Jedi Master
I am noticing observable progress in my development since finding this forum. I thought a thread where we can post our progress might be helpful. If not, please ignore this.
I just thought that it can be a good thing to review and look at how far we have come - it helps keep me encouraged when the work gets hard and I want to give up. It shows me that the techniques learned here are working. Perhaps, others will find it useful as well.
I'll start with:
I have begun to have a life again.
I am now gardening and getting exercise and fresh air. I have wanted and needed to do this for quite some time, I just could not muster the motivation. There seemed "no point" to much of anything. Nowadays it is not so monumental a task, I find myself excited to get out in the garden and "play in the dirt".
I am playing video games a LOT less. Where I used to play several times a week for hours at a stretch, I am now playing maybe once a month and only for about an hour or so. I have not even tried to "limit" myself, I just got so excited and involved in learning that video games just don't hold much allure for me anymore.
I do not get "freaked out" as often by perceived threats in my world (i.e. financial setbacks, etc) nor do the "freak-outs" I do have last as long as previously. My hubbie has noticed this as well.
I am gaining a small measure of mastery over my "knee-jerk" reactions to Christians who try to convince me to Believe.
I am more able to "let go" more often.
I am not saying that I have achieved anything close to mastery and success, but I can actually see some progress. It is encouraging.
Have others experienced observable progress that they would like to share?
I just thought that it can be a good thing to review and look at how far we have come - it helps keep me encouraged when the work gets hard and I want to give up. It shows me that the techniques learned here are working. Perhaps, others will find it useful as well.
I'll start with:
I have begun to have a life again.
I am now gardening and getting exercise and fresh air. I have wanted and needed to do this for quite some time, I just could not muster the motivation. There seemed "no point" to much of anything. Nowadays it is not so monumental a task, I find myself excited to get out in the garden and "play in the dirt".
I am playing video games a LOT less. Where I used to play several times a week for hours at a stretch, I am now playing maybe once a month and only for about an hour or so. I have not even tried to "limit" myself, I just got so excited and involved in learning that video games just don't hold much allure for me anymore.
I do not get "freaked out" as often by perceived threats in my world (i.e. financial setbacks, etc) nor do the "freak-outs" I do have last as long as previously. My hubbie has noticed this as well.
I am gaining a small measure of mastery over my "knee-jerk" reactions to Christians who try to convince me to Believe.
I am more able to "let go" more often.
I am not saying that I have achieved anything close to mastery and success, but I can actually see some progress. It is encouraging.
Have others experienced observable progress that they would like to share?