Paris shootout, explosions, casualties

Isn't *any* ISIS action essentially a false flag? -ISIS being a handled Western asset, and all.

As such, I don't really think these shootings were about reprisals for attacks on ISIS positions and leaders so much as they are an excuse to hammer Europe into line through applied fear. This kind of thing was always on the books as a potential regardless of Russian actions against ISIS; Syrian refugees have been fleeing for months now.

What if other European nations experienced similar "Terrorist" attacks? I recall a story yesterday about some kind of big seizure of guns in Germany.

All of Europe is essentially held hostage by the West. "Don't even think about ditching the petro-dollar or working with Russia or China, forgetting that the U.S. is your king. We're the boss of you, and look what we can do any time we like if we feel you've been bad Europeans."

But really, I feel at this point that logic is becoming a diminishing returns sort of game with regard to trying to work out what the psychopathic Western powers are really up to. They've been descending into plain old desperate crazy for a while now.
Learner said:
Pashalis said:
Just for the record. The attendees of the meeting above were the chief of the french intelligence service, of the CIA, of the NSA and the former national security adviser of Israel and the former MI6 chief.... 2,5 weeks before the attacks in Paris... A bunch of other high ranking people (former and present) were also part of the meeting. See last link above.

I heard that german SOTT is already writing an article on it. Just interesting facts that might get some people to think...

Certainly smells fishy. The high precision how the attackers conducted their killings may vote for a high-profile training, imo. ...

Yep and the official shedule of day was devided as follows under the banner "Ethos and Profession of Intelligence":

- 21st Century Challenges: Denied Areas, Digital Domains, and Determined Adversaries
- 21st Century Warning: What Should Policymakers Reasonably Expect?
- Bridging 20th Century Law and 21st Century Intelligence
- 21st Century Intelligence Officers: What Capabilities Do They Need to Fulfill the Mission?
- The Shared 21st Century International Mission - Partners in Security

One naturally wonders what was discussed besides the above behind closed doors.
Also that meeting happened 4 days before the russian airliner crash.
I am feeling Sick and depressed to read these attacks. Probably due to HOPE that was aroused in Syrian theatre and the probable change to it.
Niall said:
This attack reminds me of the Mumbai attack in late November 2008. 164 people were killed when a group of terrorists carried out a series of 12 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks lasting four days across Mumbai. They shot up cafés, a hotel, a hospital, a train station and a 'Chabad Lubavitch Jewish center'. There were also car-bomb explosions in taxis.
Yeah! This Paris shootings reminded me of Mumbai shootings too. Adding to that, French govt.'s claims of certainty of who the shooters are, while not able to do any thing is a strange part.

The fall-out from the attack saw India accuse the Pakistani ISI of involvement and set back relations between the two countries. It also heralded the beginning of the US drone strikes campaign in Pakistan.
Though India blamed(or continue to blame) Pakistan's ISI which is well known lapdog of CIA, there is lot more countries are involved.
Some of the details from the attack are curious. Here's the Guardian:
One police officer who encountered the gunmen as they entered the Jewish centre told the Guardian the attackers were "white", although this could mean they were paler-skinned Indians from the country's north.

"I went into the building late last night," he said. "I got a shock because they were white. I was expecting them to look like us. They fired three shots. I fired 10 back.
There are some video's from the alleged Mumbai shooters that popped up on youtube during the Mumbai shooting time but magically disappeared in days. Based on the their Urdu rant's, some of the shooters are typical muslim Victims of 1991 Babri masjid violence. They called it revenge for their parents/relatives killed in 1991. These rants is not that strange in a country boils in communal violence often. Obviously some body funded, wepaonized and used their sentiments.

Then this "Jewish centre" business and the strangeness surrounding CIA asset " David Headley" - how this guys gets away, his links to computer system used to coordinate the attacks etc. Then high level coordination to booby trap some high level honest police officers ( Karkare) to booby trap and kill with false flag information in the initial stages. and again US media's sudden love to India and Indian private media sudden overdrive before facts came out.

During the attacks Israel and US made repeated requests to send their consultants to India, though Indian govt. don't want them.It took 10 days for the Indian govt. to succumb to pressure of US and Israel. All these coincidences made me to think, there are multiple groups involved with different set of shooters (some Indian groups too), public narration controlled through Indian private channels who more or less structured along American media.

That's why I find it difficult to assume ISIL alone did it in Paris. It makes sense to have different elements involved to easily erase the traces and muddy the truth. Well, Pavlovian conditioning is in process and we can imagine how they will use it. It will be like roller coaster for a while, I think.
I found this post interesting from Pepe Escobar of FB...

"Scouring a ton of reports, I found a Danish citizen describing one of the attackers to a Paris café; ultra-pro, black-clad head to toe, AK-47, very well trained. These are not your usual al-Zawahiri underwear bombers; these are precision killers. This one left the scene undisturbed, and contrary to French police, may not have been captured. He wore no suicide vest."

and later this...

"CONFIRMED. At least one of the goons in Paris is still at large. almost certainly the one described by the Danish eyewitness I referred to in a previous post. If only French intel would not go cowboy and actually tried to apprehend him."

If this report is true and the French authorities do find him, I have my doubts that he will be captured alive.
I don't think these attacks can be used to put blame on Russia for anything, simply because it would be way too nonsensical. Russia bombs ISIS, ISIS attacks French people, how is Russia to blame? Shouldn't all other governments be doing a better job at bombing ISIS instead? My point is that even the average person could see through that (I hope!).

In other news, here's a funny coincidence as reported by The Guardian's live updates:

Germanwings crash volunteers were at Stade de France, taken there on a trip by the company.

You couldn’t make this up - some 1,000 emergency workers and volunteers who responded after a Germanwings flight crashed in the Alps in March were at the Stade de France last night.

They were taken to see the France vs Germany friendly on a chartered train by Lufthansa, which owns Germanwings.

Airbus communications chief Rainer Ohler, who was at the stadium along with the company’s chief executive Tom Enders, said

It was supposed to be an evening of French and German celebration and appreciation after that tragic event. We heard the explosions and at first nobody thought of terrorism.

It was only when President Hollande left and people started getting phone messages that we realised what was going on.

Enders said Airbus stood united against “barbarian attacks”

Nous sommes unis! (We are united!) We are all impacted by the tragic terror attacks in Paris. Our thoughts are with the victims, their families and all the people in Paris.

And another unsettling update:

Michel Delpuech, leader of the local authority in the Rhône-Alpes region, has said he would impose a curfew in Lyon if necessary.

I have not ruled it out, particularly if there are protests supporting terrorism or calling for similar attacks.

Lyon is France’s third largest city with a population of almost half a million. If a curfew were imposed, it would be the first time since the French riots of 2005 when seven local authorities took the same decision.
This is just sickening. Everything that has been reported so far has all the hallmarks of a carefully calibrated attack. Professional attackers who are calm and quietly exit the scene(the cafe shooter that is still at large), a Syrian passport of indestructibility found near one of the suicide bombers, in some reports attackers are alleged to have shouted the trademark Allahu Akbar and For Syria, in other eyewitness reports, they didn't say a word. Obama was very quick to say the same cynical words as always("attack on humanity"), ISIS promptly takes responsibility, state of emergency is declared...

It sends a chill down my spine to think about what will happen next...
Timótheos said:
I found this post interesting from Pepe Escobar of FB...

"Scouring a ton of reports, I found a Danish citizen describing one of the attackers to a Paris café; ultra-pro, black-clad head to toe, AK-47, very well trained. These are not your usual al-Zawahiri underwear bombers; these are precision killers. This one left the scene undisturbed, and contrary to French police, may not have been captured. He wore no suicide vest."

and later this...

"CONFIRMED. At least one of the goons in Paris is still at large. almost certainly the one described by the Danish eyewitness I referred to in a previous post. If only French intel would not go cowboy and actually tried to apprehend him."

If this report is true and the French authorities do find him, I have my doubts that he will be captured alive.

Or that he will be captured at all, and someone else will be taken in his stead and likely killed, like what happened with the Charlie Hebdo shooters.
Like yesterday's horrors in France and deaths of so many innocent people was not enough, now this: A train has derailed and caught fire in Eckwersheim near Strasbourg, France. Rescue teams have arrived to the site local media reported, adding there are casualties." I don't know if these two events are connected but it is weird.
Eärwen said:
Like yesterday's horrors in France and deaths of so many innocent people was not enough, now this: A train has derailed and caught fire in Eckwersheim near Strasbourg, France. Rescue teams have arrived to the site local media reported, adding there are casualties." I don't know if these two events are connected but it is weird.

It's similar to series of plane accidents or crashes in Russia that followed the crash of A321. Maybe it has to do with the residual destructive energy, and information field reacts accordingly. Don't know, just a speculation.
In almost all the articles read they put emphasis on the machine guns that the "terrorists" used: a kalashnikov that are from... Russia. :halo:
This article is in Russian, but was provided by a FB friend who said that the article states, "Witnesses reported terrorists spoke good French"


Witnesses reported the same during the Charlie Hebdo shootings as well.
Windmill knight said:
I don't think these attacks can be used to put blame on Russia for anything, simply because it would be way too nonsensical. Russia bombs ISIS, ISIS attacks French people, how is Russia to blame? Shouldn't all other governments be doing a better job at bombing ISIS instead? My point is that even the average person could see through that (I hope!).

Not blaming directly off course, but this tragic event can be used to psychologically, emotionally manipulate the population and make them to believe their narrative, that if Russia had been more "careful" like US in their attack on ISIS, none of this would have happened, the refugee crisis, now the attacks in Paris all of these events can be used to manipulate the minds of the people, i think, in the end it's an psychological, informational war against the people's minds.
The 'Jihadi John' story looks like a cover planted in advance so that they can hammer in the ISIS retribution narrative.
Keit said:
Eärwen said:
Like yesterday's horrors in France and deaths of so many innocent people was not enough, now this: A train has derailed and caught fire in Eckwersheim near Strasbourg, France. Rescue teams have arrived to the site local media reported, adding there are casualties." I don't know if these two events are connected but it is weird.

It's similar to series of plane accidents or crashes in Russia that followed the crash of A321. Maybe it has to do with the residual destructive energy, and information field reacts accordingly. Don't know, just a speculation.

I think it makes sense. Also reports state that it was luckily "only" a test drive with no passengers on board. And it happened 10km away from the German border.
Woodsman said:
Isn't *any* ISIS action essentially a false flag? -ISIS being a handled Western asset, and all.

I don't think so. ISIS is a mercenary army with tens of thousands of people in it (or more). Not all of them are aware that they're working for CIA. So not only do you have the possibility of individuals or groups without the organization acting on their own, you also have the possibility that the mercenaries will turn on their masters. That's one of the risks of paying mercenaries. Of course, that doesn't absolve the U.S. from their responsibility, but I think it's overly simplistic to think of every Muslim fanatic as being 100% controlled by the West, like a robot army or something.

Not saying that is necessarily the case in this one yet. Too soon to tell.
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