Part 7: LiveStream with Laura, Jay & Hunter: If the Chaos Gets Worse (And It Will) How to Survive

In the different bar?and who are you the bartender of the bar? Thank God I don't drink beer.
And I don't want to get into a debate of the silly kind or be a little game of passing the buck between you...Besides by your behavior you expose yourself and show who you are....
And the same goes for the administrators attentively YOUR KARMA.
Troll, don't feed them.
I'm really looking forward to Part 7. The subjects being covered look logical and I'm sure that the 3 of you will not disappoint I'll handroll a ciggie and sit back for a solid session of honest thinking. I'm thinking of linking the playlist of all 6 so far onto my X timeline, seems like a fertile time to share such info, what with Coulthart and Lue making such waves at the moment too. Dolan too is working hard at it at the moment. It's a fine time for brave, intelligent enquiry for sure. Here's to a good discussion.:cool2:
Im hoping that on the first point of discussion: Good (Service to Others) versus Evil (Service to Self)

it comes up that it is better said. Balance vs in-balance. As we have had long discussion about STO as it advances must learn balance of sto and sts. Sometime pat them on the back and sometime kick them in the a**, depending on the situation. Having only sts will “become evil” and then advance to extinction. Having only “good” would become a monotonous hell. STO is balance. That’s not to say when you have balance we can't call that “good”😊
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