On the different types of humans, and what they do

Atreides said:
Sounds to me like you are less of an Oblivious and more of a Homo Sapiens What'sThisae, this type of human has an overdeveloped sense of curiousity and low motor control, when faced with a shiny red button that says DON'T PUSH, they will ask why, and push the button at the same time. They are often the equivalent of walking catastrophes with short attention spans. They are somewhat related to Homo Sapiens BiMotorus, which are very nice and likable humans with one small problem, they seem completely unable to operate both the top and lower half of their bodies simultaneously. That is, they are total klutzs.

Excellent and insightful and witty creative. I enjoyed them all! And well, I think I'm a bit of "Homo Sapiens What'sThisae" because of pushing the shiny red button and having an overdeveloped sense of curiosity. Why? always has been my main repeated question. I sure laughed when reading this. :)
What can be said about Homo Sapiens Nerdae?

Im talking 80's-D&D, star wars miniature collection nerd.

If I would cast myself in one cetegory... maybe Homo Sapiens Nonsensus!

This is gold, Atreides, gold!
When I came upon this site, this thread was one of the first things I read! Goodlordalmighty, I thought, this is a tough crowd. :lol: It was then that I thought the only frightening thing was being laughed at. How does one manage to have low esteem and high self-regard at the same time? So I spent lots of time before I ever posted, read more, and realized that it was only The Predator's Mind Within that worries about being "found out" as foolish, contradictory and serious. Better to laugh at yourself, one's own foolishness, than to carry it around so seriously for the rest of one's life. So thank you, Atreides, for the savaging remarks. Your rapier wit is priceless. The laughter is well deserved.

A quote of note:
"He is a self-made man and worships his creator."
-- John Bright

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Very amusing!!! :lol:

The *Homo Sapiens EternalusCorrectus can be identified by thier answers to questions, or more specifically, the manner of their answers: ALWAYS correct, of course coated with a nice layer Self Righteousness

*There is debate among Homo Sapiens TypeSetterus as to what these types are called -- Vulcan59 referred to these same types as H.S.Know-it-all, Some even refer to this type as H.S.LetMeExplainus.
There are those, myself included, who feel that H.S.EternalusCorrectus conveys the proper meaning in regards to the self righteous sneer usually appearing on the faces of the afflicted. As soon as more research is
available, I will be exploring the possibility that this 'type' - EternalusCorrectus - may in fact be the top of a scale, with the different nomenclature already recognized reflecting different degrees of affliction.



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