Older UFO documentaries and interviews


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I think it was Laura who posted THIS old George Knapp interview with John Lear, which got me 'hooked' on checking out similar older UFO docus/interviews, and podcasts.

Maybe it's just me, but there's something in these productions from the 1970's 80's and 90's that feels more genuine (albeit there are many factual errors). Maybe it's partly because no fancy computer animation/graphics was possible back then, so they had to invest more on the vocal narration. Watching and listening to these you feel less manipulated somehow (maybe some 'hidden frequencies' that they use today are missing :-D). And, at least when it comes to George Knapp, he actually appears to genuinely try to get to the bottom of things.

Anyways, I don't know if any others are interested but I thought we could collect some of the best old ones in this thread. I'll start by posting the two seasons of 'The best evidence' by George Knapp from 1989 and 1990. There's not much new information for us here in those episodes but I still enjoyed watching them as a refresher course.

The Best Evidence (1989)
Playlist (all 8 episodes):

The Best Evidence? (1990 “season 2”)
There was unfortunately no playlist for this, so below are all 8 episodes as a list:
  1. UFOs: The Best Evidence? - Part 1 (1990)
  2. UFOs: The Best Evidence? - Part 2 (1990)
  3. UFOs: The Best Evidence? - Part 3 (1990)
  4. UFOs: The Best Evidence? - Part 4 (1990)
  5. UFOs: The Best Evidence? - Part 5 (1990)
  6. UFOs: The Best Evidence? - Part 6 (1990)
  7. UFOs: The Best Evidence? - Part 7 (1990)
  8. UFOs: The Best Evidence? - Part 8 (1990)
I just watched the movie from 1994 Roswell: The UFO cover-up, and thought it was pretty okayish and enjoyable. A bit stiff acting in places but it gets better towards the end. Gives the basic story of Roswell as it is told in most books. Starring Kyle MacLachlan (guy from Twin Peaks) and Martin Sheen. Interstingly, the character played by Sheen tells 'Jessie' in the end how UFO:s are maybe not what most people think, but instead that they are 'sliding in' from alternative universes.

Maybe a repost, but here it is on YT:
I’ve been listening to old Art Bell interviews and found a pretty good collection here:
Reekola Midnite Podcast | Free Listening on Podbean App

There are many similar podcasts channels but this one had good sound quality in those old recordings.

One interesting interview was one with John Leary. I remember that the C’s sort of ‘vouched’ for his integrity but in this long interview he appears too gullible on some topics/details/people. For instance, he appeared to put a lot of trust in Whitley Strieber, and Strieber’s recommendation that “when you die you should choose to follow the darkness, not the bright light”! Still, Leary has many interesting tidbits of information that are, of course, pretty impossible to verify. Some of his claims sound quite outlandish, but he sounds sincere, fwiw.

One interesting thing. If you listen from ca 70mins onwards, he tells the story about how he got to know Bob Lazar. From this we learn that Lazar came to John’s lecture because he was interested in UFOs, but before he worked at any ‘secret facility’. Then, as they got to know each other, Lazar suggested that he could try and get himself hired at one of those top secret installations. So, he himself was the one who took the initiative and sought out these shady people. This is distinctly different from what I remember him describing in his later interviews. In those, he described that he was hired for his expertise and the whole UFO thing came to him as a surprise.

Here’s the interview:
1994-09-02 - Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell - UFOs - John Lear
I’ve been listening to old Art Bell interviews and found a pretty good collection here:
Reekola Midnite Podcast | Free Listening on Podbean App

There are many similar podcasts channels but this one had good sound quality in those old recordings.

One interesting interview was one with John Leary. I remember that the C’s sort of ‘vouched’ for his integrity but in this long interview he appears too gullible on some topics/details/people. For instance, he appeared to put a lot of trust in Whitley Strieber, and Strieber’s recommendation that “when you die you should choose to follow the darkness, not the bright light”! Still, Leary has many interesting tidbits of information that are, of course, pretty impossible to verify. Some of his claims sound quite outlandish, but he sounds sincere, fwiw.

One interesting thing. If you listen from ca 70mins onwards, he tells the story about how he got to know Bob Lazar. From this we learn that Lazar came to John’s lecture because he was interested in UFOs, but before he worked at any ‘secret facility’. Then, as they got to know each other, Lazar suggested that he could try and get himself hired at one of those top secret installations. So, he himself was the one who took the initiative and sought out these shady people. This is distinctly different from what I remember him describing in his later interviews. In those, he described that he was hired for his expertise and the whole UFO thing came to him as a surprise.

Here’s the interview:
1994-09-02 - Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell - UFOs - John Lear
Knapp and Corbell just did a Weaponized show on Lear. One of the problems, especially in later years, was that he would believe pretty much everything, so it was hard to separate wheat from chaff with him. (Incidentally, he also apparently co-wrote the O.H. Krill doc with Val Valerian.)

As Knapp and Corbell tell it, Gene Huff was the one who introduced Lazar to Lear. Lazar wasn't interested in UFOs at the time, and thought it was kind of sad that Lear believed in them. On the latest Rogan episode, they wonder if some of the briefing document info that Lazar was given to read was designed to be fed back to Lear, because his hirers would have known Lazar knew him. Along that lines, there's this (Teller was apparently the one who recruited Lazar):

I’m sure many of you have read this one but since I didn’t find any entry using the search function, I thought I’d post it here since I was pleasantly surprised by this book. It’s the book ‘The Roswell Incident’ by Charles Berlitz and William L. Moore (1980). It’s not the first book on Roswell (the one by Frank Scully being the first; btw I wonder if Scully in the X-files got here name ‘from’ this book?).

In an older session the C’s ‘vouched’ for these writers good character, which made me interested in checking it out. Many things in the book echo the things Harrison and others have discussed recently, so it’s a good introduction to some ‘basic incidents’. Plus, many of the details on Roswell match the descriptions of the C’s, e.g. the crash site. So, I recommend reading this one. It’s a quite quick read and the writing has a good flow to it.

Maybe not that old, but I found an AI remastered version of Spielberg's 'Taken' series (original form 2002) on YouTube. I remember watching this series some 20 years ago, and now as I just started watching these remastered episodes I'm observing things with a different awareness than back then for sure. Don't ask me how AI remastering works but the image quality is impressive.

Although the series doesn't follow any generally accepted storylines of various UFO incidents (especially the Roswell incident is wildly creative) or UFO-lore, I still like it because of the great acting and casting. Especially the psycopath Owen Crawford is eerily well played by actor Joel Gretsch.

I'm not sure how it's legal to have the whole series on Youtube but apparently its' been sitting there for over a year withouth any complaints. Here's the playlist:

Weaponized Ep.16 tidbits:

BTW: If you freeze the video at two places and zoom in with MPC-HC, you can read two pages of classified Russian UFO investigation material and it mentions: possible discovery of "new laws of physics". Remember Putin stating years ago that:
- We have now military tech based on new principles of physics?

(Sessions mentioned above as well.)

Tidbits from the video:

Amateur, but well organized Russian scientists investigated multiple UFO landing sites in Russia - just like the Bigelow + MUFON alliance-born "Star Teams" were doing same in the US as investigative quick-action-teams - and so the Russians placed synchronized quartz electric clocks, then also mechanical watches inside and also outside the circular impressions. Inside time passed measurably faster. Such was the time-distortion effect of residual energy generated by the UFOs.

Microorganisms fled these places, flies quickly flew away, so no life was left inside landing spots. This explains why during animal mutilation cases carcasses get preserved. The microorganisms - responsible for breaking down organic tissue - flee the place! The scientist in the account therefore could create an imprint by mapping the microorganism-free spots, what the underside of the UFO looked like. Inside the imprints there were zero usual soil microorganisms. Outside the imprints there was the usual microbial life. These below don't really look like the landing gear imprints of Earth-made craft:

Same scientist at these sites also found tiny half-transparent spheres, which he called "Cosmic Sperm" and was expecting something - plant, animal - will grow out of them. Knapp took some of these spheres back to the USA, where labs determined that these non-organic spheres were made with unknown high-heat formation technology. These were exhibited in the Area 51 museum and when Knapp got all other similar materials back, he was informed, someone stole these spheres. :D :D Complete chemical analysis was also performed on these spheres and it says there are no unknown elements in them. They however could not figure out who made them - why, how they ended up there, etc... -, because the composition was "interesting". The entire results-paper is still SECRET = cannot be released.

(See the connecting Russian DOT way below!!)
Interesting dot-connection to the Roswell crash site, - where despite the very thorough Deep-State cleanup - there was found a tiny piece of exotic silicon-aluminum alloy that had serious microscopic distress markings on it, suggesting it was from a crashed craft. (Chapter 20.)

Another connection here is the that C's said the Deep State would love to have these weaponized UFO tech. Knapp recounts a Russian top general ordering his pilots not to shoot at the UFOs, because:
- They have incredible capacities for retaliation.
My question is, why doesn't the Deep State just go into Ukraine, get there their highly advanced UFO-reverse engineered crafts and clean the place out? Obviously Souza's book comes to give essential help here - John DeSouza and "The Extra-Dimensionals": because they are not allowed to do that! Deep State appears to employ lots of these toys: remember the recently recounted large octagonal weapons-shipment alien craft guarded by mercenaries clothed in all black no markings in South America? So whose craft was that football-field-sized thing? Trucks were delivering weapons shipments into this giant ship that looked way bigger inside! (C's mentioned Deep State would only love to have the tech.)

So the Deep State is guarding Area-51-like sites that they don't even own?? Because those sites are the property of the non-human Secret Government? Even if they have some of these craft, they are probably not allowed to go into Ukraine and clean all Russians out. Russia also reverse engineered similar craft, no doubt. Knapp mentions an alien laser reverse engineering attempt and we see a demonstration. There was curiously also a recent Chinese Super Laser invention publication with the tidbit that they solved the short-range problem!

In 1990 in Russia - seven years before the US Phoenix Lights incident (1997) - Moscow was surrounded and buzzed by more than 100 UFOs. Cloaking-wise it was crazy: some of them were sighted on radar, some were sighted visually. Clearly it was a power-demonstration. The Russians after that decided to give the "Don't shoot!"-order for their jet pilots regards UFOs.

Very interestingly the Russians just recently revealed the new Anti-Radar Cloaking ability of their latest jet, which they call Su-75 Checkmate prototype. Are they slowly sneaking in UFO-tech bits disguised as normal "military tech-advancement stages"?

Similar silicon-aluminum alloy is mentioned here. So they go to this "Russian Roswell" UFO crash site (1986) [mountain top] and find the same alloy! The PhD with his team collects the probably same -
weird webbing-like material that covered the rocks and trees and soil
- and send it to multiple Russian institutes for analysis. It turns out that along with 17 different elements, lead, silicon, aluminum, tin, molybdenum, etc.. (very strange combo) there was no traces of sulphur or phosphorus in the fusion!
- "Its technically impossible to make an alloy like that in Earth-conditions." - said the scientists.

Days after this crash, in 1986, at this very same Russian mountain alien crash-site, other UFOs appeared shooting down strong beams of search-lights. Were they an alien rescue-team? Because the Russian government never came looking for this crash site! If a Russian military satellite had crashed there according to rumors, you would think they would come looking for their own equipment to save what they can, no? This site is at the mountain top and is charred all over from the fire. So the scientists collect charred rocks, soil, etc.. for analysis and give some to Knapp as well. Knapp in the US receives all this back [after he gave it to a museum expo, etc..], except for the semi-transparent "Cosmic Sperm" spheres.

Advanced Russian Area-51 Research & Development Compounds:
Knapp was promised visits to such places, but it never happened. So if there are multiple such research labs and factories in Russia, the C's mention about the new Russian antigrav-invention built into the latest Russian military toys at least has corroboration, even if on the rumor-level, here in this video.

The Russian Deep State Wall of Secrecy definitely has interesting holes in it, yeah? Knapp states multiple times, they have learned more about UFOs from the weird Russian leaks, because of multiple historical crises of the Russian State. Control was not total, because of Russian regime changes.

So US and Russia do have alien toys and both countries deny to their public everything. Also both governments probably are threatening their civilians with shoot-to-kill orders (even when getting close to Area 51 on public roads / paths people are stopped, forced out of their cars at gunpoint, everybody must have their hands up, etc..), when - according to the constitution - the government is there to serve the public.. right?! Lots of journalists have been suicided in both countries.(Knapp tells about Russian investigators as well.) We saw what happened with Covid-investigators. Did the aliens tell both governments to not divulge them and ordered shoot-to-kill those investigating civilians, who get too close? Well, after UFOs shooting down the [then] latest Russian jets and probably on several occasions US jets too, the warning must have been well understood. NEWSREAL investigators said from the beginning that there appears to exist an Unwritten Real Constitution saying: No government must lose control of their subjects. So our governments have been telling us: Don't look up! Just go to work, like the diligent little ants you are, pay your taxes and watch your ProleFeed Bread & Circuses TV Shows and shut the heck up!

- Did the Russian government establish contact with aliens and did they make agreements with extraterrestrial superpowers?

What difference would a full disclosure make?

Just imagine that both governments are coming out at the same time, on live TV covering all channels:
- Agreements with aliens were made. They are in total control as Master Colonialists of this planet. They warned us that if any civilian dares to act out of line and go against the laws, extermination is authorized against that civilian or group. Thank You for your attention!
The Story of Captain Mark Richards The UFO Lore of Hamilton Field
38°3′28″N 122°30′45″W
Captain Mark Richards and the Earth Defense Headquarters (EDH) has attempted to place Ellis Richards at the center of early flying saucer reports and UFO history at Hamilton AFB.

According to Knights of the Cold War (Aug. 15, 2017), officers were at the base pool with their wives. The alarm went off and they saw six to eight flying saucers coming towards the base. The men scrambled and ran down to the hangers in response. Ellis Richards (the Dutchman) was a fighter pilot at the time. He came out of his hanger in one of the AVRO flying saucers, built for the Air Force in Canada. Hamilton was one of three bases on the West Coast that had a squad of the saucers. The base commander’s wife warned the remaining women not to talk about what they had seen.

Avro saucer allegedly flown by ellis richards
Avro Saucer

After the pilots returned, one more saucer came back and landed, and a nine foot Reptilian emerged. Prince Naga came as an ambassador because their emporer had decided it was time to work with humans rather than eat them. Ellis became friends with Naga and both he and Mark Richards worked with the Prince over the course of many years.

There is no need to belabor the Richards story, but apart from that Hamilton played an interesting role in the lore of flying saucers.[1]

Hamilton was an important air base in the years following World War II. In particular it housed the Air Defense Command, which used the base as headquarters for the air defense of the Pacific Coast.

Perhaps because of this, the base was involved with one of the earliest UFO investigations of the modern era. In 1947, around the time that Kenneth Arnold reported seeing flying objects that skipped across the sky like saucers, it was reported that six saucers were seen near Maury Island. One was floundering and discharged metallic debris. Ray Palmer (Fate Magazine) sent Arnold to investigate. It immediately became associated with intrigue. A reporter received mysterious phone calls and the Men in Black were said to be involved.

Two Air Force colonels, intelligence officers from Hamilton, were dispatched to fly to the site. Some claim that they received a large box containing metal debris. Official reports stated that they did not have anything related to UFOs. On its return, the plane crashed shortly after takeoff, adding a further shroud of mystery to Maury Island. It was the Air Force’s first crash and fatalities.

The Air Force investigation concluded the underlying incident was a hoax for reasons that are beyond the scope of this article. (See Edward Ruppelt, The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects.) However, the pieces were in place for the conspiracies that followed. Indeed, one of the key players was Fred Crisman, who had claims to rival those made by Mark Richards. As one book states, “He fought bizarre underground beings in the caves of Burma, was wounded by a laser before it was invented, and had a background with the OSS.” His name also turned up with the investigation of the Kennedy assassination.

Soon after, sightings began to occur at Hamilton. The Air Force classified a 1947 report at Hamilton as being “unknown” after airmen watched two disc-shaped objects, 25-30 feet in diameter. The objects appeared to fly two to three times as fast as a P-80 fighter. One object flew straight and the other weaved from side-to-side like an escort fighter.



A 1950 sighting by three airmen described a high speed craft that made at least five separate passes over the base. It was estimated to have flown between 1000 and 1500 mph. It appeared circular and tapered on the edges. The newspapers reported that the object roared across the sky like thunder with a blue flame. The Air Force officially regarded it as “purely a local matter.”


The next day the airmen held a press conference at the base and changed their story. They denied that it had made any sound and stated that they could not definitively describe the object. (Oakland Tribune, June 22, 1950.) The article stated that a complete report was being prepared, but nothing further appears to have been released.[2]

August 1952 and Beyond

As discussed above, the EDH has focused on this sighting. A far different story was reported to NICAP and Project Bluebook. Eight military witnesses observed two discs with the aid of binoculars. The objects were approximately 80 feet in diameter that appeared to be dogfighting. They moved at a speed around 400 to 450 miles an hour. One object was at about 12,000 feet, the other at about 18,000 feet. They passed over the heads of the observers but did not circle the base. They were joined by six or eight other discs that flew off when jets were scrambled. Radar confirmed the sightings. News accounts quoted a witness and reported that the pilots soon returned to the base.


An Air Force investigation suggested the sighting was possibly a weather balloon. Noted debunker Donald Menzel wrote, “The objects looked like balloons, behaved like balloons, and weather balloons had been released in the area that day.”

Saucer Cam


Hamilton was one of the bases selected in 1953 to receive special cameras to photograph saucers. The Air Force set up 75 UFO cameras in 33 states, all in places where saucers had been reported. One lens took regular pictures, the other separated light into color in order to determine the make up of the saucers. The program initially had technical problems, but officials stated that it would soon be operational. This site found no further news reports clearing up the saucer questions as a result of the project. Further research is being done.


At the very least the project demonstrates the importance of Hamilton Field during the classical era of UFOs. This was underscored by what is likely the last report of saucers at the base.


In 2011, a report was received that a saucer had landed at Hamilton in 1956. It touched down at the north end of the runway. Base security responded with red lights and sirens but the craft flew off. It was said that the personnel were relieved because no one knew what to do had they made contact.

Hamilton AFB was decommissioned in 1974. For years, dog walkers and hikers wandered the old runways. Today, much of the old base has been developed for housing with the runways restored to wetlands. For awhile though, Hamilton Field claimed its place in the annals of saucer history. If the saucers were not quite “serious business” (as NICAPS Donald Keyhoe put it), then at least people looked for something other than jets in the sky.


⇧1As discussed on this site, Hamilton could not have been a base for the Avro saucers because they never really flew and had not even been designed in 1952.
⇧2The comic on this page appeared in Weird Science-Fantasy, Issue 26, 1954. The special issue purported to challenge the Air Force with a collection of true stories prepared through the assistance of Donald Keyhoe of NICAP.

Hamilton Field (Hamilton AFB) was a United States Air Force base, which was inactivated in 1973, decommissioned in 1974, and put into a caretaker status with the Air Force Reserves until 1976. It was transferred to the United States Army in 1983 and was designated an Army Airfield until its BRAC closure in 1988. It is located along the western shore of San Pablo Bay in the southern portion of Novato, in Marin County, California.

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Knapp and Corbell just did a Weaponized show on Lear. One of the problems, especially in later years, was that he would believe pretty much everything, so it was hard to separate wheat from chaff with him. (Incidentally, he also apparently co-wrote the O.H. Krill doc with Val Valerian.)

As Knapp and Corbell tell it, Gene Huff was the one who introduced Lazar to Lear. Lazar wasn't interested in UFOs at the time, and thought it was kind of sad that Lear believed in them. On the latest Rogan episode, they wonder if some of the briefing document info that Lazar was given to read was designed to be fed back to Lear, because his hirers would have known Lazar knew him. Along that lines, there's this (Teller was apparently the one who recruited Lazar):

As I was looking at some of these videos, I learned that John Lear passed away about two years ago;

under ocean unidentifed objects
i attach a reference about under water unidentifed objects.
many times there was mention of ufos emerging from or disappearing into the seas.
this is not impossible considering the huge volume of seas and the near impossibility to map these, except for encounters by submarines. i suggest that world navies do not tell much about this.

Intense & VERY CLOSE Encounter With A Black Triangle UFO - Warwickshire UK, 1999 - CG Reconstruction
Aug 26, 2024
This animation and interview tells the story of Colin Saunders who along with his wife, daughter & mother-in-law had an incredibly close encounter with a black triangle UFO, in Warwickshire in the UK, back in 1999. Watch the animation first, then hang around to watch a detailed interview with Colin where we discuss the sighting in great detail.

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