Prayers for rain said:
True. I think in that case the appearance of the ugly and frightening faun and the general assumption we have about fauns ("they're evil") made my opinion more biased than if the faun had lookd like, say, Galadriel. One more thing that points to the fact that appearances are illusionary, and a lot of times darkness passes as light and vice versa, light can look like darkness.
I think when light wakes up in the morning, you'd be hard pressed to tell just what kind of hole it crawled out of, and judging by the trail of cracked mirrors it leaves behind, you may wonder what possessed it to crawl out of that hole to begin with. But darkness is quick to put on its best glow and go out to charm and amaze. Light just hangs around scratching itself till about 1pm, and after a couple dozen caffeine shots and a cold shower you might see it stumble out of its house into public view, grumbling something indiscernible.
But when it comes to that Faun, I'm still on the bench. But I guess there may not be enough data to make a conclusion one way or another. There's definite manipulation, but also there's evidence that may suggest that the manipulation could've been designed to help Ofelia learn, and to see if she's susceptible to it - sort of a trial by fire. And then there's the king and queen which on Earth have never been a good thing. And I still see no reason for a government in a truly STO civilization. But there are also lots of levels of STS. Here we have the pathocracy that just takes STS as far as it can be taken. But I'm sure there can be a government that can be as close to STO as a government can get. I guess that would mean something like no state secrets, and truly just doing everything they can to help everyone in the world, which would really make the government more like public servants, with the majority of decisions made by the public itself, and so the role of the government would be much less about control and much more about carrying out the will of the public, with no manipulation of public opinion, or something along those lines I'd think.
Edit: For the record, I was totally creeped out by Galadriel. I'm not sure what it was, if it was that sudden transformation she undertook in the presence of the ring, or that unnatural looking smirk she carries everywhere, but I was relieved when Frodo got out of there. Although it's interesting to say that light can look like darkness, and darkness can look like light. I mean, I don't think either one has a "typical" appearance, how do know what either one is supposed to "look like"? It seems popular culture (religion, Hollywood) shapes those preconceptions. Angels are white, gentle, live in white shiny heaven. Demons are black/red, rough, live in black/red hell covered in filth, slime, and all that. But is there any objectivity to such representations, where do such ideas come from? I mean, are they completely fictitious, or is there any element of truth in terms of the "typical" or "preferred" appearance and surroundings of different polarities? I mean, I'm sure the white house is a lot nicer looking than most houses, everybody wears suits, it's perfectly clean, beautiful lawn, etc. You have all the rich people buying up huge beautiful beachfront property, laced with white curtains and covered in grape vines, etc. And of course after all those nose jobs and weight watching and toning, they all look like a new penny too! Unless they overdo it and look like Michael Jackson, then it's a lot closer to the Grays. Hmm... maybe that's how they came to look like they do! :P
Perhaps on 4th density external appearance could reflect inner essence, I dunno. But here on earth it seems to be the opposite, that the more evil, the better and brighter you and your surroundings look.