Once You Take The Red Pill

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Thank you for pointing that out Anart, and Heimdallr. I suppose that is what i have been lacking the most recently, is awareness. I hope that i am doing better in this regard, but i trust that you will let me know if i am not. :)
I am feeling quite a bit better, now that i came to my senses, and have been clean again for awhile.

I've been dealing with this phenomenon for about a decade. Unless you're in it and living it or observing it happening live in the flesh, it will not make sense to you. Very understandable to be sceptical of this phenomenon as you can't possibly describe it accurately without sounding like a paranoid schizophrenic.

With that being said it is unfortunately very real but it takes on many forms. "Gang stalking" or "organized stalking" or even "stasi" and all these terms are rough approximations as far as definition is concerned. Using the terminology of the forum, my best guess is this has something to do with petty tyrants.

Also it is customized person to person so I never went through much of moving of stuff around my house to mess with the mind. For me it's primarily related to invasive mind reading and harrasment based on stuff I think about. Whether it's knowledge related or just me being stupid, they'll pretty much weaponize anything for exploitation. There's more to my program but will leave it at that.

Things have ramped up a bit for me recently regarding this thing, so felt like bumping the thread to see if anyone reading this who has or is going through this might be able to relate and perhaps ve open to networking.

I would like to discuss this phenomenon in greater detail on the forum and try to separate the wheat from the chaff concerning it's true nature. The websites posted describing it are OK, but it's more to it than that

While some the books and resources suggested are fine I think behaviorism and cognitive science is better suited to undestand the "mind games" aspect of it. Also psychological principles of mentalism and state magic. Anyways feel free to message me. I could use some networking right about now regarding this so don't hesitate.

Thanks for reading.
I have flimsy answers to the situations described above. I should note that I have good reasons for believing what was described, and that's only my perspective.

I consider detachment and selfishness to be the two solutions, and they kind of suggest that victims behave in two conflicting ways. But they should, depending on the situation.

If one is detached from many of their passions, one can see that others have no choice but to behave as they do, and in most cases, the subject (the victim) must continue to act the way he acts regardless. In this way, it might be easier to have faith in reality. If detachment is taken too far, there could be problems. It could lead to paranoid schizophrenia, by which I don't mean seeing too much, but caring too much that things aren't quite right. Too much is relevant. Then the answer might be to leave it to a higher power, and carry on having faith, and to remember to prioritize. Most people ain't nothing, and victims should generally have more respect for themselves. There is nothing to defend (unless it becomes critical to do so).

The other is selfishness. In an existential crisis, when all (but really some minority) are against you, the basic response is just to do what you want. This could be protective, or it could lead to a nasty character. It's not wrong in itself, but obviously shouldn't be taken too far. Instead, people should ultimately be interested in the truth and in contemplation, and avoid to the best of their ability anything that might drain their energy.
Hello again.

I would also add that there is an element of time manipulation going on with this program, with the past being changed constantly to change the present (future). I didn't quite catch these program changes in "time" before because it's very subtle. You just have to tune into it and once you start noticing some bs you start noticing them all. Your mind and it's memories are a time machine not just in your microcosmic life but also in a macroscopic level and you can detect where there were manipulations in the timelines by STS forces in the past even in your personal lives. Everyone's been hit. Eventually you start noticing positive shifts in the past as well to counter these timeline attacks. It's a lot more subtle and elusive to" catch." The positive timeline shifts can be better understood through noetic intuition, but that's just me. Might be different for others. Either way the point is that timewars are more prevalent at the moment it seems between good and evil forces and it's sort of happening "through" us. I find things make more sense when I'm observing things (my mind doing all sorts of crazy things) from the "sidelines" of my psyche since the human mind is mostly a transceiver and not a "producer of thought" by "first name" "last name." That's not what I am nor WHO I am if you catch my drift. In fact I could just as easily change it to "what we are" and "who we are." It seems the individual "I" can only be faintly perceived in a Buddhist no-self type of thinking if you can keep things subtle perceptually. And of course intent, personal convictions based on personal merit and integrity plays probably the biggest role in figuring it all out. Also individuality. I think people can only become truly colinear in a group when they have ALL personally individuated and found there own "signatures" and only then can a group of individuals true to their own nature can even begin talking about true colinearity in order to do something for the greater good.

But it's of course great to experiment with these ideas in our current state of the human condition that's why I like this forum. It's not perfect but it's pretty cool watching so many woke people in the world (that's right I'm taking the word "woke" back from those idiots) and talking about what's going on in the world. I am adversarial towards some of the posts (which is strengthening) and also in perfect agreement with others (which is inspirational).

Anyways, these programs can be extremely frightening to extremely ridiculous and so absurd and stupid you will sometimes hold yourself back from laughter. Staying vigilant is also key. Overconfidence leads to irony, so strategic enclosure is necessary not just in your external surroundings but also in relation to psychic hygiene. Also keeping watch on your pride and ego and all those boring problems as you fly through space at 11,300 miles per second and secretly do 3 billion things per second.. just some symbolic truth and fiction moving to a center to use for your metaphysical imagination.
Hello again.

Last point. Watch out for any ideas that don't fit into your perception of individuation. I am using a "no self" model right now to understand the components of the self, but wouldn't advise the thought experiment for everyone across the board who have their own reality tunnels. I'm holding the thought or concept as a TOOL for learning something. It can be either kept, reused, or discarded as needed. What Laura once said about respecting the brain and not letting imperfect or incomplete thoughts or theories become a descriptive belief has been helpful.

Anyways that's all I wanted to say, I'm trying to be careful with the "no self" idea and not let it detail anything.

Above I meant to say "destructive belief" not "descriptive belief." Call me crazy if you want but I think there was some time manipulation right there. I'm using a phone. Who knows what kind of weird AI algorithms is in this damn thing. And notice the phrase "destructive belief" changed to "descriptive belief"... hmmm 🤔 even if these things are not "real" they can still be put into a Twilight zone of truth and imagination since it can be an apt metaphor for something that's going on forrealz and this can be used for practice when s** gets real. Thinking about what we know about what the grays do to us with "time."

P.S. - just happened again. I think they're trying to produce occult psychological pathologies on the readers of our posts based on simple textual manipulations via "time." One slip in the form of badly written prose might hit your subjective universe differently than originally intended.

I told y'all you can't talk about the program without sounding like a paranoid schizophrenic!

To all the skeptics I invite you to be more open minded.. that's all we gotta say.. peace :dance:
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I know this is almost bordering into spam, but it's another point worth noting just in case anyone might be trying to understand my train of thought in the past few posts.

The above posts by me were written yesterday. If my memory of the event(s) of writing and then proofreading before submitting the above posts is correct, today after a night's sleep, I'm seeing that a lot of random things in the posts seem to have changed today after a night's sleep in subtle ways, and while there is a subjective personal and non transferable element to this observed inconsistency, and can't be proven empirically (yet?), the element of hyperdimensional time manipulation in relation to this small inconsequential thing like small changes in posts is a probable reality based on the information we have of the "time travelers." The human psyche's propensity for DID like symptoms is probably being exploited by these "unseen" forces behind the curtains via some sort of a weaponized STS inspired cosmic cointelpro manipulation tactics via "time" amongst other vectors of attack. I've been dealing with this program for awhile, and it's only when I started wondering about the time war aspect of it, did I start catching small occasional glitches at first and that too after a long time of not considering or taking seriously this aspect of it. It's only as the "magnetic center" of this information/concept as applied to this program slowly formed that I started noticing it more and more. It can be completely undetectable, and the first glimpses of it (like maybe a split second glance at something, immediately followed by a split second glance away from that something, followed by glancing back to the original, and something changed that doesn't logically make sense time wise. Best way to describe it is legit time related glitches in the matrix. Once you see it you can't unsee it, and you can start seeing it more and more until some things become obvious. As far as the more positive consciously oriented timeline shifts that counteract the mechanical ones, I don't claim to be an expert on how that works, but I've seen faint glimpses of it and it is much much more elusive and undetectable (for me at least). Probably different for everyone so won't attempt to give examples.
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