Keit said:
Chu said:
I find it sad that even though people translate with good intentions, they don't take the precaution of asking beforehand, and being part of our team, where we can network, check on each other, etc. For a long time now, we have been wanting to have much more material in Russian, and even a Russian SOTT page! But the Russian speaking team is so small that we can't do it. If all those people got together, we'd be doing a lot more, and with better quality by now. :( Maybe it's possible one day.
Yes, unfortunately we can't quite organize into a team. There were several attempts, and each time different people expressed their frustration regarding things not moving or not happening, and it would work for a short while and then would stop again. So the problem so far hasn't been lack of people, as Dreamland site is enough proof that there are people who are willing and have time to translate and publish, but the problem is doing it
here and with
this team. Not sure what exactly the main problems are (maybe Dreamland peeps can share at least some of them), but it seems that language barrier is only one of them.
The point is, that in order to become a team, we not only need to work together, but also work together
on this forum. And this what has been missing when it comes to Russian speaking members. There ARE members, who are not only helping but also active on the forum, and it shows, and with them there are no problems what so ever when it comes to having results and translations whenever they are needed. We work well and smoothly together. And as far as I know, some of them were and maybe are still Dreamland members. It seems that it all comes down to a personal choice and personal commitment.
It's true that we don't have at the moment many people who will be able to check all the wealth of already translated material and publish/upload it to the Cass site. But it could change if more Russian speaking people would show the same level of commitment as others, so we would know them better and develop better understanding and trust. It's all pretty normal and understandable in any community.
So yeah, we are very grateful for the help, and hope that we can all eventually work together here on this forum.
I still do not fully understand what is the problem here.
There already have at least three people to coordinate translations: s-kur, me and guy who translated most of materials for Dreamland. Keit could be easily expound to us exactly what is needed. even if to check is only one translation per week, it is though something, the case will move. we translate - and Keit, Siberia or anyone else - check it. what else there "obstacles"? we regularly read forum, writing replies, etc. Of course, we need a little more time on this, because English is not our native, and therefore, we at this time is less are covering less information than you. but if you do not trust us to check translations, and you want new members to a group of Russian-speaking translators, what to do? seems I'm a little confused.
with regard to the quality and accuracy about translations, I always try to carefully match the original source, to keep meaning of material. the only complex fragments are all kinds of idioms, slang, abbreviations and expressions which in Russian language should be selected analogues, and this too I'm doing, searching in the net for many resources the values of these expressions / phrases, repeatedly checking, etc., and about things that may not be clear, I ask here on forum.
Further, I give my translations to evaluate to Axxel (translator from Dreamland), and he sends me his version of translations - and we share our impressions and to correct each other. I believe that in our translations is not gag (own conjectures and / or changes in content) or distortion of essence of told, but to judge it, of course, to you. so I will briefly expressed own understanding of situation. and, as already written s-kur, "if translated material is doomed to remain unrecognized, let will be so", - we'll just translate it for themselves and those people who are reading this on Dreamland and our other websites.
what I want to pay attention - to translate from English into Russian is easier than vice versa, because the Russian language is "deeper" / multi-faceted, in my opinion (I was a lot of "digging" about it and doing complex transfers to so to say). when I make my answer, English translation greatly simplifies whole essence of what is present in "original version" (in Russian), it is true. Well, it is a matter of a separate discussion, but nevertheless, translated from English into Russian is definitely easier.
that's why my posts on forum look "crookedly", since I self taught (at school I had a German), and many of the rules of correct constructing sentences in English language I dont know - but it totally applies to English-speaking people, if they to build their answers and translate them into Russian

but we (local Russian-speaking users) anyway interested in materials and information, so we are gradually improving our level of proficiency of a foreign language.