical mainstream has been unwaveringly critical of the use of chelation in autistic children. The Food and Drug Administration considers treating autistic children with chelating drugs too risky and ineffective to grant approval for such use, though they have no answer themselves for safe and effective treatment of the disorder. An American Academy of Pediatrics article noted no published peer-reviewed research showing chelation therapy has any role to play in autism. The FDA and the AAP could not be more mistaken, more wrong as they deny and defend their insane ideas about the safety of poisons like mercury in vaccines and dental products. There is nothing safe or effective in trusting these organizations' judgments.

Medical authorities warn of possible ill consequences to children undergoing the therapy. Along with metals, it is true that synthetic chelation also can strip the body of essential minerals like zinc and iron. In addition, the treatment can carry risks that include liver and kidney damage, bone-marrow problems, skin rashes, allergic reactions and nutritional deficiencies, doctors said. Medical authorities are correct in this regard for when chelation is done the allopathic way with synthetic drugs like DMPS, DMSA and EDTA, with each holding their own toxicity, we have all the potential problems and complications described above. Yes there are highly skilled physicians who know how to avoid most of these problems but they are rare, hard to find and expensive.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

International Medical Veritas Association
Copyright 2007 All rights reserved.

[1] _

[ii] _

[iii] _

[iv] _

[v] Wolff J (1964) Transport of iodide and other anions in the thyroid gland. Physiol Rev 44:45-90

[vi] Bromide is an active and painful escharotic, a deodorant and an antiseptic, setting free ozone. Its vapor is highly irritant to the respiratory mucous membrane and the eyes, producing cough, hoarseness and dyspnoea. Internally, it is an active, corrosive poison, causing violent gastritis, depression and collapse. Bromides are pre-eminently depressants of the cerebral and spinal functions, also alterative, antispasmodic and hypnotic. The Potassium salt is especially a cardiac and muscular paralyzant. Bromides reduce the number of the respirations, and the heart's action and force; and though diminishing the calibre of the arterioles, they lower arterial tension. They lessen the activity of the brain cells, producing somnolence; diminish the sensibility of the peripheral nerves, causing anaesthesia of the skin and mucous membranes. They impair motility and the sexual function, cause great pallor and emaciation, lowered body-temperature, acne on the face and upper extremities, fetid breath, dysphagia, sluggish reflexes and defective coordination ; and if long continued may even impair the mental faculties, producing hallucinations in some cases, in others melancholia with suicidal tendency ; also incompetence of the sphincters and paralysis, beginning at the periphery and extending to the centres. The general result of their action is termed "Bromism," and is heralded by the acne and lowered faucial sensibility. It is probably due to the sedative influence of these agents on the sympathetic system, causing general anaemia of the brain, spinal cord, sexual organs, and skin. Differences in Action between the principal Bromides. More and author at this site: _

[vii] Sticht, G., K?ferstein, H., Bromine. In Handbook on Toxicity of Inorganic Compounds - Seiler HG and Sigel, H Editors, Marcel Dekker Inc, 143-151, 1988.

[viii] Fluoride is associated with cancer and it also accumulates in the thyroid as well as the pineal gland, an important hormone control center. Dr. Jennifer Luke's found out that the pineal gland which produces serotonin and melatonin was also a calcifying tissue, like the teeth and the bones, so she hypothesized it would concentrate fluoride to very high levels. Luke had 11 cadavers analyzed in the UK and found very high levels of fluoride in the calcium hydroxy apatite crystals produced by the gland. The average was 9000 ppm and went as high as 21,000 in one case. These levels are at, or higher, than fluoride levels in the bones of people suffering from skeletal fluorosis. Luke hypothesizes that one of the four enzymes needed to convert the amino acid tryptophan (from the diet) into melatonin is being inhibited by fluoride. Melatonin is reponsible for regulating all kinds of activities including the onset of puberty. It is thought that it is the fall of melatonin levels acts like a biological clock and triggers the onset of puberty. In her gerbil study she found that the high fluoride treated animals were reaching puberty earlier than the low fluoride ones. When one considers the seriousness of a possible interference by fluoride on a growing child's pineal gland (and for that matter, elderly pineal glands) it underlines the need for higher iodine intake to increase fluoride elimination.

[ix] Abraham, G.E., The historical background of the iodine project. The Original Internist, 12(2):57-66, 2005.

[x] Sangster, B., Blom, J.L., Sekhuis, V.M., et al, The Influence of Sodium Bromide in Man: A Study in Human Volunteers with Special Emphasis on the Endocrine and the Central Nervous System. Fd. Chem. Toxic., 21:409-419, 1983.

[xi] Miller, M.E., Cappon, C.J., Anion-Exchange Chromatographic Determination of Bromide in Serum. Clin. Chem. 30(5):781-783, 1984.

[xii] Rauws, A.G., Pharmacokinetics of Bromide Ion-An Overview. Fd. Chem. Toxic., 21:379-382, 1983

[xiii] _

[xiv] Breast Milk Iodine and Perchlorate Concentrations in Lactating Boston-Area Women;

J Clin Endocrin Metab. First published ahead of print February 20, 2007 as doi:10.1210/jc.2006-2738 _

[xv] Rocket Fuel in Lettuce _

[xvi] _

[xvii] W. S. Langford, AComprehensive Guide to Managing Autism, The Autism File Supplement, 2001.

[xviii] Suzuki YJ, Forman HJ, Sevanian A (1997) Oxidants as stimulators of signal transduction. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 22:269-285

[xix] K. Asayama and K. Kato, Oxidative muscular injury and its relevance to hyperthyroidism, Free Rad Biol Med 8 (1990), 293-303.

[xx] Oziol L, Faure P, Vergely C, Rochette L, Artur Y, Chomard P, Chomard P (2001) In vitro free radical scavenging capacity of thyroid hormones and structural analogues. J Endocrinol 170 :197-206

[xxi] Berking S, Czech N, Gerharz M et al. (2005) A newly discovered oxidant defence system and its involvement in the development of Aurelia aurita (Scyphozoa, Cnidaria): reactive oxygen species and elemental iodine control medusa formation. Int J Dev Biol 49:969-76

[xxii] Tseng YL, Latham KR (1984) Iodothyronines: oxidative deiodination by hemoglobin and inhibition of lipid peroxidation. Lipids 19:96-102

[xxiii] _

[xxiv]Magnesium deficiency (MgD) has been associated with production of reactive oxygen species, cytokines, and eicosanoids, as well as vascular compromise in vivo. Although MgD-induced inflammatory change occurs during "chronic" MgD in vivo, acute MgD may also affect the vasculature and consequently, predispose endothelial cells (EC) to perturbations associated with chronic MgD. As oxyradical production is a significant component of chronic MgD, we examined the effect of acute MgD on EC oxidant production in vitro. In addition we determined EC; pH, mitochondrial function, lysosomal integrity and general cellular antioxidant capacity. Decreasing Mg2+ (< or = 250microM) significantlyincreased EC oxidant production relative to control Mg2+ (1000microM). MgD-induced oxidant production, occurring within 30min, was attenuated by EC treatment with oxyradical scavengers and inhibitors of eicosanoid biosynthesis. Coincident with increased oxidant production were reductions in intracellular glutathione (GSH) and corresponding EC alkalinization. These data suggest that acute MgD is sufficient for induction of EC oxidant production, the extent of which may determine, at least in part, the extent of EC dysfunction/injury associated with chronic MgD. Effect of acute magnesium deficiency (MgD) on aortic endothelial cell (EC) oxidant production.Wiles ME, Wagner TL, Weglicki WB.The George Washington University Medical Center, Division of Experimental Medicine, Washington, D.C., USA. Life Sci. 1997;60(3):221-36.

[xxv] Martin, H?l?ne. Richert, Lysiane. Berthelot, Alain Magnesium Deficiency Induces Apoptosis in Primary Cultures of Rat Hepatocytes.* Laboratoire de Physiologie, et Laboratoire de Biologie Cellulaire, UFR des Sciences M?dicales et Pharmaceutiques, Besan?on, France. 2003 The American Society for Nutritional Sciences J. Nutr. 133:2505-2511, August 2003

[xxvi] Cell membranes contain a sodium/potassium ATPase, a protein that uses the energy of ATP to pump sodium ions out of the cell, and potassium ions into the cell. The pump works all of the time, like a bilge pump in a leaky boat, pumping K+ and Na+ in and out, respectively.

[xxvii] Liu XY, Jin TY, Nordberg GF, "Increased urinary calcium and magnesium excretions in rats injected with mercuric chloride." Pharmacol Toxicol, vol. 68 no. 4, pp. 254-259, 1991

[xxviii] Barbagallo, M. et al. Effects of glutathione on red blood cell intracellular magnesium: relation to glucose metabolism. Hypertension. 1999 Jul;34(1):76-82. Institute of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, University of Palermo, Italy.

[xxix] _

[xxx] Colin C, Leblanc C, Wagner E et al. (2003) The brown algal kelp Laminaria digitata features distinct bromoperoxidase and iodoperoxidase activities. J Biol Chem. 278:23545-52

[xxxi] Teas J, Pino S, Critchley A, Braverman LE (2004) Variability of iodine content in common commercially available edible seaweeds. Thyroid 14:836-41

[xxxii] Yun AJ, Lee PY, Bazar KA, Daniel SM, Doux JD (2005) The incorporation of iodine in thyroid hormone may stem from its role as a prehistoric signal of ecologic opportunity:an evolutionary perspective and implications for modern diseases. Med Hypotheses 65:804-10

[xxxiii] P. Pitchford, Healing with Whole Foods, Revised Edition, North Atlantic Books, 36, 1993.

Iodine: Bring Back the Universal Nutrient Medicine

Medical textbooks contain several vital pieces of misinformation
about the essential element Iodine, which may have caused
more human misery and death than both world wars combined.
Dr. Guy Abraham

The present situation we find ourselves in at the very beginning of the 21st century demands that we quickly reengineer medicine, not only mainstream allopathic but all the branches and alternatives. Consciousness is just forming around the conclusion that more than the majority of humans today are suffering from chronic poisoning. It is not just the fact that the tide of toxic chemicals is rising and accumulating in our cells and blood streams, wrecking physiological, emotional and mental havoc, but there is also a sheer drop in the quality and quantity of key nutrients being consumed. Iodine is a perfect example, in today's world the last thing you want to be short on is iodine.

Iodine is detected in every
organ and tissue in the body.

We might debate about the optimum dosage but we should find quick agreement that iodine is absolutely necessary for a healthy thyroid as well as healthy ovaries, breasts and prostate. Beside the greater risk for breast cancer in iodine deficient women, there is convincing evidence that iodine deficiency increases also the risk of thyroid cancer. These are just a few of the reasons to become interested in iodine. In an age of increasing toxic exposures we all need more not less iodine because it has very specific protective effects against several common poisons like fluoride, bromide, and to a lesser extent it helps eliminate lead and mercury from the body. Dr. Sebastiano Venturi, in Evolution of Dietary Antioxidants: Role of Iodine, makes it clear that iodine is a crucial antioxidant and apoptosis-inductor with anti-tumoral and anti-atherosclerotic activity. When we supplement with iodine we will see increased antioxidant activity[1] and immune system function.[ii]

Iodine, Cancer and Fibrocystic Disease

Several studies have demonstrated a relationship
between low iodine intake and fibrocystic disease of the
breast (FDB), both in women and laboratory animals.[iii]

Dr. David Derry said, "Lugol's solution is an iodine-in-water solution used by the medical profession for 200 years. One drop (6.5 mg per drop) of Lugol's daily in water, orange juice or milk will gradually eliminate the first phase of the cancer development namely fibrocystic disease of the breast so no new cancers can start. It also will kill abnormal cells floating around in the body at remote sites from the original cancer. Of course this approach appears to work for prostate cancer as prostate cancer is similar to breast cancer in many respects. Indeed, it likely will help with most cancers. Also higher doses of iodine are required for inflammatory breast cancer. As well we know that large doses of intravenous iodine are harmless which makes one wonder what effect this would have on cancer growth."

Because iodine deficiency results in increased iodine trapping
by the thyroid, iodine deficient individuals of all ages
are more susceptible to radiation-induced thyroid cancer.

Iodine plays a crucial role in the body's elimination system by inducing apoptosis, or what is called programmed cell death, and this is vital because this process is essential to growth and development and for destroying cells that represent a threat to the integrity of the organism, like cancer cells and cells infected with viruses.

Women with goiters (a visible, non-cancerous enlargement of
the thyroid gland) owing to iodine deficiency have been found
to have a three times greater incidence of breast cancer.
A high intake of iodine is associated with a low incidence breast
cancer, and a low intake with a high incidence of breast cancer.
Dr. Donald Miller Jr.

Iodine is a very important primary nutrient in regards to people's health and healing. So essential is iodine for life that those who are deficient in it suffer from a wide variety of afflictions (including cancer) that are difficult to trace back to this trace mineral. Iodine used to be considered much more importantly, so much so that up until 20 years ago, it had been routinely added to bread as a supplement. "Just how likely is an iodine deficiency in cancer? In an in-house study, 60 cancer patients (various types) were given the iodine-loading test and then measured for urinary excretion. All 60 patients were found to be seriously deficient in body stores of iodine and some had great excesses of bromine. The best case excreted only 50 percent of the load and the worst excreted only 20 percent (that means they were retaining a very high 80 percent). Folks, these are some serious numbers. One hundred percent of these cancer sufferers were deficient in iodine! I assure you the problem is population wide," writes Dr. Robert Rowen.

60 million mainland Japanese consume a daily average
of 13.8 mg of elemental iodine, and they are one of the healthiest
nations based on overall well being and cancer statistics.[iv]

Iodine is available in small amounts in some salts but health officials do not consider that most of the iodine evaporates while sitting on the kitchen table. In the United States 45 percent of American households buy salt without iodine and over the last three decades people who do use iodized table salt have decreased their consumption of it by 65 percent. Americans are consuming less iodine when in reality they need much more.

Iodine the Antiseptic

Iodine is by far the best antibiotic,
antiviral and antiseptic of all time.
Dr. David Derry

The antiseptic properties of iodine are used to sterilize every surface and material in hospitals. Iodine is an excellent microbicide with a broad range of action that includes almost all of the important health-related microorganisms, such as enteric bacteria, enteric viruses, bacterial viruses, fungi and protozoan cysts.[v] The minimum number of iodine molecules required to destroy one bacterium varies with the species. For H. influenzae it was calculated to be 15000 molecules of iodine per cell. When bacteria are treated with iodine, the inorganic phosphate up-take and oxygen consumption by the cells immediately ceases. [vi]

Though iodine kills all single celled organisms such as these it is not exploited for internal use by modern day physicians to combat internal infections, which of course is a great mistake. Dr. Derry says iodine is effective "for standard pathogens such as Staphylococcus, but also iodine has the broadest range of action, fewest side effects and no development of bacterial resistance." Some doctors have reported that it is excellent for the treatment of mononucleosis.

Iodine is able to penetrate quickly
through the cell walls of microorganisms.

Iodine is a deadly enemy of single cell microorganisms thus it can be our best friend. Iodine was not available to these life forms at the beginning of evolution and it was not until seaweed concentrated it did it become involved in higher life forms. It is for this reason that the simplest level of life cannot tolerate iodine. Iodine kills single celled organisms by combining with the amino acids tyrosine or histidine when they are exposed to the extra-cellular environment. All single cells showing tyrosine on their outer cell membranes are killed instantly by a simple chemical reaction with iodine that denatures proteins. Nature and evolution have given us an important mechanism to control pathogenic life forms and we should use it and trust it to protect us in ways that antibiotics can't. As we shall see directly below, so powerful is iodine in a protective sense that it also helps us rid the body, not only of harmful chemicals and heavy metals, but also rids the body of abnormal cells meaning it qualifies as an anticancer agent.

Elemental iodine is a potent germicide with a wide spectrum of activity and low toxicity to tissues. A solution containing 50 ppm iodine kills bacteria in 1 min and spores in 15 min. It is poorly soluble in water but readily dissolves in ethanol, which enhances its antibacterial activity. Iodine tincture contains 2% iodine and 2.4% sodium iodide (NaI) dissolved in 50% ethanol; it is used as a skin disinfectant. Strong iodine tincture contains 7% iodine and 5% potassium iodide (KI) dissolved in 95% ethanol; it is more potent but also more irritating than tincture of iodine. Iodine solution contains 2% iodine and 2.4% NaI dissolved in aqueous solution; it is used as a non irritant antiseptic on wounds and abrasions. Strong iodine solution (Lugol's solution) contains 5% iodine and 10% KI in aqueous solution. Iodophores (eg, povidone-iodine) are water-soluble combinations of iodine with detergents, wetting agents that are solubilizers, and other carriers. They slowly release iodine as an antimicrobial agent and are widely used as skin disinfectants, particularly before surgery.

Medical iodophobia has reached pandemic proportions.
It is highly contagious and has wreaked havoc on the
practice of medicine and on the U.S. population.
Dr. Guy Abraham

According to current W.H.O. statistics more than 3 billion people in the world live in iodine deficient countries and it is known that deficiencies of selenium, vitamin A and iron may exacerbate the effects of iodine deficiency. In the analysis of "National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys" data of moderate to severe iodine deficiency is present now in a significant proportion of the U.S. population, with a clear increasing trend over the past 20 years, caused by reduced iodized table salt usage.[vii] Along with magnesium and selenium, iodine is one of the most deficient minerals in our bodies. Iodine is essential for the synthesis of thyroid hormone, but selenium-dependent enzymes (iodothyronine deiodinases) are also required for the conversion of thyroxine (T4) to the biologically active thyroid hormone, triiodothyronine (T3). Selenium is the primary mineral responsible for T4 to T3 (thyroid hormones) conversion in the liver. (Selenium is absolutely essential in the age of mercury toxicity for it is the perfect antidote for mercury exposure. It is literally raining mercury all over the world but especially in the northern hemisphere. And of course with the dentists poisoning a world of patients with mercury dental amalgam and the doctors with their mercury laden vaccines, selenium is more important than most of us can imagine. One must remember that mercury strips the body of selenium for the selenium stores get used up quickly because of its great affinity for mercury)

Iodine is the agent which arouses (kindles) and keeps going the
flame of life. With the aid of our thyroid, in which the iodine is
manifesting, it can either damp this flame or kindle it to a dissolute fire.
Scholz 1990.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency include muscle cramps, cold hands and feet, proneness to weight gain, poor memory, constipation, depression and headaches, edema, myalgia, weakness, dry skin, and brittle nails. Sources include most sea foods, (ocean fish, but not fresh fish, shellfish, especially oysters), unrefined sea salt, kelp and other sea weeds, fish broth, butter, pineapple, artichokes, asparagus, dark green vegetables and eggs. Certain vegetables, such as cabbage and spinach, can block iodine absorption when eaten raw or unfermented and are called goitrogens. But eating fish won't give you iodine in mg amounts. To get 13.8 mg iodine, you would have to eat 10-20 pounds of fish per day.[viii]

Iodine is needed in microgram amounts for the thyroid,
mg amounts for breast and other tissues, and can
be used therapeutically in gram amounts.[ix]
Dr. David Miller

Inorganic non-radioactive iodine/iodide is an essential nutrient, not a drug. Therefore, the body has the metabolic mechanism for using inorganic iodine beneficially, effectively and safely. Iodine is as safe as magnesium chloride with a track record of 180 years of use in medicine. Published data confirms its safety even when used in pulmonary patients in amounts four orders of magnitude greater than the US RDA.[x] When patients take between 12.5 to 50 mg of iodine per day, it seems that the body becomes increasingly more responsive to thyroid hormones.[xi] Optimal intake of iodine in amounts two orders of magnitude greater than iodine levels needed for goiter control may be required for iodization of hormone receptors.[xii]

Iodine helps us utilize our proteins properly. In all likelihood
an iodine deficient person will remain protein deficient.
Dr. Bryce Vickery

Iodine is the essential ingredient in thyroid hormone synthesis. So if deficient, protein synthesis will be disturbed. Thyroid hormones have two major physiological effects. They increase protein synthesis in virtually every body tissue and increase oxygen consumption dependent upon Na+ -K+ ATPase (Na pump). The thyroid gland needs iodine to synthesize thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), hormones that regulate metabolism and steer growth and development. Thyroid hormones are essential for life as they regulate key biochemical reactions, especially protein synthesis and enzymatic activities, in target organs such as are the developing brain, muscle, heart, pituitary and kidney;[xiii] thus iodine is critically important to the developing fetus.

Iodine transport damage can be corrected, in part, by administration
of reasonably high doses of ascorbic acid or more natural Vitamin C.

The thyroid hormones are synthesized in the follicular cells of the thyroid. The first step to hormone synthesis is the import of iodide into the follicular cells. Thyroid hormone regulates mitochondrial protein synthesis through the stimulation of synthesis of mitochondrial protein synthesis modulators, and that the tissue specific modulators (stimulatory in liver and inhibitory in kidney) can be produced by the hormone.[xiv] Whole body iodine sufficiency is a critical means to counter the side effects of thyroid hormone medications (Synthroid, etc.). Long-term use of these drugs is associated with depletion of thyroid and tissue iodine levels, as well as increased rates of cancer. All thyroid patients should be on iodine therapy.

Iodine is a powerful primary nutrient with broad medicinal effects and a hundred years ago it was used universally by most doctors. From 1900 to the 1960s almost every single U.S. physician used Lugol (iodine) supplements in his or her practice for both hypo and hyperthyroid, as well as many, many other conditions all with excellent results. In fact, iodine was considered a panacea for all human ills. The Nobel laureate Dr. Albert Szent Gy?rgi (1893-1986), the physician who discovered vitamin C, writes: "When I was a medical student, iodine in the form of KI (potassium iodide) was the universal medicine. Nobody knew what it did, but it did something and did something good." Today we know what iodine does and how much it can help people but modern allopathic medicine is asleep at the switch letting people suffer and die for its lacking.

Iodine is a gatekeeper of mammary gland integrity

"Breast, ovarian, and skin cysts - In addition to fixing almost all cases of breast cysts, iodine also has a remarkable healing effect on ovarian cysts," says Dr. Robert Rowen. Though few know it swollen ovaries is a condition analogous to goiter, when the thyroid swells in response to iodine deficiency. Goiters often also result in a hormonal imbalance leading to hypothyroidism. In the case of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) the starvation of the ovaries causes them to become cystic, swollen and eventually unable to regulate the synthesis of their hormones leading to imbalances and infertility. Russian studies when investigating Fibrocystic breast disease also discovered that the greater the iodine deficiency the greater the number of cysts in the ovaries. Since 1928, the iodine concentration in the ovary has been known to be higher than in every other organ except the thyroid. Dr. Browstein has found in his research with high doses of iodine that cysts on the ovaries became smaller and began to disappear. He also found that libido in women and men increased.

It takes 20 to 40 times the amount of Iodine needed to control
breast cancer and fibrocystic disease than it does to prevent goiter.

In sufficient amounts iodine can not only adjust a dysfunctional thyroid, it can assist with a host of glandular imbalances as well as a wide assortment of internal as well as external bacteria, fungi, and virus's. Iodine has many non-endocrine biologic effects, including the role it plays in the physiology of the inflammatory response. Iodides increase the movement of granulocytes into areas of inflammation and improve the phagocytosis of bacteria by granulocytes and the ability of granulocytes to kill bacteria.[xv]

Dr. Robert Rowen informs that iodine reduces the activity of lipoprotein(a). When elevated, this protein can lead to excessive blood clotting and vascular disease. Iodine has been used successfully in headaches, keloid formation, parotid duct stones, and Dupuytren's and Peyronie's contractures. Doses up to six times the RDA have been used safely for months to combat the excessive mucous in chronic lung diseases. He also states that Iodine is found in large amounts in the brain (including the parts of the brain associated with Parkinson's disease) and the ciliary body of the eye, a possible factor in glaucoma.

"One 1860 French physician mistakenly gave a tincture of iodine when he meant to give digitalis to a woman with Grave's Disease. She recovered within three weeks. When he discovered his mistake, he switched to digitalis, and her symptoms came back. He switched back to the iodine and achieved a remission," reported Dr. Rowen.

The occurrence of iodine deficiency in cardiovascular disease is frequent. The thyroid hormone deficiency on cardiovascular function can be characterized with decreased myocardial contractility and increased peripheral vascular resistance as well as with the changes in lipid metabolism. A study done with 42 patiens with cardiovascular disease were divided into 5 subgroups on the ground of the presence of hypertension, congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, coronary dysfunction and arrhythmia. When urine concentrations were tested the most decreased urine iodine concentration was detected in the subgroups with arrhythmia and congestive heart failure. An elevated TSH level was found by 3 patients and elevation in lipid metabolism (cholesterol, triglyceride) associated with all subgroups without arrhythmia. The researchers concluded that iodine supplementation might prevent the worsening effect of iodine deficiency on cardiovascular disease.[xvi]

Iodine made its leap into medical history when a Swiss physician, Dr Jean Fran?ois Condet announced that iodine could reduce goiters (enlarged thyroids). At this moment, modern medical science was born because for the first time we have a specific disorder that is relieved by a specific treatment. It is most ironic to note that the very first step of allopathic medicine was into nutritional not chemical medicine with iodine being a common mineral from the sea.

The required daily amount (RDA) of iodine is just enough tokeep our thyroids
from expanding, like the RDA of vitamin C today which is just enough to keep us
free of scurvy, but not enough to prevent pre scurvy syndromes or Cardiovascular Disease.

"We placed am 83-year-old woman on orthoiodosupplementation for six months at 50 mgs of elemental iodine daily. She experienced a tremendous increase in energy, endurance, well being, and memory. At six months all her skin peeled off and was replaced by new, younger-looking skin. She was flabbergasted and amazed at her new appearance. In our experience older women (especially over 65) noticed a major difference both physically and mentally," wrote Dr. Guy Abraham, an endocrinologist who today is providing the backbone of the movement back toward the use of iodine as an essential safe and effective medicine.

Breast tissue has an affinity for iodine.
Iodine deficiency causes fibrocystic breast disease
with nodules, cyst enlargement, pain and scar tissue.

Drs. Abraham, Flechas and Brownstein tested more than 4,000 patients taking iodine in daily doses ranging from 12.5 to 50 mg, and in those with diabetes, up to 100 mg a day. These investigators found that "iodine does indeed reverse fibrocystic disease; their diabetic patients require less insulin; hypothyroid patients, less thyroid medication; symptoms of fibromyalgia resolve, and patients with migraine headaches stop having them." We can expect even better results when iodine is combined with magnesium chloride.

Most physicians and surgeons view iodine from a narrow perspective and this is one of the greatest tragedies of allopathic medicine. Most health officials are chemical terrorists in disguise as they ignore the toxic buildup going on in the general population and they have no intention of informing them what they can do about it. Mercury is a perfect case in point. Mercury is toxic from whatever source it arrives into our bodies but doctors and dentists still insist on using it, which puts us solidly in the modern age of medical and dental barbarism. We like to think we are an advanced race of intelligent beings but lo and behold we find what are supposed to be the best and most intelligent of us poisoning young and old alike with mercury. It is beyond criminality what they are doing and what they are denying.

On top of everything these same health officials do not even have an understanding of the basic medicines already in use, like iodine, magnesium chloride, and sodium bicarbonate, all emergency room substances that save peoples' lives everyday. To most doctors iodine is an antiseptic that disinfects drinking water and prevents surgical wound infections, and the thyroid gland needs it to make thyroid hormones - and that's it. But Dr. George Flechas relates that many of his diabetic patients need lowering of insulin dosage and diabetic drugs after repletion of iodine deficiency and others have observed the same thing. Something is dangling itself before our very eyes, a medical mystery that will enlighten us about our ignorance about how important minerals are for life. Both general and medical scientists can explain why diabetics and others benefit so greatly from heavy iodine supplementation, but will allopathic medical officials listen? Don't count on it.

Iodine is utilized by every hormone receptor in the body.
The absence of iodine causes a hormonal dysfunction that
can be seen with practically every hormone inside the body.
Dr. George Flechas

This, in part, would already start to explain why Dr. Flechas sees such dramatic results with his diabetic patients. Why would many people who take iodine report that they have a greater sense of well-being, increased energy, and a lifting of brain fog? They feel warmer in cold environments, need somewhat less sleep, improved skin complexion, and have more regular bowel movements. The most obvious answer is that iodine is a trace mineral used to synthesize hormones and is a mineral that is very important to how hormones function at the hormone receptor sites.

Thyroxin and Triiodothyronine stimulates and maintains normal heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature.[xvii] "Despite the general medical dependence upon special hormone tests, such as TSH, etc, temperature appears to be much more accurate for assessing thyroid function. During the past decade, I have noticed that 90% of individuals have a temperature BELOW normal. The oral temperature before getting out of bed in the morning should be 97.6 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Mid-afternoon the temperature should be 98.6. Temperature is the simplest measure of basal metabolic rate, the key function of the thyroid gland," said Dr. Norman Shealy, who suggests iodine dosages of 1500 micrograms daily 4 to 6 weeks. If basal temperature comes to normal, lower iodine dosage to 600 mcg daily.

Iodine's ability to revive hormonal sensitivity seems to significantly improve insulin sensitivity. Dr. Flechas said, "It was while treating a large 320-pound woman with insulin dependent diabetes that we learned a valuable lesson regarding the role of iodine in hormone receptor function. This woman had come in via the emergency room with a very high random blood sugar of 1,380 mg/dl. She was then started on insulin during her hospitalization and was instructed on the use of a home glucometer. She was to use her glucometer two times per day. Two weeks later on her return office visit for a checkup of her insulin dependent diabetes she was informed that during her hospital physical examination she was noted to have FBD. She was recommended to start on 50 mg of iodine(4 tablets) at that time. One week later she called us requesting to lower the level of insulin due to having problems with hypoglycemia. She was told to continue to drop her insulin levels as long as she was experiencing hypoglycemia and to monitor her blood sugars carefully with her glucometer. Four weeks later during an office visit her glucometer was downloaded to my office computer, which showed her to have an average random blood sugar of 98. I praised the patient for her diligent efforts to control her diet and her good work at keeping her sugars under control with the insulin. She then informed me that she had come off her insulin three weeks earlier and had not been taking any medications to lower her blood sugar. When asked what she felt the big change was, she felt that her diabetes was under better control due to the use of iodine."

Increased metabolic rate increases the need for iodine.
If a person is not getting enough iodine and are
on thyroid meds they will become more deficient.

Dr. Fletchas[xviii] reported that two years later and 70 pounds lighter this above patient continues to have excellent glucose control on iodine 50 mg per day. "We since have done a study of twelve diabetics and in six cases we were able to wean all of these patients off of medications for their diabetes. The range of daily iodine intake was from 50 mg to 100 mg per day. All diabetic patients were able to lower the total amount of medications necessary to control their diabetes."

A lack of iodine in the skin manifests as very dry skin
and skin that does not sweat when an individual becomes hot.

Dr. Jorge D. Flechas

Everyone agrees that a lack of iodine in the diet causes a spectrum of disorders that includes, in increasing order of severity, goiter and hypothyroidism, mental retardation, and cretinism (severe mental retardation accompanied by physical deformities). Iodine deficient humans, like endemic cretins, suffer physical, neurological, mental, immune and reproductive diseases. Iodine is important in the proper function of the nervous system and Dr. S. Cunnane[xix] suggests that "iodine is the primary brain selective nutrient in human brain evolution."

Iodine deficiency is a major cause of under-functioning intellect.[xx] Dr. Flechas agrees, "In newborn children iodine is responsible for the development of the babies' I.Q. Recent research shows iodine deficiency is felt to be the source of attention deficit disorder in children." We have an absolute epidemic of autism in this country," said Representative Dan Burton (R-Indiana). "Parents and doctors are struggling to find appropriate treatment options." What help iodine can be to neurological damaged children has not been explored yet but iodine and magnesium logically should be some of the first things parents should reach for. We certainly will find science to create a foundation for the use of iodine before, during and after pregnancy.

Deficiency of iodine seems to cause more damage in developing embryos and in fact, in pregnant women iodine deficiency causes abortions and stillborns.[xxi] It is not cretinism alone that holds risks from deficiency, but the very survival of the infant itself. Adequate iodine may also provide protection from infection and vaccine damage. In a study done on 617 infants between the ages of 6 weeks and six months, in an iodine deficient area, it was shown that with the addition of 100 mg of iodine oil to the diet of newborns, that the death rate of infants was markedly lower than for those without any supplementation.[xxii]

Magnesium and iodine deficiencies are the
causes of autoimmune thyroiditis, not excess iodide.

Iodine deficiency poses significant additional reproductive risks, including overt hypothyroidism and infertility. Hypothyroidism causes anovulation, infertility, and gestational hypertension.[xxiii] Adequate tissue iodine helps guide estrogen into friendly pathways that support proper function of female sex hormones. Iodine contributes to the formation of testosterone. In women this supports healthy sex drive. In men, testosterone is vital to function.

Iodine is my drug of choice. I use it for everything. I raise my kids and
now my grandkids on iodine. My son was due to have his tonsils removed
and I decided to paint his tonsils and he has never been had any more
problems with his throat. I took a spray bottle and poured some iodine into the
bottle and sprayed his tonsils. As you may know iodine dries quickly, so he
didn't really swallow any. It worked within 24 hours after spraying the throat.

According to Dr. John Myer iodine has a marked effect on muscle contraction directly. It relieves cramps of the leg muscles known as "charley horses". It also relieves pain in the pericardium, which he believes is similar contraction of the heart muscles, and it has a remarkable effect on muscle energy and contraction of all muscles of the body. Dr. Myer also asserts that iodine plays a decisive and critical role in the lymph system and in the lymph glands. Swollen sub maxillary glands known as "waxen kernels" to our parents and grandparents, will soften and regress within minutes after allowing iodized lime to dissolve in the mouth.

Iodine is a very effective method for water purification. Its action is dependent on the concentration of iodine, the water temperature and duration of contact. For example, a concentration of 8 mgs per liter at 20 degrees centigrade will destroy all pathogens if left for 10 minutes. Lower concentrations and lower water temperatures require a longer duration of action. Iodine tablets were developed during World War II to disinfect small amounts of water for emergency or temporary use. A few drops of tincture of iodine or iodine tablets are popular with campers and the military for disinfecting water. An iodine residual of 0.5 to 1.0 mg/l should be maintained and iodine at this level gives the water little or no iodide taste or odor.

When one combines the intake of iodine with other minerals (Iodine in combination with selenium increased the activities of type 1 deiodinase (D1) and glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx)[xxiv] one can expect strong and positive changes in cell physiology. Iodine with magnesium, with the help of natural chelation will resolve tough, stubborn problems that resist other treatments. Dr. Linus Pauling's 'orthomolecular medicine,' which refers to the concept of creating the optimal molecular environment in the body ('orthomolecular' means 'the right molecules') should have become the foundational stone for medicine but was replaced by a system that massively destroys peoples' life and health with pharmaceutical poisons. Allopaths live with the illusion that the dose makes the poison meaning they are always assuming that there is too little poison in their medicines to do harm. We are just beginning to find out how tragically wrong they have been and the staggering cost in terms of lives lost because of this mistake.

Iodine and/or selenium deficiency may modify
the distribution and the homeostasis of other minerals.[xxv]

Running our bodies without sufficient minerals is like running a car without oil. Our engines of cellular life begin to seize up especially quickly today because of all the impurities in our food, air, water and medical and dental drugs and substances. Minerals are powerful medicines exactly because they directly touch upon and effect vital body physiology.

One might go as far as imagining that there might even be a conspiracy to keep us iodine deficient, because if we are iodine deficient our will to resist is diminished, our apparent intellect, energy and vitality are all diminished and we are significantly more vulnerable to thyroid malfunction, endocrine/hormonal imbalances, breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer. Many fine physicians are wondering why the RDA for iodine would be set so low, and why would many of the former sources of iodine be diminished or removed and replaced with things like bromides and fluorides that deplete iodine and offer no worthwhile compensation for the replacement?

Dr. Daniel H. Duffy uses some very harsh but deserved words while asking some clear questions about iodine. "Isn't it odd that the government dispenses Iodine to protect against radioactive iodine resulting from a nuclear disaster when the medical quacks are dumping the same type of radioactive iodine into patients with thyroid problems in a stupid attempt to "cure" thyroid "disease" caused by a lack of elemental iodine in its natural state found in nature? Nature's iodine protects our thyroid glands from taking up biologically destructive, radioactive iodine, yet the medical quacks use similar radioactive iodine to destroy our thyroid glands? Why did doctors quit using Lugol's solution, the sure cure for thyroid disease? Why did the medical quacks bring in anti thyroid drugs and goitrogens to kill the thyroid gland when iodine was being used so successfully for so long?"

President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, "Nothing in Government and politics happens by accident, you can bet if something happened it was well planned." J. Edgar Hoover said: "The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." When it comes to iodine suspect the worst from top government health officials who only seem to want to poison the public. What can one say about an FDA that, for example continues to assert the safety of aspartame when scientists around the world are finding it to be the worst food additive ever used? Now that there is an iodine revival going on expect the FDA to clamp down on its availability.

Orthoiodosupplementation should be part
of a complete nutritional program,
emphasizing magnesium instead of calcium.
Dr. Guy Abraham

Orthoiodosupplementation employs elemental iodine supplements until the thyroid gland and all other iodine-sensitive sites in the body have reached iodine sufficiency. In reality there is no reason to fear iodine if approached with reason and a slight bit of caution[xxvi] for it will stimulate a detoxification process of heavy metals especially of hologens. All doctors used iodine a hundred years ago and the best ones are still using it today.

Every 17 minutes, every drop of blood in our body flushes through
our thyroid, and if our thyroid has an adequate supply of iodine, blood-borne
bacteria and viruses are killed off as the blood passes through the thyroid.

We are just beginning to rediscover the amazing curative powers of iodine. While it may not be the panacea that old-timers have claimed it to be when used alone, when combined with magnesium chloride, ALA, and in the special case of cancer, with sodium bicarbonate, we will find something quite extraordinary. Survival Medicine for the 21st Century contains a revolutionary protocol for breast cancer that includes magnesium chloride, iodine and sodium bicarbonate. These three emergency room medicines when combined and used correctly will revolutionize the field of oncology but will threaten the pharmaceutical industry whose profits will suffer enormously from the widespread use of these inexpensive, safe and effective nutritional medicines.

The medical truth is obvious and as plain as day, but most of the time it does not line up with conventional thinking. But given time medical science will catch up to the obvious. As you will see in Transdermal Magnesium Therapy, the research is already there showing magnesium chloride to be the number one heavyweight champion of the medical world able to save lives with a single bound in emergency situations and it, along with other basic nutritional substances concentrated for medical purposes are the answers we are looking for to protect ourselves and loved ones in the age of toxicity that we are all unfortunately passing through.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

[1] Saker KE, Fike JH, Veit H, Ward DL (2004) Brown seaweed-(Tasco) treated conserved forage enhances antioxidant status and immune function in heat-stressed wether lambs. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 88:122-30.

[ii] Saker KE, Allen VG, Fontenot JP, Bagley CP, Ivy RL, Evans RR, Wester DB (2001) Tasco-Forage: II. Monocyte immune cell response and performance of beef steers grazing tall fescue treated with a seaweed extract. J Anim Sci 79:1022-31

[iii] Ghent, W., et al, Can. J. Surg., 36:453-460,1993.

Eskin, B., et al, Biological Trace Element Research, 49:9-19, 1995.

[iv] Abraham, G.E., The historical background of the iodine project. The Original Internist, 12(2):57-66, 2005.

[v] _

Table 4: Microbiological Efficacy Activity of PVP-Iodine versus Bacteria, Yeasts and Molds, Actinomycetes and Rickettsia


Proteus (41)
100 - 2500
15 - 180

Staphylococcus (36)
66 - 2500
15 - 80

Pseudomonas (36)
25 - 2500
15 - 900

Streptococcus (25)
200 - 2500
15 - 30

Escherichia (23)
200 - 2500
30 - 120

Salmonells (9)
1000 - 2500
15 - 60

Candida (8)
3.75 - 2500
10 - 120

Serratia (6)
200 - 2500
60 - 120

Spores-Baccillus; Clostridium (6)
2 - 5 Hours

Trichomomonas (5)
400 - 2500
30 - 60

Enterobacter (4)
1000 - 2500

Klebsiella (4)
500 - 2500

Clostridium (4)
30 - 60

Shigella (3)
1000 - 2500

Corynebacterium (3)

Diplococcus (3)
1000 - 2500

Mycobacterium (3)
1000 - 2500
60 - 120

Bacillus (3)
7.5 - 2500
10 - 30

Sarcina (2)
500 - 2500

Trichophyton (2)

Aspergillus (2)

Mima (1)

Herella (1)

Edwardsiella (1)

Citrobacter (1)

Providencia (1)

Acienetobacter (1)

Epidermophyton (1)

Microsporum (1)

Pencillium (1)

Nocardia (1)


[vii] Hollowell JG, Staehling NW, Hannon WH, et al. (1998) Iodine nutrition in the United States. Trends and public health implications: iodine excretion data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys I and III (1971-1974 and 1988-1994). J Clin Endocrinol Metab 83: 3401-3408

[viii] The iodine content of most foods depends on the iodine content of the soil in which it was raised. Seafood is rich in iodine because marine animals can concentrate the iodine from seawater. Certain types of seaweed (e.g. wakame) are also very rich in iodine. Processed foods may contain slightly higher levels of iodine due to the addition of iodized salt or food additives, such as calcium iodate and potassium iodate. Dairy products are relatively good sources of iodine because iodine is commonly added to animal feed in the U.S. In the U.K. and northern Europe, iodine levels in dairy products tend to be lower in summer when cattle are allowed to graze in pastures with low soil iodine content . The table below lists the iodine content of some iodine-rich foods in micrograms (mcg). Because the iodine content of foods can vary considerably, these values should be considered approximate ;

Iodine (mcg)

Salt (iodized)
1 gram

3 ounces*

3 ounces

Fish sticks
2 fish sticks

Tuna, canned in oil
3 ounces (1/2 can)

Milk (cow's)
1 cup (8 fluid ounces)

Egg, boiled
1 large

Navy beans, cooked
1/2 cup

Potato with peel, baked
1 medium

Turkey breast, baked
3 ounces

1 ounce, dried
Variable; may be greater than 18,000 mcg (18 mg)

[ix] Iodine Metabolism; _

[x] The RDA limits for vitamins and minerals were established after World War II. One of the last essential elements included in the RDA system was iodine, established in 1980 and confirmed in 1989. The RDA for iodine was based on the amount of iodine/iodide needed to prevent goiter, extreme stupidity and hypothyroidism. The optimal requirement of the whole human body for iodine has never been studied. Therefore, the optimal amount of this element for physical and mental wellbeing is unknown. Based on demographic studies, the mainland Japanese consumed an average of 13.8 mg daily and they are one of the healthiest people on planet earth. One tablet of Iodoral contains 12.5 mg iodine/iodide, an amount very close to the 13.8 mg average intake of mainland Japanese.

[xi] Abraham, G.E., Flechas, J.D., Hakala, J.C., Orthoiodosupplementation: Iodine sufficiency of the whole human body. The Original Internist, 9:30-41, 2002.

[xii] Abraham, G.E., Flechas, J.D., Hakala, J.C., Orthoiodosupplementation: Iodine sufficiency of the whole human body. The Original Internist, 9:30-41, 2002.

[xiii] _

[xiv] Nippon Naibunpi Gakkai Zasshi. 1985 Nov 20;61(11):1249-58.Induction of cytosolic proteins controlling mitochondrial protein synthesis by thyroid hormone.

[xv] Stone OJ (1988) The role of the primitive sea in the natural selection of iodides as a regulating factor in inflammation. Med Hypotheses. 25:125-129

[xvi] [Iodine deficiency in cardiovascular diseases]; Molnar I, Magyari M, Stief L.Orv Hetil. 1998 Aug 30;139(35):2071-3.

[xvii] _

[xviii] Orthoiodosupplementation in a Primary Care Practice; Jorge Fleches, M.D. _

[xix] Cunnane SC (2005) Survival of the Fattest: The Key to Human Brain Evolution. World Scientific Publishing Company (Hardcover)

[xx] J Clin Endocr and Met 1998; 83:3401-08

[xxi] Dunn JT, Delange F (2001) Damaged reproduction: the most important consequence of iodine deficiency. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 8:2360-3

[xxii] Infant Survival Is Improved by Oral Iodine Supplementation; Cobra et al; The Journal of Nutrition Vol. 127 No. 4 April 1997, pp. 574-578 _

[xxiii] Damaged Reproduction: The Most Important Consequence of Iodine Deficiency; Dunn and Delange 86 (6): 2360. (2001) _

[xxiv] Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, People's Republic of China. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2006 Summer;111(1-3):229-38.

[xxv] Tissue distribution of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn, the essential trace elements associated with oxidant and/or antioxidant processes, was examined in iodine- and/or selenium-deficient rats. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2003 Dec;95(3):247-58 Entrez Pubmed

[xxvi] Iodine therapy is not as completely free from side effects as magnesium is but compared to medical treatments, thyroid drugs, and all the rest, iodine is very safe. Simply proceed with caution, follow directions vigilantly, and carefully monitor your results. It is always best to use a high quality iodine supplement and to start with low dosages and work the dosages up slowly
The following are only quotes from articles:

“ Iodine is a crucial antioxidant and apoptosis-inductor with anti-tumoral and anti-atherosclerotic activity. When we supplement with iodine we will see increased antioxidant activity[ii] and immune system function."

“Iodine is absolutely essential especially in the age of increasing radiation, necessary in the extreme to protect our thyroids and maintain normal mitochondrial function. With increasing radiation levels and carcinogenic fluoride threatening our thyroids and the fact that iodine also helps eliminate heavy metals like mercury and lead, it has become more than extremely important.”

“Magnesium is a universal medicine unequalled in the allopathic universe yet it, along with iodine, the universal medicine widely accepted and acknowledged a hundred years ago, are both nutritional substances that are available in foods and as isolated substances available at any local health food store. No prescription or doctor needed. Both magnesium and iodine are much safer and much more effective than the best that allopathic medicine has to offer. They are also more then necessary because the majority, perhaps as high as 90 percent of the population, is deficient in both magnesium and iodine. Most estimates of vitamin and mineral deficiencies in populations are based on the RDA (Federal Required Daily Allowance) which are set obscenely low.”

“ Natural Allopathic Medicine represents a new therapeutic principle that revolutionizes allopathic and naturopathic medicine simultaneously. Built on bedrock medical science and evidence based therapeutics, Survival Medicine answers our need for a radical shift in medical thought and practice. Survival Medicine introduces several new medical approaches like transdermal magnesium chloride therapy, sodium bicarbonate treatments for cancer and Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) for chelation and free radical control.”

“ The absence of iodine in the thyroid causes goiter.[ii] Goiter is associated with breast cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. It is felt by some researchers that the absence of iodine is a promoter of cancer. Is it such a fantastic leap to conclude that iodine has its place in the treatment of cancer?”

“Selenium deficiency impairs thyroid hormone metabolism by inhibiting the synthesis and activity of the iodothyronine deiodinases, which convert thyroxine (T4) to the more metabolically active 3,3'-5 triiodothyronine (T3). In rats, concurrent selenium and iodine deficiency produces greater increases in thyroid weight and plasma thyrotrophin than iodine deficiency alone, indicating that a concurrent selenium deficiency could be a major determinant of the severity of iodine deficiency.”

“ Later studies showed that serum T4 was maintained at control levels when both dietary iodine and selenium were low, but not when iodine alone, or selenium alone, was low. Activity of thyroidal GSH-Px (erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase) was lowest in rats fed a diet containing high iodine and low selenium. The results suggested that high iodine intake, when selenium is deficient, may permit thyroid tissue damage as a result of low thyroidal GSH-Px activity during thyroid stimulation. A moderately low selenium intake normalized circulating T4 concentration in the presence of iodine deficiency.”

"Adequate selenium nutritional status may help protect against some of the neurological effects of iodine deficiency. Researchers involved in the Supplementation en Vitamines et Mineraux AntioXydants (SU.VI.MAX) study in France, which was designed to assess the effect of vitamin and mineral supplements on chronic disease risk, evaluated the relationship between goiter and selenium in a subset of this research population. Their findings suggest that selenium supplements may be protective against goiter.[xxxv] Selenium (Se) in the form of selenocysteine is an essential component of the family of the detoxifying enzymes glutathione peroxidase (Gpx) and of the iodothyronine selenodeiodinases that catalyze the extrathyroidal production of tri-iodothyronine (T(3)). Thus, Se deficiency may seriously influence the generation of free radicals, the conversion of thyroxine (T(4)) to T(3) and a thyroidal autoimmune process."

"Selenium is also essential for the production of estrogen sulfotranserfase which is the enzyme which breaks down estrogen. A deficiency of selenium can thus lead to excessive amounts of estrogen, which may depress thyroid function, and also upset the progesterone-estrogen balance. Animal studies have shown that the addition of selenium supplementation will alleviate the effects of excess iodine intake.[xxxix] Iodine and selenium deficiencies must both be resolved for iodine treatment to be effective."

Nascent Iodine

Iodine is utilized by every hormone receptor in the body.
The absence of iodine causes a hormonal dysfunction that
can be seen with practically every hormone inside the body.

Nascent Iodine is a scientific term for iodine where the iodine molecule has the diatomic bond broken and has a high amount of electromagnetic energy associated with it. During the 2 to 3 hour of activation time (within the human body, once diluted in water and consumed) the nascent iodine atom has the ability to be of assistance to the body. This form of iodine is produced by subjection of a 1 % tincture of iodine to a high electro magnetic field for a given time in order to produce the nascent iodine state. This atomic state and electromagnetic charge is held by the atom until diluted in water and consumed. Once diluted and inside the body this atom is readily absorbed and utilized by the body. This charged atom of iodine starts a process where it gradually loses its energy over 2 to 3 hours. During this time the body recognizes this atom as the same nascent iodine it produces in the thyroid in order to make the T3 and T4 hormones.

The atomic iodine is perhaps the least toxic and
least irritating of all the iodine formulas available.

The quality that separates nascent iodine from all other iodine products is that the diatomic bond is broken with each atom keeping one of the two electrons that had made up the covalent bond. This is known as homolytic cleavage and causes the iodine atom to be subject to magnetic charging. The iodine being in the atomic state was the reason it was called Atomidine, for Atomic Iodine (1926 to 1935). This atomic state and large electromagnetic charge is held by the atom until diluted in water where it then rapidly looses its charge.

Nascent Iodine is a complete atom
no extra electrons none missing.

It was the famous psychic Edgar Cayce, who suggested iodine for all sorts of thyroid problems, who advised that it would be necessary to electrically charge the iodine to change it into its "atomic" form. This charging converts the iodine into a form that the body can most fully recognize and assimilate. (Iodine trichlorite claims to be atomic iodine, but it's not.) A true atomic iodine is the best kind to bring the thyroid to its optimal function because it supports and saturates the thyroid without any toxic buildup.

Iodine is a well known topical germicidal agent effective against a wide spectrum of organisms including bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Iodine is normally available as solutions, alcoholic tinctures and iodophors. Iodophors were developed because iodine tinctures caused skin irritation, severe hypersensitivity reactions and systemic absorption of iodine. Iodophors are compounds of iodine linked to carriers for iodine and only a small amount of iodine is released minimizing toxicity, which is not really a problem at all when iodine is administered in its pure atomic form.

Iodine has bactericidal activity, e.g. a 1% tincture
will kill 90% of bacteria in 90 seconds, a 5% tincture
in 60 seconds and a 7% tincture in 15 seconds.

Gershenfeld, 1968

Iodide uptake by the thyroid is an active process.[1] So much of the information on iodine insists that iodine should be taken in its two major forms, iodide and iodine. An iodide ion is an iodine atom with a ?1 charge. Compounds with iodine in formal oxidation state ?1 are called iodides. Dr. David Brownstein wrote that "it is very difficult to get iodine into a solution that uses water as a solvent. Therefore as Dr. Lugol discovered, using the reduced form of iodine (iodide) increases the solubility of iodine." Atomic or Nascent Iodine is not dissolved in water but in alcohol.

I have used various iodide preparations
for years with mixed success.
Dr. David Brownstein

Iodized salt and the iodine supplements usually found in health food stores contain the iodide form of iodine but Dr. Brownstein, one of the world's iodine experts has had little success treating patients with only iodide. The supplement Iodoral contains both the iodide (reduced) and iodine (oxidized) forms of iodine. The US RDA for iodine is 150 mcg. Iodoral contains 100 times (12.5 mgs) the RDAs requirement of iodine/iodide. One drop of Nascent iodine = RDA of 0.2 mg. If using for additional energy and general improved health take up to 5 drops daily. That would mean only one milligram.

We do in fact find that when taking a nascent form of iodine, therapeutic doses are much lower. If recommended by your healthcare professional for assistance with a chronic health concern take 5 drops three or four times a day or as instructed by your healthcare professional. Thirty drops per day is the equivalent of 6 mg. of iodine or 1 drop of Lugol's iodine. Frequent small doses are more effective than larger amounts at less frequent intervals. Always take on an empty stomach. Most will find that it is important to build up gradually in order to experience the least amount of detoxification reaction. (See chapter Iodine and Chelation) It is best when using strong chelators, which iodine is, to moderate the amount of detoxification symptoms or what is called the Herxemeirs reaction, which is the experience of poisons being dumped into the blood stream from the cells or from large scale yeast die offs. This is most readily controlled with iodine in the atomic form simply because it is so easy to control and regulate the dose.

Iodine is an easily oxidisable substance. Food that is present in the digestive tract will oxidize iodine to iodide which is not corrosive to the gastrointestinal tract. Oral iodine appears to be inactivated by combination with gastrointestinal contents. Absorption is poor due to rapid conversion of iodine to iodide[ii] and this might explain why one needs to take very high doses of Iodoral or Lugols compared to nascent iodine, which seems to bypass the digestive track altogether meaning its absorption starts right in the mouth and continues through direct penetration of the stomach tissues. The nascent appears to go into direct use by the body directly as soon as it is exposed to soft tissues. This is no stretch of the imagination since we know that iodide is completely and rapidly absorbed throughout all areas of the GI tract. Dr. Brownstein says that the downside of Lugol's solution is the taste and the dosing of it. Lugol's has a distinct metallic taste that many people find offensive. The atomic iodine on the other hand is like sipping on a heavenly gift, you can sense in a millisecond its positive nature.

Iodide has to be converted back to the nascent form in order to produce T3 and T4. Would the body not recognize nascent iodine as what is needed in the thyroid and take it there to avoid the steps of active transport to produce nascent iodine when it already has it available? This could explain why some people report that they feel the atomic form of iodine in their thyroid within 10 minutes. Is there really time for the iodine to get into the intestines and be converted into an iodide to be shipped to the thyroid?

Sunkar A. Bisey a Hindu scientist was suffering from malaria in the early nineteen-hundreds and quinine didn't do him any good. His life was despaired of, and a Hindu doctor, hoping to save the life of India's greatest inventor, sent on a few doses of a Burmese preparation, made from seaweed, that had proved useful in treating chronic malaria there. Bisey tried it. The effect was electrical. He began to improve at once and in a month was a well man. He set out to research the contents of the seaweed and ended up producing the compound now known as Beslin or atomic iodine. Atomic iodine is iodine molecules broken down to individual atoms, which is the exact form that the body needs to make thyroid hormones. If iodine is not in the atomic form the molecules of iodine first need to be broken down and that of course takes energy.

Malaria was treated with 20 drops of nascent iodine in a half glass of water given 4 or 5 times during the first day and then going to 10 drops of nascent iodine 4 times a day for 3 more days. A slide study of the blood shows that the malaria is gone from the body. It is interesting to note that Salem Banajeh, Associate Professor-Child Health at Sana'a University-Sana'a-Yemen found that case fatality for malaria is 4 times higher in highlands compared with endemic areas.[iii] Iodine deficiency would explain this, which would explain why iodine is an effective treatment for malaria.

Dr. A. Regnault, while recognizing the great value of quinine in the treatment of malaria, said in 1901 that it was becoming a matter of general recognition that the quinine-series of drugs is of service only during certain developmental periods of the disease. It is held that the toxins are developed with great rapidity just at the time of the division of the parasites. In order to eliminate these toxins, Dr. Regnault suggested the use of iodine and potassium iodide, iodine being a body which has a special affinity for bodies of the alkaloid class, and presumably for the supposed analogies of these toxins. The results obtained were reported as being very striking in that not only were the attacks aborted, but the action on the fever itself was striking and immediate with chills, vomiting and malaise disappearing rapidly. The remedies were employed in the following strength: Tincture of Iodine and potassium iodide, of each, 1; distilled water, 25.[iv]

"Iodine has many positive therapeutic actions. It is a potent anti-infective agent. No virus, bacteria or parasite has been shown to be resistant to iodine therapy," writes Dr. Brownstein. This is an incredible statement but one that can easily be backed by hardcore medical science. It is the reason hospitals use iodine by the gallon and in reality the only reason hospitals are not like ground zero sites contaminated in an infectious sense is because of iodine's broad spectrum anti-infective power.

Few are the doctors who have realized that iodine can be taken internally in large quantities and that it will have the same effect internally as it does on external surfaces. When we look at the fact that the entire focus of vaccines is anti-viral, that bacterial infections are becoming more threatening and more antibiotic resistant, that cancer is always accompanied by and or is a fungal yeast infection, we might begin to realize how iodine can again become a doctor's best friend. Oncologist Dr. Tullio Simoncini in Rome already uses it for skin and breast cancer but even he has overlooked its potential for internal application for the same action against cancer yeasts and fungi. The secret to successful application in high enough quantities is provided by Nascent Iodine.

Nascent Iodine is more potent in its action because of its
formulation, and because the toxicity has been removed.

When the thyroid becomes fully saturated from continued ingestion of detoxified iodine, whatever it doesn't need is eagerly grabbed by other tissues of the body independent of the form meaning iodide is not necessary. After the atomic iodine has made its rounds, whatever then remains and is unable to be used is excreted in the urine. The urine will turn bright yellow from the excess, similar to what happens with water-soluble B-vitamins that the body doesn't need. And, any excess can help the kidneys if there's an infection at the site.

Note: even nascent iodine is safe to use, too much taken too late in the day can be stimulating enough to keep you awake. As with any other supplement, use discretion.

There is a difference between Nascent Iodine and Detoxified Iodine, which itself is a high quality form of iodine. Detoxified Iodine is produced at 10 amps of resistance for five minutes. Nascent Iodine is more difficult to produce. The time required to get iodine into the nascent state is 15 to 20 minutes at 30 amps with a very limited quantity of iodine. The result is that heat is generated and that must be dissipated in order to have the process continue. Historians who have speculated as to why this process was never used in the 1930's by Sunkar A. Bisey to improve his product was that it is just to time consuming and costly to make the nascent iodine through this method. For those who notice the results of nascent iodine it may seem costly to make but well worth it for the results. (I have had several people who have used different iodine products of these types conclusively claim they can feel the difference immediately when taking a true Nascent iodine.)

To quote the 1930's document by Schieffelin and Company:

"The lethal dose of Atomidine (1926 to 1935) in animals is very large, which accounts for the absence of untoward effects in clinical use. Due probably to its rapid absorption and its ready combination with organic compounds in the body, iodism very rarely occurs even in sensitive persons."

If the body does recognize both these qualities, it can then use this charged atom in the thyroid or elsewhere in the body as needed.

The body utilizes more or less nascent iodine depending on the task being addressed. To boost the body systems may require very small amounts, a few drops once a day. The average dose is 5 to 10 drops in one-half glassful of cold water, repeated every two or three hours. Frequent small doses are more effective than larger amounts at less frequent intervals. When an intensive effect is desired 20 or more drops may be administered over the critical period and repeated as required.


For years I have been fighting degenerative arthritis. I have had many successes already with many substances and methods. One thing that has eluded me is a regular, everyday good feeling, and regualr everyday flexibility. I have had many good days in the past few years but always they faltered and I was always searching for some way to keep it up. Now I think I have found it. For about 4 weeks now, starting with taking Detoxified Iodine, but then moving on to Magnascent, I have kept up a level of energy and flexibility that I mostly have not had since I was about 38 or so (I'm 53)

I get up in the morning and within a short time I'm running through the house ready to get work done, then I'm running through my business shop and yard. At the end of every day I am solidly physically tired, but just get up and go at it all the same way again every day.

The flexibility is just unbelievable. I find myself jumping in and out of trucks and crawling under equipment and working on things while squatting or kneeling with nearly no discomfort. Squatting and kneeling were very uncomfortable for me only a few weeks ago. I used to wince at the thought of having to squat or kneel.

All of this has happened to me on only about 10-12 drops of Magnascent per day. I'm drinking about 8-10 a day and putting about 2-4 drops a day on a couple of Heberden's Nodes on my hands. Since the endocrine system is all stimulated by iodine and the thyroid, my testosterone is up too. I don't need a test to tell that.
Bob Ansley

A case of Richard D. Norton Jr. with oral cancer had four operations found yet another tumor growing that he could see with a flash light and mirror. He used the nascent iodine for one week three times a day holding it in his mouth a few minutes and then swallowing. In a week he called to ask if the iodine colors skin. I said it was only temporary and then goes back to normal color. He said that he had lost where the cancer was. He couldn't find it. The next week Dr. Anderson his physician confirmed it was gone but they found another in a different location which he is treating it now.

The toxicity of modern life is impacting iodine levels. It is well known that the toxic halides, fluoride and bromide, having structure similar to iodine, can competitively inhibit iodine absorption and binding in the body. Americans, who are more exposed to fluoride than other populations have a desperate need for more iodine and taking iodine in its nascent form would be the best way of increasing iodine levels in the safest and most effective way possible.

In treating over 4,000 patients, Dr. Brownstein has found only three patients with "allergy" to non-radioactive inorganic iodine/ iodide. The nascent form is even less provoking meaning the chances of side effects besides a normal detoxification and chelation response would be near zero. The use of nascent iodine is simple, safe and has proven itself effective through more than a century of medical use. One should turn a deaf ear to all those cynics who would recommend pharmaceutical poisons in its place. They are not unlike the child molester using sweet words to draw an innocent into a deadly web of pain and deceit.

From its position at the base of the brain, the pituitary gland monitors the levels of hormones in the blood. If a low level of thyroid hormones is detected, the pituitary gland sends out its own hormone called thyroid stimulating hormone or TSH, which stimulates the thyroid gland to step up production of thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland can't do this since it's missing one essential ingredient - iodine - but the pituitary gland does not know this. It keeps secreting TSH which after a time will cause the tissue of the thyroid gland to change and the entire gland will enlarge.

Iodine levels have fallen 50% over the last 30 years in the United States. We have also seen at the same time a dramatic drop off of magnesium cellular levels and the same can be said for other minerals like zinc and selenium. During this same time, there have been dramatic increases in illnesses of the breast (including breast cancer), prostate, thyroid and the immune system (i.e., autoimmune disorders). All of these conditions can be caused (in part or wholly) from iodine deficiency as well as magnesium, selenium and zinc deficiencies. Mineral levels should be evaluated in all suffering from illness and those trying to achieve their optimal health. In reality we do not need to expand fortunes in sophisticated testing because unless one is eating a perfect organic whole food diet the chances of being ill and not being mineral deficient is about zero.

Special Note: There is a great deal of confusion by these terms: detoxified iodine, atomic iodine, nascent iodine. The only company[v] we are trusting to provide a true Nascent Iodine happens to also be the only company that has applied for a license to supply both the one percent solution, which has been the type of iodine discussed in this chapter, and also a seven percent solution of Nascent Iodine, which now has to be licensed through the drug enforcement (DEA) agency of the government. This type is not for oral use but is perfect for transdermal application, which will be reviewed in another chapter on Transdermal Iodine. This is important to note and have in ones medicine cabinet or dispensary because it is the solution to many diseases of the skin including skin cancer and is a vital part of any protocol for breast cancer as well.


Second Special Note: There has been a lot of commotion in health circles about a product called Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS). It is being advertised as the answer to AIDS, hepatitis A, B and C, malaria, herpes, TB, most cancer and many more of mankind's worst diseases. The claim about how the chlorine (a poison, not what would be considered a mineral for health)[vi] interacts with pathogens is the same claim we can make about iodine (a safe nutritional mineral), which is known to also kill pathogens of all types on contact. I do not mean to make a qualified medical opinion on MMS, which is chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide is formed from the chemical combination of sodium chlorite and the acetic acid (vinegar) or citric acid. Chlorine dioxide is dangerous to handle and use. A search for material safety data sheets sustains the risk of using this substance.

Chlorine dioxide: May decompose explosively on shock, friction or concussion, or on heating rapidly. Strong oxidant - reacts violently with combustible and reducing materials, and with mercury, ammonia, sulphur and many organic compounds.[vii]

A strong irritant of the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract; [HSDB] A strong oxidizer that promotes combustion; Concentrated solutions may be corrosive to the skin and eyes; Mild hemolytic anemia and increased methemoglobin in males is observed in animal feeding studies; [CHEMINFO][viii]

Acute Health Effects:[ix]

Ingestion: Not a normal route of exposure. Harmful if swallowed. Can cause irritation to mouth,

esophagus, stomach, and mucous membranes.

Eye Contact: Contact causes redness, irritation, pain, blurred vision, tearing, corneal injury and burns.

Inhalation: Harmful if inhaled. Coughing, headaches, labored breathing, nausea, shortness of breath,

pulmonary edema.

Chronic Health Effects:

May have effects on lungs, resulting in chronic bronchitis and permanent lung damage (with chronic exposure).

The use of dangerous poisons is common in allopathic medicine. Even when pharmaceutical companies jump through hoops costing many millions of dollars to test such poisons (most pharmaceuticals are mitochondria poisons) it does not remove the dangers of the poisons, which create all kinds of complications and side effects. The natural allopathic medicine of Survival Medicine only uses such poisons as a last resort.

It almost never makes sense medically to ignore the basics, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the sun. Minerals like magnesium and iodine are up there with the prime basics of life and the use of poisons like chlorine dioxide should not be considered for use unless the basics do not supply the necessary resolution. In the special case of the supposedly magical mineral substance we have something vastly safer, more natural and proven through over a century of medical use. We have iodine, which has the same anti pathogenic profile as that claimed for the chlorine compound.

It is hard to believe that chlorine would
be selective in what it damages or kills.

A later meta-analysis found chlorinated water is associated each year in America with about 4,200 cases of bladder cancer and 6,500 cases of rectal cancer. Chlorine is estimated to account for nine percent of bladder cancer cases and 18 percent of rectal cancers. Those cancers develop because the bladder and rectum store waste products for periods of time. (Keeping the bowels moving regularly lowers such risk.) Chlorinated water is associated with higher total risk of all cancers.[x]

Lastly, the marketing materials and promotion of this chlorine compound are not anchored in medical science or reason. It is very hard to verify claims or trust those who whip up medical hysteria because we never know when testimonials are just projections of the hysteria. The placebo effect is alive and well and its waters fertilized when unsubstantiated claims are made. It makes sense sometime in medicine to take risks but not before medical basics is employed first. Why promote the use of something that has inherent dangers when we have something proven and safe.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD


[1] Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 273: E1121-E1126, 1997;

Vol. 273, Issue 6, E1121-E1126, December 1997

[ii] Reynolds, 1989; Gosselin et al., 1984, Gilman et al., 1990.

[iii] Abdullah Al-Taiar, Shabbar Jaffar, Ali Assabri, Molham Al-Habori, Ahmed Azazy, Nagiba Al-Mahdi, Khaled Ameen, Brian M Greenwood, and Christopher J M Whitty Severe malaria in children in Yemen: two site observational study BMJ 2006; 333: 827

[iv] Revue de Medicine, 1901, vol xxi., p. 804.

[v] John Brookshire
1316 Shirley way,
Bedford Texas 76022
Phone 817-868-1400

[vi] Chlorine in swimming pools reacts with organic matter such as sweat, urine, blood, feces, and mucus and skin cells to form more chloramines. Chloroform risk can be 70 to 240 times higher in the air over indoor pools than over outdoor pools.22 Canadian researchers found that after an hour of swimming in a chlorinated pool, chloroform concentrations in the swimmers' blood ranged from 100 to 1,093 ppb.23 If the pool smells very much of chlorine, don't go near it.

[vii] _

[viii] _

[ix] _

[x] _

The stuff he said about MMS sounds scary.
Other quotes:

"Seaweeds (iodine) have exceptional value in the treatment of candida overgrowth. They contain selenium and (all the) other minerals necessary for rebuilding immunity; furthermore the rich iodine content is used by enzymes in the body to produce iodine-charged free radicals which deactivate yeasts. Before the advent of anti-fungal drugs, iodine was the standard medical treatment for yeasts. When candidiasis is complicated with tumours or cancers, then seaweed is of additional benefit."

"Iodine-rich sea plants are effective against a wide range of organisms like trichomonas, candida and Chlamydia. A douche solution with 1 tbsp dried sea plants to 1 qt water, used 2x daily for 7-14 days, is effective against most of these pathogens."

"A virus is smaller than one cell. It lives within a cell (intracellular) to survive and derives its ability to multiply from its host cell. It is not responsive to antibiotics. A virus is not a living thing so antibiotics, intended to kill living things, are not effective. A virus cannot multiply outside a living host cell. There is no pharmaceutical treatment for a virus but iodine is a nutritional substance that is effectively used as is ozone. The body will fight off most viruses over the course of time especially if it is supported to do so and this can be done with re-mineralization and chelation of heavy metals."

"Iodine takes us back to the most basic of all anti-oxidants, its also a chelator, driving out and protecting us from both fluoride and bromide. When it comes to cancer it is critical we understand that iodine will kill just about any single cell pathogen on contact no matter where that contact is made, on the surgery room floor or in the bood stream or tumor site. Iodine is already being used to treat skin cancer but only a few have thought about its possiblility for internal use for cancer patients."
I just wanted to say thanks.

Your post has just led me to the Winning Cancer website. My father is at present having Hormone treatment for Prostate Cancer. I have passed the details to him and I am about to read up. I must have missed Mark Sircus from the previous posts on Magnesium.

I thought it was scary what was said about MMS. I tried it but I'm wary now.

Thanks Again.
As I remember iodine was commonly used as a disinfectant in Poland in 60's and 70's. You could find it in almost every household.

Dr. Simoncini recommends it for treatment of skin cancer and psoriasis

All skins cancers are always caused by Candida fungus which has adapted itself to metabolizing the most proteinaceous constituents of the epidermis and that can, therefore, only rarely be treated with sodium bicarbonate solutions.

The treatment to choose for epithileomas, basaliomas, and melanomas is iodine solution at seven per cent, as it is capable of precipitating the proteins of the body of the fungus and destroying them completely in a short time. If the lesions are fairly small, they must be painted with the solution 10-20-30 times twice a day for five days and then once for another ten days so that they become very dark. When the eschar is formed and it is higher than the epidermic plane, it is necessary to continue to paint under and above it, even if at first this causes a sharp pain.

This very same operation must be repeated for the second eschar that is formed. At this point, the lesion may be considered destroyed, because after the third cycle it is possible to reach the center of the neoplasia, where the colonies try to resist to the last.

In the presence of a tumor of large dimensions it is necessary to perform a cycle of subcutaneous infiltrations with sodium bicarbonate at five per cent solution under the lesion for the purpose of liberating the tissue from the possible invasion of the deep planes and of the basal lamina before performing the treatment with iodine solution. If this is not done, we risk the fungus, once destroyed at a superficial level, defending itself by trespassing into those levels where a conclusive action of the iodine solution is impossible.

In cases where the tumor has invaded a cutaneous-mucous transitional zone such as the anus, eyelids, vagina, or mouth, it is necessary to perform a preliminary treatment of the mucous area with bicarbonate and then, after the elimination of the colonies existing there, proceed to treat the cutis with iodine solution.

It is appropriate to highlight that the same type of therapy is also to be applied to psoriasis and to the known fungin afflictions.

In fact, the difference between cutaneous mycosis, psoriasis, and tumors consists only of a variation of aggressiveness and thus of depth of rooting, since the causal agent is always the same: a fungus. Sometimes other corrosive salts can be used as a function of the location in the body for the therapy. What is certain is that dermal ointments and lotions are only rarely effective.

Transdermal Iodine
Treatment of Skin and Breast Cancer and other Conditions.

Over 95 % of my patients
tested were deficient in iodine.
Dr. David Brownstein

Iodine is an exceptionally powerful healing agent with extraordinary powers that can be applied in the most dire of medical circumstances. It means much more to us than thyroid function promotion and protection. Iodine is the primordial antibiotic that has been forgotten, left in the dust simply because it was not a patentable medicine that fortunes could be made from. We lost something considerably more than an antibiotic though, iodine is also antiviral and importantly in cancer, iodine is also antifungal.

Iodine works as an excellent antioxidant. It neutralizes hydrogen
peroxide by converting it first to hypiodious acid and then water,
thereby blocking its conversion into the hydroxyl radical.[1]

We are going to be kicking ourselves pretty hard for overlooking iodine as much as we have when we realize how important iodine is in the production of all the hormones in our bodies. Dr. Brownstein says, "All of the glands of the body depend on adequate iodine levels to function optimally. Animal studies have shown problems with the adrenal glands, the thymus gland, the ovaries, the hypothalamus and pituitary access, as well as the entire endocrine system, when there is an iodine deficient state." We are looking at one of the most important medicines in the entire world of medicine when we are talking about iodine for we cover enormous physiological territory with its use.

The thyroid gland plays a pivotal role
to keep our immune systems intact.

The icing on the cake comes with the realization that iodine is absolutely necessary for proper immune system function. Poor immune response can be due to an impaired thyroid function from deficient iodine levels. Iodine actually is directly involved in immune system function. Scientists have found that Iodoproteins are secreted by leukocytes[ii] during phagocytosis and active iodide concentrating mechanisms have been found in leukocytes. Iodine has been used therapeutically in various pathologies where the immune mechanism is known to play a dominant role.[iii] Iodide is accumulated during phagocytosis, the process of engulfing and ingesting bacteria and other foreign bodies. The iodide is attached to the bacteria and to proteins, creating iodoproteins including monoiodotyrosine (T1). Sometimes, the thyroid hormones are utilized as the source of the iodide.

Iodine is an antiseptic and can be used to kill bacteria and fungi.
Iodine used topically as a douche is effective against a wide
range of organisms including candida and chlamydia.

Though iodine is a most effective 'universal' medicine most physicians and surgeons view iodine from a narrow perspective. Yes surgeons scrub with it and have their nurse paint iodine on their patients because the tincture of iodine remains the best antiseptic for preventing wound infections after surgery. Though it kills 90 percent of bacteria on the skin within 90 seconds its broader use has been obscured except by a few brave physicians that are working desperately to bring it back to the forefront of public awareness. Iodine has a long but lost illustrious history as the following story presented by Dr. Derry illustrates. It is the most legendary of documentations of transdermal iodine therapy applied to a famous person in the American Civil War:

"On September 29, 1862, Colonel John B. Gordon held the center of General Lee's army at the battle of Antietam, or Sharpsburg. The first volley from the northern lines sent a ball through the calf of Gordon's right leg; soon after, another went through the muscles of his thigh; a third pierced his left arm, tearing asunder the tendons and mangling the flesh; a forth ripped through his shoulder leaving a wad of clothing embedded in its track. Still, no bones were broken; but, while Gordon lingered in the firing line, "with", as he says himself, "but little of my usual strength", a fifth ball struck him squarely in the face."

"Dr. Weatherly of the 6th Alabama Regiment, in charge of medical arrangements, had the Colonel removed to a base hospital, and prescribed tincture of iodine to be painted on the wounds three or four times a day. The case was unpromising. Gordon's eyelids were greatly swollen; one eye was completely closed, the other almost so; his jaw was immovably clenched, and, to make matters worse, erysipelas (staphylococcus infection of skin) had set in on the left arm."

"Mrs. Gordon, his wife, who nursed him - her name was Fanny, and she was then a beautiful girl of 25 - put a liberal interpretation on her instructions and painted the wounds, not three or four times a day, but, as Gordon himself says: "I think three to four hundred times a day." Fanny's diligence and devotion were rewarded. Her husband survived, outlived the war, and became the Governor of Georgia, a General, and Commander-in-Chief of the United Confederate Veterans. He died in 1904."

Delivering medicine to the general circulation through the skin is a desirable alternative to taking it by mouth. Patients often forget to take their medicine, and even the most faithfully compliant get tired of swallowing pills, especially if they must take many each day.

Iodine exhibits good activity against bacteria, molds, yeasts, protozoa, and many viruses; indeed, of all antiseptic preparations suitable for direct use on humans and animals and upon tissues, only iodine is capable of killing all classes of pathogens: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, yeasts, viruses and protozoa. Most bacteria are killed within 15 to 30 seconds of contact.

Dr. Brice E. Vickery said, "I have seen that a couple of mgs, of iodine daily will cure iodine deficiency in the person with adequate gut absorption powers. This will allow them to utilize their proteins; however it will not mean that they have full body iodine sufficiency (iodine receptors) in tissues such as breast, uterus, prostate, skin, saliva glands, stomach, colon, choroid plexus, and eye. It will also not assure that a thyroid whose receptor space is taken up with another halogen, such as bromine or fluorine, will have a full sufficiency of iodine for hormone production."

One can conclude that skin application of iodine is an effective if not
efficient and practical way for supplementation of iodine with an
expected bioavailability of 6 to 12% of the total iodine applied to the skin.

Is the application of iodine to the skin an acceptable way to supplement iodine? Dr. Abraham writes, "The bioavailability of iodine applied to the skin is well known. Over 100 years ago, application of iodine to the skin was used extensively for iodine supplementation. In 1932, Nyiri and Jannitti from the College of Pharmacy of Rutgers University wrote, "Iodine is being used extensively as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent by application to the outer integument, (the skin) and has maintained its place in medicine for many decades."[iv]

I had a severe sore throat recently (I could not even swallow) and
my good friend suggested painting the inside of my wrist with iodine.
I thought she was crazy. But it worked! The pain was completely gone
the next morning. Shortly thereafter my son became sick with a
bad cold. Although she recommended the iodine for a sore throat,
I used it on my 3-year old and the next day he was 100% better.[v]

Dr. Derry says, "Iodine put onto scabs helps to organize total repair of the tissue. All pre-malignant lesions and many other oddities of the skin appear to respond to this regeneration process triggered by topical iodine. I have mentioned previously a patient with a biopsy-proven breast cancer lesion (she refused surgery because of previous cancer treatment) that was strongly fixed to the skin responding well to topical iodine and ended up being a dimple on the breast three year later.[vi] It is my belief a water solution of iodine (like Lugol's) is an important therapeutic agent for skin. Because of its effectiveness and the results, perhaps many skin diseases are related to local tissue areas of relative iodine deficiency. In addition, iodine's ability to trigger natural cell death (apoptosis) makes it effective against all pre-cancerous skin lesions and likely many cancerous lesions."

Painting Iodine on my wrist gets rid of my sore throat
every time! Iodine definitely works for me, however, I find it
best to use the clear "decolorized" iodine, available at most
drugstores. I paint it on the inside of the wrists (where the
veins are closest to the skin) and on the sides of the throat.[vii]

"I get small lesions on my forearms and the backs of my hands which I've been told by a doctor could become cancerous. In the past, I've had that doctor "burn off" these spots with nitrogen. That has usually worked, but did not work on two areas that have been with me for about three years now. For a while now I've been painting these areas with Lugol's solution (5% iodine), only three or four times a week as the iodine does not absorb as it would elsewhere on the skin and the dark red/brown of the iodine is very noticeable. These lesions are not completely gone yet, but they are definitely fading away."

Claire West

Iodine sprayed on the mucous lining of a woman's vagina will be
absorbed and will soften her breasts in a matter of 5 minutes, while at the
same time it relieves the tension and irritability of intestinal musculature.
Dr. John Myers

Iodine is more than the universal medicine doctors acknowledged it to be long ago. It is new to most doctors today though who have been brainwashed into being obsessed with pharmaceutical drugs as opposed to much less expensive and toxic nutritional medicines. So lost are we to the medical science on iodine that we are completely surprised when we hear oncologist Dr. Tullio Simoncini state, "Every tumour of the skin can be completely removed with Iodine Tincture 7%, brushed many times (10-20) once a day.[viii] When the crust is formed, don't take it away, but treat the area continuously and wait until it falls without any other intervention except the Iodine tincture. When the crust falls down the third time, the patient is healed."

Dr. David Brownstein has done more iodine research and clinical work than just about anyone writes in his book Iodine, Why You Need It and Why You Can't Live Without It, "Iodine contains potent anticancer properties. Iodine is effective for treating fibrocystic breasts and ovarian cysts." In this chapter we are exploring, for the first time, the use of iodine as a principle agent in the treatment of cancer with specific attention paid to breast and skin cancer, which are most easily treated transdermally. It is useful to know that in the case of iodine (magnesium as well) transdermally does not mean just topically, it also includes aerosol (direct application to the lungs) as well as for the upper and lower ends of the GI track, (colonics and oral use for treatment of oral and stomach cancers) as well as in douches for cancers of cervix and uterus.

Transdermal drug delivery is painless and convenient -- a big advantage
for patients who hate injections or forget to take their pills on time.

One of the principle reasons iodine is so effective for skin cancer is that, according to Dr. Simoncini, skins cancers are caused by Candida fungus, which has adapted itself to metabolising the most proteinaceous constituents of the epidermis and that therefore only rarely can it be treated with sodium bicarbonate solutions. Dr. Simoncini perhaps has the most experience with transdermal iodine in cancer treatment but even he did not realize that you can treat internal cancers through raising internal iodine concentrations through oral administration.

This chapter is going to put out quite strongly the message that iodine be used in all cancer treatments as a systemic medicine, not just topically for skin and breast cancer. For the same reasons iodine is effective for skin cancers it would be effective in helping combat cancers of all types. Using the right type of iodine allows us to bring up systemic levels quite strongly without toxic effect since the body desperately needs the iodine for a broad range of reasons.

Yes like water or anything else iodine can be considered poison but it is not any more poisonous to the body in appropriate doses than the appropriate amounts of water. Iodine is an essential nutritional substance that we have to have in sufficient quantities to beat the cancer process. It's an important part of life. Winning the War on Cancer has iodine and magnesium written all over the headlines, and both can be used transdermally, orally, intravenously, by aerosol, in both douches and colonics.

Povidone iodine has been used for cataract surgery antisepsis: 1% povidone-iodine solution used preoperatively. Also for chronic otitis media: 5% povidone-iodine ear drops, three drops taken three times daily for 10 days has been used. For upper airway sterilization: 1% povidone-iodine solution inhaled via nebulizer twice daily has been used, with gargle twice daily. It should be noted that povidone iodine contains surfactantants and sticking agents (polymers) making it more toxic/dangerous to use than the atomic (nascent) iodine, which is simply individual atoms of iodine suspended in a high grade alcohol.

Douche and vaginal suppositories containing 10% PVP-Iodine have been reported effective in the treatment of vaginal infections. These can be used both as a topical and therapeutic agent for the treatment of birth-canal infections and for various forms of vaginitis. PVP-Iodine has been reported as a very effective bactericide against organisms commonly found in the mouth and is able to destroy these within 15 seconds. Using a mouthwash/gargle product containing 0.5% PVP-Iodine is effective in reducing the bacterial flora in the mouth prior to dental surgery.

I use Lugol solution for iodine (either 6 drops in water or sometimes I put it directly on my skin. If it absorbs within a short period of time [hours] I know that I am deficient so I put it on every couple of hours until I get to the point of a 24-hour lapse when the color is still remaining on the skin--which is supposed to mean that my body has enough.) But, I find taking the drops a lot less bothersome and easier to remember. Nanncy Gianoulis

Transdermal Medicine works through percutaneous absorption, it's the process where substances move from the skin surface to its intended site of action or into the general circulation system. When tumors are not too deep inside the body we can saturate them through local topical application of magnesium chloride and iodine even as we bring up systemic iodine levels through oral administration. Magnesium chloride is always used along side of the iodine but it's a subject covered heavily in other chapters and in my Transdermal Magnesium Therapy book.

As sunlight hits the Earth and the agency of chlorophyll
brings green to the fore, the center of that chlorophyll
molecule is magnesium. It is the basis of the food chain
or the food web. Magnesium is the basis for cell economics.
Charles Walters
Minerals for the Genetic Code

The iodine or magnesium chloride is applied (at different times of the day) to the skin's surface and then diffuses out of its vehicle into the stratum corneum. In the stratum corneum these minerals build a reservoir and defuses through the stratum spinosum. At this point they can metabolize and bind to receptors in the cells they touch and thus exert their effects. These minerals will then pass into the basement membrane zone and dermis binding to ever more receptors. From there they are delivered into subcutaneous fat, the circulatory system and achieve systemic absorption.

I have treated a number of sore and streph throats and loss
of voice; painting iodine on the outside of the throat clears all
within 24 hours. Iodine absorbs into the skin in about 6 hours.
Also works for ear problems and swollen glands.[ix]

Dr. Daniel H. Duffy said, "I have been using IODEX, an iodine containing paste applied directly to the skin for the past thirty two years to help break up the intercostal pain and palpatory soreness at the sternum often suffered by a high percentage of Midwesterners, especially female hypothyroids. I was also taught early on that it was common practice for veterinarians to rub IODEX on the fetlocks of horses to eliminate cystic formations. Women are instructed to rub IODEX into the sore spots at the intercostals at bedtime until the soreness disappears."

Topical iodine facilitates transdermal delivery of insulin.[x]

Though transdermal application of insulin is not ideal it is good to know that iodine will protect the disulfide bonds in insulin, and maybe that's one of the reasons high doses of iodine work to reduce insulin needs in people who have type 2 diabetes who still produce insulin. Researchers think that topical iodine protects the dermally applied insulin presumably by inactivation of endogenous sulfhydryls such as glutathione and gamma glutamylcysteine, which can reduce the disulfide bonds of the hormone. Thus, the effect of iodine is mediated by retaining the potency of the hormone during its penetration via the skin into the circulation.

Transdermal use of both iodine and magnesium chloride
are ideal methods of administration for children for
many reasons including ease of application.

Iodine preparations include aerosol sprays, gauze pads, lubricating gels, creams, solutions, douche preparations, suppositories, gargles, perineal wash solutions, shampoos, and skin cleansers and scrubs. Povidone iodine preparations are applied topically to the skin and to membranes, e.g. vaginal membranes, and in infected wounds and surgical incisions. The uses continue to be largely medicinal, though some iodophors are used in industrial sanitation and disinfection in hospitals, building maintenance, and food-processing operations. There has been some interest in the use of iodine for purification of potable water and swimming pools. Two other iodine-containing compounds, p-tolyl diiodomethyl sulfone and p-chlorophenyldiiodomethyl sulfone have been recommended as preservatives.

Iodine and iodine-containing compounds and preparations are employed extensively in medicine, eg, as antiseptics, as drugs administered in different combinations in the prophylaxis and treatment of certain diseases, and as therapeutic agents in various thyroid dyscrasias and other abnormalities. Iodine is a highly reactive substance combining with proteins partly by chemical reaction and partly by adsorption. Therefore its antimicrobial action is subject to substantial impairment in the presence of organic matter such as serum, blood, urine, milk, etc. However, where there is no such interference, non-selective microbicidal action is intense and rapid.

The use of conventional povidone iodine, i.e. compositions which have a povidone to iodine ratio of fewer than 10 to 1, typically 8.5 to 1, in vaginal treatments has been reported. Women being prepared for total abdominal hysterectomy were treated by insertion of povidone-iodine tampons that remained in the vagina until the end of the operation. Statistically significant decreases both in infectious morbidity and in the percentage of positive cultures from the cervix and vagina, at the time of the operation resulted from this use of povidone-iodine.[xi]

The use of povidone-iodine (`Betadine`) pessaries in the treatment of candidal and trichomonal vaginitis was reported by a Dr. Henderson who studied one hundred and thirty-five women suffering from trichomonal, candidal, or both infections simultaneously, were treated with povidone-iodine pessaries, 2 pessaries being inserted nightly. The results obtained were very encouraging, 92% of the trichomonal and 96% of the candidal infections being cured if treatments were continued for a month. Short treatments of only seven days were not effective.[xii]

From my women patients, I learned that fibrocystic breasts were most often a sign of estrogen dominance; relatively high estrogen and low progesterone. In my experience, using natural progesterone routinely solves the problem. I also recommend adding vitamin E in dosages of 600 IU at bedtime, supplemental magnesium (300 milligrams a day), and vitamin B6 (50 milligrams per day). I cannot recall a case in which the result was not positive.[xiii] Dr. John Lee

The incidence of fibrocystic breast disease in American women was 3 percent in the 1920s. Today, a minimum of 30 percent of women have this disorder, manifested by epithelial hyperplasia, apocrine gland metaplasia, fluid-filled cysts, and fibrosis. Dr. Miller puts the percentage as high as ninety percent. A minimum of six million American women with fibrocystic disease are thought to have moderate to severe breast pain and tenderness that lasts more than 6 days during the menstrual cycle. Fibrocystic breast disease, a benign (non-cancerous) condition characterized by round lumps that move freely within the breast tissue. These lumps are usually tender to the touch. In contrast, a cancerous growth in the breast is often not tender or freely movable when touched.

Though oral magnesium supplementation is recommended by many for the treatment of fibroid disorders no one has thought of applying magnesium transdermally to the breasts or to the skin to either treat or prevent such cancers from occurring. A personal friend of mine had severe fibroid disease in her breasts and I suggested that she apply Magnesium Oil (natural magnesium chloride solution) to her breasts. A month later she called me and said her problem resolved completely.

Russian researchers first showed, in 1966, that iodine effectively relieves signs and symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease. Vishniakova and Murav'eva treated 167 women suffering from fibrocystic disease with 50 mg KI during the intermenstrual period and obtained a beneficial healing effect in 71 percent.[xiv]

Though this chapter is about transdermal iodine treatments we cannot possibly communicate about this without including the necessary magnesium treatment, which universally needs to go with the iodine that will push treatment effectiveness up a quantum level or two. It should be noted that iodine should also be supplemented orally in addition to local topical application. We use Nascent Iodine (atomic iodine) for this purpose

Tim Wilson, the president of Science Formulas, which makes Chelorex, which I consider to be one of the best natural chelation formula on the market, has used the Magnesium Oil on his skin cancer and has recommended it to others because it resolved his skin cancer and he has seen it do the same in everyone he has recommended it to. The reasons why this would be so are in the chapter on magnesium and cancer but the answers do not stop there. Because magnesium is fundamental to almost all of life's biological processes we find it at the heart of positive therapeutics, an essential item that cannot be neglected. (Chelorex is an important part of our cancer protocol because of its glutathione promoting effects as well as natural heavy metal chelation.)

Iodine applied via the vagina has been said to soften the breasts in minutes so iodine and magnesium chloride applied together through transdermal means would be the perfect duo in our fight against both breast and skin cancer. With the addition of the sodium bicarbonate treatments of Dr. Simoncini we have what could be considered a trinity in skin and breast cancer treatments. Of course treatment options do not end here and a full protocol is always desired if one wants to go over the top as far as survival rates are concerned.

Breast Cancer

There is plenty of evidence that women would have a lower incidence of cancer and fibrocystic disease of the breast if they consumed more iodine and other minerals like magnesium, selenium and zinc. A decrease in iodine intake coupled with an increased consumption of competing halogens, fluoride and bromide, has created an epidemic of iodine deficiency in America and this seems to be in part responsible for skyrocketing rates of breast cancer. It makes total sense that iodine, one of the nutrients that when deficient leads to breast cancer, would also help to cure it.

The ductal cells in the breast, the ones most likely to become cancerous, are
equipped with an iodine pump (the sodium iodine symporter, the
same one that the thyroid gland has) to soak up this element.[xv]

Dr. Donald Miller

Dr. Donald Miller points out that "Today 1 in 7 American women (almost 15 percent) will develop breast cancer during their lifetime. Thirty years ago, when iodine consumption was twice as high as it is now (480 ?g a day) 1 in 20 women developed breast cancer. Iodine was used as a dough conditioner in making bread, and each slice of bread contained 0.14 mg of iodine. In 1980, bread makers started using bromide as a conditioner instead, which competes with iodine for absorption into the thyroid gland and other tissues in the body. Iodine was also more widely used in the dairy industry 30 years ago than it is now."

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and is the second leading cause of cancer death in women (after lung cancer). The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2005, about 211,240 women were diagnosed with breast cancer - and 40,410 died from the disease.

Breast cancer survivors of chemotherapy are facing increased risk of heart disease; so much so that at least some doctors are debating if it's time to abandon a chemotherapy mainstay. Drugs called anthracyclines are a breast chemo staple despite the well-known risk: They weaken women's hearts. "In the process of curing their breast cancer, we've exposed them to some pretty nasty things. And it's not just one nasty thing, it's a sequence of nasty things," explains Dr. Pamela Douglas, a Duke University cardiologist. [xvi]

A malfunctioning thyroid gland is a precursor to many disorders
in females. With hypothyroidism, hormones such as LH, FSH,
and prolactin may be overly stimulated. (Lark 1996).[xvii]

Dr. Russell Blaylock is warning women about the orthodox ontological approach including its use of mammograms because they are dangerous and cancer provoking of the radiation being used. Most women depend upon that yearly mammogram to warn them of possible breast cancer. Yet, as Dr. Blaylock points out, studies show mammograms actually increase a woman's risk of developing breast cancer from 1-3% per year, depending on the technique used. Now that may not sound like a lot. However, if you religiously undergo a mammogram every year for 10 years, you increase your risk from 10-30% (and some radiation experts feel the danger is much higher than that)

A woman's breasts are one of her most sensitive areas when it comes to cancers caused by radiation exposure. Modern medicine terrorizes women in a typical male oriented way using testing and treatments that cause cancer to treat breast cancer. Doctors have as little compunction in removing breasts as they do doing C sections or injecting women's babies with vaccines containing toxic poisons like mercury.

Dr. Blaylock continues saying that, "by the age of 50, a full 45% of women will have cancer cells in their breasts. This doesn't mean that all these women will develop breast cancer, because in most women these cancer cells remain dormant. What it does mean is that, if you are one of these 45% of women, you are at high risk of spurring these cancer cells to full activity."

A review of three clinical studies using sodium iodide, protein-
bound iodide, and molecular iodine showed clinical improvements
in FBD of 70%, 40%, and 72%, respectively (Ghent et al. 1993).

For women concerned about the prevention of breast cancer the same natural allopathic treatments used to treat cancer will prevent it. The clash in medical paradigms is intensely focused on this point. You cannot use surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy to prevent breast cancer because all of these cause cancer. On the other hand magnesium, iodine, selenium and ALA can be used to insure vibrant mammary health

The IMVA treatment for breast cancer combines transdermal magnesium treatments with transdermal iodine treatments to the breasts. When combined with sodium bicarbonate, selenium, ALA and clay packs one can beat this beastly serial killer of women, which breast cancer is. The IMVA protocol does not stop here but these substances represent the essential core treatment.

It just happens to turn out that breast, skin,
immune system, ovaries, prostate gland and brain
need more iodine than most of us receive in our diets.

In the case of breast cancer Dr. Simoncini says, "In the presence of a tumor of large dimensions, before performing the treatment with iodine solution, it is necessary to perform a cycle of subcutaneous infiltrations with sodium bicarbonate at five per cent under the lesion for the purpose of liberating the tissue from the possible invasion of the deep planes and of the basal lamina. If this is not done, we risk that the fungus, once destroyed at a superficial level, will defend itself by trespassing into those levels where a conclusive action of the iodine solution is impossible."

Video with Breast Cancer Patient Receiving Sodium Bicarbonate


"In cases where the tumor has invaded a coetaneous-mucous transitional zone like the anus, eyelids, vagina or mouth, it is necessary to perform a preliminary treatment of the mucous area with bicarbonate and then, after the elimination of the colonies existing there, proceed to treat the cutis with iodine solution. It is appropriate to highlight that the same type of therapy is to be applied also to psoriasis and to the known fungi afflictions. In fact, the difference between coetaneous mycosis, psoriases and tumors consists only of a variation of aggressiveness and thus of depth of rooting, since the causal agent is always the same: a fungus. Sometimes for the therapy, other corrosive salts can be used in function of the location in the body." Meaning the deeper the cancer the more one needs to rely on injected and bicarbonate IVs and other systemic approaches to treatment like oral iodine.

Dr. Simoncini has indicated that with iodine treatments for skin cancers that one should NEVER disturb or pick or scrape off the scab that forms over the spot treated, that doing so will spread the fungus, the scab MUST be allowed to fall off all on its own, even if only hanging by a thread.

Transdermal Iodine

The best iodine for transdermal use is the seven percent iodine but as of August 1, 2007 it is now a controlled substance regulated by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) under the chemical regulatory provisions of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). The DEA believes that this action is necessary to remove deficiencies in the existing regulatory controls, which have been exploited by drug traffickers who divert iodine (in the form of iodine crystals and iodine tincture) for the illicit production of methamphetamine in clandestine drug laboratories. So it is almost impossible to get the 7 percent solution. Weaker solutions will work but much more of it needs to be used. Many studies for transdermal use have been done with PVP-Iodine, which is appropriate for external uses only. The inexpensive tinctures available in drug stores are also for external use only being too toxic for internal applications.

It is important when considering using iodine transdermally to take into account the large amount lost by evaporation. The evaporation of iodine from the skin increases with increased ambient temperatures and decreased atmospheric pressure due to weather conditions and altitude. For example, the yellow color of iodine will disappear much faster in Denver, Colorado at 5,000 feet above sea level then Los Angeles, California at sea level, irrespective of the amount of bioavailability of iodine. For this reason Dr. Simoncini directs skin cancer patients to paint the iodine on twenty times.

To summarize Dr. Guy E. Abraham's findings:

1. Free iodine penetrates through the unbroken skin.

2. Approximately 88 per cent of the iodine evaporates from the surface so one needs to appy it liberally coating the skin from ten to twenty times depending on the condition being treated..

3. Colloidal iodine evaporates somewhat more quickly than tincture of iodine; Lugol's solution is more stable than either of them.

4. The influence of ambient temperature on the evaporation of iodine is significant: within the first minute, the losses of iodine by evaporation are: 10-15% at 9 c; 18-25% at 24 c; and 35% at 37c.

5. The remaining iodine on the skin following evaporation of 88% of the total iodine, approximately 12 per cent, is at the disposal of the body, and penetrates through the skin. The bioavailability of the remaining 12% of the skin iodine is very gradual.

Iodine Testing

A Swiss physician, Jean Surbeck, reports in the Price-Pottinger Nutrition Foundation newsletter that there is a simple home test to check your body's iodine level. He suggests taking a Q-Tip and painting an area about the size of a silver dollar with 2 percent tincture of iodine (from the drug store- get the kind that is not discolored). Since iodine will stain the skin yellow, you might want to paint it on your thigh.

If your iodine level is below normal, the stain will dissappear quickly. and keeping in mind the disclaimers of this test as you reported from Dr. Abraham above, some further statement is needed here. If your iodine level is below normal the stain will disappear quickly. The quicker the more desperate the body is for iodine. Such a test varies considerably depending on the type of iodine used, where it is used, and on the iodine levels in a ?person's body. My experience is that the atomic (nascent) iodine drops quickly through the skin when a person is deficient, which is another indication of its special properties. If the iodine just sits on the skin and stays wet you know the body is not needing or wanting any more iodine

Iodine Douches

Douche preparations containing povidone iodine are
widely used, and efforts have been made to treat and/or
prevent vaginal infections with povidone iodine.

But routine douching is not necessary to maintain vaginal hygiene; the preponderance of evidence suggests that douching may be harmful and shows an association between douching and numerous adverse outcomes. (See important notes on the dangers of douching.)[xviii] Providone iodine is not good for internal use and cannot be compared at all to atomic (nascent) forms of iodine.

In 1997, Zhang and colleagues reported the results of a meta-analysis of 6 studies of vaginal douching and cervical cancer. Four studies were conducted in the United States and published in 1979, 1986, 1987, and 1991; 2 in Latin America were published in 1990 and 1995. The combined results suggest an overall positive effect.[xix]

Case Study

In November, a rare kind of breast cancer was found. A lady developed a rash on her breast, similar to that of young mothers who are nursing.
Because her mammogram had been clear, the doctor treated her with antibiotics for infections. After 2 rounds, it continued to get worse, so her doctor sent her for another mammogram. This time it showed a mass.
A biopsy found a fast growing malignancy. Chemo was started in order to shrink the growth; then a mastectomy was performed; then a full round of Chemo; then radiation. After about 9 months of intense treatment, she was given a clean bill of health. She had one year of living each day to its fullest. Then the cancer returned to the liver area. She took 4 treatments and decided that she wanted quality of life, not the after effects of Chemo. She had 5 great months and she planned each detail of the final days. After a few days of needing morphine, she died.

This woman left this message to be delivered to women everywhere:

Women, PLEASE be alert to anything that is not normal, and be persistent in getting help as soon as possible. Paget's Disease[xx] of the nipple: This is a rare form of breast cancer, and is on the outside of the breast, on the nipple and aureole. It appeared as a rash, which later became a lesion with a crusty outer edge. I would not have ever suspected it to be breast cancer but it was. My nipple never seemed any different to me, but the rash bothered me, so I went to the doctor for that. Sometimes, it itched and was sore, but other than that it didn't bother me. It was just ugly and a nuisance, and could not be cleared up with all the creams prescribed by my doctor and dermatologist for the dermatitis on my eyes just prior to this outbreak. They seemed a little concerned but did not warn me it could be cancerous.
Now, I suspect not many women out there know a lesion or rash on the nipple or aureole can be breast cancer. (Mine started out as a single red pimple on the aureole. One of the biggest problems with Paget's disease of the nipple is that the symptoms appear to be harmless. It is frequently thought to be a skin inflammation or infection, leading to unfortunate delays in detection and care.)

What are the symptoms?

1. A persistent redness, oozing, and crusting of your nipple causing it to itch and burn (As I stated, mine did not itch or burn much, and had no oozing I was aware of, but it did have a crust along the outer edge on one side.)

2. A sore on your nipple that will not heal. (Mine was on the aureole with a whitish thick looking area in center of nipple).

3. Usually only one nipple is affected.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD


[1] Oxygen breeds reactive oxygen species, which include superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, and the hydroxyl radical. The hydroxyl radical wreaks havoc by reacting with lipids in the cellular membranes, nucleotides in DNA, and sulphydryl groups on proteins. In algae, in a species of kelp, Kupper et al. have shown how inorganic iodine works as an antioxidant. It neutralizes hydrogen peroxide by converting it first to hypiodious acid and then water, thereby blocking its conversion into the hydroxyl radical. These investigators found that kelp will absorb increased amounts of iodine when placed under oxidative stress. Other investigators have shown that iodide is a specific scavenger of hydroxyl radicals, and that it increases the antioxidant status of human serum similar to that of vitamin C. K?pper FC, Schweigert N, Ar Gall E, et al. Iodine uptake in Laminariales involves extracellular, haloperoxidase-mediated oxidation of iodide. Planta 1998;207:163-171.Murata A, Suenaga H, Hideshima S, et al. Hydroxyl radical as the reactive species in the inactivation of phages by ascorbic acid. Agric Biol Chem 1986;50:1481-1487. Winkler R, Griebenow S, Wonisch W. Effect of iodide on total antioxidant status of human serum. Cell Biochem Funct 2000;18:143-146.

[ii] Stolc V. J Biol Chem. 1979 Feb 25;254(4):1273-9.

[iii]Iodine and delayed immunity. Marani L, Venturi S. Minerva Med. 1986 May 7;77(19):805-9. It has in fact been administered to patients with tubercular granulomatous, lepromatous, syphilitic and mycotic lesions where it facilitates cure. This effect does not depend on iodine's action on the micro-organism responsible. Iodine may also be used in Villanova-Panol Panniculitis, in erythema nodosum, in nodular vasculitis, erythema multiforme and Sweet's syndrome. Oral iodine is also very effective in the lymphatic-cutaneous form of sporotrichosis.

[iv] _

[v] Quita from Atlanta, GA

[vi] Derry, DM. Breast cancer and iodine How to prevent and survive it. Trafford Publishing Victoria, Canada. 2001 page 89.

[vii] Nita, from St Pete, Fl

[viii] "For epithileomas, basaliomas and melanomas, the treatment to choose is iodine solution at seven per cent, as it is capable of precipitating the proteins of the body of the fungus and destroying them completely in a short time. If the lesions are fairly small, they must be painted with the solution 10-20-30 times twice a day for five days and then once for another ten days so that they become very dark. When the eschar is formed and it is higher than the epidermic plane, it is necessary to continue to paint under and above it, even if at first a strong pain is sensed."

[ix] Frank, from Palm Beach FL

[x] _

[xi] Vaginal Preparation with Povidone-Iodine before Abdominal Hysterectomy, Zakut Z; Lotan M; Bracha Y, Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol 14 (1). 1987. 1-5.

[xii] Henderson JN; Tait IB Curr Med Res Opin 1975, 3 (3) p157-62.

[xiii] _

[xiv] Vishniakova YY, Murav'eva NI. [On the treatment of dyshormonal hyperplasia of mammary glands.] [Article in Russian] Vestn Akad Med Nauk SSSR 1966;21(9):19-22.

[xv] _

[xvi] _;_ylt=Avp8HG3Qj3SZtUkry8VcknOs0NUE

[xvii] Another study looked at thyroid hormones and FBD. The data suggested that free T3 had an important role in the physiology of FBD (Martinez et al. 1995). To further examine this theory, a study looked at the levels of triiodothyroxine (T3), thyroxin (T4), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), and prolactin (Prl) in FBD (Zych et al. 1996). The authors found that the T4 levels were significantly lower in women with FBD than in controls. They concluded that there seemed to be a connection between FBD and thyroid function (Zych et al. 1996).

[xviii] Pregnant women should avoid douching. Intrapartum vaginal antiseptic lavage can be highly beneficial, but this is a completely different irrigation event than repetitive vaginal douching. There is no reason to recommend that any woman douche and, furthermore, women should be discouraged from douching. Research also shows that douching with povidone iodine is not necessarily the best way to go, as it has been associated with disruption of the vaginal flora to such an extent to actually cause proliferation of bacteria and a movement further up into the vaginal tract, entering the cervix, and into the uterus and pelvis, causing pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, preterm births, reduced fertility, and even cancer. Douches are much overused in this day and age. The effects of different solutions and devices must be considered in more detail. Perhaps there are adverse effects associated with douching if only certain solutions are used but less or no harm with other solutions. Routine douching for cosmetic and hygienic reasons is frequently carried out by adolescents and young women.[xviii] A representative from the Food and Drug Administration's Division of Over-the-Counter Drug Evaluation stated that the Agency considers vaginal douches to be both drugs (because they are sometimes used to treat disease) and cosmetics (because they cleanse and/or scent part of the body). From the Food and Drug Administration's review of epidemiologic studies on vaginal douching (considered published case-control and cross-sectional studies), a consistent moderate adverse or null effect of douching was noted; The evidence was considered highly suggestive that douching independently raises the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, and cervical carcinoma. The National Women's Health Information Center claims that women who douche have increased bacterial vaginosis, sexually transmitted diseases, and pelvic inflammatory disease; that douching does not prevent pregnancy but may decrease fertility; and that douching increases the risk of low birth weight babies and ectopic pregnancy. They also state that the safest way to clean the vagina is to let the vagina clean itself, which it does by secreting mucus. During ovulation, the levels of circulating estrogens increase, the cervical os opens, and the cervical mucus becomes clearer and more profuse. Therefore, the risk of ascending infection from the pressure of douching may be greatest around the time of ovulation when the cervical os is gaping and the mucus is thin. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has a fact sheet on pelvic inflammatory disease that states that women who douche one or two times a month may be more likely to have pelvic inflammatory disease than those who douche less than once a month. Their fact sheet on sexually transmitted diseases states that, to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, sexually active women should avoid douching because douching removes some of the normal protective bacteria in the vagina and increases the risk of getting some sexually transmitted diseases.[xviii]

[xix] (pooled RR = 1.25, 95% CI = 0.99, 1.59). Among women who douched at least once per week, the pooled adjusted relative risk was 1.86 (95% CI = 1.29, 2.68).

[xx] Paget's disease of the nipple, also called Paget's disease of the breast, is an uncommon type of cancer that forms in or around the nipple. More than 95 percent of people with Paget's disease of the nipple also have underlying breast cancer; however, Paget's disease of the nipple accounts for less than 5 percent of all breast cancers
slowone said:
Your post has just led me to the Winning Cancer website. My father is at present having Hormone treatment for Prostate Cancer.

Hmm, I had this one opened in my firefox tabs FWIW:

I took a quote of iodine from there.
ozrich said:
As I remember iodine was commonly used as a disinfectant in Poland in 60's and 70's. You could find it in almost every household.

Dr. Simoncini recommends it for treatment of skin cancer and psoriasis

Yeah, what he says is amazing.

I missed your post, but there is some info about it after you posted. I have to say that the transdermal iodine is the one that got most of my attention. I scrub my hands with iodine and I have to say that I love the feeling :)
Other quotes:

"Povidone-iodine gargle has rapid bactericidal activity against the causative bacteria of periodontal disease.[18]"

"Candida species have become a major opportunistic pathogen causing recurrent oral thrush and oesophageal candidiasis in patients with HIV/AIDS in Kenya.[19] This has resulted in repeatedly high use of expensive anti-fungal drugs (ie Clotrimazole, Amphotericin B and Nystatin) which most of these patients cannot afford full dose. This has resulted in the development of Candida strains resistant to common antifungals in the community. Due to this, Kibera Based Health Care (KCBHC), which cares for the sick at home decided to look for cheap and effective drugs to manage this problem.

Iodine mouth gurgle is effective and cheap therapy for
managing recurrent oral thrush and prevents it from
degenerating to oesophageal candidiasis on HIV/AIDS patients.

Patients with recurrent oral thrush under the care of KCBHC were grouped in two. One group was managed with 2% Povidone Iodine mouth gurgle, the other was managed with Clotrimazole or Nystatin which are routinely used. Healing effects, recurrence and development of oesophageal candidiasis and disappearance of mouth odor were monitored over two years. The patients on Iodine healed within 10 days and mouth odor disappeared. Gurgling of Iodine whenever patients felt signs of recurrence prevented serious recurrence and development of esophageal Candidiasis. Those on antifungal medicines also healed within 10 days but continued having mouth odor. Some developed serious recurrent oral thrush which degenerated to esophageal candidiasis. The medical cost of care using Iodine was very low compared with antifungal care."

"What works for many is to simply swish the iodine/water ingested daily (only the iodine in atomic form (nascent) is suggested for this) around my mouth and teeth before I swallow daily. For children it easily takes the place of vaccines in that one is using the iodine to insure an immune system at full strength. The iodine will take on much of the load of seeking out and destroying viruses, bacteria and candida fungi infections. A person will notice a huge difference in feeling of cleanliness, with pinker and healthier looking tongue and gums."

"Personally I have been experimenting with using oral iodine as a replacement for antibiotics and am finding it more than helpful with my own children. I am even in contact with a missionary in Africa who is using high doses of oral iodine to sucessfully treat malaria patients."

"According to several studies, obstetricians and gynecologists write 2,645,000 antibiotic prescriptions every week. Internists prescribe 1,416,000 per week. This works out to 211,172,000 prescriptions annually in the United States, just for these two specialties. Pediatricians prescribe over $500 million worth of antibiotics annually just for one condition, ear infections. Yet topical povidone iodine (PVP-I) is as effective as topical ciprofloxacin, with a superior advantage of having no in vitro drug resistance and the added benefit of reduced cost of treatment.[iii]"

"Governments around the world recognized the importance of iodine many years ago and started putting iodine into salt. But they forgot to tell everyone that iodine is volatile and evaporates quite quickly meaning there is little to no iodine in the salt on your table after a week or two. This is a glaring oversight of tragic proportions and when you add the fact that fluoride and bromide are more toxic in iodine deficient people we just begin to become aware of the importance of iodine."

Iodine is not only necessary for the production
of thyroid hormone; it is also responsible for the
production of all the other hormones in the body.

Dr. David Brownstein

"We also need iodine for our immune system to work properly. With insufficient amounts, you could end up with cancer, multiple sclerosis, or a host of other diseases."

"Dr. Tullio Simoncini states, "Every tumour of the skin can be completely removed with Iodine Tincture 7%, brushed many times (10-20) a day.[vii] When the crust is formed, don't take it away, but treat the area continuously and wait until it falls without any other intervention except the Iodine tincture. When the crust falls down the third time, the patient is healed."

"In cases where the tumor has invaded a coetaneous-mucous transitional zone like the anus, eyelids, vagina or mouth," Simoncini continues saying, "it is necessary to perform a preliminary treatment of the mucous area with sodium bicarbonate and then, after the elimination of the colonies existing there, proceed to treat the cutis with iodine solution. It is appropriate to highlight that the same type of therapy is to be applied also to psoriasis and to the known fungi afflictions. In fact, the difference between coetaneous mycosis, psoriases and tumors consists only of a variation of aggressiveness and thus of depth of rooting, since the causal agent is always the same: a fungus. Sometimes for the therapy, other corrosive salts can be used in function of the location in the body."

"Over 100 years ago, application of iodine to the skin was used extensively for iodine supplementation. In 1932, Nyiri and Jannitti from the College of Pharmacy of Rutgers University wrote, "Iodine is being used extensively as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent by application to the outer integument, (the skin) and has maintained its place in medicine for many decades."

Dr. Derry says, "Iodine put onto scabs helps to organize total repair of the tissue. All pre-malignant lesions and many other oddities of the skin appear to respond to this regeneration process triggered by topical iodine." Dr. Daniel H. Duffy said, "I have been using IODEX, an iodine containing paste applied directly to the skin for the past thirty two years to help break up the intercostal pain and palpatory soreness at the sternum often suffered by a high percentage of Midwesterners, especially female hypothyroids."

Iodine and Heart Health

According to Scientific American physicians for decades have grappled with ways to block further tissue damage in patients who suffer heart attacks. They have tried everything from drugs to cell therapy-all with little luck. But promising new research indicates that a biogel made from seaweed may have the healing powers that have thus far eluded them. Some of the principle healing agents in seaweed are magnesium, iodine, and selenium.

Though the main theme of this book is magnesium medicine for cardiac care we will deal in this chapter with iodine and in another with the important mineral selenium. Selenium is not only crucial when using iodine but it addresses most directly the Hun Hordes of Mercury that are attacking heart tissues in massive amounts leading to cardiac arrest. Mercury is a deadly cardiac poison whose best antidote is selenium - since they bind together making it easier for the body to remove the selenium-mercury compound.

Doctors and all health care practitioners need to be up on their minerals because we need them now more than ever. Minerals provide the foundations of our bodies as cement provides the support for most building foundations. We need to be acutely aware also of how the minerals work together and are dependent on each other for functioning at optimal levels. It is important that mineral interactions be taken into account when looking at iodine supplementation. A person with superior nutrient intake, especially of selenium, will be much more likely to respond well to higher intakes of iodine.

Seaweeds (iodine) have exceptional value in the treatment of candida overgrowth. They contain selenium and (all the) other minerals necessary for rebuilding immunity; furthermore the rich iodine content is used by enzymes in the body to produce iodine-charged free radicals which deactivate yeasts.[1] Experiments have shown that k. japonica, edible seaweed, was able to transform inorganic selenium to organic selenium through metabolism. Seaweed was crucial in the evolution of life in that it was and still is responsible for concentrating iodine from the ocean. The Japanese eat more seaweed then anyone in the world and they enjoy some of the best health statistics for it.

Clinical cardiovascular features of hypothyroidism include: bradycardia, reduced cardiac output, increased pericardial and pleural effusions, increased diastolic blood pressure and peripheral vasoconstriction. According to Dr. Stephen A. Hoption Cann, Department of Health Care and Epidemiology, University of British Columbia, iodine deficiency can have deleterious effects on the cardiovascular system, and correspondingly, that a higher iodine intake may benefit cardiovascular function.[ii]

Regional iodine intake has been shown to be associated with the prevalence of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, where autoimmune hypothyroidism is the more common of the two in regions with moderate to high iodine intake. Both of these thyroid abnormalities have been shown to negatively affect cardiovascular function.

Selenium, an important antioxidant in the thyroid and involved
in the metabolism of iodine-containing thyroid hormones, may
play an interactive role in the development of these thyroid
irregularities, and in turn, cardiovascular disease.
Dr. Stephen. Hoption Cann

Dr. Michael Donaldson says, "Iodine stabilizes the heart rhythm, lowers serum cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, and is known to make the blood thinner as well, judging by longer clotting times seen by clinicians. Iodine is not only good for the cardiovascular system, it is vital. Sufficient iodine is needed for a stable rhythmic heart beat. Iodine, directly or indirectly, can normalize serum cholesterol levels and normalize blood pressure. Iodine attaches to insulin receptors and improves glucose metabolism, which is good news for people with diabetes. Iodine and iodine-rich foods have long been used as a treatment for hypertension and cardiovascular disease; yet, modern randomized studies examining the effects of iodine on cardiovascular disease have not been carried out."[iii]

Adequate iodine is necessary for proper thyroid function.
The heart is a target organ for thyroid hormones. Marked changes
occur in cardiac function in patients with hypo- or hyperthyroidism.

The country of Finland is an excellent case study of cardiovascular disease and iodine, as reviewed by Dr. Cann. Endemic goiter was common in people and in domestic animals, particularly in the eastern part of Finland away from the sea. Studies in the 1950s revealed that the major dietary difference between eastern and western Finland was iodine. The risk of death from coronary heart disease was 3.5 times higher for people with a goiter in Finland.[iv]

"Thyroid hormone is an important regulator of cardiac function and cardiovascular hemodynamics. Triiodothyronine, (T(3)), the physiologically active form of thyroid hormone, binds to nuclear receptor proteins and mediates the expression of several important cardiac genes, inducing transcription of the positively regulated genes including alpha-myosin heavy chain (MHC) and the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase." [v]

"Negatively regulated genes include beta-MHC and phospholamban, which are down regulated in the presence of normal serum levels of thyroid hormone. T(3) mediated effects on the systemic vasculature include relaxation of vascular smooth muscle resulting in decreased arterial resistance and diastolic blood pressure. In hyperthyroidism, cardiac contractility and cardiac output are enhanced and systemic vascular resistance is decreased, while in hypothyroidism, the opposite is true. Patients with subclinical hypothyroidism manifest many of the same cardiovascular changes, but to a lesser degree than that which occurs in overt hypothyroidism. Cardiac disease states are sometimes associated with the low T(3) syndrome."[vi]

"The phenotype of the failing heart resembles that of the hypothyroid heart, both in cardiac physiology and in gene expression. Changes in serum T(3) levels in patients with chronic congestive heart failure are caused by alterations in thyroid hormone metabolism suggesting that patients may benefit from T(3) replacement in this setting."[vii] T(3) of course is iodine dependent so the relationship between iodine and heart disease gets clearer.

Iodine-containing thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and
triiodothyronine (T3), are important metabolic regulators
of cardiovascular activity with the ability to exert action on
cardiac myocytes, vascular smooth muscle, and endothelial cells.
Dr. Stephen. Hoption Cann

"Whole body sufficiency of iodine/iodide results in optimal cardiac functions," writes Dr. Guy Abraham.[viii] There is an epidemic of cardiac arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation in this country and Dr. Abraham is convinced that the medical iodine phobia has a great deal to do with this phenomenon. Adequate stores of iodine are necessary for a smooth heartbeat.[ix]

The thyroid hormone deficiency on cardiovascular function can be characterized with decreased myocardial contractility and increased peripheral vascular resistance as well as with the changes in lipid metabolism.[x] Dr. B. West says, "Iodine supplementation may be the missing link in a good percentage of heart arrhythmia cases, especially atrial fibrillation. The body needs adequate stores of iodine for the heart to beat smoothly. After close to a year now of using Iodine Fulfillment Therapy, I can attest to this fact. Most of the stubborn cases of cardiac arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation that we were unable to completely correct with our cardiac protocols have now been resolved with adequate supplies of iodine added to the protocol."[xi]

"Amazingly, while medicine shuns iodine therapy, their most popular anti-fibrillation drug, Amiodarone, actually is iodine in a more toxic, sustained-release form. This drug can produce a smooth heartbeat when the body has accumulated about 1,500 mgs of iodine-the exact amount of iodine retained by your body when iodine fulfillment is achieved by natural supplementation with Prolamine Iodine. Unfortunately, Amiodarone is an extremely toxic form of iodine used by the medical profession. The side effects are often too great (and even life threatening) for most people to endure long enough to achieve a normal heartbeat. In addition, once you stop this drug, your original problem returns. Iodine therapy, on the other hand, fulfills the body's needs safely, then maintains the smooth heartbeat with a low-maintenance dose," continued Dr. West.

Dr. Donaldson reminds us of the selenium iodine connection saying, "Another factor in how much iodine can be safely used depends on other possible mineral deficiencies. Selenium is very important for thyroid function. Selenium is part of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase. Glutathione peroxidase in the thyroid helps quench free-radicals produced by the enzyme thyroid peroxidase (which functions to organify iodide as it enters the thyroid). If high levels of iodide are present in the thyroid without sufficient amounts of glutathione peroxidase it causes free-radical damage to the thyroid, leading to autoimmune thyroid disease. Several of the enzymes that convert T4 into T3 also require selenium. Studies in Zaire have found that supplementing selenium and iodine deficient children with just selenium had adverse effects on thyroid function." [xii]

The selenium content in seaweed can bind with
whatever mercury is present and render it harmless.

There are just some people who understand the basics of cellular medicine and act appropriately. Dr. John Young in Tampa Florida has been experimenting with a new process for reversing metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes. Over the past seven years he claims to have a success rate of 80 percent with over 100 diabetes patients. Dr. Young uses a combination of alkaline protein and minerals with a form of iodine that he says reverses the process in diabetes patients in eight to 12 weeks.

It's important to remember that diabetes and heart disease share similar etiologies. Whatever Dr. Young is doing for his diabetic patients physicians can be doing for their heart patients. Iodine is critical to the heart and arterial system so we know it needs to be part of a fundamental protocol either in a preventative or treatment sense.

Dr. George Flechas has found that iodine can reduce the need for insulin in diabetic patients, using 50 to 100 mg of iodine per day. Of 12 patients, 6 were able to completely come off their medications with random glucose readings below 100 mg/dl and a HbA1c less than 5.8 (normal), and the other 6 were able to reduce the amount and/or number of medications needed to control their diabetes.

There is a patient who had severe mitral valve prolapse. A 35-year old banker who could not walk more than 20 metres without getting cyanosed. Five cardiologists and surgeons suggested open heart surgery immediately. He decided against the surgery and went to the DaVinci Clinic in Cyrus to my colleague Dr. George Gorgiou. A central part of the pathology was severe mercury toxicity of the heart tissues - he removed 14 amalgams poisoning himself in the process which caused severe mitral valve prolapse. With the correct treatment not only did this man survive but nearly a year later he is now wind surfing 12 miles at competition standard and came first two weeks ago in a race with two others. He is working a full life etc.

The patient actually has registered with the Guiness Book of Records as being the only man on this planet who has completely healed of severe mitral valve prolapse without open-heart surgery. Dr. Georgiou is a naturopathic doctor whose speciality is chelation of heavy metals. He has done research in Russia creating his own natural chelator called HMD. There are doctors out in the field who understand what is actually going on in cardiac patients and treat them in ways mainstream cardiologists don't even dream of. Basic to this man's treatment was magnesium, iodine and natural chelation with the HMD and other naturopathic support medicinals.

My soon to be released book on Iodine is dedicated to the iodine doctors, brave souls who have risked bringing medicine back to some semblance of sanity. Iodine offers us such a return; it is bedrock medicine and is almost as useful as magnesium chloride. The above is the last chapter written for the book and represents a breakthrough in cardiac care.

Having just finished the book it still amazes me the mysteries of iodine. I am known in certain circles as the magnesium man but with the publishing of this book I am definitely in the iodine camp. The experience of the past few days though are transforming me into an iodine man as well.

My whole family came down with something that has been going around the neighborhood, let's call it the flu. As the first winds of it approached my body's senses I ran for the iodine and took strong doses of it every hour or two and it beat the invading devils, headed them off right at the pass. I still got the symptoms of cough and running nose but I did not feel or get what most people call 'sick'. I was right on the edge for a day but each time I took the iodine I could feel it giving me strength. The only side effect was that my mind intensified in clarity, my sleep time was reduced and I woke up fresh and ready to run to my work. I just this moment said to one of my son's, who is suffering from the flu that he and I were both ignorant, meaning he did not think to take the iodine and until this week I never had for this purpose either. I have done so for my little children when they have gotten sick but there is nothing like first hand experience.

I was using the Nascent Iodine[xiii], which I believe is the safest and most effective of the iodine's available and for the children I would only use this. It is not as concentrated as Lugol's, even the newer watered down Lugol's, which is mostly what is available in the United States after some laws changed, is much stronger. I thus recommend Lugol's for transdermal iodine therapy. Many of the iodine doctors use Iodoral or Iosol and with these one can take iodine dosages up to very high levels safely. The Nascent is something different, having powerful effects at much lower dosages. Feeling it in ones mouth hour after hour gives one a sense of amazement about iodine.

Considering the importance of this element for overall well-being, it is most amazing that no study so far has attempted to answer the very important question about what the optimal amount of daily iodine intake should be for the greatest levels of mental and physical well-being in the majority of a population with a minimum of negative effects. The more one experiences iodine the higher ones estimate goes in this regard.

An important note that the CDC would not like you to know is that Russian researchers and experts in mercury have correlated the flu with mercury toxicity more than with little bugs that crawl around inside of us. And behold, iodine chelates mercury as it does fluoride, bromide and even percolate, the halogen like rocket fuel polluting half of North America. In The Ultimate Heart Medicine book we see that mercury is a huge problem for heart muscles, which concentrate it to levels thousands of times higher than seen in other tissues.

Though iodine is known for its importance for the thyroid, little has been publicized about its other crucial roles. Iodine is needed in microgram amounts for the health of the thyroid on a daily basis but when you factor in the needs of all the other tissues and organs[xiv] much higher doses are needed. Iodine supports the health of many organs in the body but for the heart it is mission critical as is magnesium.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

[1] P. Pitchford, Healing with Whole Foods, Revised Edition, North Atlantic Books, 36, 1993.
[ii] Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 25, No. 1, 1-11 (2006) Hypothesis: Dietary Iodine Intake in the Etiology of Cardiovascular Disease
[iii] ibid
[iv] Cann SAH. Hypothesis: dietary iodine intake in the etiology of cardiovascular disease. J Am Coll Nutr 2006;25(1):1-11.
[v] Thyroid hormone and the cardiovascular system. Danzi S, Klein I. Minerva Endocrinol. 2004 Sep;29(3):139-50. Review.
[vi] ibid
[vii] ibid
[viii] The Original Internist, 12(2):57-66, 2005
[ix] Health Alert, Vol. 22, No. 12
[x] Iodine deficiency in cardiovascular diseases Molnar I, Magyari M, Stief L. Orv Hetil. 1998 Aug 30;139(35):2071-3. Hungarian.
[xi] Atrial Fibrillation, Arrhythmias and Iodine. West B Health Alert, June 2006, Volume 23, Issue 6
[xii] _
[xiii] _ Toll Free (800) 257-3315
[xiv] Other organs are also able to take up iodine, too, by the same transport protein as the thyroid. Research has shown that the receptor for iodine uptake is in the thyroid gland, salivary gland, parotid gland, submandibular gland, pituitary gland, pancreas, testis, mammary gland, gastric mucosa, prostate, ovary, adrenal gland, heart, thymus, lung, bladder, kidney, endometrium, and also breast, ovary and colon and the lacrimal gland The ovaries hold the second highest concentration of iodine, after the thyroid. The breasts also have a high concentration of iodine. Most secretions in the body, whether gastric, nasal, tears, sweat, etc., have iodine in them if sufficient iodine is present in the body.

"Sodium bicarbonate acts as a powerful, natural and safe antifungal agent,[ix] which when combined with iodine, would probably cover the entire spectrum of microbial organisms."

The following quotes are from an a series of articles published here:

“Based on whole body sufficiency for iodine, the US population is severely deficient in this essential element and that is a factor left out of the Marshall Protocol that is important because iodine plays a role in vitamin D metabolism and has a modulating effect on target organ response to calcitriol, the normal range of serum 25-OH-[D.sub.3] would need re-evaluation in whole body iodine sufficient individuals, according to Dr. Guy E. Abraham and Dr. Jorge D. Flechas. Vitamin D is essentially a steroid and iodine affects receptor responsiveness to estrogens and other steroids.“

“These doctors have used iodine successfully for the treatment of fibromyalgia (FM) pain and associated discomfort, one of the same diseases that the Marshall Protocol seeks to alleviate"

"Iodine is utilized by every hormone receptor in the body.
The absence of iodine causes a hormonal dysfunction that
can be seen with practically every hormone inside the body.
Dr. George Flechas"

"Iodine is an anti- inflammatory because it destroys most single cell pathogens and even biofilms on contact. Iodine is an essential mineral important for many crucial components of healthy human physiology so it makes a far better antibiotic, anti fungal and weapon against stealth viruses including L-bacteria or mycoplasmas than pharmaceuticals."

"Iodine also can be used transdermally for great effect. Transdermal medicine is ideal when treating children because it is easy to administer."
Last ones related also to the swine flu.

Iodine, the Universal Pathogen Killer

"As early as June 1, 1905 an article was printed in the New York Times 7 about the successful use of iodine for consumption/tuberculosis. Though iodine kills most pathogens on the skin within 90 seconds, its use as an antibiotic/antiviral/antifungal has been completely ignored by modern medicine. Iodine exhibits activity against bacteria, molds, yeasts, protozoa, and many viruses; indeed, of all antiseptic preparations suitable for direct use on humans and animals and upon tissues, only iodine is capable of killing all classes of pathogens: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, yeasts, viruses and protozoa. Most bacteria are killed within 15 to 30 seconds of contact.

Iodine is by far the best antibiotic,
antiviral and antiseptic of all time.
Dr. David Derry

Dr. Derry says iodine is effective “for standard pathogens such as Staphylococcus, but also iodine has the broadest range of action, fewest side effects and no development of bacterial resistance.” Some doctors have reported that it is excellent for the treatment of mononucleosis. Iodine kills single-celled organisms by combining with the amino acids tyrosine or histidine when exposed to the extracellular environment. All single cells (pathogens) showing tyrosine on their outer cell membranes are killed instantly by a simple chemical reaction with iodine that denatures proteins. Nature and evolution have given us an important mechanism to control pathogenic life forms, and we should use it and trust it to protect us in ways that antibiotics cannot.

Dr. David Brownstein, author of Iodine – Why You Need It, uses iodine extensively in his practice and says, “Iodine is a wonderful antibiotic solution without question and most importantly I never see any of my patients complain of dysbiotic reactions from its use.” Because drug-resistant micro-organisms continue to emerge and the number of patients susceptible to these infections is increasing dramatically an approach that utilizes the innate powers of the immune system as a therapeutic agent will have the greatest benefit to sick patients. The body’s ability to resist infection and disease is hindered by long-term deficiency in essential vitamins and minerals including that of iodine. Poor immune response is correlated with impaired thyroid function; a deficiency in iodine can greatly affect the immune system because low levels of iodine lead to problems with the thyroid gland. 8

I personally talked to a missionary, Stephen Fisher, in Zambia on the phone last year who told me about his very successful use of iodine to treat people with malaria. He used 20 drops of Nascent Iodine in a half glass of water given 4 or 5 times during the first day and then decreased the dose to 10 drops of Nascent Iodine 4 times a day for 3 more days, although higher dosages can be administered for much longer since iodine is a nutritional medicine that is needed by the body. Such a protocol can be used for the swine flu or any other type of influenza. Brownstein and others use much higher dosages of other iodine forms, namely Lugol’s 9 and Iodoral for cancer treatment. If you are interested in high dose usage, please read one of the books by Dr. Brownstein or myself for more details on how to do so.

The minimum number of iodine molecules required to destroy one bacterium varies with the species. For H. influenzae it was calculated to be 15000 molecules of iodine per cell. When bacteria are treated with iodine, the inorganic phosphate up-take and oxygen consumption by the cells immediately ceases. Thus the antiseptic properties of iodine are used to sterilize every surface and material in hospitals. Iodine is an excellent microbicide with a broad range of action that includes almost all of the important health-related microorganisms, such as enteric bacteria, enteric viruses, bacterial viruses, fungi and protozoan cysts.10

The tremendous diversity and mutability of many infections and their ability to intelligently exploit the cells is one of the main reasons we should return to iodine as our favored broad spectrum antibiotic, anti-viral and anti fungal agent. Iodine provides us with a safe way to strengthen innate responses to invading microbes while simultaneously correcting or eliminating a basic nutritional deficiency that causes immunological unresponsiveness.

Iodine is able to penetrate quickly
through the cell walls of microorganisms.

Iodine is a deadly enemy of single cell microorganisms thus it can be our best friend in our fight against the most dangerous pathogens. Nature and evolution have given us an important mechanism to control pathogenic life forms and we should use it and trust it to protect us in ways that antibiotics can’t.

Dr. David Brownstein, one of a core group of iodine doctors had very kind words to say about my Iodine - Bringing Back the Universal Medicine book. “Dr. Sircus has done it again. He has written a wonderful book on iodine that shows the benefits of iodine for treating a wide range of disorders and how you can incorporate iodine into your daily lifestyle. This book should be in everyone's library.” I would say the same about his book, which inspired my deeper study into the applications of Iodine.

An Important Note: Supplies of drinkable iodine are severely limited and unavailable in most parts of the world. It would be wise to stock up on both Nascent Iodine as well as Lugol’s. For those who can only get the inexpensive iodine at the drug store meant for cuts and bruises, know that you can paint the body with it quite heavily and frequently to get iodine into the body. Just monitor the skin for any reactions with small area applications first."

"8 Marani L, Venturi S. Minerva Med. 1986 May 7;77(19):805-9."Iodine was and is sometimes used therapeutically in various pathologies where the immune mechanism is known to play a dominant role. It has in fact been administered to patients with tubercular granulomatous, lepromatous, syphilitic and mycotic lesions where it facilitates cure. This effect does not depend on iodine's action on the micro-organism responsible. Iodine may also be used in Villanova-Panol Panniculitis, in erythema nodosum, in nodular vasculitis, erythema multiforme and Sweet's syndrome. Oral iodine is also very effective in the lymphatic-cutaneous form of sporotrichosis. In order to establish a relationship between dietary iodine and immune response, 607 infants residing in an area of endemic goitre were studied: 215 were given Lugol solution (2 drops a week for about 8 months) and 392 not. The immune response was assessed by the skin test method using tetanic toxoid and a clear correlation was shown between this and lymphocyte stimulation and monocytic chemotaxis tests. The test was considered positive when an infiltration of at least 5 mm in diameter was shown after 48 hours (in the U.S. 80% of paediatric cases aged 2-10 years old were positive). A significant difference was noted in the average diameter of the infiltrations after the tetanic toxoid skin test in the two groups considered (P less than 0.001). The results appear to indicate that an adequate iodine intake is necessary for normal retarded immune response. The molecular mechanism by which iodine increases immune response is still to be decided."

"9 Retired biochemist and toxicologist Walter Last has this to say about Lugol’s: “Lugol's solution is an internal iodine solution designed to eliminate Candida and possibly viruses and other microbes from the bloodstream. Obtain 100ml of Lugol's solution, also labeled Aqueous Iodine Oral Solution B.P., from a chemist. Take a test drop in liquid other then just water to make it taste less strong. If this does not cause an allergic reaction, continue to take 4 x 6 drops daily in liquid or mixed with food, but not together with vitamins A, C, E, grape seed extract or cysteine. Iodine is an oxidant and it is best to reduce the intake of antioxidants while using it. If the blood was contaminated, then you may initially experience a die-off reaction of the Candida, causing weakness and possibly headache or nausea. If this happens cut temporarily back on the amount of Lugol's solution and drink plenty of water and diluted teas or juices. Continue for 3 weeks, but interrupt if you develop a serious reaction. Do not take the iodine for more than 3 weeks as that interferes with thyroid activity. If necessary repeat the course after several months.” Lugol’s can be purchased at"

"Iodine is another generic substance that is crucial for healthy physiology and there are several doctors who recommend it for cancer treatment - especially when breast, prostate and ovarian glands are involved. Iodine is one of the best broadband anti-pathogens taking out everything from viruses to Candida. Firing up the metabolism through the stimulation of thyroid hormone production and detoxification of the thyroid gland, iodine belongs at the heart of a cancer protocol, as does oxygen, which sodium bicarbonate promotes through its creation of carbon dioxide."

"Iodine is also a key component because reduced iodine levels in the breasts, ovaries, thyroid and prostate glands predispose one to higher cancer risk."

"Iodine as Chemo Agent

Dr. David Derry said, “Lugol's solution is an iodine-in-water solution used by the medical profession for 200 years. One drop (6.5 mg per drop) of Lugol's daily in water, orange juice or milk will gradually eliminate the first phase of the cancer development namely fibrocystic disease of the breast so no new cancers can start. It also will kill abnormal cells floating around in the body at remote sites from the original cancer. Of course this approach appears to work for prostate cancer as prostate cancer is similar to breast cancer in many respects. Indeed, it likely will help with most cancers.”

There are over 1 million prostate cancer tissue biopsy procedures performed
annually in the U.S. Approximately 25% of these tissue biopsies are reported
“positive”, indicating the presence of prostate cancer. The other 75% of
prostate cancer tissue biopsies are reported as “negative”.

Though it cost a bit more, Nascent Iodine is more palatable (less caustic) for oral usage and this is what I recommend for children. Lugol’s I reserve for transdermal application. At very high dosages we are talking about treatment costs of approximately 70 dollars a month at maximum doses. Meaning you can do iodine for more than a thousand months before you would spend what you would for having protons warped into your gland. This is the treatment to go for as is sodium bicarbonate, which we will talk about in depth below; we will see in the end which is the best way to go at any price or cost.

A study conducted at University of Illinois has found an interesting relation
between prostate cancer and daily consumption of broccoli and tomato. Both
these vegetables have been known to contain compounds that can fight cancer.
These compounds seem to work better in combination.4

Selenium also is highly indicated as a more than valuable supplement. A 1996 study by Dr. Larry Clark of the University of Arizona showed just how effective selenium can be in protecting against cancer. In the study of 1,300 older people, the occurrence of cancer among those who took 200 micrograms of selenium daily for about seven years was reduced by 42 percent compared to those given a placebo. Cancer deaths for those taking the selenium were cut almost in half, according to the study that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on December 25, 1996. In addition, the men who had taken selenium had 63 percent fewer prostate cancers, 58 percent fewer colorectal cancers, 46 percent fewer lung cancers and overall 37% fewer cancers. Selenium was found to reduce the risk of lung cancer to a greater degree than stopping smoking.5

There are now seven population studies in the past six years
that examined the possible connection between selenium and
prostate cancer. All but one of them has found selenium protective.
Karen Collins, R.D.

Also it makes more than perfect medical sense to increase intensely magnesium cellular (not serum) levels. Why because, “There is reasonable evidence to suggest that calcium may play an important role in the development of prostate cancer,” says Dr. Carmen Rodriguez, senior epidemiologist in the epidemiology and surveillance research department of the American Cancer Society (ACS). Rodriguez says that a 1998 Harvard School of Public Health study of 47,781 men found those consuming between 1,500 and 1,999 mg of calcium per day had about double the risk of being diagnosed with metastatic (cancer that has spread to other parts of the body) prostate cancer as those getting 500 mg per day or less. And those taking in 2,000 mg or more had over four times the risk of developing metastatic prostate cancer as those taking in less than 500 mg.

Calcium and magnesium are opposites in their effects
on our body structure. As a general rule, the more
rigid and inflexible our body structure is, the
less calcium and the more magnesium we need.

It is no surprise to find another Harvard study in October 2001, which looked at dairy product intake among 20,885 men and found men consuming the most dairy products had about 32% higher risk of developing prostate cancer than those consuming the least High magnesium intake reverses calcification damages and inflammation when used intensely.

High calcium levels interfere with Vitamin D and
subsequently inhibit the vitamin’s cancer protective
effect unless extra amounts of Vitamin D are supplemented.6

In this second half of this chapter we are going to focus on two other treatments that come at the exact other end of the spectrum from expensive proton therapy. First is sodium bicarbonate therapy, which is like a kind of natural chemotherapy that can be done easily and safely by anyone for less than five dollars and the other is prostate massage, which can be self administered for free or done by medical doctors. The two together with a full spectrum natural chemo protocol behind them would not only be highly cost effective for individuals and society but by all indications they would be effective and safe to do.

Even if one wants to spend a fortune on more dangerous treatments both sodium bicarbonate and prostate massage should be required adjunct therapies since they can only improve results and reduce and buffer the toxicity and harm of aggressive chemical and radiation treatments. Actually both of these treatments and all the concentrated nutritional medicinals above offer us a nothing to lose and everything to gain treatment for prostate cancer.

To read the 20 page report in its entirety. Click Here: _

Aha!, selenium was found to reduce the risk of lung cancer to a greater degree than stopping smoking. :cool2:
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