Paris shootout, explosions, casualties

This is how close to each other and well coordinated the attacks were


from a tweet by a journalist, Agnes Poirier
Seaniebawn said:
Well if we look at the situation for the point of view of the narrative, this whole thing doesn't make one bit of sense, so Russia has been in Syria for the last month, and nearly on the Cusp of destroying them, along with it's partners Iran and the Syrian Government, this has effectually closed off Syria from Western intervention, so called ISIS attacks Paris, with the tentative excuse this is for Syria, ok that doesn't make sense if they wanted to attack anyone it should be Russia as they are the one's destroying their forces, so it seem's at least where i'm sitting that the whole thing is going to be used as a pretext for another "collation of the willing" to reassert it's presence in the region, again let's not forget that what Russia is doing in Syria is completely legal, now does anything think that this Collation is going to formerly request Syrian Government permission to take part in the fight against ISIS, no I wouldn't think so,has Russia not extended it's hand to other countries namely the USA in fighting ISIS on the ground, they we're told to go sling a hook, the danger here is that the west will go in under this pretext, either interfering with Russia abilities to finish ISIS off, or and god forbid the start of WW3

Whatever about how this attack will be used to change the situation on the ground in Syria, if we consider the broader battle for control of public perception, then Putin's intervention in Syria opened a lot of minds to the Big Lie that is the 'war on terror', and this attack in Paris is the empire striking back with fear and terror to close those minds again.
Still further, the Galeries Lafayette also evacuated under bomb threat

French news:

"Bataclan and gunfights, Islamic State claims the attacks in Paris, London airport and Galeries Lafayette evacuated"
Laura said:
Rec this morning via email, opinion from an alternative 9-11 truther type:

The Motive for the Terrorist Attacks in Paris - Revenge for US/French/UK/Israeli Double-Cross of the ISIS Mercenaries by Those Who Hired Them

French Terrorism Attack - Most likely retaliation for US drone killing of Mohammed Emwazi in Raqqa, Syria. Emwazi was part of the US-UK-Israel_Saudi-AND FRENCH-backed false-front operation known variously as ISIS, ISIL, and the Islamic State. He was executed by the very people who hired and equipped him because the US-Israel/etc backers feared that their responsibility for ISIS and all of its killing in Syria and Iraq would be exposed if Emwazi or other ISIS mercenaries were captured by Russian or Syrian forces and made to confess. This of course amounted to an extreme double cross of the mercenary contractors - and for that reason, in retaliation, the large scale terrorist attacks in France were carried out. The proximity of events makes this assessment almost certain. Also factoring in, is the fact that Obama has recently sent 50 special forces - top commandos - into Syria with one purpose. The size and skill of these commandos tells us what that purpose is. They are assigned to murder ISIS/ISIL/IS mercenaries before they fall into Russian and Syrian hands and are made to expose the US-Israeli-French role in all that ISIS has done." ~ Dick Eastman

Certainly an interesting thought.

Indeed, and seems plausible I wondered about this, 50 special forces/CIA Wet work teams there to kill off anyone who could spill the beans, but I'm sure Russia already know who the pay masters are, so if any of these ISIS commanders were taken capture by Russian/Syrian forces would and they confessed would the testimony even see the light of day, stuff like that isn't for public consumption, although I could see why Russia/Syria would see these as high profile targets at least for the Intel they could provide, CIA tying up loose ends.
Jihadi John 'dead': MI5 on alert amid fears of Isil revenge attack - as it happened
American officials say we may never know whether the drone strike did indeed kill Jihadi John

By Harriet Alexander, Leon Watson, Barney Henderson and David Millward

6:24AM GMT 14 Nov 2015

Summary: what we know so far

MI5 is on high alert amid fears that Isil fanatics are already plotting revenge attacks for the reported killing of Jihadi John in a drone strike in Raqqa, Syria.

The communications of known sympathisers are being monitored closely as surveillance is stepped up to prevent a terrorist outrage in revenge for the operation which is now widely acknowledged to have resulted in the death of Mohammed Emwazi– who as Jihadi John – earned global notoriety. [...]

Although one or two officials in Washington are counselling caution, there is now an overwhelming consensus that Jihadi John was killed in the drone strike along with a sympathiser – possibly his driver – as their car hurtled through the Syrian town of Raqqa.

Gradually details of how the British Jihadist was tracked down and then attacked by drone has started to emerge.

A British drone, operating from Lincolnshire, helped track Emwazi, although what are believed to have been the fatal shots were fired by the Americans. According to one report he was tracked for six weeks before the decisive strike was made.

At various times reports have said that Jihadi John was “evaporated” or “incinerated” and “eviscerated” during the strike.

In a separate development, there were reports that the Turkish authorities had captured his closest associate, Aine Lesley Davis, who is also a Briton.

Reaction to the death of Emwazi has varied. Col. Steve Warren, the Pentagon spokesman, was jubilant.

“He was a primary recruitment tool for that organization. We’re all familiar with the ghastly videos- the absolute barbarism that he displayed against American citizens. I mean this guy was a human animal, and killing him is probably making the world a better place.”

But the families of his victims were rather less triumphant. Dragana Prodanovic Haines, the Croatian wife of David Haines, a British aid worker, said the Jihadist’s death would mean one monster less, but she still wished he had been captured alive.

“"I have heard the news but it doesn't bring me any comfort because nothing will bring back my husband.”

Diane Foley, the mother of murdered American journalist James Foley, found no solace in Jihadi John’s death..

“It saddens me that here in America we are celebrating the killing of a deranged, pathetic young man,” she told ABC News.

The death of Emwazi has also had political implications in Britain, with Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader, wishing Jihadi John had been captured alive and put on trial – a view which was not shared by some of his MPs including Ian Austin.

Mr Austin ridiculed the suggestion that Emwazi would have come quietly.

David Cameron, made clear that he viewed the operation as a justified act of self defence.

“Emwazi is a barbaric murderer. He was shown in those sickening videos of the beheading of British aid workers.

"He posed an ongoing and serious threat to innocent civilians not only in Syria, but around the world and in the United Kingdom too.

"He was Isil's lead executioner, and let us never forget that he killed many, many Muslims too.

"And he was intent on murdering many more people.”

Morning Star condemns Jihadi John killing

The Morning Star is joining those who have criticized the killing of Jihadi John. Like Jeremy Corbyn, it believes he should have been captured and brought before a court. The paper’s front page speaks for itself.

With Jeremy Corbyn likely to widen the gap between the Labour leadership and much of the parliamentary party, John McTernan, who was Tony Blair’s Director of Operations, has made clear where he stands

Writing in the Telegraph, he pulls no punches in his analysis of Jeremy Corbyn’s remarks about Jihadi John

Quote There are moments when a politician says something so stupid that you cannot believe they were spoken out loud. Often, nor can they. I am pretty sure that Tracey Couch regrets speaking her brain. But then there are the politicians who never surprise you with their stupidity.

Take apart his statement on Jihadi John. First of all, he really means it. His delivery may be deadly dull, but it is deadly serious. Now, you and I might well think that it would be better for all of us if death cult jihadism didn't exist in the first place. Such Route One thoughts are not for Corbyn.

Speaking on our behalf – and, as he says, for all of us – Corbyn's conclusion is that a court of law would have been a better destination for the murdering terrorist rather than the grave. At the very least one might question whether Jihadi John was ever likely to return to Queen's Park to help the Met with their enquiries

Jihadi John "tracked for six weeks"

It was reported last night that Jihadi John was tracked for the last six weeks by British and American spies.

The Sun, quoting intelligence sources, says the original lead was picked up in September. Since then he was tracked by drones, RAF and USAF spy planes. His calls were monitored and there were even spotters on the ground.

Convinced that they had found their man, there was a delay while they waited for a “clean hit”. He was killed – along with another Isil member as his car hurtled through Raqqa at high speed,

An intelligence source told the paper “Emwazi died not because he screwed up, he was always very careful.

“It was more the result of a sustained and very broad effort that went on for many weeks.


Conservative US commentator links Paris attacks to Jihadi John's death

Inevitably some commentators are linking the atrocities in Paris to the operation to kill Jihadi John. They include Katie Pavlich, a conservative commentator who has voiced her views on Twitter

More here:
Heard at French national radio "France Inter" : Assad and Isis are the same kind and Russia (Putin) is [indirectly] responsible for the terror attacks in Paris !
A long way to go...
Syrian Passport Found Near Body of One of Paris Suicide Bombers
14:55 14.11.2015
A Syrian passsport was found near the body of one of the Paris suicide bombers, French TV reported Sarturday.
Read more:

The Shia Post
ISIS terrorists burn passports, call for attacks in France: Video (Video is Gone)
November 21, 2014
So-called takfiri terrorist group of Islamic State Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has released a film showing the terrorist group’s French-speaking fighters burning French passports and urging others to join in the fight – in the streets of France.

The footage, filmed in a forest, was released by Al Hayat, the main media source used by so-called Islamic State (also known as ISIS, or ISIL), and shows four men who are allegedly French citizens. Three of the men speak in French into the camera.

link to full article
Eos said:
CIA Director Met with French Security Chief and Mossad Before Paris Attacks :

CIA Director Brennan Met With French Secuity Chief Before Paris Attacks - Report | 13 Nov 2015 | The White House correspondent for French television network Canal+, Laura Haim, reported an interesting tidbit during a live report with MSNBC's Brian Williams Friday evening. Haim stated that Central Intelligence Agency director, John O. Brennan, recently met with his counterpart, French intelligence (DGSE) director Bernard Bajolet. The French equivalent of MI6 and CIA is the Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure. [See: CIA-GW Intelligence Conference: Panel on The Shared 21st Century International Mission --GW Center for Cyber and Homeland Security 29 Oct 2015 Panel on "The Shared 21st Century International Mission" featuring CIA Director John Brennan, former UK MI6 Chief John Sawers, Director of the French Directorate for External Security Bernard Bajolet, and former Israeli National Security Advisor Yaacov Amidror. Held as part of the 2nd Annual Ethos and Profession of Intelligence Conference, co-hosted by the Central Intelligence Agency and the George Washington University. Held on October 27, 2015.

That information is legit.

See here:

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attacks in Paris. The terrorist group also released a video threatening more assaults if the country continues to bomb its positions.

In an official statement the terror group said its fighters, armed with suicide bomb belts and machine guns, carried out the terror strikes at various locations they had pinpointed in the heart of the French capital.

The statement and the video have emerged soon after gunmen and bombers killed more than 120 people in the French capital.

A bearded militant in the video says that while the allied forces continue bombing IS positions, they will never be safe.

The video is undated and was released on Saturday via Islamic State’s foreign media arm, the Al-Hayat Media Center.

Islamic State terrorists are also urging Muslims who can’t travel to Syria to conduct deadly attacks in France.

The militants are calling on the Muslim population in the country to fight the "infidels” adding there are arms and “poison” available, and targets terrorists should hit.

French President Francois Hollande has said the attacks in Paris that left 127 people killed were "an act of war" organized from abroad by Islamic State with internal help.

Hollande added he would address parliament on Monday in an extraordinary meeting, and the country would observe three days of official mourning.

12:27 A witness at the Bataclan attack has told BFMTV that one of the assailants was white and appeared to be European.
“I saw a guy who was pretty small, white and looked like a European,”
he said.

“He was just in front of the Bataclan and had a gun resting on his shoulder. Then I saw flashes and heard ‘Bam bam bam.’”
Adaryn said:
Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attacks in Paris. The terrorist group also released a video threatening more assaults if the country continues to bomb its positions.

Underlying message seems to be that Russia isn't bombing ISIS positions but France and US led coalition is. Otherwise Paris wouldnt have ISIS retribution on it, London and Washington wouldnt get ISIS threats, Moscow would be targeted instead.
This attack reminds me of the Mumbai attack in late November 2008. 164 people were killed when a group of terrorists carried out a series of 12 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks lasting four days across Mumbai. They shot up cafés, a hotel, a hospital, a train station and a 'Chabad Lubavitch Jewish center'. There were also car-bomb explosions in taxis.

10 Pakistani members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, an Islamic militant organisation 'affiliated with Pakistani Taliban', were blamed. All but one were apparently killed by Indian security forces during the attacks. The surviving terrorist was later tried and sentenced to death.

The fall-out from the attack saw India accuse the Pakistani ISI of involvement and set back relations between the two countries. It also heralded the beginning of the US drone strikes campaign in Pakistan.

Some of the details from the attack are curious. Here's the Guardian:

One police officer who encountered the gunmen as they entered the Jewish centre told the Guardian the attackers were "white", although this could mean they were paler-skinned Indians from the country's north.

"I went into the building late last night," he said. "I got a shock because they were white. I was expecting them to look like us. They fired three shots. I fired 10 back.

And from the BBC:

Hours after the shooting at the Leopold Cafe, a cult city cafe and a favourite hangout of foreigners and locals alike, the place smelt of stale beer and bleaching powder.

Broken crockery from a market stall lay strewn on the sidewalk. Fresh blood stains on the bullet-pocked wall were mixed with the old betel- leaf spit stains.

Locals say the orgy of killings in Mumbai began here. Three men walked into the cafe, drank beer, settled their bills and walked out. Then they fished out guns from their bags and began firing.

Gaffar Abdul Amir, an Iraqi tourist from Baghdad, says he saw at least two men who started the firing outside the Leopold Cafe.

He was returning to his hotel from the seaside with a friend when he saw two men carrying bags and brandishing AK-47s walking in front of them, shooting.

"They did not look Indian, they looked foreign. One of them, I thought, had blonde hair. The other had a punkish hairstyle. They were neatly dressed," says Mr Amir.

While the official account now says that all but one of the 10 terrorists were killed on location, at the time the Indian authorities reported that 37 suspects were at large, and that 8 of the gunmen were arrested, 2 of whom were 'of British descent'.

From the Wiki page on the attack, we read:

Blood tests on the attackers indicate that they had taken cocaine and LSD during the attacks, to sustain their energy and stay awake for 50 hours. Police say that they found syringes on the scenes of the attacks. There were also indications that they had been taking steroids. [...]

Witnesses reported that they seemed to be in their early twenties, wore black T-shirts and jeans, and that they smiled and looked happy as they shot their victims.

But the most curious thing of all was discovered a year after the attack...

Mumbai terror suspect David Headley was 'rogue US secret agent'

A key terror suspect who allegedly helped to plan last year's attacks in Mumbai and plotted to strike Europe was an American secret agent who went rogue, Indian officials believe.

David Headley, 49, who was born in Washington to a Pakistan diplomat father and an American mother, was arrested in Chicago in October. He is accused of reconnoitring targets in India and Europe for Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), the Pakistan-based terror group behind the Mumbai attacks and of having links to al-Qaeda. He has denied the charges.

He came to the attention of the US security services in 1997 when he was arrested in New York for heroin smuggling. He earned a reduced sentence by working for the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) infiltrating Pakistan-linked narcotics gangs.

Indian investigators, who have been denied access to Mr Headley, suspect that he remained on the payroll of the US security services - possibly working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - but switched his allegiance to LeT.

"India is looking into whether Headley worked as a double agent," an Indian Home Ministry official said yesterday.

Mr Headley, who changed his name from Daood Gilani, was in Mumbai until two weeks before the attacks on the city, which claimed 166 lives last November. It is alleged that he spent months checking targets in India's commercial capital, using his Western looks and anglicised name to move in elite social circles, hobnob with Bollywood actors and even to pass himself off as Jewish.

Despite being firmly on the radar of the US intelligence agencies, he was allowed to return to India as recently as March. Indian officials are furious that their American counterparts did not share details of that visit at the time. The Indian media has raised the possibility that Mr Headley was being protected by his American handlers - a theory that experts say is credible. [...]

According to documents put before a court in Chicago, Mr Headley had links with the Pakistan Army and, through it, with al-Qaeda.

As well as helping to co-ordinate the Mumbai atrocity, Mr Headley is accused of planning attacks on Mumbai's Bollywood film industry, the Shiv Sena, a Hindu extremist group also based in Mumbai, a major Hindu temple, and a Danish newspaper that had published cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

The US authorities allege that he was close to Tahawwur Hussain Rana, a former Pakistani schoolmate and businessman who is also being charged with planning to attack the Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten. Mr Rana is accused of having known about the attack on Mumbai in advance. [...]

The Indian Home Secretary, Gopal Krishna Pillai, has said that his Government would seek the extradition of Mr Headley - a request that has so far been stonewalled by US officials.
alkhemst said:
Adaryn said:
Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attacks in Paris. The terrorist group also released a video threatening more assaults if the country continues to bomb its positions.

Underlying message seems to be that Russia isn't bombing ISIS positions but France and US led coalition is. Otherwise Paris wouldnt have ISIS retribution on it, London and Washington wouldnt get ISIS threats, Moscow would be targeted instead.

It doesn't make sense if it's retribution for past French airstrikes in Syria (there are none)... but it might make sense if it's to ensure future French airstrikes in Syria (in the Western coalition).

Correction: there has been one (claimed) French airstrike in Syria, on September 27th, 3 days before Russian forces effectively took control of Syrian airspace. There is no video or other evidence of such a strike.

Correction 2: I've actually found 3 claims of French airstrikes in Syria, two after the Russians moved in there. An airstrike on Nov 10th at an 'ISIS-controlled oil depot' near Raqqa, and another one a month earlier on Oct 8th at an 'ISIS camp', also near Raqqa.
alkhemst said:
Adaryn said:
Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attacks in Paris. The terrorist group also released a video threatening more assaults if the country continues to bomb its positions.

Underlying message seems to be that Russia isn't bombing ISIS positions but France and US led coalition is. Otherwise Paris wouldnt have ISIS retribution on it, London and Washington wouldnt get ISIS threats, Moscow would be targeted instead.

That bothers me as well - they spin it in such a way that the West is "punished" for bombing ISIS, when in fact, well... :mad:
luc said:
alkhemst said:
Adaryn said:
Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attacks in Paris. The terrorist group also released a video threatening more assaults if the country continues to bomb its positions.

Underlying message seems to be that Russia isn't bombing ISIS positions but France and US led coalition is. Otherwise Paris wouldnt have ISIS retribution on it, London and Washington wouldnt get ISIS threats, Moscow would be targeted instead.

That bothers me as well - they spin it in such a way that the West is "punished" for bombing ISIS, when in fact, well... :mad:

Yeah it's insane, imagine the mental gymnastics you'd have to do for that to make sense, although with all the propaganda being spouted about i'm sure there are many people coming to this "conclusion" disintegration turned to 11 :mad:
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