Obama to 'punish Russia for allegedly hacking US election - expels 35 diplomats

angelburst29 said:
Siberia said:
Actually, Putin has decided otherwise, which is very wise I think:

Putin: Russia will not expel anyone in response to US sanctions

“We reserve the right to retaliate, but we will not sink to the level of this irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy. We will take further moves on restoring Russian-American relations based on the policies that the administration of President-elect Donald Trump adopts,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a statement published by the Kremlin website.


Putin's position in not wanting to "retaliate" is not only wise but pure Genius! It effectively puts the ball in Obama's court - so the next move (in Chess) comes from him - so what is he going to do? Apply more US Sanctions? Even if Obama decides to do "nothing" - it exposes him in true character to the Whole World! If anything - Obama just improved Putin's ratings!

Yes, that's quite a smart move from Putin. By basically ignoring Obama's childish sanctions, he's throwing the ball straight back to the US and waiting patiently for Trump to get into office before making another move. It also leaves the MSM empty handed in their attempt of further demonising Putin. :cool2:
Eboard10 said:
angelburst29 said:
Siberia said:
Actually, Putin has decided otherwise, which is very wise I think:

Putin: Russia will not expel anyone in response to US sanctions

“We reserve the right to retaliate, but we will not sink to the level of this irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy. We will take further moves on restoring Russian-American relations based on the policies that the administration of President-elect Donald Trump adopts,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a statement published by the Kremlin website.


Putin's position in not wanting to "retaliate" is not only wise but pure Genius! It effectively puts the ball in Obama's court - so the next move (in Chess) comes from him - so what is he going to do? Apply more US Sanctions? Even if Obama decides to do "nothing" - it exposes him in true character to the Whole World! If anything - Obama just improved Putin's ratings!

Yes, that's quite a smart move from Putin. By basically ignoring Obama's childish sanctions, he's throwing the ball straight back to the US and waiting patiently for Trump to get into office before making another move. It also leaves the MSM empty handed in their attempt of further demonising Putin. :cool2:

Indeed, this old picture describes it well :D:

“We will not forbid families and children from spending the New Year’s holidays at the places they are used to. Moreover, I invite the children of all American diplomats with accreditation in Russia to New Year’s and Christmas festivities in the Kremlin,” the Russian president said.

Sheesh, what a d**k move by Obama. In his response, Vladimir Vladimirovich shows his empathy. Yet another classy move by a true statesman.

Siberia said:

:rotfl: Thanks Siberia. Hadn't seen that one before!
Robert Steele: The DHS-FBI Report Against the Russians is Absolute Crap — Our Own Traitors, Not the Russians, Are the Real Enemy

UPDATE 1: John McAfee: ‘I Can Guarantee You, It Was Not the Russians’

The neo-fascist, neo-conservative coup against Donald Trump, the accidental president, continues. General Wesley Clark clearly articulated the success of the first coup. Others have articulated how the Deep State controls not just the US Government, but the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the parent of Gladio false flag terrorism (which just assassinated the NATO Chief Auditor and probably the Russian Ambassador in Turkey as well), and Germany, where Angela Merkel is planning a European army and a European war against Russia rooted in illegal immigration she has encouraged and false flag attacks in which she is complicit.

Vladimir Putin is to be saluted for not expelling US officers — most known to Russia, CIA’s dirty little secret is that it does not have a deep bench and will lie to the President about this — when Donald Trump takes power, among his priorities must be the cleansing of the FBI (cleaning out the pedophile, Zionist, Opus Dei, and Wall Street “protectors”) rapidly followed by a tripling of the FBI budget and a redirection on the 500 traitors — I have started a list — who actively betray the public interest on behalf of foreign powers.

Israel and Saudi Arabia, not Russia, are the most culpable sponsors of treason within the US Government. NSA and CIA are the absolute top culprits responsible for spying on — and blackmailing — US politicians including President Barack Obama who has been under constant electronic surveillance since he was a junior Senator. NSA and CIA — and through NSA the Israelis and through CIA the Saudis — have every intimate moment Barack Obama has ever had, on tape and ready for release. Similarly, many Senators and Congressman are “on tape” and being “handled” by the Deep State.

Below are a few facts and links that give the lie to the Clinton-Brennan-Obama narrative.

Were I not so committed to Truth & Reconciliation and moving on, I would call for the impeachment of Barack Obama, John Kerry, Jim Clapper, and John Brennan specifically, for high crimes and misdemeanors in fomenting war with Russia on the basis of lies. I am reminded of Dick Cheney’s 935 now-documented lies that led us to multiple elective wars and occupations in which Saudi Arabia funded our traitors and the tax-payer paid $5 trillion to create a swath of destruction from Afghanistan to Niger.

Here is the DHS-FBI report: DHS-FBI Crap Report on Russian Cyber

FACT: In no way does this unprofessional “high school level” report demonstrate that the Russians “hacked” anything, least of all the DNC (that was NSA hacking-leaking and insider leaking) and Podesta (that was a singleton phishing expedition by someone who does not speak Russian, we know this from their Yandex account set-up). As I note in the below proposed press release delivered to Jim Clapper via email — his last opportunity to grasp what little is left of his integrity — there is a difference between hacking, leaking, and manipulating. My summary for Jim Clapper is still the best summary of what actually happened, the other three links are the best technical denunciation of the lies from DHS-CIA-FBI, my own early summary with structured links, and a final link to all posts at this blog focused on the false narrative against the Russians.

James Clapper: John Brennan is Fired, the CIA Report is Rescinded, the Russians Did Not “Hack” the Election

Berto Jongman: James Scott, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology on John Brennan and CIA Being Full of Crap…

Robert Steele: Intelligence Lies — Russians Did Not Hack Emails and Russians Did Not Hack Voting Machines — Media is Complicit in Massive Propaganda by Government Against Public UPDATE 1

Russians (Search Results) @ Phi Beta Iota

FACT: NSA and CIA spy on US politicians to a degree that no foreign service could ever match. They do this with impunity. No one seems to have the balls to make this an issue. This is the story of our time, along with the pathological ineptitude of the US secret intelligence world, that collects everything digital, ignores everything known by humans that is not digital, and consequently knows nothing of value to the President, the Cabinet, Congress, or our military commanders — one them, Tony Zinni, is on record as saying he received, “at best” 4% of what he needed to know from US secret sources and methods.

Robert Steele: Is Blaming the Russians a Desperate Attempt to Cover Up US Intelligence Community Routine Spying on US Politicians Including the President?

Robert Steele: Fake News as Treason — An Indictment of CIA, NSA & Everyone Else…Russians Did Not Hack Election, This is a Coup in Progress…

Graphic: Tony Zinni on 4% “At Best”

Tony Zinni: Background & Confirmation of the 4% “At Best” Quote on Secret versus Open Sources

Intelligence for the President–and Everyone Else

On Defense Intelligence: Seven Strikes

FACT: The Russians have certainly done their share of cyber-snooping but in no way does this translate into “hacking” the US election — Clinton did the voting machines until DHS and others closed down that options, one reason Donald Trump won “accidentally,” and the Israelis did vastly more than the Russians in their campaign of cyber snooping, Google search manipulation, Facebook censorship, and fake news including very active slander against Donald Trump. The Israeli — and Saudi — and German — day of reckoning is coming. I pray that is rooted in Truth & Reconciliation — my version is “everyone gets the truth, no one goes to jail. From an objective point of view, there is no comparison between Russian (or Chinese, French, and German) cyber-snooping against the USA — at the high-school level — and Israeli cyber-control. The Israelis “own” not just NSA, but DHS and most law enforcement communications and computing networks across the USA.

Graphic: How Hillary Clinton Stole the Democratic Nomination from Bernie Sanders — and Did Not Legally Win the Popular Vote

Mongoose: Hillary Clinton Electoral Fraud Confirmed by Stanford University — Bernie Sanders Won…

FadedRose: Uncounted Votes – How Clinton Stole California with the Active Complicity of Bernie Sanders?

Worth a Look: Black Box Voting — Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century

4th Media: Wayne Madsen – US Counterintelligence Locked Down to Protect Zionist Penetrations?

Berto Jongman: Zionist Mole in White House, Lewinsky Audio Tapes by Mossad Used to Blackmail Clinton –Tie in USS Liberty, Zionist Role in JFK, Saudis on 9/11

CounterPunch: An End to AIPAC, An End to Zionist Subversion of US Government and US Policy?

Gareth Porter: Obama’s False Narrative on Iran — Zionists — and Sunni Dictators “Own” the White House and the Black House

Jim Dean: Zionist Penetration of US Academia — Boycott by ASA, Counter-Attack, Need for Religious Counterintelligence Most Urgent

Owl: Saudi Terrorists and Zionist Terrorists — From Same Jewish Roots?

Penguin: NSA = Zionists Ubber Alles

Penguin: It’s Official – NSA Puts Zionist Israel Ahead of USA, Compromises Official US Government Communications in Favor of Zion

Jon Rappoport: NSA as Front for Two Israeli Companies, Narus and Verint, Specializing in Mass Surveillance & Getting Zionist Copy of Everything

Review: Robert Maxwell, Israel’s Superspy–The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul

FACT: The US secret intelligence world is the foundation for the Deep State that rescued fascism after WWII — not only exfiltrating the top Nazis and their treasures but then turning around and using the Black Lily Fund (the gold captured in the Philippines, China is about to get the other 150 stashes, we only got 25) to restore fascist politicians in Germany, Italy, and Japan, while funding dictators across Africa and Asia — e.g. Indonesia — willing to pay lip service to anti-communism. The secret world — largely the rogue elements of the CIA and FBI — is also the facilitator for Deep State movement of drugs, guns, cash, and children — the latter into pedophilia/snuff pipelines — using conscripted military assets on a “no questions asked basis.” The degree of depravity within the rogue elements of the US secret world cannot be over-stated. Combined with torture and drone assassination, the latter with a 98% collateral damage or death of innocents rate, as well as the “gold war” against Russia, and there is every reason for President-Elect Trump to consider a deep cleansing of the US secret world with what we in the Latino world call “con significancia” — with significance. It will hurt. Leaving this cesspool of depraved amoral assholes intact will hurt more. Donald Trump’s toughest opponents will be the Republican Party leadership — they are heavily invested in war as a business model, they are “controlled” by the Deep State, and they are delusional in not understanding that the next big leak is going to bury them by name.

Review: Gold Warriors–America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold

Berto Jongman: Gold War – China Takes Philippines

Review (Guest): The Devil’s Chessboard – Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government

Review (Guest): The American Deep State – Wall Street, Big Oil, and the Attack on US Democracy

Review (Guest): Pay Any Price – Greed, Power, and Endless War

Fletcher Prouty: How CIA Really Works

Fletcher Prouty: The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World

Danny Sheehan with Gary Null: Four Interviews – New Reflections on The Deep State, Money, Nazis, and Murder

Mike Lofgren: Anatomy of the Deep State

Mike Lofgren: Inside the US Deep State — How Elites Control Politicians and Bureaucrats — Openly

Mike Lofgren: War as a Business Model

Robert Steele: The Two-Party Tyranny and Faux Intelligence as Enablers of the Deep State

Yoda: Deep State – Satanic State – Pedophilia State

FACT: 80-90% of what we need to know in the way of intelligence (decision-support) can and should be derived from open source and methods. The secret world calls Open Source Intelligence (and me, its founder) “open sores.” They are absolutely terrified that President-Elect Trump will focus on the one thing that Jim Woolsey and I agree on: 75% of the secret world is worthless, it’s budget could and should be cut to $25B (Woolsey’s number) to $30B (my number). An Open Source Agency (OSA) at $3B a year will not only provide the President and the Cabinet with what they need to know across 150 topics now ignored by the secret world, but will do so in tailored support to strategy, policy, operations, and acquisition, distinctions not understood by the existing “one size fits” all secret intelligence world. Intelligence reform can be job and revenue neutral across all political boundaries; it merits comment that migrating from an over-emphasis on technical collection that is not processed to a global open source and overt human collection emphasis where processing is multinational and multilingual, will create thousands of jobs for normal people — the only losers will be the beltway bandits over-charging by 50%.

Reflections: Philosophy of Intelligence

2017 Robert Steele: OSINT Done Right

Robert Steele: Open Source (Technologies) Agency

Former CIA Spy Has A Christmas Message For Trump

Robert Steele: Reinventing the US Army Part I – An American Grand Strategy

Fixing Intelligence II: Seven Precepts (PORTAL)

FACT: The era of secrecy enabling the few to profit from war and waste is over. The Internet is in its infancy — Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube are all censoring alternative views while the mainstream media continues to pump out “fake news” — what Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman so famously called “manufacturing consent,” our schools are “weapons of mass instruction,” but the tide has turned. Unlike WWI and WWII, both wars started by bankers who funded both sides of each war and used lies to turn incidents into war, the public is smarter now. The public now understands that both the CIA and the NYT are shit — they cannot be relied upon to tell the truth because no one has been holding them accountable for telling the truth. Donald Trump may not rise to the occasion, but Mike Flynn, his National Security Advisor, is acutely aware of the mediocrity of both secret intelligence and the media as now owned by Wall Street, and also acutely aware that a Trump Channel and an Open Source Agency could change everything for the better. The revolution has begin. I pray it is non-violent.

Robert Steele: Throw Press Out of White House — Create the Presidential Grand Strategy, Public Communications, & Open Source Intelligence Center (Trump Channel) UPDATE 1: Schumer Channel Created!
The following picture and statement is from the new official channel of the russian government, called "@MID_Russia", on Telegram, discussed here. Putin says:

Vladimir Putin: We regard the recent unfriendly steps taken by the outgoing US administration as provocative and aimed at further weakening the Russia-US relationship. This runs contrary to the fundamental interests of both the Russian and American people. Considering the global security responsibilities of Russia and the United States, this is also damaging to international relations as a whole.

As it proceeds from international practice, Russia has reasons to respond in kind. Although we have the right to retaliate, we will not resort to irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy but will plan our further steps to restore Russian-US relations based on the policies of the Trump Administration.

The diplomats who are returning to Russia will spend the New Year’s holidays with their families and friends. We will not create any problems for US diplomats. We will not expel anyone. We will not prevent their families and children from using their traditional leisure sites during the New Year’s holidays. Moreover, I invite all children of US diplomats accredited in Russia to the New Year and Christmas children’s parties in the Kremlin.

It is regrettable that the Obama Administration is ending its term in this manner. Nevertheless, I offer my New Year greetings to President Obama and his family.

My season’s greetings also to President-elect Donald Trump and the American people.

Watching Putin making his moves is one of few things in global events that gives real joy. :) Here's another good one:

Wow, that is an amazing response from Putin. I am ever more impressed with his patience and his character. He seems to be the only grown up in the room when dealing with the Americans.

Pashalis said:
The following picture and statement is from the new official channel of the russian government, called "@MID_Russia", on Telegram, discussed here. Putin says:

Vladimir Putin: We regard the recent unfriendly steps taken by the outgoing US administration as provocative and aimed at further weakening the Russia-US relationship. This runs contrary to the fundamental interests of both the Russian and American people. Considering the global security responsibilities of Russia and the United States, this is also damaging to international relations as a whole.

As it proceeds from international practice, Russia has reasons to respond in kind. Although we have the right to retaliate, we will not resort to irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy but will plan our further steps to restore Russian-US relations based on the policies of the Trump Administration.

The diplomats who are returning to Russia will spend the New Year’s holidays with their families and friends. We will not create any problems for US diplomats. We will not expel anyone. We will not prevent their families and children from using their traditional leisure sites during the New Year’s holidays. Moreover, I invite all children of US diplomats accredited in Russia to the New Year and Christmas children’s parties in the Kremlin.

It is regrettable that the Obama Administration is ending its term in this manner. Nevertheless, I offer my New Year greetings to President Obama and his family.

My season’s greetings also to President-elect Donald Trump and the American people.

Putin's response says quite a lot about his character; in the face of insult he showed real humility. I was wondering how he would respond to this recent slight against Russia, but based on his previous actions and statements, I wasn't surprised at all by his response. I don't think he could've handled this any better. Kudos to the Kremlin!
Not only has the White House banned Russian diplomats from a Maryland “spy compound” which is actually a vacation retreat, the Obama administration has expelled a chef from the Russian Embassy in San Francisco, forcing diplomats and their families to cook for themselves.

White House to Make Diplomats Cook for Themselves, Chef Among Expelled Russians

The consul general of the embassy, Sergey Petrov, confirmed to the Associated Press that the chef is among four diplomats who have been kicked out of the San Francisco embassy.

The move means that this New Year’s Eve, "we'll have to cook ourselves,” Petrov said.

The 31 other Russian diplomats that are being kicked out of the country are from the Washington DC embassy. Seven family members will also be leaving with the diplomats, three of whom are children. They "have to leave within hours, and it's just not human, frankly,” Petrov added.

They are bitter because they have to leave before their term expired,” he said.

As Sputnik reported yesterday, the US also shut down a vacation retreat center in Maryland “where families grilled burgers, hot dogs, and maybe even nuclear-Russian shish kebobs.” While Russian President Vladimir Putin is being praised by US President-elect Donald Trump for his refusal to retaliate against the outgoing administration, it is clear that, for the next few weeks, the White House does not want Russian diplomats or their families to enjoy their time in the nation.
That is one elegant response. Such class!

But at the same time it calls out the game for what it is. Because if he were to deny or denounce accusations he would be participating in the silly little "kitchen" diplomacy game. Instead he bypassed it all, did something that shows how low the Obama administration has gone and says "watch how easy it is to not drop ourselves as low as you".

Truly remarkable.
Putin's answer is brilliant. It show the decency of Russia and, in contrast, it shows the pettiness of the current US administration. Also Putin knows that the Obama administration will soon be out, so what matters is the Trump administration, which might the intented recipient of his message. Trump has not been oblivious to the whole thing:

Trump Mocks CNN, NBC; Praises Putin: "Great Move On Delay - I Always Knew He Was Very Smart"


If there was any confusion how president-elect Donald Trump - who for the past few days has been urging Americans to "get on with our lives" beyond the topic of Russian sanctions - felt about Putin unexpectedly taking the "high road" and refusing to retaliate tit-for-tat to Obama's expulsion of Russian diplomats, he cleared it up moments ago when at 2:41pm he tweeted: "Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!"

Or, said otherwise, "Obama is not very smart" something which the Russian embassy in the US found amusing enough to Retweet (in this particular case we are confident Retweeting does mean endorsing).

And then just to totally infuriate the media, Trump followed up his earlier praise of Putin by slamming CNN and NBC:

While it remains unclear if Trump will eliminate the anti-Russia sanctions implemented by Obama as soon as he enters office in three weeks, we expect many more op-eds and articles lamenting the bromance between Trump and Putin by Jeff Bezos' blog and other "unfake" media.

Case in point, here is Hillary Clinton sycophant John Harwood, who mysteriously still has a job at CNBC following the reputation crushing Podesta email revelations, slamming Trump's tweet as "breath-taking: one day after POTUS sanctions Russia for criminal interference in US election, President-elect praises Putin as "very smart"

From the above Trump seems closer to Putin than he is to the current US establishment.
Siberia said:
latulipenoire said:
It seems Putin's response has come out:

Russia moves to expel US diplomats in response to sanctions

The Russian foreign ministry has called for the expulsion of 35 US diplomats in response to a similar move by Washington.
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the request had been made to President Vladimir Putin.
The Obama administration expelled 35 Russia diplomats and their families over alleged Russian hacking during the US election campaign.
Russia denies any involvement and calls the US action "ungrounded".
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev accused the outgoing administration of President Barack Obama of ending in "anti-Russian death throes".

Actually, Putin has decided otherwise, which is very wise I think:

Putin: Russia will not expel anyone in response to US sanctions

“We reserve the right to retaliate, but we will not sink to the level of this irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy. We will take further moves on restoring Russian-American relations based on the policies that the administration of President-elect Donald Trump adopts,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a statement published by the Kremlin website.


It's indeed fortunate that he decided to act like this! But the crazy thing is that when I searched, earlier today, for news of Putin and Kremlin, I came across that BBC link that said just what I quoted. But now it has a different title and reflects what came through the media (including RT) all day long:

Russia-US row: Putin rules out tit-for-tat expulsion of diplomats

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ruled out a tit-for-tat response after the US expelled 35 Russian diplomats amid a row over hacking.
He said Russia would not "stoop" to the level of "irresponsible diplomacy" but would work to restore ties with the US under President-elect Donald Trump.
The country denies involvement in hacking related to the US election, calling US sanctions "ungrounded".
Mr Trump praised Mr Putin as "very smart" for holding off on reprisals.
Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev accused the outgoing US administration of President Barack Obama of ending in "anti-Russian death throes".

Under the US action taken on Thursday:
Thirty-five diplomats from Russia's Washington embassy and its consulate in San Francisco were declared "persona non grata" and given 72 hours to leave the US with their families
Two properties said to have been used by Russian intelligence services in New York and Maryland were closed on Friday
Sanctions were announced against nine entities and individuals including two Russian intelligence agencies, the GRU and the FSB
Mr Obama, who will be replaced by Donald Trump on 20 January, had vowed action against Russia amid US accusations that it directed cyber-attacks on the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton's campaign.
Emails stolen from her campaign manager and from the servers of the Democratic National Committee - some containing embarrassing information for Democrats - were released during the election campaign.

A skilled hand: Jonathan Marcus, BBC diplomatic correspondent

This was a carefully stage-managed response from Mr Putin - dangling the possibility of tit-for-tat expulsions and then showing magnanimity in postponing any response - at least for now.
It is fundamentally a put-down for the Obama administration, suggesting that, in Moscow's view, it is such a lame-duck, so irrelevant, as to make any response unnecessary.
It also poses an immediate test for President-elect Trump. Will he be convinced by the evidence the US intelligence agencies say they have? And, if so, what course will he steer in his relations with Russia?
This is no new Cold War. Russia is simply a kind of "pocket" superpower, nothing like the Soviet Union of old. But Mr Putin has shown here in relations with the West, as in Ukraine and Syria, that he can play a limited hand with great skill. Mr Trump will need to respond to this challenge in a decisive but graduated way.

'Come to the tree'

In a statement on the Kremlin website (in Russian), Mr Putin said: "We won't be expelling anyone.
"We won't be banning their families and children from the places where they usually spend the New Year holidays. Furthermore, I invite all children of American diplomats accredited in Russia to the New Year and Christmas Tree in the Kremlin."

He wished Barack Obama and his family a happy New Year, as well as Mr Trump and "the whole American people".
In a message on the presidential website, Mr Putin said that, with the accession of Mr Trump, "the two states, acting in a constructive and pragmatic manner, can take real steps for restoration of mechanisms for bilateral co-operation".
President-elect Trump has dismissed the hacking claims as "ridiculous" and said Americans should "get on with our lives" when asked previously about the possibility of sanctions.
However, he said late on Thursday he would meet US intelligence chiefs next week to be "updated on the facts of this situation".

Russia's foreign ministry had reportedly suggested expelling 31 US diplomats from Moscow and four from St Petersburg.

The US expulsions affect staff at the Russian embassy in Washington
It also suggested banning US diplomats from their dachas (holiday homes) in Serebryany Bor near Moscow and a warehouse on Moscow's Dorozhnaya Street.
Russia is sending a special plane to the US to fly home its diplomats.
The move followed reports that they were struggling to buy plane tickets because flights were full ahead of the New Year holiday.
Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has denied a report by CNN that Moscow is shutting down a school attended by diplomats' children.
She said it was a "lie" that the Anglo-American School faced closure as retaliation.
Meanwhile, the Russian embassy to the UK tweeted a visual gag calling the Obama presidency a lame duck.
Russian Embassy tweets: President Obama expels 35 Russian diplomats in Cold War deja vu. As everybody, incl american people, will be glad to see the last of this hapless Adm.Image copyright@RUSSIANEMBASSY

'Getting nasty'

Pavel Felgenhauer, a Russian military affairs analyst, told BBC World Service things were going to get "very nasty" from here on in.
But US Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar, who is currently on a visit to the Baltic states, told the BBC it would have been a mistake for the US not to respond to the hacking.
"This is something that is not just about American democracy, it's about all democracies," she said. "There's upcoming elections in Germany and France and for the US just to roll over and to let this happen with no response would have been a huge mistake."
US intelligence agencies, including the FBI and CIA, concluded that the aim of the hack was to cause damage to Mrs Clinton and the Democrats and favour Mr Trump.

Thank you Siberia, for the clarification! It seems I just caught some "fake news" in the MSM, oh dear... :halo:
Alejo said:
That is one elegant response. Such class!

But at the same time it calls out the game for what it is. Because if he were to deny or denounce accusations he would be participating in the silly little "kitchen" diplomacy game. Instead he bypassed it all, did something that shows how low the Obama administration has gone and says "watch how easy it is to not drop ourselves as low as you".

Truly remarkable.
Pierre said:
Putin's answer is brilliant. It show the decency of Russia and, in contrast, it shows the pettiness of the current US administration. Also Putin knows that the Obama administration will soon be out, so what matters is the Trump administration, which might the intented recipient of his message. Trump has not been oblivious to the whole thing:

Trump Mocks CNN, NBC; Praises Putin: "Great Move On Delay - I Always Knew He Was Very Smart"


If there was any confusion how president-elect Donald Trump - who for the past few days has been urging Americans to "get on with our lives" beyond the topic of Russian sanctions - felt about Putin unexpectedly taking the "high road" and refusing to retaliate tit-for-tat to Obama's expulsion of Russian diplomats, he cleared it up moments ago when at 2:41pm he tweeted: "Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!"

Or, said otherwise, "Obama is not very smart" something which the Russian embassy in the US found amusing enough to Retweet (in this particular case we are confident Retweeting does mean endorsing).

And then just to totally infuriate the media, Trump followed up his earlier praise of Putin by slamming CNN and NBC:

While it remains unclear if Trump will eliminate the anti-Russia sanctions implemented by Obama as soon as he enters office in three weeks, we expect many more op-eds and articles lamenting the bromance between Trump and Putin by Jeff Bezos' blog and other "unfake" media.

Case in point, here is Hillary Clinton sycophant John Harwood, who mysteriously still has a job at CNBC following the reputation crushing Podesta email revelations, slamming Trump's tweet as "breath-taking: one day after POTUS sanctions Russia for criminal interference in US election, President-elect praises Putin as "very smart"

From the above Trump seems closer to Putin than he is to the current US establishment.

Yep. Putins counter statment is absolotly brilliant, shows his class and is truly remarkable. Trump didn't just pick up on it, as Pierre posted above, he essentially thanked/praised Putin for that smart move. Before that, Trump said this about Putin:

Pashalis said:

After Putins latest yearly press conference last friday (which went over 4 hours, as usual), Trump posted this on twitter:

Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary and Dems: "In my opinion, it is humiliating. One must be able to lose with dignity." So true!

A big no go, to refer to something Putin said as "So true!" especially as president. Would like to see more of that for sure!

And after this latest counter statement of Putin, Trump posted those two tweets, that go even further then the above. One of those is what they refer to, in the article Pierre posted. By now the psychopathic establishmet must going mad like cracy, about what Trump is saying and doing:

Trump said:
Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!

Trump said:
Russians are playing @CNN and @NBCNews for such fools - funny to watch, they don't have a clue! @FoxNews totally gets it!
I agree and think this was a master move by Putin. In the book recently mentioned on Sott, called "The Daily Stoic", this is what was the daily meditation for the 30th of December, which is the day Putin's response came:

"To bear trials with a calm mind
robs misfortune of its strength and burden. "
Seneca, Hercules Oetaeus, 231-232

I found that very fitting. Putin is making lemonade out of lemons, as one says, and by his actions clearly shows for all to see, who is the real master.

This article tries to explain what's behind Obama's attack. In it there are a few more cartoons, that shows well Obama's legacy:

A Loser's Malice: What's Behind Obama's Attacks On Putin

Relations between Russian president Vladimir Putin and US president Barack Obama are poisoned and irretrievably damaged. It’s therefore a good thing that Obama is leaving office on 20 January. Bad US-Russian relations are of course nothing new. Since the Anglo-American war against Iraq in 2003, the US-Russian relationship has been headed downhill. For Obama, it appears that everything has gotten personal. The US president often acts like a petulant adolescent, jealous of a high school rival. You know, the kid who does everything better than he does. The lad takes it badly and won’t let it go. He challenges his nemesis to some new contest at every opportunity only to lose again and again. That’s got to be hard on the ego. Between Obama and Putin there have been many such encounters. Nor can it help that western cartoonists so often ridicule Obama as out of his depth in comparison to Putin.

Let’s consider Obama’s remarks at his last press conference on Friday, 16 December. «The Russians can’t change us or significantly weaken us», said Obama: «They are a smaller country. They are a weaker country. Their economy doesn’t produce anything that anybody wants to buy, except oil and gas and arms. They don’t innovate». This was insulting both Putin and his country, but not enough apparently for Obama. «They [the Russians] can impact us if we lose track of who we are. They can impact us if we abandon our values. Mr. Putin can weaken us, just like he’s trying to weaken Europe, if we start buying into notions that it’s okay to intimidate the press, or lock up dissidents, or discriminate against people because of their faith or what they look like».


Western cartoonists so often ridicule Obama as out of his depth in comparison to Putin

What on earth is Mr. Obama talking about? Intimidate the press? The Moscow newspapers and television media are loaded with «liberals». Many Russians call them «fifth columnists». They are «people with ‘more advanced’ worldview(s) who do not tolerate ‘Russian propaganda’ themselves», according to one colleague in Moscow. But Mr. Putin tolerates them and pays them no mind.

«Lock up dissidents… discriminate against people»? What alternate reality does Mr. Obama live in? Doesn’t produce anything people want to buy? The United States buys rocket engines that it does not now produce at home. Maybe the Americans, a Russian commentator joked, can use high tech trampolines to get into space and do without Russian technology.

In an interview the previous day with the American National Public Radio Obama ranted about Putin. It must have been a rehearsal for his press conference. «This is somebody, the former head of the KGB», said Obama, «who is responsible for crushing democracy in Russia… countering American efforts to expand freedom at every turn; is currently making decisions that's leading to a slaughter in Syria». What stupefying hypocrisy; what utter nonsense. Putin was a lieutenant colonel in the KGB, but never its head, and he certainly has not «crushed democracy in Russia». He even treats his political opposition with respect compared to Obama who dismisses president-elect Donald Trump as some kind of Russian Manchurian candidate. The Russians, according to Obama, interfered in the US presidential elections, and helped defeat fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton. They hacked the Democratic National Committee’s hard drive and passed thousands of emails to WikiLeaks, although, according to others, an outraged Clinton insider leaked the cache of embarrassing emails. Obama has dismissed that possibility. The Russians did the hack, he insists , and Putin must be held personally responsible.


In Syria, the United States and its NATO and regional vassals are waging a war of aggression against the legitimate government in Damascus, backing jihadist terrorists

Where’s the evidence? In Moscow, an angry Putin challenged Obama to put up or shut up. This is a hard thing for Obama to do. The Russians, he says, «counter American efforts to expand freedom at every turn». One wonders where that would be. In the Ukraine where the United States and European Union backed and guided the coup d’état against the democratically elected Ukrainian government? Or in Syria where the United States and its NATO and regional vassals are waging a war of aggression against the legitimate government in Damascus, backing jihadist terrorists? How many democratic governments or popularly supported political movements has the United States plotted against or destroyed since 1945? The list is long, including the 1996 Russian presidential election.


Remember 2013, when the US government started a propaganda campaign about Syrian chemical weapons and warned of «red lines» that could not be crossed?

Obama directly raised the issue of Syria during his NPR interview. The liberation of E. Aleppo from Al-Qaeda and other jihadists has infuriated the west. To the everlasting shame of France, the Eiffel Tower was darkened to mourn the defeat of Al-Qaeda. The Mainstream Media (MSM) is up in arms. Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, Palestinian and Iraqi militias have helped the Syrian Arab Army to cleanse Aleppo of jihadist terrorists, and thwart the United States and its vassals. This is what galls Obama, being outmanoeuvred by a lesser man than he and a lesser country than the United States. How deplorable to speak of the liberation of E. Aleppo as «a slaughter in Syria».

Obama’s frustrations began several years ago. Remember back in 2013, when the US government started a propaganda campaign about Syrian chemical weapons and warned of «red lines» that could not be crossed? Apparently, the US government came within an ace or two of launching massive air attacks on Syria. Putin intervened and the Syrian government gave up its chemical weapons, removing the US pretext for intervention. The print media had a field day showing Putin helping Obama out of a corner of his own making. All the while, Putin kept urging Russian-US cooperation against the jihadists in Syria, trying to draw the United States away from its ruinous policies. To no avail. Who then acted with greater statesmanship, Putin or Obama?


In 2013, when the US government started a propaganda campaign about Syrian chemical weapons, Putin intervened and the Syrian government gave up its chemical weapons, removing the US pretext for intervention. The print media had a field day showing Putin helping Obama out of a corner of his own making.

Temporarily thwarted in Syria, the United States opened up a new front on Russia’s southern frontier in the Ukraine. It backed the coup d’état in Kiev and turned a blind eye to the fascist vanguard, which kept the new Ukrainian junta in power. «The fascists are just ‘a few bad apples’», officials said in Washington, thinking that NATO had scored a great victory in getting its hands on Sevastopol so it could kick the Russian Black Sea fleet out of its traditional home base.

You have to give credit to Obama; he was ambitious, aiming for a big prize and the humiliation of Russia and its president. Again, he was thwarted not so much by President Putin but by the Russian people of the Crimea who immediately mobilised their local self-defence units backed by «polite people», Russian marines stationed in Sevastopol, to kick out the Ukrainians with scarcely a shot fired. They organised a referendum to approve entry into the Russian Federation. Reunification was quickly approved by a huge majority and celebrated in Moscow. Putin gave a remarkably candid speech, explaining the Russian position. «NATO remains a military alliance,’ he said, «and we are against having a military alliance making itself at home right in our backyard or in our historic territory. I simply cannot imagine that we would travel to Sevastopol to visit NATO sailors. Of course, most of them are wonderful guys, but it would be better to have them come and visit us, be our guests, rather than the other way round».


«NATO remains a military alliance,’ he said, «and we are against having a military alliance making itself at home right in our backyard or in our historic territory», Putin said

It all happened so quickly, Obama must have looked on, dumbfounded, sputtering with angry frustration at having been outmanoeuvred by Crimean Russians who knew a thing or two after all about «innovating» and defending their land. Russians in the eastern Ukraine also resisted, taking up arms to defend themselves against Kiev’s fascist battalions.

That was too much. Putin became Obama’s nemesis. The US president struck back with economic sanctions, which his European vassals quickly endorsed. When Malaysian Airlines, MH17, was shot down over the eastern Ukraine, Obama and the EU at once accused Putin of being responsible without a shred of evidence. In fact, the available evidence points to the Kiev junta as the guilty party, but the MSM paid no attention. It ran an orchestrated propaganda campaign leading to harder sanctions against Russia intended to sabotage the Russian economy and break the Russian government.

Obama and his advisors again miscalculated. The Russian government instituted its own sanctions against the EU, and looked for other sources of supply or replaced foreign imports with Russian products. «We can do without Polish apples and French cheese», most Russians thought. «Liberals» sulked over the loss of their camembert, but that’s a small price to pay for Russian independence. Obama was outsmarted again by Russians who, he insists, can’t innovate. As for the EU, it suffered huge economic losses because of sanctions at American behest in a classic case of shooting oneself in the foot. It’s getting to be a habit; the EU has again renewed its sanctions against Russia.


The EU has suffered huge economic losses because of its anti-Russia sanctions at American behest in a classic case of shooting oneself in the foot.

Whilst the Ukrainian crisis dragged on, Obama had to turn his attention back to Syria. In the autumn of 2015, Putin ordered Russian aerospace and naval forces to intervene on behalf of the hard-pressed Syrian government which asked for assistance against the western-backed jihadist invasion. The tide of battle slowly turned. Again, Obama was caught off guard; again, the US plan to overthrow the Syrian government was thwarted by Obama’s nemesis. The United States tried bogus truces to allow its jihadist mercenaries to refit and resupply. At first, the Russians did not seem to catch on, accepting American proposals as genuine. They had to learn the hard way, but they did eventually. The liberation of E. Aleppo, although overshadowed by the simultaneous loss of Palmyra, is another blow to Obama’s policies and to his fragile ego.


How could this «weaker… smaller country» outsmart the all-powerful Mr. Obama and the great US Hegemon?

No wonder the US president is lashing out at Putin, publically insulting him and his country. No wonder the MSM is up in arms. How could this «weaker… smaller country» outsmart the all-powerful Mr. Obama and the great US Hegemon?

Like the USSR before it, Russia has always had to pursue a politique du faible, a poor man’s policies, never having the abundant resources of it western adversaries. Russians learned early on to innovate. The fox has to make its way in a world full of dangerous wolves.

What Obama must hate most of all is Putin’s exposure of US support for Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State. Who indeed is responsible for the «slaughter» in Syria? Obama calls it fighting for democracy. «Airstrike democracy», Putin once derisively replied. «Do you realise what you have done?» Putin asked at the UN in 2015, shocking the MSM. Obviously not, if one is to judge by Obama’s remarks of the last few days. He’s still the obsessive adolescent with doubts about himself and in over his head against a real statesman. Thank heavens Obama is on his way out the door of the White House. It’s not a minute too soon. Olliver Cromwell’s famous remark in 1653 to the Rump Parliament seems apposite. «You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!»
All this is rather funny, even the cartoons.
Who really runs the country, the president or the intelligence services?
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