Our own experience

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alchemie
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Alchemie said:
Ich habe gestern Nacht ihr Buch fast bis zur Hälfte gelesen. Es ist gruselig, wie sehr ich mir einige Informationen bekannt vorkamen. Vorallem die Sache mit dem seltsamen eingefrorenen Zustand, wo sie meinen Körper manipulieren**. Und mir hat die Geschichte von einer Frau Unbehagen ausgelöst, die seit ihrem 4. Lebensjahr von den ETs oder Militär körperlich missbraucht wird. Da habe ich selber einen Druck im Bauch gespürt.
Ich habe das starke Gefühl, dass ich durch das EE Programm einiges rausfinden werde, aber das macht mir Angst.

I have read yesterday night her book almost up to half. It is creepy, how much information seemed to me famous. Above all, the thing with the strange icebound state where they manipulate my body. And to me the story of a woman has released unease who is physically abused since her 4th year by the ETs or/and the military. There I myself have felt a pressure in the belly.

The things you have shared about your experiences so far sound concerning. The topic of alien abductions is creepy and I know when I read those books, I needed quite some time to process the information. Yet, exposing oneself to on-going input of knowledge is the only way to learn to handle the accompanying fear one might feel, because it provides new points of reference, a wider angle of awareness - and from this, it will become easier to both navigate and to process such experiences and emotions. I would say to just keep reading, at your own pace, perhaps also write in your journal, and share here if you feel like.

Alchemie said:
I have the strong feeling that I find out something by the EE programme, but this frightens me.

That is understandable. I would take it gently and skip the bioenergetic breathing (the Ba-ha part), because it might feel overwhelming. Doing the pipe breathing and warrior's breath also help in bringing up emotional material, but in a much gentler way. If you can do the program without the Ba-Ha part, and most important, do the meditation every night before sleeping, that will go a long way on your healing journey.

Alchemie said:
I must still work on my self-doubts because I was strongly broken in my life.

Alchemie said:
I know that I have heavy traumas, bad things has experienced

I'm sorry to hear that and I and many here can relate to having to face and deal with traumatic experiences. You are certainly not alone in going through this. Have you had a chance to seek professional counseling to help working through your childhood traumas? This can be so helpful if you find a therapist with whom you feel secure and trusting. Just a caveat though, that high strangeness issues are best left out of that.

Other than that, once you have the time next to all the other books, there is a very good book on the topic by Peter A. Levine, also available in German: Sprache ohne Worte: Wie unser Körper Trauma verarbeitet und uns in die innere Balance zurückführt. We also have a forum thread on the book here.

And don't hesitate to keep us posted. :)
Hi Alchemie, and thank you for sharing your experiences. As others have said, knowledge protects, and that's why I came to think of yet another excellent author who has researched the UFO/Alien phenomena. His name is David M. Jacobs, and he has written at least three books that I know of. I've read two of them and I found them to be very informative.

David M. Jacobs:

1) Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of Ufo Abductions (1993)
Paperback: _http://amzn.com/0671797204
Kindle: _http://amzn.com/B001HQHC7U

2) The THREAT: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda (1999)
Paperback: _http://amzn.com/0684848139
Kindle: _http://amzn.com/B0036QVOJQ

3) UFOs & Abductions: Challenging the Borders of Knowledge (2000)
Hardcover: _http://amzn.com/0700610324
Kindle: not available

Having read both Karla Turner and John Keel, I remember that feelings of anger towards the 'intruders' and applying humour were some of the things that helped them to cope with their traumatic experiences. John Keel has a great sense of humour in his books, for instance, he describes the alien forces as 'The Cosmic Joker'.
Ich hatte kürzlich angefangen, die "Trilogie der Drachen" von Holger Kalweit zu lesen http://www.amazon.de/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85Z%C3%95%C3%91&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=holgerkalweit . Er versucht die historischen Einflüsse des sauroiden Geschlechts (Reptos, Dracos) mit dem Menschen zu beschreiben. Wir haben angeblich eine genetische Vermischung mit ihnen; vor allem den Adels-Familien sei das wichtig. Mich machte es hellhörig, als mein Mann sagte, dass seine Familie von Vaters Seite (z.B. seine Oma) "Reps" vor ihrer Heirat hieß. Die Vorfahren hätten in Transsilvanien gelebt und besaßen Landgut & Burg. Dort heißt ein Ort nach diesem Familiennamen http://www.siebenbuerger.de/ortschaften/reps/lage/
Irgendwann wurden die Deutschen dort vertrieben...
Bei meiner Ahnenforschung komme ich nicht weit, weil meine Vorfahren schlimmeres durchmachen mussten. Vielleicht hat jemand von euch von der Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung der Russland-Deutschen gehört. Jedenfalls sind meine Vorfahren nach Russland ausgewandert, wo sie dort bis zur meiner Generation unter traumatischen Bedingungen gelebt haben. Soweit ich weiß, haben unsere Familien deswegen lange Zeit keinen Kontakt zu Deutschland gehabt.
Mich interessiert, wer meine Vorfahren vor der Auswanderung waren.

Die Ahnenforschung interessiert mich, weil ich Zusammenhänge mit den PSI-Fähigkeiten eines Menschen und die ET-Manipulationen verstehen möchte. Im Cassiopaea-Material steht doch, dass der Körper und die Seele die Fähigkeiten von einem bestimmen. Genetisch muss also der passende Körper vorhanden sein. Ich erinnere mich auch an die Aussage, dass die Nordischen von dem zerstörten Planeten zwischen Mars und Jupiter von den Echsen mit zur Erde genommen wurden (die Annunaki). Das passt auch zur Forschung von Herr Kalweit...

Vielleicht ist auch alles nur Blödsinn, dennoch möchte ich es wissen!


I had recently started to read the "trilogy of the Dragon" by Holger Kalweit.
He tries to describe the historical influences of the sauroiden (Reptilians, Draco) with humans. We have, so he says, a genetic mixing with them; especially the noble families is that important. It made me clairaudient when my husband said that the family of his father's side (eg his grandma) was named "Reps" before the marriage. The ancestors had lived in Transylvania and owned estate & Castle. There is a place with this family Name.
Eventually the Germans were driven there ...
I'm not far in my genealogical research, because my ancestors had more trouble. Maybe someone of you has heard of the exploitation and oppression of the Russian-Germans. Anyway, my ancestors emigrated to Russia, where they have lived up to my generation under traumatic conditions. As far as I know our family had for a long time no contact with Germany.
I'm interested in who my ancestors were before the Emigration.

The ancestry research interested me, because I want to understand the correlations with the PSI abilities of humans and ET manipulation. In the Cassiopaean material did I read, that the body and the soul determine the capabilities of one. So the appropriate Genetically body must be present. I also remember the statement that the Nordic were taken from the destroyed planet between Mars and Jupiter by the lizards to Earth (the Annunaki). This fits well to research by Mr. Kalweit ...

Perhaps it's just nonsense, but I want to know it!
Aiming said:
Have you had a chance to seek professional counseling to help working through your childhood traumas? This can be so helpful if you find a therapist with whom you feel secure and trusting. Just a caveat though, that high strangeness issues are best left out of that.

Ich bin bei einer Lebensberaterin, die ich durch das Geburtshaus kennen gelernt habe. Mit Krankenhäuser wollte ich nichts zu tun haben!
Witziger weise hat sie auch paranormale Sachen erlebt. Daher habe ich ihr mein Manuskript gezeigt. Aber ich musste feststellen, dass sie das für Blödsinn abstempelte. In einem Gespräch mit ihr habe ich rausgefunden, dass sie ab einem bestimmten Punkt, diese paranormalen Dinge ignoriert hat... Naja, aber sie hilft mir im Alltag Fuß zu fassen. Ich habe viele Jahre meines kurzen Lebens verschwendet, aber mit 26 Jahren bin ich noch nicht zu alt :knitting:

I met a life Coach (Therapeut) through the Birthplace. I wanted nothing to do with hospitals!
Funnily enough, she has also experienced paranormal things. So I showed her my manuscript. But I realized that she presumed it is nonsense. In a conversation with her I found out that she has ignored these paranormal things from a certain point of her life ... Well, but she helps me to gain a foothold in my new life. I wasted many years of my short life, but I'm not too old with 26 years.
Alchemie said:
I met a life Coach (Therapeut) through the Birthplace. I wanted nothing to do with hospitals!
Funnily enough, she has also experienced paranormal things. So I showed her my manuscript. But I realized that she presumed it is nonsense. In a conversation with her I found out that she has ignored these paranormal things from a certain point of her life ... Well, but she helps me to gain a foothold in my new life. I wasted many years of my short life, but I'm not too old with 26 years.

I am not sure I understand Alchemie. Is she still helping you, do you see her currently? I am asking because I agree with Aiming's advice to see a therapist. A lot of the things that we go through in childhood remain unexplored, and certain traumas get locked up in the body (repressed emotions) that end up preventing us from self-progress/self-knowledge later in life. So if you have someone to talk to and explore all the things you went through in childhood, and understand them, you might be able to get rid some of those repressed emotions too.

I am thinking that repressed emotions, as well as a diet heavy in carbohydrates (especially gluten/sugar/dairy) have an effect on the frequency vibration of a person, which might lead to attracting weird entities and situations in their life. By cleaning the body, the mind and the heart from toxic foods, emotions and thoughts that are not reality based, the person will be increasing their frequency vibration and not attract these entities/experiences anymore. A daily practice of 3-stage breathing (Drei-Stufen-Atmung) and the Prayer of the Soul meditation of the EE program will help a lot, as others suggested also.

I hope that what I write makes sense. Let me know if it doesn't and I will try again :)
Is she still helping you, do you see her currently? I am asking because I agree with Aiming's advice to see a therapist.

Ja, sie hilft mir mit ihren Fachkenntnissen als Therapeutin, Dinge zu verstehen und in anderen Blickwinkel zu sehen. Aber ich habe gemerkt, dass Therapeuten auch nur Menschen sind mit ihren Erfahrungen und Wissensstand. Sie hat ebenfalls Misshandlungen erlebt und man sieht ihrem Körper an, dass sie sich falsch ernährt...Ich habe bereits eine Warnung vor Menschen in pädagogischen Berufen in dem Buch "Der erste Augenblick des Lebens" von Willi Maurer gelesen.

Yes. She helps me with her expert knowledge as a therapist to understand and see things in other perspectives. But I've noticed that therapist are just people with their own experience and personal knowledge. She also experienced abuse, and you can see at her body, that she eat wrong food ... I have read also the warning about people in educational occupations in the book "Der erste Augenblick des Lebens" by Willi Maurer.

I am thinking that repressed emotions, as well as a diet heavy in carbohydrates (especially gluten/sugar/dairy) have an effect on the frequency vibration of a person, which might lead to attracting weird entities and situations in their life. By cleaning the body, the mind and the heart from toxic foods, emotions and thoughts that are not reality based, the person will be increasing their frequency vibration and not attract these entities/experiences anymore.

Das Drama fängt bei fast allen Menschen schon bei der Geburt (eigentlich bereits bei der Zeugung) an. Meine Eltern unterdrückten ihre negativen Emotionen (von ihren erlebten Ungerechtigkeiten), die sie dann an uns Kinder bis heute entladen. So wie die Psychologin Alice Miller es auch schreibt... Und aufgrund der geringen Bindung und Desinteresse der Eltern, ist man als Kind den äußerlichen Gefahren leichter ausgesetzt. So musste ich Gewalt nicht nur bei meiner Mutter erleben, sondern auch beim Kindergarten-Personal.
Das kann man noch durchschauen, aber was ist mit den Psychopathen wie Königsfamilien, Politiker, Militär, ETs, etc., die das ganze Leid unter der Menschenmasse erst ins Rollen bringen?!

Ich merke jetzt langsam den Ernst der Lage, den Zusammenhang zwischen richtiger Ernährung und Körper. Wir müssen es jetzt noch schaffen, dass auch im täglichen Leben anzuwenden.

The drama begins to most people at birth (actually already at conception). My parents suppressed their negative emotions (from their injustices), which they then discharged to us children today. As the psychologist Alice Miller also writes ... And because of the low binding and disinterest of parents, children are exposed easier the external dangers. So I had experienced violence not only by my mother, but also e.g. by the nursery staff.
One can still understand this, but what about the psychopath of royal families, politicians, military, ETs, etc.? They set principally the whole suffering of the people in rolling!

I realize now slowly the seriousness of the situation, the relationship between proper nutrition and body. We still need to do now, that apply in everyday life.
Hi Alchemie,

regarding the "high strangeness factor" there is one book partly translated from Laura: High Strangeness and can be found on the German cass site.

Alchemie said:
I realize now slowly the seriousness of the situation, the relationship between proper nutrition and body. We still need to do now, that apply in everyday life.[/i]

Regarding diet and in which direction the forum went, beside the de.sott links already given, is the book from Wolfgang Lutz: Leben ohne Brot and Lierre Keiths book Ethisch Essen mit Fleisch: Eine Streitschrift über nachhaltige und ethische Ernährung mit Fleisch und die Missverständnisse und Risiken einer streng vegetarischen und veganen Lebensweise

I hope this helps a bit.
Hi Gawan,

Es ist erstaunlich, wie schnell, konzentrierte gesunde Nahrung, positive Wirkung hat. Ich habe zum Beispiel nach ca. 2 Wochen Einnahme von dieser Nahrungsergänzung http://www.ergomaxshop.de/green-pasture-gefermenteerde-skate-rog-levertraan gemerkt, dass meine zwei Warzen auf der linken Hand langsam verschwanden. Nach ca. 1 1/2 Monaten war es komplett weg. Dabei hat mein Körper damit seit einigen Jahren zu kämpfen.
Es ist wirklich so, wie Weston Price, Albert von Haller und Ramiel Nagel schreiben/sagen.
Dieser Erfolg beweist mir, wie einschneidend hochwertige und minderwertige Nahrung auf unsere Körper ist. Aber das Problem sind noch unsere Gewohnheiten im Alltag, die wir noch ernsthaft durchbrechen müssen. Es wäre auch wesentlich angenehmer, weisere soziale Kontakte im "echten Leben" zu haben.

Ich verstehe auch jetzt langsam den Ausmaß der Krankheit von meiner Tochter. Wir waren als Eltern sehr fahrlässig (Nahrung, ungesunde Wohnverhältnisse), und hatten zusätzlich noch den Psychostress mit unseren Familien. Sie wollten z.B. mit ihren Psychosen meine natürliche Geburt außerhalb eines Krankenhauses vermiesen, und sie verstehen meine Abwendung von der schwarzen Pädagogik nicht. Ich habe vor meiner Mutter bis heute Angst, weil sie die psychopathische Rolle ihres Vaters nicht ablegen kann/möchte. Um so schwerer ist es, anzusehen, wie meine Schwestern ihren kleinen Sohn (er ist zwei Monate älter als meine Tochter) unseren Eltern ständig ausliefert. Mein Mann sagt mir, dass ich das akzeptieren muss, weil es ihr Leben ist. Ich kann ihr nur Anregungen geben...aber sie verschließt sich vor dem Bücherlesen und weist einen starken Stockholmsyndrom auf.

It's amazing how quickly healthy food has a positive effect. For example I have about 2 weeks after taking these supplements http://www.ergomaxshop.de/green-pasture-gefermenteerde-skate-rog-levertraan noticed that my two warts disappeared slowly on the left hand. After about 1 1/2 months it was completely gone. My body has thus been struggling for several years.
It's really as Weston Price, Albert von Haller and Ramiel Nagel write / say.
This success proves me how drastic high-quality and low-quality food is to our body.

But the problem is still our negative habits in everyday life that we need to seriously break. It would also be much more pleasant, to have wiser social contacts in "real life".

I also understand now slowly the extent of the disease from my daughter. We were as parents very negligent (food, unhealthy living conditions), and we had additionally the psychological stress with our families. They wanted e.g. with their psychoses my natural birth outside of a hospital spoil, and they do not understand my avoidance/prevention from the black pedagogy. I still fear of my mother, because she can not take away the role of her psychopathic father. The harder it is to see my sisters behavior, that she constantly delivers her little son (he is two months older than my daughter) our parents.
My husband tells me that I have to accept that, because it is their life. I can give her only suggestions...but she closes from the reading of books and has a very strong Stockholm syndrome.
Hi Alchemie

Alchemie said:
Hi Gawan,

It's amazing how quickly healthy food has a positive effect. For example I have about 2 weeks after taking these supplements http://www.ergomaxshop.de/green-pasture-gefermenteerde-skate-rog-levertraan noticed that my two warts disappeared slowly on the left hand. After about 1 1/2 months it was completely gone. My body has thus been struggling for several years.
It's really as Weston Price, Albert von Haller and Ramiel Nagel write / say.
This success proves me how drastic high-quality and low-quality food is to our body.

The Blue Ice is an excellent product. I'm glad you are seeing results so quickly. Add slowly switching over to Paleo eating and it will be even better.

Alchemie said:
But the problem is still our negative habits in everyday life that we need to seriously break. It would also be much more pleasant, to have wiser social contacts in "real life".

Yes, it would be nice to have people around you in real life that you can share and discuss these things with, but it is a rare thing. Members are scattered around the world so the chances of meeting other people with an interest in these subjects is very small. That is why Laura created the forum, so that people who are interested in this information can do that. By having many members offer their view of a particular situation, the best solution or course of action can be worked out. The forum gives you access to more points of view than you could ever get in real life.

Alchemie said:
I also understand now slowly the extent of the disease from my daughter. We were as parents very negligent (food, unhealthy living conditions), and we had additionally the psychological stress with our families. They wanted e.g. with their psychoses my natural birth outside of a hospital spoil, and they do not understand my avoidance/prevention from the black pedagogy. I still fear of my mother, because she can not take away the role of her psychopathic father. The harder it is to see my sisters behavior, that she constantly delivers her little son (he is two months older than my daughter) our parents.
My husband tells me that I have to accept that, because it is their life. I can give her only suggestions...but she closes from the reading of books and has a very strong Stockholm syndrome.

It is understandable that you feel badly for how you were raising your child with respect to food and the relationship with your parents. But now you are getting a new understanding, and that means you can make changes for the better. She is young, so you have time to do her a lot of good. You can begin to protect her from the unhealthy influences of you relatives, though that may mean you yourself might have to come in conflict with them. But you understand your first duty is to your child. That will help you be strong.

Your husband is right. Your family has no obligation to accept the things you want them to understand. It's especially sad when you can see the effects on your nephew with the way they think and behave . But it is their free will to not listen to you.

Keep reading and sharing with the forum. You will find support and care here as you start to do things this new way. :hug2:

P.S. Your posts in English are getting better and better. Good job!

edit: grammar :-[

Keep reading and sharing with the forum. You will find support and care here as you start to do things this new way. :hug2:

Durch deine Geste, kamen mir Tränen in die Augen. Es erinnerte meine tiefe Sehnsucht nach einer normalen Familie. Das hatte ich das letzte mal so stark, kurz nach der Geburt meiner Tochter, wo ich meine Hebamme als Mutter-Ersatz betrachtete.
Jetzt baue ich selber die Familie auf, die ich als Kind nie wirklich hatte. Carlos Gonzáles (In Liebe wachsen - Liebevolle Erziehung für glückliche Familien http://www.paedbooks.de/epages/62662845.sf/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/62662845/Products/N-978-3-932022-14-2 ) hat Recht, dass das zur Heilung beitragen kann. Bei mir ist das der Fall.

By your gesture, tears came into my eyes. It reminded my deep longing for a normal family. I had this feeling last time so strong, shortly after my daughter was born, where I saw my midwife as a mother-substitute.
Now I build my own family, that I never really had when I was a child. Carlos Gonzáles (Growing in Love - Loving Education for happy families) is right, when he say, that this can contribute to healing. For me this is the case.
Psyche said:
And this one by John Keel is in German too:

Used copy just for 1 cent :thup:

I think it will help you increase your awareness.

Yesterday, I read this book to end. Mr. Keel has a sober look at the paranormal. He recommends not to place undue increase in the paranormal purely, because negative influences can often stuck behind it (and could drift into the spoil/ruin). But ones should still be open to this knowledge.
This has contributed something to the maturity of my viewing.
My problem was, I think, that the intolerance has me excited. I will not be taken seriously, and you can rarely talk about it with someone.
I think, that the experiences of me and my husband, were criminal, and I want to find out this in the future. We'll see, if the reasons are "only" the early childhood abuse (as my therapist says. Soon comes the step, we dig in my past where my Amnesy occurred) or too StS freaks from other worlds or secret organizations. Oh, that sounds totally stupid, when I read my last writings. Good thing, that I have written many strange things from past in a script. This is a good preparation for my truth-seeking.

The Éiriú Eolas is a important supplement, too, because my therapy hours have limits.
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