Ouvrages recommandés - Recommended books

Here is an updated list based on the recommanded books version of November 2013, with the French title in red (it's still very poor !)

1. Health and Diet
Primal Body, Primal Mind1.1 - Nora T. Gedgaudas
Life Without Bread: How a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life1.1 - Christian B. Allan & Wolfgang Lutz
The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living: An Expert Guide to Making the Life-Saving Benefits of Carbohydrate Restriction Sustainable and Enjoyable1.1 - Stephen D. Phinney and Jeff S. Volek
The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice and Sustainability1.2 - Lierre Keith / Le mythe végétarien : nourriture, justice et pérennité
Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food - Catherine Shanahan & Luke Shanahan
The Iron Elephant: What You Should Know about the Danger of Excess Body Iron1.3 - Roberta Crawford
Fiber Menace1.4 - Konstantin Monastyrsky
The Ultra Mind Solution1.5 - Mark Hyman
Detoxification and Healing: The Key to Optimal Health - Sidney MacDonald Baker
Detoxify or Die - Sherry Rogers
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Autoimmune Disorders - Stephen B. Edelson and Deborah Mitchell
Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome1.6 - Rodger Murphree
Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival1.7 - T. S. Wiley & Bent Formby
Sex, Lies, and Menopause: The Shocking Truth About Synthetic Hormones and the Benefits of Natural Alternatives1.8 - T. S. Wiley, Julie Taguchi & Bent Formby

2. Narcissism "Big Five"
The Myth of Sanity: Divided Consciousness and the Promise of Awareness2.1 - Martha Stout
The Narcissistic Family - Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman and Robert M. Pressman
Trapped in the Mirror: Adult Children of Narcissists in their Struggle for Self2.2 - Elan Golomb
Unholy Hungers: Encountering the Psychic Vampire in Ourselves & Others - Barbara E. Hort
Character Disturbance: The Phenomenon of Our Age2.3 - George K. Simon

3. Cognitive and Social Science
Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious3.1 - Timothy D. Wilson
Redirect: The Surprising New Science of Psychological Change3.2 - Timothy D. Wilson
Thinking, Fast and Slow3.3 - Daniel Kahneman / Système 1, système 2 : les deux vitesses de la pensée
You Are Not So Smart3.4 - David McRaney
What Makes Your Brain Happy and Why You Should Do The Opposite3.5 - David DiSalvo

4. Neuroscience
In An Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness4.1 - Peter A. Levine
The Archaeology of Mind: Neuroevolutionary Origins of Human Emotions4.2 - Jaak Panksepp and Lucy Biven
Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships4.3 - Daniel Goleman / Cultiver l'intelligence relationnelle : comprendre et maîtriser notre relation aux autres pour vivre mieux
The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-regulation4.4 - Stephen W. Porges
Trauma and the Body: A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy3.5 - Pat Ogden, Kekuni Minton and Clare Pain

5. Psychopathy
The Sociopath Next Door - Martha Stout
Women Who Love Psychopaths: Inside the Relationships of Inevitable Harm5.1 - Sandra Brown
Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work - Robert Hare and Paul Babiak
Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us - Robert Hare
The Mask of Sanity: An Attempt To Clarify Some Issues About The So-Called Psychopathic Personality5.2 - Hervey Cleckley
Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes5.3 - Andrzej Lobaczewski / La ponérologie politique : étude de la genèse du mal, appliqué à des fins politiques
The Paranoia Switch: How Terror Rewires Our Brains and Reshapes Our Behavior--and How We Can Reclaim Our Courage5.4 - Martha Stout

6. Social Interaction and External Considering
The Fire from Within9.3 - Carlos Castaneda / Le Feu du dedans
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High6.1 - Kerry Pattersson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler _http://www.amazon.fr/Conversations-cruciales-outils-sexprimer-enjeux/dp/2875150367
How to Win Friends and Influence People6.2 - Dale Carnegie / Comment se faire des amis
Miss Manners (articles, books)6.3 - Judith Martin

7. Other Psychology
Fear of the Abyss: Healing the Wounds of Shame & Perfectionism7.1 - Aleta Edwards
The Caricature of Love7.2 - Hervey Cleckley
Making Sense of People: Decoding the Mysteries of Personality7.3 - Samuel Barondes
Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration7.4 - Sal Mendaglio
Books on Positive Disintegration7.5 - Kazimierz Dabrowski / La croissance mentale par la désintegration positive
Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking7.6 - Malcolm Gladwell / La force de l'intuition : prendre la bonne décision en deux secondes
How to Spot a Dangerous Man Before You Get Involved7.7 - Sandra Brown
Predators: Pedophiles, Rapists, And Other Sex Offenders7.8 - Anna Salter
Operators and Things: The Inner Life of a Schizophrenic7.9 - Barbara O'Brien
The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self7.10 - Alice Miller / Le drame de l'enfant doué : à la recherche du vrai soi
In Broad Daylight7.11 - Harry N. MacLean / En plein jour : l'affaire McElroy
Molecules of Emotion - Candace Pert
Mean Genes - Terry Burnham and Jay Phelan
The Denial of Death7.12 - Ernest Becker
Escape from Evil7.12 - Ernest Becker

8. Fourth Way
The Wave Series (all volumes)8.1 - Laura Knight-Jadczyk / L'Onde (1-6)
In Search of the Miraculous: Fragments of an Unknown Teaching8.2 - P.D. Ouspensky / Fragments d'un enseignement inconnu
Gnosis (all volumes)8.3 - Boris Mouravieff / Gnôsis (1-3)
Meetings with Remarkable Men - G.I. Gurdjieff / Rencontres avec des hommes remarquables
Life is Real Only Then, when "I am" - G.I. Gurdjieff / La Vie n'est réelle que lorsque je suis
Tertium Organum8.4 - P.D. Ouspensky
Struggle of the Magicians8.5 - William Patterson
Gurdjieff and the Women of the Rope: Notes of Meetings in Paris and New York 1935-1939 and 1948-1949 / Gurdjieff et les femmes de la Cordée

9. Other Esoterica
The Sufi Path of Knowledge: Ibn Al-Arabi's Metaphysics of Imagination9.1 - William Chittick
The Active Side of Infinity9.2 - Carlos Castaneda / Le voyage définitif
The Fire from Within9.3 - Carlos Castaneda / Le Feu du dedans
Fulcanelli: His True Identity Revealed9.4 - Patrick Riviere / Fulcanelli
The Mystery of the Cathedrals – Fulcanelli / Le Mystère des cathédrales et l'interprétation ésotérique des symboles hermétiques du grand oeuvre
The Dwellings of the Philosophers – Fulcanelli / Les Demeures Philosophales et le Symbolisme hermétique dans les rapports avec l'art sacré et l'ésotérisme du Grand-oeuvre

10. Information Theory, Metaphysics and Evolution
Origin of Life: The 5th Option10.1 - Bryant M. Shiller
The Living Stream: Evolution and Man - Sir Alister Hardy / Le fleuve de vie
The Scars of Evolution: What Our Bodies Tell Us About Human Origins - Elaine Morgan / Les cicatrices de l'évolution
Information and the Nature of Reality: From Physics to Metaphysics10.2 - Paul Davies and Niels Henrik Gregersen
Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False10.3 - Thomas Nagel

11. Politics and Pathocracy
911: The Ultimate Truth - Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Joe Quinn / 11 septembre, l'ultime vérité
JFK: The Assassination of America11.1 - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Controversy of Zion11.2 - Douglas Reed / La controverse de Sion
JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters11.3 - James Douglass / JFK et l'indicible : pourquoi Kennedy a été assassiné
The Secret Team: The CIA And Its Allies In Control Of The World11.4 - Fletcher Prouty
JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy11.5 - Fletcher Prouty
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism11.6 - Naomi Klein / La stratégie du choc : la montée d'un capitalisme du désastre
Defying Hitler: A Memoir11.7 - Sebastian Haffner / Histoire d'un Allemand
Stasiland: Stories from Behind the Berlin Wall11.8 - Anna Funder / Stasiland
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion11.9 / Les protocoles des sages de Sion
The New Pearl Harbour: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11 - David Ray Griffin / Le nouveau Pearl Harbor
The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions - David Ray Griffin / 11 septembre : omissions et manipulations de la commission d'enquête
Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/1111.10 - Judy Wood
None Dare Call it Conspiracy - Gary Allen
In the Name of Sanity - Lewis Mumford

12. Hidden History
Secret History of the World (all volumes)12.1 - Laura Knight-Jadczyk / L'histoire secrète du monde (1-2)
The Apocalypse: Comets, Asteroids and Cyclical Catastrophes12.2 - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Cosmic Winter - Victor Clube and Bill Napier / Hiver cosmique
Cosmic Serpent - Victor Clube and Bill Napier
From Exodus to Arthur - Michael Baillie
New Light on the Black Death - Michael Baillie
Where Troy Once Stood - Iman Wilkens
The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes - Richard Firestone, Allen West, Simon Warwick-Smith

13. General History and Historical Method
The Historian's Craft13.1 - Marc Bloch / Apologie pour l'histoire ou Métier d'historien
The Ancient City: A Study on the Religion, Laws, and Institutions of Greece and Rome13.2 - Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges / La cité antique : étude sur le culte, le droit, les institutions de la Grèce et de Rome
Essays in Ancient and Modern Historiography - Arnaldo Momigliano
On Pagans, Jews and Christians - Arnaldo Momigliano

14. Caesar
Gallic War and Civil War - Julius Caesar / La guerre des Gaules - La Guerre civile
The Civil Wars – Appian / Les guerres civiles à Rome
The Ancient City: A Study on the Religion, Laws, and Institutions of Greece and Rome13.2 - Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges / La cité antique : étude sur le culte, le droit, les institutions de la Grèce et de Rome
Escape from Evil7.12 - Ernest Becker
Caesar: Politician and Statesman - Mattias Gelzer
The Assassination of Julius Caesar - Michael Parenti
Julius Caesar - Philip Freeman
Et tu Judas! Then Fall Jesus - Gary Courtney
Jesus Was Caesar - Francesco Carotta

15. Bible History
The Origins of Biblical Israel - Philip Davies
History and Ideology in Ancient Israel - Giovanni Garbini
The Mythic Past - Thomas L. Thompson
The Messiah Myth - Thomas L. Thompson
The Bible Unearthed - Neil Asher Silberman and Israel Finkelstein / La Bible dévoilée : les nouvelles révélations de l'archéologie
David and Solomon - Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman / Les rois sacrés de la Bible : à la recherche de David et Salomon
The Lost Gospel - Burton Mack
A Myth of Innocence - Burton Mack

16. UFOs and Aliens
High Strangeness16.1 - Laura Knight-Jadczyk / Ces mondes qui nous gouvernent
UFOs and the National Security State16.2- Richard Dolan
Operation Trojan Horse16.3 - John Keel
The Eighth Tower - John Keel
The Stargate Conspiracy - Picknett and Prince / La porte des étoiles : mystères ou conspiration ?
Gods of Eden - William Bramley

17. Esotericism and Parapsychology
Shamanism - Mircea Eliade / Le chamanisme et les techniques archaïques de l'extase
Cosmos and History - Mircea Eliade / Le mythe de l'éternel retour : archétypes et répétition
The Sacred and the Profane - Mircea Eliade / Le sacré et le profane
Varieties of Religious Experience - William James / Les formes multiples de l'expérience religieuse
The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher - Jane Roberts
Magic: The Principles of Higher Knowledge - Karl Von Eckarthausen
Darkness over Tibet17.1 - T. Illion
The Darkened Room - Alex Owen
The History of Spiritualism - Arthur Conan Doyle / Histoire du spiritisme
Book on Mediums - Allen Kardec / Le livre des médiums
Many Voices: The Autobiography of a Medium - Eileen J. Garrett
Deviance and Moral Boundaries - Nachman Ben-Yehuda
Occult and Scientific Mentalities in the Renaissance - Brian Vickers (editor)
The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor - Joscelyn Godwin / La Fraternité hermétique de Louxor : rituels et instructions d'occultisme pratique
The Secret Teachings of All Ages - Manly Hall
The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts: A Riveting Investigation Into Channeling and Spirit Guides17.2 - Joe Fisher
Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual17.3 - William J. Baldwin
Thirty Years Among the Dead17.4- Carl A. Wickland / Trente ans parmi les morts
The Unquiet Dead: A Psychologist Treats Spirit Possession - Edith Fiore / Les esprits possessifs
Life Between Life - Joel L. Whitton
Prophecy in Our Time - Martin Ebon
Evidence Of Survival After Death - Sir William F. Barrett and James H. Hyslop
Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation - Ian Stevenson / 20 cas suggérant le phénomène de réincarnation
Power of the Pendulum - T.C. Lethbridge
Encyclopaedia of Psychic Science - Nandor Fodor
Haunted People: The Story Of The Poltergeist Down The Centuries - Hereward Carrington and Nandor Fodor
The Haunted Mind - Nandor Fodor
Hostage to the Devil17.5 - Malachi Martin
Unleashed: Of Poltergeists and Murder: The Curious Story of Tina Resch - by William Roll and Valerie Storey

18. Optional
The Noah Syndrome18.1 - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Bringers of the Dawn - Barbara Marciniack / Les messagers de l'aube : enseignements de notre famille de lumière des Pléiades
The Ra Material - Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty
The C's Transcripts - Laura Knight-Jadczyk, et al
The Teachings of Don Juan (the other books)18.2 - Carlos Castaneda / Voir : les enseignements d'un sorcier yaqui
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson – Gurdjieff / Récits de Belzébuth à son petit-fils
The Field - Lynne McTaggart / Le champ de la cohérence universelle : la quête de la science pour comprendre
When God Was a Woman - Merlin Stone / Quand Dieu était femme
Egypt, Canaan and Israel in Ancient Times - Donald Redford
The Case for the UFO18.3 - Morris K. Jessup
The Books of Charles Fort / Le Livre des damnés - Lo ! : le second livre des damnés - Nouvelles terres - Talents insolites
Worlds in Collision - Immanuel Velikovsky / Mondes en collision
An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols, Signals and Noise18.4 - John R. Pierce
Signature in the Cell18.4 - Stephen C. Meyer
Darwin's Doubt18.4 - Stephen C. Meyer
The Science Delusion/Science Set Free18.5 - Rupert Sheldrake / Réenchanter la science
The Neandertal Enigma - James Shreeve
Shattering the Myths of Darwinism - Richard Milton
The Chalice and the Blade - Riane Eisler / Le Calice et l'épée
The Hidden History of the Human Race (condensed edition of Forbidden Archeology) - by Michael Cremo / L'histoire secrète de l'espèce humaine
Invisible Residents - Ivan T. Sanderson / Les Invisibles sous les mers
Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder - Dave McGowan
Understanding the F-Word - Dave McGowan
The Hero With a Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell / Le Héros aux mille et un visages
The Crack in the Cosmic Egg - Joseph Chilton Pearce / La fêlure dans l'oeuf cosmique : comment construire de nouvelles réalités
Psychology of Intelligence Analysis - Richards J. Heuer, Jr.
The Quest to Feel Good18.6 - Paul R. Rasmussen
The Angry Book18.7 - Theodore Isaac Rubin / Vivre ses colères/ La Psychologie de la colère
Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ18.8 - Daniel Goleman / L'intelligence émotionnelle : comment transformer ses émotions en intelligence
Nice work, Maat, thanks a lot !

Crucial Conversations also exists in french _http://www.amazon.fr/Conversations-cruciales-outils-sexprimer-enjeux/dp/2875150367
Oops, thanks !

If a mod could add it to the list, it would be great. (I don't see the edit button anymore in order to make the correction.)
Maat said:
Oops, thanks !

If a mod could add it to the list, it would be great. (I don't see the edit button anymore in order to make the correction.)

Done! Just as a note, editing our posts cannot be done after 30 minutes.
Tomek said:
Nice work, Maat, thanks a lot !

Crucial Conversations also exists in french _http://www.amazon.fr/Conversations-cruciales-outils-sexprimer-enjeux/dp/2875150367

I second that Maat! They are not all available or easily findable, but, it is a plus! Thank you so much, especially because I had to place an order for some books on Amazon, and I could add some of your new inputs (six of them and I put others I had not yet in my edition wish-list). I also took the Conversation cruciales I had in my wish-list for some months, thanks for the recall Tomek! ;)
Mrs. Tigersoap said:
If I'm not mistaken, Levine's book has been translated, too:

In An Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness 4.1 - Peter A. Levine

Réveiller le Tigre - Guérir le traumatisme

No unfortunately it's not the same book, Réveiller le Tigre is the translation of Waking the tiger, healing trauma following the BNF (that is National Library of France)
No unfortunately it's not the same book, Réveiller le Tigre is the translation of Waking the tiger, healing trauma following the BNF (that is National Library of France)

Thanks, Maat. :)
Perhaps the book is still interesting to read for French folks so as to get acquainted with Levine's concepts?
Perhaps the book is still interesting to read for French folks so as to get acquainted with Levine's concepts?

It's really probable though I can't tell. Here, I just stuck to the "official" list.

Maybe this one could be added to the list of Pierre, in the first post of this thread where there are also some equivalents to compensate the shortage of the french list.

Perharps some forumites have others suggestions too !
Maybe this one could be added to the list of Pierre, in the first post of this thread where there are also some equivalents to compensate the shortage of the french list.

Perharps some forumites have others suggestions too !

Exactly! :)
Mrs. Tigersoap said:
No unfortunately it's not the same book, Réveiller le Tigre is the translation of Waking the tiger, healing trauma following the BNF (that is National Library of France)

Thanks, Maat. :)
Perhaps the book is still interesting to read for French folks so as to get acquainted with Levine's concepts?

Thanks! I added Réveiller le Tigre to my order. :P

Mrs. Tigersoap said:
Maybe this one could be added to the list of Pierre, in the first post of this thread where there are also some equivalents to compensate the shortage of the french list.

Perharps some forumites have others suggestions too !

Exactly! :)

I cannot be really helpful here because I do not know the original book. But I guess that add it on the list of Pierre surely should be a good idea. FWIW. ;)
To add on the list of the not "official list" recommended books but could be a must read in French, there is Influence et Manipulation by Robert Cialdini. By the way, this title has been mentionned by Jason, I think, in several shows of SOTT Talk Radio.

You can find a good review and overview of the book here : _http://www.conseilsmarketing.com/livres-de-marketing-gratuits/critique-du-livre-influence-et-manipulation-de-robert-cialdini

Mrs. Tigersoap said:
No unfortunately it's not the same book, Réveiller le Tigre is the translation of Waking the tiger, healing trauma following the BNF (that is National Library of France)
Perhaps the book is still interesting to read for French folks so as to get acquainted with Levine's concepts?
I own this book since a few years. It's a really interesting one, about Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) healing.

When I bought it, it was difficult to find (I bought it from either Chapitre or Decitre IIRC) - and it seems sold out nowadays.
Bastian said:

Mrs. Tigersoap said:
No unfortunately it's not the same book, Réveiller le Tigre is the translation of Waking the tiger, healing trauma following the BNF (that is National Library of France)
Perhaps the book is still interesting to read for French folks so as to get acquainted with Levine's concepts?
I own this book since a few years. It's a really interesting one, about Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) healing.

When I bought it, it was difficult to find (I bought it from either Chapitre or Decitre IIRC) - and it seems sold out nowadays.

Réveiller le tigre is available on Amazon.
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