Let the Spin Begin: "Pentagon shooter apparently doubted 9/11 facts in Web posting" after DC's War Game "Metro Active Shooter Exercise"
posted by [Redacted] on Friday, March 5, 2010
I'm no coincidence theorist as most official government officials seem to be when anything happens, especially when it concerns government exercises and war games that seem to turn "LIVE" right when the government needs them to happen. That is to say, to implement a plan that is on the books and ready to go, such as what we now truly know about the anomalies surrounding the events of 9/11, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the Lavon Affair, the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, Operation Northwoods, NATO stay-behind armies known as Operation Gladio, the Fruit of the Boom Bomber, the London 7/7 bombings, the attack on Afghanistan, the bombing of the USS Maine, Pearl Harbor, WACO, World Trade Center '93 bombings, Oklahoma City, and on and on down the rabbit hole we go, there are so many more I haven't mentioned yet. I'm not saying that this is the case regarding the Pentagon Metro shooter, but it does come at a convenient time and fit the model of a false flag operation. It is the Hegelian Dialectic in action - Problem, Reaction, Solution with the Gubment being the beneficiaries of this type of model - Cui Bono?: Who Benefits?. The Gubment creates the problem, the public knee jerks in their reaction and the feds have a convenient off-the-shelf plan ready to go to save the day.
This has the earmarks of a three-fer-one on top of a Double Coupon Tuesday at your local Orwellian Market. Sure, this shooting took place a week or so after the same scenario had been played out and trained for by local police and military types, so not all events have to go live at the same time as the training - but they do happen during or immediately near the actual event.
There has been talk here within the District of Criminals lately in local news of federalizing the police/security in the DC Metro under the ever vigilant Dept of Homeland Insecurity and their bastard short bus stepchild, the TSA (Thousands Standing Around). Should this take place, the benefit to the District and its coffers would be the Metro employees losing their union and the rights that having one affords them in protection from the bureaucratic bean counters. Going DHS would be the way to go since that is where all of the federal funds are going in this recession/depression as opposed to maintaining our infrastructure and providing for the people. We are moving into a Stasi Police State in this engineered economic crash, pushing desperate people into the military with an economic draft, TV ads of universities offering careers in DHS counter terrorism or corrections/policing and the Feds asking your local UPS guy or cable installer to be snitches for possible terrorist activities, since they are so well trained in the area, and then to report to the FBI. We've untold thousands of people employed by outsourced intelligence corporations created by former heads of our intelligence community, spying on US citizens and creating armies of paid bloggers to attack anyone who questions the motives of OUR government.
So we get our three-fer: The Metro security goes federal and so does the financial windfall, the Metro employees lose their Union protections and possibly their pensions taking the perceived financial burden off the shoulders of the city and at the same time they throw 9/11 Truthers under the bus.
But I'm just a coincidence theorist. Pay no attention to the fact that they were playing war games in the Metro here pretending to shoot people to see what the response would be to Metro incidents.