beau said:
In a lot of places and organizations their are leadership positions. Some might interpret this as a hierarchy. But this does not mean it is a form of control, an STS system.
I agree, a leader can be someone who simply knows more and does more, and so leads by example. But only cuz others choose to "follow" that person by going in the same direction, that person just happened to be ahead of others by virtue of doing more and knowing more.
beau said:
Take Star Wars. Their was the Jedi Council which was a group that made decisions for the whole of the Jedis and the school. In fact, Anakin rebelled against them because he felt like their judgment was no better than his (or Palpatine's).
But would you not say that the Jedi Council was a form of hierarchy? You could not say that they were an STS system, yet decisions were made by the leaders who formed a hierarchy.
My impression of the Jedi is different. I see some STO behavior but I am nevertheless left with the impression that they are STS. They do solve their problems through "killing the bad guys", they are expert assassins, and they spend their whole lives training to fight and kill and to lead armies and machinery of war into battle.
beau said:
Why? Because their vision and intent was in STO origin, so that their decisions were for the benefit of the whole.
But would an STO being or group decide what is for the benefit of the whole? Or would they leave this decision to the whole of the population and simply assist in the direction that is chosen by the whole, assuming that the the being agrees with the direction as well?
My impression of this dynamic is that all STO beings simply naturally go in a certain direction, and they join/network with others going in that same direction. Nobody makes a decision on behalf of anybody else, they simply naturally join up because of collinearity.
This group is a good analogy I think. Laura and the group are going in a certain direction, and they created this forum as a networking tool to assist the progress. Those who join this group do so because they are collinear. Those who are not are free to make their own groups and go in their own directions. Some people complain when they get banned from this group that their free will or freedom of speech is "stifled". But this forum is an extension of this group much like our own limbs or our own energy. If we give our arms and legs or our energy to others, we won't be able to do anything at all. So by not allowing others to feed on our energy we preserve our ability to function. And I know that possession/ownership is an STS concept, but I don't think we possess/own energy, it's just part of us, like a medium or tool that makes it possible for consciousness to accomplish a goal. Similarly this forum is also such a medium/tool, and if we let others hijack it for their own purposes, it's like letting them hijack our own arms and legs and energy for their own purposes. It makes is unable to accomplish our goal, which requires networking, which this forum is designed to be used for.
But where the analogy differs from the Jedi is it seems that the Jedi are not just doing their thing and going in their direction and letting others join them. They do appear to make decisions on behalf of an entire world. And I don't think this is STO. They may want what's "best" for everyone, but I don't think anyone can make that decision on behalf of anyone else, nevermind on behalf of an entire world of people, osit.
hkoehli, what you said also reminds me of the "scratch test" that is done on this forum for new members joining. This is also manipulating by challenging their assumptions and sacred cows in a pretty direct way, which often predictably results in negative emotions on behalf of the one being scratched. But we do this as a mirror and if they are willing and able to overcome their mechanical reaction, to help them see themselves and their sacred cows, and to grow and learn as a result. Or, it can just piss them off and they storm out and slam the "door" shut and never return.
And it would seem that in the last task, the Faun was manipulating Ofelia into allowing her little brother to be hurt in order to get her promised reward. But his intention was the opposite of what he appeared to want, he really wanted to test her ability to withstand the manipulation and to act selflessly. Similarly, V wanted to test Eva if she can withstand the suffering and act selflessly. And it would seem that the C's would also want Laura to not get into the habit of trusting them, so perhaps for that purpose they might even say things that can be blatantly false, which might present Laura with a slight shock but keep her "on her toes" and not to slack and begin to habitually trust what is said all the time, and to continue doing the necessary Work to figure things out.
But then, in light of the law of 3, what was Faun's purpose to manipulate Ofelia in the tasks other than the last?